Guest guest Posted January 12, 2010 Report Share Posted January 12, 2010 ***Permission to Post Widely*** ~AN INDUSTRY OF MONSTERS FLIPS US OFF, AGAIN! SEALER GARBAGE SEEKS LIKE-MINDED THUGS IN CHINA TO FUEL FUTURE MASSACRES~ Giving the middle finger to every activist that has worked tirelessly to end the yearly parade of Cro-Magnons to the ice floes; mindlessly brutalizing and murdering helpless pups in an adrenaline frenzy; the East Coast Canadian sealers and their evil government counterparts have chosen to hawk the bloody corpses of their victims, to those they know will never object on grounds of morals and ethics; because as human excreta in the killing trades, they possess neither. This bunch of crazed, cowardly whiners, has attempted every bully tactic in the book in order to stop the EU from imposing a ban on the importation of seal products. And when they didn't get their way, they spent obscene amounts of anti-sealing, Canadian taxpayers' money to find the lowest, 'human', common denominator -- those of the same ilk which torture and murder every non-human species which crosses their path without pity or moral self-reflection. Are you fed up with the outrageous contempt and arrogance of these blood-thirsty inbreds, yet?! Then please DO SOMETHING THAT WORKS! Boycott the economy of SEALING PROVINCES AND ONLY SEALING PROVINCES! Make it IMPOSSIBLE for sealing towns to survive off of TOURISM in the summer, spring and fall; or via year round INTERNET TRADE. Boycotting ***ONLY EASTERN CANADA*** is the MOST effective means to stop commercial sealing for good, because it is the ONLY approach that takes money DIRECTLY FROM THE POCKETS OF SEALERS, and the small businesses which support sealing. If these thugs are denied a living in the summer, fall and winter even the most brain-dead will begin to understand that the income gleaned from a few weeks worth of bashing babies will NOT off-set the financial losses they will suffer the rest of the year. ~WHY THE CANADIAN SEAFOOD BOYCOTT HAS FAILED AFTER NEARLY 5 YEARS AND WILL NEVER WORK~ To put it simply, this is a WAR. If one invades a country intent on winning, they must FOCUS DIRECTLY ON THE ENEMY not waste their firepower on secondary targets. Boycotting Canadian seafood is a " secondary " target. WHY? Because many commercial fishers /sealers have other lucrative markets for their seafood -- Europe being the largest. Therefore they will never be " broken " financially by an American boycott of their 'products.' ~ WHY A GENERAL BOYCOTT OF CANADA WILL NEVER WORK ~ Boycotting all of Canada WILL NOT WORK because it does NOTHING to target and financially pressure the REAL culprits -- those doing the killing --specifically EASTERN CANADA! Secondly, the only reason for boycotting ALL of Canada would be to send a message to the Canadian government. The Canadian government has CONSISTENTLY AND BELLIGERENTLY PROTECTED AND FUNDED SEALING FOR THE LAST 40 YEARS AND FOR A FEW CENTURIES BEFORE THAT. The only effective strategy is to go AROUND the govt.; and stop wasting time protesting and petitioning those in power who are corrupt and DEAF to the demands of the people. TARGETING SEALERS FOR BOYCOTT, WITH THEIR SMALL TOWN ECONOMIES, DIRECTLY BYPASSES GOVT. INTERVENTION! In other words, it doesn't matter how much the govt. subsidizes sealers for the few weeks they are out rampaging on the ice, if a sealer isn't able to survive the rest of the year, he will be forced to give up sealing and get a REAL JOB! And make no mistake, there are plenty of good jobs to be had in Newfoundland/Labrador [unlike the absolute lies told by the DFO and locals]. Hydro and wind technologies, as well as oil and gas exploration -- all high paying positions...and looking for trainees! Sealers murder because it is THEIR CHOICE and for NO OTHER REASON. SEND A SHORT MESSAGE [Email Sample Below] TO THE FOLLOWING TOURISM BOARDS LETTING THEM KNOW THAT YOU'LL BE TARGETING SEALING PROVINCES FOR BOYCOTT: AND PLEASE:  #1 BOYCOTT SEAFOOD -- ALL SEAFOOD -- NOT JUST CANADIAN Buying seafood supports seal, dolphin and whale slaughter, worldwide. #2 Concentrate the boycott on EASTERN CANADA--the sealing provinces ONLY #3 Let EASTERN CANADIAN tourism boards KNOW you are boycotting seafood, tourism, goods/services and internet trade until the slaughter is outlawed: QUEBEC TOURISM: EMAIL: info [info at bonjourquebec dot com] NOVA SCOTIA TOURISM EMAIL: info [info at nstourism dot com] MAGDALEN ISLANDS TOURISM EMAIL: info [info at tourismeilesdelamad eleine dot com] NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR TOURISM EMAIL: tourisminfo@ [tourisminfo at mail dot gov dot nf dot ca] Sirs: I, my friends, family and associates will be boycotting ALL goods, services and travel to EAST COAST SEALING PROVINCES. We will do everything within our power to stop your mindless destruction. I sincerely hope that the specter of a sharp economic decline will help you realize that these animals are valuable, they are revered, not for the currency their body parts bring, but because they have a right to a peaceful existence, the same right which you so pompously afford yourselves, but deny others. Sincerely, Name/Country BOYCOTT CHINA! END ITS ANIMAL TERROR!! If you haven't already, please sign the BOYCOTT CHINA! END ITS ANIMAL TERROR!! petition and PASS IT ON--THANKS: ~FACING BACKLASH IN EUROPE CANADA HUNTS FOR NEW SEAL MARKET IN CHINA~\ nts-for-new-seal-market-in-china/article1427946/ Ottawa — From Tuesday's Globe and Mail Published on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010 12:00AM EST Last updated on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010 9:19AM EST By Campbell Clark Forget the Old World animal ethics of Europe. Canada is taking its seal hunt where the money is - to China. Despite all the hubbub about the European Union's sanctions on the seal hunt, Europe