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Indian Teachers Call for Replacement of Dissections and Animal Experiments

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22 November 2009




Indian teachers call for replacement of dissections and animal experiments;

major financial investment in life science education made


Indian university teachers meeting in Jaipur, Rajasthan for a national

alternatives conference have concluded with a call for full replacement of

dissections and animal experiments.

In a Resolution (1) adopted unanimously at the National Workshop cum Symposium

on Potential Alternatives to Dissection and Animal Experimentation in Zoology

and the Practical Curriculum, 19-21 November 2009, the participants called on

university Boards of Studies to remove animal use from the syllabus.


With the main focus on zoology, teachers of anatomy, physiology and other

disciplines came from across Rajasthan and other states in India to learn about

alternatives and for hands-on practice in innovative learning tools. The

experience of curricular change internationally and across the country was

shared in keynote, plenary and other presentations. Participants were joined by

representatives from the government agency that regulates animal

experimentation, the CPCSEA.


To support the process of replacement with alternatives, learning tools worth

over 50 lakh Rs. were distributed by the International Network for Humane

Education (InterNICHE) directly to the participants and other teachers.

InterNICHE donated 75 sets of 15 alternative CDs and DVDs, including advanced

anatomy software of the frog, dogfish, pigeon and earthworm, and several virtual

physiology labs. Further distribution will take place across Rajasthan, Gujarat,

Maharashtra and other states in what comprises a major investment in Indian life

science education.


Published in the Souvenir were Statements of Support from the Chief Minister of

Rajasthan, Mr. Ashok Gehlot; from Mrs. Maneka Gandhi, Chair of People for

Animals and Member of Parliament; from Vice Chancellors of all the major

universities of Rajasthan; from Mr. Anjani Kumar, Director Member Secretary of

the CPCSEA; from international organizations; and from professors, researchers

and religious bodies from across the country.


The event is to be followed by a major publication entitled ‘Alternatives to

Dissection and Animal Experimentation in Life Science Education, Research and

Testing: A Manual for Universities and Colleges’, edited by Dr. B K Sharma and

Mr. Nick Jukes – to be published in 2010. This is an internationally geared

project and Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP) has accepted the same for

publication though other publication houses abroad are being approached, of

which Springer is one that has shown keen interest.


Dr B. K. Sharma, Head of Zoology at R L Saharia Government PG College, Kaladera

(Jaipur) (affiliated to the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur) and the Organizing

Secretary of this UGC-sponsored National Workshop said, “We are calling for a

change in the mindset of educators, education administrators, policy makers and

politicians which should be followed by major curricular transformation in life

science/ zoology and other fields where defenseless animals are being killed and

used for imparting training and education. It has been decades since the last

significant change, and we encourage all Boards of Study to meet on a regular

basis to address the pressing need for replacement of dissection and animal

experiments.†Email: b_ksharma


Prof. MA Akbarsha from the Faculty of Animal Science at Bharatidasan University

and the Chair of the Mahatma Gandhi Doerenkamp Centre for Alternatives to the

Use of Animals in Life Science Education, said, “The evolution of zoology

teaching and the growth of new disciplines like cell and molecular biology,

genetics and biodiversity studies has raised major questions about the perceived

importance and relevance of dissection. Instead of taking animals into the lab

we should use alternative approaches, including respectfully studying them in

their real habitats.â€


Prof. K K Sharma, Prof and Head of Zoology at MDS University, Ajmer, said, “We

are discouraging the use of dissection and are working towards its total removal

by replacement with humane alternatives. Our future zoologists are trained not

through killing but with software and models, and the use of ethical fieldwork

with a conservation and biodiversity focus. It is time that we ask right across

the country what is the best way to teach our students, and to consider moving

from dead biology to live biology.â€


Prof. Reena Mathur from the Department of Zoology at University of Rajasthan,

Jaipur, and next year’s Head of Department, said, “We certainly must stop

all dissections and use alternative techniques to teach internal morphology. As

soon as I am Head I will ensure that this happens in my Department through the

Board of Studies and the UGC.â€


Mrs Snehal Bhavsar, Founder Trustee of the Gujarat Society for the Prevention of

Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA) and InterNICHE National Contact for India, said,

“Our wildlife is a national treasure and its use for dissections and animal

experiments in education is a scandal. I’m very happy that for the first time

in northern India teachers have taken the initiative to get together on one

platform and to call for full replacement. It is clear that many zoology

teachers are strongly against animal use and in favour of better teaching



Nick Jukes, Co-coordinator of the International Network for Humane Education

(InterNICHE) which sponsored the conference and provided the alternatives that

were distributed, said, “With widespread replacement already achieved in

Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, the momentum for curricular change is growing fast. The

conference in Jaipur made clear the commitment from teachers to best practice

and humane education. With international published studies so clearly

demonstrating the pedagogical superiority of alternatives, I am confident that

the remaining obstacles to modernization will soon fall away.â€


The event was sponsored by the UGC, DST, InterNICHE and the International

Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals (IAAPEA).


Notes for editors:


(1) Resolution


We the participants:


1. Recognise that animals are sentient beings and that life in all its forms

should be fully respected

2. Recognise the pedagogical, ethical, environmental and economic advantages of

humane and innovative alternatives over harmful animal use in life science

education and training

3. Join the global movement for humane education and call for full replacement

of harmful animal use with alternatives 4. Recognise the importance of effective

and ethical education and training for future Indian professionals

5. Call on the Government of India, CPCSEA, UGC, Academic Councils, Boards of

Studies and educational institutes to work towards removing animal

experimentation and the dissection of purpose killed animals from the life

science syllabus, to develop and implement appropriate and effective laws,

regulations and guidelines to bring about replacement, and to provide support

for the implementation of alternatives



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