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Fw: [WAR] 12 Days of Xmas '09: Day 6 - In Appreciation of Grassroots Activism

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****Cross Post Freely****OPERATION: 12 DAYS OF XMAS '09(WAR Protest at home od ASPCA CEO Ed Sayres)

DAY 6: IN APPRECIATION OFGRASSROOTS ACTIVISMThe 6th Day or Operation: 12 Days of Xmas '09 is "In Appreciation of Grassroots Activism" and dedicated to the above ground street activists that stand up and speak out for the animals under mounting pressure and repression from the powers that be. Yes, we are a day late with this e-mail. The reason is that Win Animal Rights has been out on the streets of New York City doing exactly that....speaking up for the animals, taking on unpopular causes and fighting government repression. Yesterday, December 19th, the Saturday before Christmas, most people were shopping (shame on them for giving in to consumeristic peer pressure), sending out cards, baking holiday goodies and otherwise getting ready for the holidays. On Friday, December 18th, WAR participated in a global solidarity day with SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) at Fortress Investment Group which has it's global headquarters in Manhattan. On Saturday, December 19th, WAR had scheduled fur protests in solidarity with the Escada and Max Mara campaigns and added on two ASPCA protests. This weekend, when most were getting ready for the holidays and New York City was preparing for it's first big snow of the season, most were cancelling events and trying to stay warm. WAR did neither of these things. WAR staged all of the street actions planned and despite increased levels of police repression and the beginning of the storm, held fast, refusing to cancel the evening events at the ASPCA and the protest at the home of ASPCA CEO Ed Sayres. The picture above is from that protest. Activists shivered and endured numbing cold and blistering winds to express their outrage at Sayres and the ASPCA, for the deaths of Oreo, Max and the others that have been senselessly killed at their hands. On a personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone that comes out to Win Animal Rights actions and supports our campaigns. Usually, on this day we would highlight a grassroots group for commendation; but, this year I would like to dedicate the day to the activists and supporters of Win Animal Rights. I have never been more proud of a group of activists, than I am of the ones that stand on our protest frontlines right now. I have never been more proud than I was last night as I watched them endure pain and hardship to speak out for Oreo, Max and all of the others. Despite frozen fingers and toes and chattering teeth, their dedication never faltered. Their energy, enthusiasm and dauntless spirit were an inspiration. The animals are lucky to have these awesome activists as their advocates.Win Animal Rights has staged approximately 250 street protests per year for the past 5 years. This is all done without a paid staff, office or fancy equipment. A handful of people reach deep into their own pockets to provide literature, signs and the other resources needed. As you do your holiday gift giving, please keep our hard-working underfunded group in mind. Donations are gratefully accepted on our webpage (look for the PayPal button at the bottom of the page):http://war-online.orgACTION TODAY:1. As the one "official member" of WAR, I get to read all of the wonderful messages that we receive from our list readers. They express support and solidarity. Please take a minute today to send us an e-mail to thank the people that make it all possible. The grassroots activists that man the protest lines and support the campaigns. I will then post the messages (without senders names or identification, of course) to a web page so that everyone can read them. I know this is a busy time, but please take a few minutes to send a message of support and thanks to the activists that are out there selflessly giving their all for animal liberation. Send your messages to: centcom2. Please give some thought as to how you can be more actively and more effectively involved in the movement for animal liberation. If you need help figuring out how you can get involved, please e-mail us and we will be glad t help you.


Visit the WAR Calendar for future events: http://calendar./winanimalrightsVisit the WAR MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/winanimalrightsVisit WAR on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Win-Animal-Rights/25169195791"If you care about the animals and the earth: GO VEGAN & BUY CRUELTY FREE!"

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: winanimalrightsCall: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at: http://war-online.org

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