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Lindy Greene [a member of several of our AR mailing lists], was arrested nearly

one year ago for exercising her First Amendment right to free speech and the

right to peacefully protest. What the article below does NOT mention, and what

is highly suspicious, is that Lindy was suing the U.S. government for denying

her First Amendment rights BEFORE she was arrested on this latest, trumped up



The fact that government prosecutors would even dare to attempt to label Lindy

-- a 62 year old female -- a 'gang' member is beyond ludicrous and shows the

lengths to which our government will stoop,

in order to do the bidding of corporations, in their attempt to silence

law-abiding activists.


If anyone out there has been paying attention, it was only a few years ago that

the FBI claimed it was pursuing " domestic terrorists. " ALF topped its list.

Barely 2 years after that pronouncement, government agencies are now routinely

harassing and arresting ABOVE GROUND activists throughout the States. These are

individuals who have not only NOT committed any crime, but have been arrested

and jailed for simply daring to ask what particular statute they violated.


Others are being hauled before grand juries conducting broad-based witch hunts

for information, either real or manufactured, regarding

various " crimes " to which the persons being summoned, in most cases, have little

to no knowledge about or connection with.


Unless and until the animal rights community bands together to actively resist

this type of fascist govt tyranny, there will come a day -- sooner rather than

later -- where EVERY animal activist can expect persecution, prosecution and

prison as a result of their beliefs. It's well past time to take a stand!






Judge Rules That Animal Liberation Front Is Not a Gang

Activist Kevin Olliff Remains Jailed Anyway on $460,000 Bail


Tuesday Jan 26th, 2010 1:47 PM



" The ALF does not meet the legal requirements to be

considered a gang. Their primary goal is to save animals,

not commit crimes. " -- Los Angeles Municipal Court Judge

David S. Wesley.


On January 26, 2009 Judge David S. Wesley ruled that the

Animal Liberation Front is not a " gang. " The government had

tried to find two animal rights protestors guilty of being

" gang members. " Judge Wesley stated that the prosecution's

expert Lt. Butte had " misled the grand jury. The ALF does

not meet the legal requirements to be considered a gang.

Their primary goal is to save animals, not commit crimes. "

That charge was dismissed though other charges remain.


This ruling stems from the preliminary hearing in the case

USA vs Linda Faith Greene, 62 and Kevin Richard Olliff, 23.

Greene and Olliff are animal rights activists who protested

and demonstrated against animal researchers. The alleged

victims were animal researchers at UCLA, Dr. Lynn Fairbanks

and Dr. Dario Ringach. They also protested against an

employee of POM Wonderful. POM uses animal research in their

advertising to try to support claims that their juice helps

men with erectile dysfunction.


The activists protested at the homes and work places of the

researchers and POM employee. The two activists were

originally charged with stalking, conspiracy to commit

stalking, threatening a public officer or school employee

and conspiracy to commit against three victims for a total

of ten counts each. This is the first time the California

stalking law has ever been used against a protestor.


The prosecution also stated that their protest chants were

not protected speech but threats. Some of the protestors

were chanting " we know where you sleep at night, " " free the

animals, ALF, " and " you can't stop the ALF. " The outcome of

this case may change American's right to freedom of speech

and the right to protest.


An excerpt taken from Kevin's demurer written by Attorney

John J. Uribe describes the case. " Kevin is not a

criminal—he is an idealistic young man who believes in the

power of citizens within a free society to engage in public

protests in order to focus public attention on important

issues. Animal rights and welfare are clearly matters of

legitimate public interest, significance, and concern in his

community and throughout the world.


As part of his advocacy, Kevin continues to participate in

public pickets, demonstrations, and leafleting activity

which has included such at and about the University of

California-Los Angeles (UCLA) campus, as well as

neighborhoods and residences of those affiliated with UCLA

who were involved with animal testing on primates. There is

not one shred of evidence in the indictment that Kevin

committed any violent or illegal activities either against

UCLA or any of the researchers, or anyone else, with any and

all of his activities instead constitutionally protected.

But it is this advocacy that the Indictment seeks to

criminalize and is therefore challenged... "


Kevin's attorney John J. Uribe asked to have his bail

reduced from $460,000 to $20,000-$40,000. The judge refused.

Kevin has now been in jail over nine months. Kevin's family,

friends and other animal rights activists were in court to

support Kevin and Lindy. Their trial will commence March 3,



Website to support Kevin Olliff











ANY act which threatens to take political or corporate power/profits from the

status quo.


~Brennan Browne~




Corporations and politicians are labeling activists " eco-terrorists " and

national security threats. Think red-baiting, with a green twist. Here you'll

find original reporting and analysis of the Green Scare, and history repeating

itself.  -Will Potter-

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