Guest guest Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 *** PERMISSION TO CROSSPOST *** The Fur Commission USA's " press release " regarding the tragic death of AR advocate Daniel Shaull, must be labeled for what it is -- an outrageous piece of libelous, self-serving garbage. Tolerable, perhaps, if one compares it to the work of Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. ~WHAT'S REALLY BEHIND SERIAL-KILLING INDUSTRIES " TERRORIST " DIATRIBES~ In a " FEW GOOD MEN " , Jack Nicholson utters one of the most memorable lines in recent film history -- " You can't HANDLE the Truth! " What made this statement iconic, was something more than Nicholson's delivery. The character he played -- cocky, overbearing, narcissistic and completely convinced he was above the laws which apply to the rest of us -- was instantaneously recognizable. Provocative, because there was an immediate familiarity in his attitude. We have all witnessed this same behavior in a society increasingly rife with contempt for the vulnerable; and brazen in its corruptness, displayed daily, courtesy of our impotent and eternally unaccountable political leaders and their power-grabbing corporate bedfellows. Wielding their money and position, specifically to continuously disenfranchise those who have neither; obstructing peaceful, progressive social justice movements in order to maintain their elite status; lining their own pockets [always at taxpayer angst and expense] and further entrenching themselves into a select world of ivy-league cronyism and nepotism -- these are just a few of the goals to which government, corporations and billion dollar special interest groups have pledged their loyalty. We are at the mercy of insulated figureheads, lacking compassion, common sense, ethics or for that matter--sanity--who are regularly bought off by the highest bidder. This demoralizing state of affairs permeates every facet of our daily lives. Increasingly, an oppressive, militarized law enforcement and far right-controlled judicial system, bastardized by the influence Big Business and special interests exert over political policy, is morphing into a network of quasi-privatized goons, muscling, manipulating and beating down common citizens on behalf of moneyed interests. The club with which we are all being pummeled into submission is " terrorism. " The wheels which make this type of fascist society turn, are greased with the entrails of the powerless -- their blood, torture and destruction; weighed solely in dollars and cents -- brutally extracted to feed the upper echelon, whose insatiable appetites for absolute power and wealth, have become an unstoppable tsunami of gluttony. They are aided by an entire, ethically bankrupt industry which has sprung up, dedicated solely to circumventing the truth. Many of the highest paid prostitutes in the corp-govt world, are nothing more than professional liars " spinning " noxious webs of deceit in order to confuse, placate or render apathetic, those in society who potentially pose the greatest threat to the nebulous power-brokers, for which they whore themselves. Corporate front groups -- conniving truth-twisters, masquerading as benevolent concerned citizens -- continuously seek out those most dangerous to their masters' economic-political interests. They know that the greatest threat to their ability to control individuals/movements is critical thinking; common sense which is so 'uncommon' in society, that those who possess it understand completely the extent of its pricelessness. Campaigns of disinformation and lies work wonderfully on those who are intellectually lazy, apathetic to their societal responsibilities and can easily be whipped into a frenzy of indignation over contrived issues. [Think teabaggers, birthers and those death-panel crazies bused out to town hall meetings across the nation, employed to disrupt open debates regarding health care reform -- led (covertly, of course) by none other than insurance industry insiders, posing as irate citizens.] Animal rights activists are currently the hottest targets for this same breed of forked-tongued assassins. ARA have become sacrificial lambs upon an escalating pyre of propaganda, not only because they genuinely threaten the profits of serial killing industries, but they expose the unsavory, gutter-licking corruptness of those who value money over a conscience. Because AR is a movement which depends on selflessness and empathy; one in which individuals give generously of their bodies, souls and spirits, and without compensation for their efforts -- they cannot be bought off. To those which have historically murdered animals, people and the environment to attain their goals, individuals with strong personal convictions and integrity, driven by nothing more than altruism, are extremely threatening. Bribery holds no sway. Other, heavy-handed methods to maintain the status quo must be employed. State-sponsored, institutionalized repression -- GENUINE TERRORISM -- meticulously plotted and carried out by corporations, massively funded special interest groups and the governments which are controlled by them, relentlessly vilify and persecute those who have devoted themselves to non-violence. This is virtually the only way the elite can continue to retain the spoils of a society which caters to the 'haves', while condemning every other life form to death. The hypocrisy they display is nothing short of self-imposed moral amnesia; superficially exonerating their own evil, by projecting the most vile aspects of themselves onto those with a level of basic decency they obviously will never