is a relatively small market for Canadian seal products. But China is a big buyer, with greater potential and none of the uproar about animal rights that has made the seal industry a pariah in the Western world. That's why Fisheries Minister Gail Shea and executives from five Canadian seal-industry companies are in China now, teaming up to work the market that could ensure the survival of Canada's moribund hunt. " There's huge market potential here, " Ms. Shea said. Tonight, Ms. Shea will introduce a seal-fur line at a fashion show at the China Fur and Leather Products Fair in Beijing. She'll also try to ease red tape for seal meat imports. " They have a completely different approach over here, " Bernard Guimont, president of Magdalen Islands seal products exporter Tamasu Inc., said from Beijing. " That's why we think it's a market that for sure has a great future for us. " The animal-rights activism of groups that attack the seal hunt as inhumane, featuring such celebrities as Paul McCartney and images of red blood staining white snow, has won a ban in Europe. But despite efforts to reproduce the campaigns in Hong Kong, the movement has yet to take hold in Chinese culture, where a tradition of eating a wide variety of animals, including dogs, makes it relatively immune to emotional appeals to spare cute seals. " The Chinese eat anything. And they simply don't understand why you would put one animal above another, " said Wayne Mackinnon, chairman of DPA Industries, which exports Omega 3 seal-oil capsules made from harp seal blubber. " I suspect that over the course of the next decade, the Chinese market alone could take all the seal products that we could make. " Sales of seal-oil products like DPA's might surpass sales of seal fur that was long the hunt's raison d'etre, but the collapsing economics of the fur industry threaten Mr. Mackinnon's business too: Unless sealers are hunting seals for fur, he won't get blubber at a reasonable price. With pelts fetching only about $15, many sealers stayed home during last year's hunt, taking only a quarter of the catch allowed by Ottawa. The landed value of the pelts totalled less than $1-million. Ottawa, however, spent large sums campaigning against last year's EU decision to ban seal products. But those efforts are more about culture wars than commercial deals. The federal government wanted to stop sanctions to protect the hunt's international reputation, and because siding with outport hunters over celebrity animal-rights activists from Europe was an obvious political choice for Conservative politicians. The Foreign Affairs Department's " action plan " for the spring of 2007 alone had a $362,000 budget. And the Harper government's fisheries ambassador, former Newfoundland finance minister Loyola Sullivan, racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses heading delegations to European capitals on a hopeless lobbying tour. Last year, they launched a World Trade Organization legal challenge against the EU that will probably cost millions. But in commercial terms, Europe was small potatoes: Most Canadian sales there were to fur processors, who sold their goods to other countries, but only about 10 per cent of the retail market was there. Most of Canada's exports are split between Russia and China. China, rapidly becoming the world's manufacturing powerhouse, has been the centre of fur manufacturing for a decade, and its newly affluent millions have made it a bigger retail market too, Mr. Guimont said. The Beijing fur show is rapidly becoming one of the largest in the world; the biggest is in Hong Kong. The anti-seal-hunt campaign launched in Hong Kong last year has made some in the fur industry fear that activists will gain ground in the largest markets. " We're taking that very seriously, " said Rob Cahill, executive director of the Fur Institute of Canada. ******* Not just for the fur Seals have long been hunted for their fur, but defenders of the hunt have long tried to promote other products to defend the usefulness and viability of the hunt. Seal oil, sold for the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids, is the other major seal product in what is a relatively tiny industry. But sealers still harbour hopes that sales of seal meat and heart valves might one day take off. Pelts Fur used the be the most important seal product, but crashing pelt prices have hit hard. Peak prices reigned as recently as 2006, but a stockpile and a global recession brought a crash. Less than $1-million worth of pelts were landed last year. Pelts are cut from seals with blubber on them, and the skins are processed into fur and leather to make coats, hats, and gloves. Oil Seal blubber is processed into oil that is put into capsules and sold as Omega 3 oil, which is prized for its health effects. Trade statistics don't capture the size of exports in these products, although Wayne Mackinnon, chairman of DPA Industries Inc., which makes the supplements, insists Canadian sales total $10-million a year. Meat Despite Governor-General Michaëlle Jean's famous public snacking on a seal heart, exports of seal meat remain small, and the market is mostly described in terms of its potential. The costs of transporting and processing what is, in meat-industry terms, a niche product have meant that export sales to a few interested buyers remain small. Heart valves One hope for seal hunt advocates is a Greek doctor's work in advocating the use of seal heart valves in heart valve replacement surgery. It is only in the testing stage at the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute and elsewhere, but it offers the dream of commercial benefits mixed with the public-relations coup of a seal hunt product that saves human lives. -30- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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