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Vaccine-Laced Food Pellets for Feral Cat Sterilization

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Oral Contraceptives for Cats

A Cats & Kittens Special Report


Last March 160 people, among them animal shelter and humane society members,

veterinarians, technicians and cat rescuers from around the United States,

gathered at the Worcester, Massachusetts, Holiday Inn to attend a daylong summit

meeting dedicated to discussing solutions to this country's feral-cat problem.

If statistics from the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy and

the U.S. Census Bureau can be credited, 54,000 kittens were born while the

people attending the conference were discussing what to do about the 40 to 60

million feral cats that live paw to mouth on the margins of our pet-loving



Salmonella to the Rescue


Current answers to the feral-cat problem include education, legislation,

sterilization and euthanization. These strategies are a start, but unless there

were 54,000 fertile cats removed from the feral-cat population — or rendered

sterile and returned to it — that day last March and every day thereafter,

those who would solve this problem using current solutions are fighting a rear

guard action. Reinforcements may be on the way, however, in the form of a strain

of salmonella that does not produce disease.


Michelle Meister-Weisbarth, 32, a third-year student at Virginia-Maryland

Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (VMRCVM), has genetically engineered a

strain of Salmonella, one that does not produce disease, for use as an oral

contraceptive vaccine with female cats. Her creation is an immunocontraceptive

vaccine, i.e., one that prompts a cat's immune system to produce antibodies that

prevent sperm from fertilizing her eggs.


" Immunocontraceptive vaccines have been around for a while, " says

Meister-Weisbarth, " but no one had married the idea of our feral cat problem

with the vaccine. The key is to make the vaccine species-specific so you can put

it in food pellets, drop them as bait, and not worry about blocking

fertilization in any other animal. "


After the vaccine-carrying pellets have been eaten, the vaccine passes through

the digestive system, attaches itself to lymphoid tissue, and is absorbed by the

body. Once that happens, the vaccine replicates enough to produce a antigen

protein, then the Salmonella dies off. The protein induces antibodies to the

sperm receptor, and those antibodies attach to the female cat's eggs, blocking

the receptor sites so the head of a sperm cannot attach.


In the Meantime


According to current plans, vaccine-carrying food pellets will be scattered in

places that feral-cat colonies are known to frequent. " Using bait to deliver

vaccines isn't a new idea, " says S.M. Boyle, Ph.D., a professor of biomedical

sciences and pathology at VMRCVM. " A similar program in Europe using a virus to

deliver a rabies vaccine has virtually wiped out rabies from foxes. We hope to

do the same thing to help reduce the feral-cat population. "


Studies in animals other than cats show that the contraceptive vaccine is dose

dependent: A small dose prevents a female from reproducing for a year or so; a

large dose renders her permanently sterile. Nevertheless, researchers do not

expect the vaccine to replace hysterectomies in house cats. The vaccine doesn't

prevent female animals from going into heat, nor does it eliminate the often

tiresome behavior occasioned by that process. Besides, hysterectomies provide

long-term health benefits such as protection against ovarian cancer and mammary



One of Meister-Weisbarth's main concerns as testing continues on the vaccine is

its effect on the behavior of the feral cats. " If the vaccine, for example,

changes the behavior of the male leader of the cat colony, he might be replaced

as the leader, and that could change the whole stability of the colony. We want

the behavior to stay the same as it is -- but with no more babies.


" It can be dangerous for humane societies and animal-control groups to try to

trap and spay feral animals that may be wild or even rabid, " she continues.

" This vaccine will serve the feral cat population by making it easy and cost

effective to reduce the birthrate of the females. "


As promising as this vaccine may sound to persons combating the feral-cat

problem, it won't be available to humane societies for at least two to five

years at the earliest -- by which time an additional 118 to 296 million kittens

will have been born.


" It's nowhere close to being on the market, " Meister-Weisbarth says. " We'll do

lab tests over the next couple of years, but the Food and Drug Administration

won't put it in the field until we're sure it doesn't have any adverse impact on

the environment, including the animals. "



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