possess. Corporations and their government lackeys use the tactic of fear and lies to intimidate and therefore control public opinion. This is successful only if those in power keep the bulk of the population UNINFORMED and distracted. With a wholly-owned corporate media and independent, investigative journalism as rare as a Woolly Mammoth, [save for the internet] this is extremely easy to achieve. Hysterical 'terrorist' labeling is not only employed as a weapon to crush legitimate dissent by peaceful activists; it is now the excuse to deny the most basic civil liberties of every American. Post 911 Patriot Act fascism has accomplished the complete destruction of our Bill of Rights--Constitutional law, when considered at all, is respected little more than used toilet paper. More and more, exercise of the First Amendment seems to apply exclusively to a privileged few, while others attempting to use that same voice are harassed, cuffed and imprisoned on trumped up or non-existent charges. For all intents and purposes " terrorism " is everywhere the government and its special interests NEED it to be, in order to serve their nefarious political and economic agendas of absolute domination. Animal rights activists; environmentalists; anti-homeless advocates; anti-hunger activists; peaceniks -- any and ALL socially progressive reformers are enemies of our government's capitalistic machine. The tactics these henchman use would fall into the realm of the comically absurd, if one could ignore the monumental evil and destruction behind them. Vegans and vegetarians are now " terrorists. " The FBI [who regularly infiltrates vegan potlucks] has determined that people who choose non-violent dietary choices and lifestyles, are a breeding ground for radical, murdering tyrants. Yet, these are exactly the types of life-sucking behemoths whose interests the FBI, and every other govt agency, protects. These govt patsies for the uber elite have gone so far as to twist basic semantics in order to fortify their gross dishonesty: someone committing what once was considered an act of petty vandalism is now propelled into the realm of a world class al-Qaeda hugger. An arsonist which KILLS human beings, but has no affiliation with the ALF or ELF, is simply an arsonist. However, an arsonist which sets an unoccupied SUV on fire and can somehow be linked to doing this for environmental reasons, is a terrorist on par with Bin Laden. Social reformers aren't destroying the democratic process, torturing, killing and committing massive eco-annihilation for profit -- those that the FBI protects are. Shovel through the government's load of humanure and one uncovers the TRUE definition of domestic terrorism: ANY ACT WHICH THREATENS THE POWER / PROFITS OF THE STATUS QUO. For anyone still unable to discern between who is a true terrorist and who is not; rational people support and condone non-violent movements which champion the powerless and voiceless; radicals are those which profit from character assassination, lying, manipulation,imprisoning, torturing, murdering, and attempting to totally obliterate those not in agreement with them -- these are terrorists. The Fur Commission USA should recognize itself for what it is -- a terrorist organization. Brennan Browne ********************************************************************* -Fur Commission USA Press Release- [Libelous material within the article is CAPITALIZED] TERRORIST SETS HIMSELF ABLAZE IN ATTEMPT TO TORCH SHOP AND THOSE INSIDE Jan. 29, 2010 On January 27, the day of President Obama's " State of the Union " address, a man set himself on fire in Portland, Oregon, a town with an unemployment rate of almost 12%. While screaming about animals dying and the world ending, the flaming man pushed on the unlocked door of a cold-weather clothing shop that only carries natural fibers. Only that one must " pull to enter " prevented this terrorist from setting the shop ablaze and injuring or killing all those inside. When he couldn't get the door open, he ignored a police officer's direction to " stop, drop and roll " and ran down the street. A bystander threw his coat over him to extinguish the flames, while a Portland police officer mistakenly used pepper spray, instead of a fire extinguisher, on the man. But the terrorist - who is most likely vegan - suffered serious burns as his synthetic (petrochemical- based) clothing and shoes melted to his skin. He was treated at a local hospital where he died that evening of his injuries. He was identified as 26-year-old Daniel Shaull. Many have criticized both Portland's leadership and animal rights groups for not promoting tolerance within the small groups of vegans who VIOLENTLY reject the lifestyle of the majority, omnivores who utilize plants and animals, both wild and domesticated, for food and fiber. Along with clothing stores, targets of animal rights extremists and VIOLENT VEGANS include medical researchers, farmers, restaurants and more. Their roster of criminal acts includes vandalism and theft, bombs and arson, death threats, ASSAULT, MURDER and even POLITICAL ASSASSINATION. Now it seems " attempted arson and MURDER BY SELF- IMMOLATION " will be added to the list. As vegan groups began praising Shaull as a martyr, the FBI is investigating if others encouraged this obviously mentally disturbed individual to engage in the horrific act that resulted in his painful death. In the meantime, only prayers can be offered for Daniel Shaull's soul and for the grieving family he leaves behind. -30- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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