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----- Forwarded Message -----deladivaTo: pbreen317Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2010 1:07:14 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada EasternRE: PLEASE HELP!! North Carolina: DR.DEATH (ANIMAL KILLER) RAPLH HOUSER,DV


Hi Pat: Not sure if u got my e-mail from yesterday because it bounced back ( has been having problems lately), but here is more info from my friend in NC who used to live in NJ, and worked at a no-kill shelter there for many years (where I met her). The county she moved to in NC has banned the gas chambers; she doesn't work in shelters there because they r still kill shelters (NC has the highest kill rate in the nation) but she is very active in a new spay/neuter clinic that has so far been very successful. They r making a dent at least. thanks for taking the time to write to the HSUS, futile as it was. I am going to write them too. I will get the same lame answer u got, but at least they will know that there r people out there who want them to stand up

& do what they claim to do....help the animals! TC, Brenda in Delaware ----- Forwarded Message -----Vinandweez2To: deladivaSent: Tuesday, February 2, 2010 10:32:03 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada EasternRe: PLEASE HELP!! North Carolina: DR.DEATH (ANIMAL KILLER) RAPLH HOUSER,DV

Steve Troxler is the head of NC Dept of Ag send you letter to him. I have done it here. They need to hear from people in other areas to understand just how people feel about what is being done. They really don't care because they keep getting elected back into office because of hunters and AKC.


The HSUS has a representative in our state. She works on legislative issues but this issue is a hot one and they don't want to touch it. They call anyone who tries to make a difference those crazy animal people. I figure that the only way to stop it is to continue to get as many animals s/n as possible and know that we don't use a gas chamber in Henderson County. We made a difference here and that is what they have to do all over the state.


She may also want to contact NCVAW. They are North Carolina Voters for Animal Rights group. They only deal with legislative issues in the state. Louise



In a message dated 2/1/2010 8:56:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, deladiva writes:


I'm sorry, I just gotta comment here: I'm so glad Pat Breen conacted HSUS, but did u notice that they told HER to contact the NC Dep't. of Agriculture? They didn't offer to contact them, even tho they tout that they make change at the "legislative level." They did not so much as offer to help her compose a letter. They said a lot of NOTHING in their reply. Figures....that's why I have not donated to them in a very long time. They're useless in MHO. At any rate, there is the link to the NC Dep't. of Agriculture if anyone would like to join me in sending an e-mail, expressing my outrage at the barbaric methods of euthanasia still being used in NC. Meanwhile, Please crosspost this

info. Thanks!!! Brenda ----- Forwarded Message -----"Pat Breen" <pbreen317deladivaSent: Monday, February 1, 2010 7:02:06 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada EasternRE: PLEASE HELP!! North Carolina: DR.DEATH (ANIMAL KILLER) RAPLH HOUSER,DVM --WARNING- Graphic Description






















PLEASE HELP!! North Carolina: DR.DEATH (ANIMAL KILLER) RAPLH HOUSER,DVM --WARNING- Graphic DescriptionMon, 1 Feb 2010 13:49:52 -0500bhendersonTo: animalwarrior



Dear Ms. Breen—





Thank you for expressing your concerns about animal euthanasia via carbon monoxide gas chamber. Any time an animal is euthanized, it is imperative that the most humane means available is used.

The HSUS considers it unacceptable to use a carbon monoxide gas chamber in any area or situation where sodium pentobarbital is legally obtainable. In those states where sodium pentobarbital is not legally obtainable, The HSUS works at the legislative level to encourage implementation of direct licensing laws. These laws allow animal care and control agencies to legally obtain controlled substances to provide for euthanasia of shelter animals when needed, without being required to have a veterinarian on staff.


In addition, we believe it is a binding obligation of shelter administrators to evaluate current euthanasia procedures frequently, ensure that animals are being properly handled, and make certain that employees are competent, compassionate and adequately trained.


The HSUS is committed to assisting animal care and control personnel in practicing the most humane euthanasia methods available. We offer assistance for shelters to transition from carbon monoxide chamber euthanasia to euthanasia by injection, and provide education about the proper techniques for all routes of injection, including intracardiac.

Please allow me to explain that The HSUS is not a parent organization for animal care agencies, or other animal-related service providers. Each is an independent organization, governed by its own board of directors (if private), or local officials (if government). We recommend that anyone with concerns about Carolina Veterinary Consulting to contact the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Your feedback is critical in creating positive change for animals and the community.


We hope you have found this information helpful. Thank you for your compassion and concern for homeless animals. Please contact us if you have any additional questions.

Thank you,


Barbara HendersonShelter Services Coordinator, Shelter Services Evaluation programbhendersont 301.258.3122 f 301.258.3081 The Humane Society of the United States2100 L Street NW Washington, DC 20037humanesociety.org animalsheltering.org Join Our Email List Facebook Twitter Start planning now to attend Animal Care Expo 2010, the nation's premier animal welfare conference! For information on the May 12-15th event in Nashville, Tennessee, visit www.AnimalSheltering.org/expo or call 1-800-248-EXPO.







Sue Farinato Monday, February 01, 2010 12:40 PMBarbara HendersonPLEASE HELP!! North Carolina: DR.DEATH (ANIMAL KILLER) RAPLH HOUSER,DVM --WARNING- Graphic Description




















Patricia Breen [animalwarrior]Thu 1/28/2010 1:24 PMinfo; infoSubject: PLEASE HELP!! North Carolina: DR.DEATH (ANIMAL KILLER) RAPLH HOUSER,DVM --WARNING- Graphic Description








































































deladivaSent: 1/27/2010 9:12:57 A.M. Eastern Standard TimeSubj: DR.DEATH (ANIMAL KILLER) RAPLH HOUSER,DVM --WARNING- Graphic Description












PLEASE CROSSPOST; Maybe someone knows how to get a petition started to put a stop to this, or a national agency to help spread the word & oppose it???










Dr. Death Ralp W. Houser, DVM Did you ever wonder why North Carolina has so many county-funded Animal GASSING and HEARTSTICK facilities? Well, it's thanks to this Hitler incarnate, Dr. Ralph Houser, DVM, North Carolina Animal Rabies Control Association board member and owner of Carolina Veterinary Consulting, he MANUFACTURES and SELLS these gas chambers all throughout county-funded animal shelters in North Carolina! Well, no wonder they haven't made headway getting this atrocity abolished, this scum is lining his pocket with government money. How sick is this? Guess what else he does? He offers seminars, classes to show how to use these devices and brings victims to each seminar and class. He GASSES and HEARTSTICKS 6 victims at a minimum for demonstration purposes. Dogs and cats are brought from local shelters of his choice tortured and killed in front of a live audience.

__________________North Carolina's Pet Population Methods by Denise LeBeau Peter MacQueen III is president of the Humane Society of Eastern North Carolina and has been compassionately advocating on the behalf of the companion animals of North Carolina for over 20 years. One of his greatest goals is to see the abolishment of the gas chamber, a device that is still so prevalently used in North Carolina on the dogs and cats that can't find homes before their 'time is up.' It's a tough topic, and Animal Control in most rural areas is just one notch above waste management as far as funding and resources go. Most of the general public don't even realize that gassing unwanted pets still goes on, let alone at their local shelter! "Why do seemingly decent people ignore, or worse, condone, this mistreatment of animals in an animal control facility?" asks Peter. "You can't even

dignify them by calling them shelters. Things are changing slowly, but not fast enough considering the lack of care and inhumane euthanasia that these animals face everyday. People have begun to take notice and object to this treatment, but the majority of people don't seem concerned. When complaints are made the government stonewalls or ignores it until complaints subside then it's back to business as usual. Also, there's so many issues concerning Carolinians today, from the environment to child abuse, the general public generally only fight for what effects them, their 'hot buttons.' Even the animal rescue community insulate themselves against the horrors of gassing," he laments. To make matters worse, it is commonly believed that one person is responsible for the fact that shelters and animal control facilities are using anything but euthanasia by injection (EBI) in the state of North Carolina. That is Dr. Ralph Houser, DVM, North Carolina

Animal Rabies Control Association board member and owner of Carolina Veterinary Consulting, who not only advocates for the use of gas chambers on companion animals but manufactures and sells them, too!Dr. Houser has also ingratiated himself into the Animal Control community with his "down home" rural speech, and his "us against them" propaganda. Whoever doesn't like to see animals suffer needlessly before they die, is seemingly a bleeding heart liberal sissy. His tactics could be looked at as manipulative...reminding us of another time in history that deftly played upon people's fears. Like many who will urge people to resist change, he plays the game with stealth-like accuracy. The guidelines he most often cites in recommending the use of gas chambers as an acceptable form of euthanasia are from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA,) which is viewed by many as somewhat outdated considering that the last report on this issue

came out in 2001. The AVMA report gives clear cut protocol on the proper way to euthanize animals, and that's where Houser and the guidelines part company. He likes to use the AVMA report to sling around as some kind of shield, but when it comes down to implementing their recommendations for a humane euthanasia, Houser consistently refutes and contradicts their suggestions. "Further more," as Peter points out, "no where in the AVMA report does it mention animal control facilities, shelters, or rescues for their use of gas chambers. It is specifically guidelines for use in a veterinarian's office. And it's estimated that about 98% of the animal control facilities in North Carolina do not have a veterinarian on staff."Even more disturbing is Houser's seemingly nonchalant attitude toward the obvious suffering animals endure during their time in his gas chambers. He's been allegedly overheard at North Carolina Animal Rabies Association

meetings talking about the number of animals you can shove into his chambers, this is not in accordance with the AVMA's report on the small number of animals that can safely be euthanized at once from gas. He also suggests putting puppies, kittens and sick animals in there too. Again a no-no from the AVMA, his words that have been conveyed to me were to the effect of "if the animal can take a breath he can be gassed." The recent number of animals that have survived a gassing and either found alive when being removed from the chamber, or found alive at the garbage dump by civilians is alarming! It is believed that the reason Dr. Houser recommends going against the AVMA report is because the gas chambers quickly lose their argument of "cost effectiveness" when used properly. In 2003, Sampson County Animal Control adopted out puppies to a lady looking for pets. She took the pups home and they started getting sick. After spending thousands of

dollars on vet bills, she went back to the facility only to be told that the puppies had been gassed and survived! She had not been told this prior to having taken the animals, it's hard to tell whether it was a mere oversight or callously intentional. In subsequent inspections, it was determined that the gas chamber in Sampson County had been leaking “a citation was issued and that was it. It is apparent that not only is it inhumane towards the animals but it is dangerous to the shelter workers. The gas is odorless and it's physical effects are cumulative! Plus they are never inspected regularly, actually they're practically never inspected at all. There are 'regulations' that come with the gas chamber but they are not routinely inspected, and when the chambers are inspected “ the equipment is just looked at, it is not during a gassing procedure. A number of states have eliminated or banned gas chambers but no state has banned EBI!

Lee Hunter, Director of Animal Welfare, North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture, Veterinary Division was recently put in charge of enforcing the Animal Welfare Act. Hunter is allegedly quite friendly with Houser, and the animal control officers are all his colleagues. There are no experts on euthanasia in the department, and they are vying to get Houser as the certified euthanasia trainer for the animal control facilities of North Carolina. It is undetermined what Houser's qualifications are regarding humane euthanasia, other than his financial vested interest, and the fact that he's a self appointed expert; he is above rules and regulations and the Animal Control community trusts that he is telling them the truth. But for Houser, it's all business! If an Animal Control decides to switch to EBI, he'll let them use his medical license to procure the drugs. It is purported that Moore County did this, and that there are allegedly other counties that

did the same, Houser chooses the laws he abides by, by his pocket. He also teaches courses on cruelty to ACOs, and has also been publicly questioned regarding a demonstration in New Bern where he killed sixty animals during the class. New Bern is a small town and sixty animals is a lot for them to have at one time. The question is: what rules and protocols were broken to facilitate this demonstration? Perhaps either animals were not held the requisite three days, or animals were held longer in order to be put to death in this learning forum, but there is no concrete evidence to prove any misdoings. Houser also allegedly advocates the use of another excruciatingly painful means of euthanasia: the intracardial (chest) injection, or as it's commonly known as, the heart stick. When used correctly by caring, compassionate, trained professionals it can be less traumatizing than the gas chamber. Unfortunately this is often not the case! There are three

drugs that need to be administered at just the right time for it to be relatively painless. However, reportedly according to Houser, you can forego the sedatives and just go to the paralyzing death drug where the animal remains fully conscience while it slowly dies. Again cost effectiveness seems to be his main concern, or rather selling point “money is at the crux of all his actions, the welfare of the animals he has taken an oath to entrust does not seem to factor into any of his actions." Taxpayers are the ones footing the bill for this cruel mistreatment, and if more of them knew that their tax dollars were funding all of this, more than likely they'd be outraged. It has been proven that there are cost effective, humane options available. The public needs to be better informed what is happening in their own communities. The sooner this happens the needless suffering will surely end.

_____________Here is a brochure on his classes and seminars. http://www.ncarca.com/PDF/2008-07-22Houser-Euthanasia.pdfDr. Death's Bio:Born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Ralph W. Houser, DVM, received degrees in psychology and veterinary medicine from Michigan State University. After managing farms in Michigan and North Carolina, Dr. Houser founded and operated two veterinary practices in North Carolina. In 1987, he opened Carolina Veterinary Consulting to provide consultative and educational support to private individuals, animal control, law enforcement, health departments and other government agencies.Dr. Death serves as the veterinary consultant to

eight animal control agencies, four law enforcement agencies and five health departments. He has provided training for the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the U.S.D.A. and the R.S.P.C.A. in Great Britain. Dr. Houser is a certified instructor in the use of Cap-Chur chemical immobilization equipment, is certified as a Wildlife Damage Control Agent (kill the animals). He is also an At Large Board Member of North Carolina Rabies Control Association. Dr. Death Ralph Houser10020 S.NC 87Pittsboro, NC 27312336-376-8134 office336-376-0770 fax and these are all of his cronies and disciples, North Carolina Animal Rabies Association- this organization has it's hands in all of the animal welfare legislation in North Carolina. They control the laws through this joke of an organization.




















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