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Florida gears up for massive statewide protest against offshore oil drilling

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'Hands Across the Sand' is a statewide event organized to protest oil

drilling off Florida's coastline. Join residents from all walks of

life as we fill Florida's beaches and stand together against

legislation which would open Florida's near shore and offshore waters

to oil drilling. Suggested dress--wear black to resemble an oil

slick! Bring a sign if you like. WHEN: Saturday, February 13th at 1 P.M.WHERE:

Local event for residents and out of town visitors (if you were only

here for the Superbowl, how about sticking around for an extra week)

will be held on Ft. Lauderdale Beach. Meet at the intersection of Las

Olas Blvd. and A1A at 1 PM and join hands on the beach at 1:30. A

vegan potluck sponsored by the South Florida Vegan and Vegetarian

Meetup Group will follow at South Beach Park (less than a 10 minute

walk from the event site). Bring something to share if you're joining

the potluck.Map of Ft. Lauderdale Beach is here. Pay parking is available just south of Las Olas and a few blocks to the west:http://m1e.net/c?74588643-twsQtgsigkHrs%405018806-ih3M3V1FEKRScOther locations in south Florida and all around the state (currently over 70 beaches and counting!) can be found here:http://m1e.net/c?74588643-.KZ2YjpM28j.I%405018807-PmDQntVrSpAiEMORE INFORMATION AND ADDITIONAL WAYS TO HELPSeeking

to end Florida's decades old ban on offshore drilling, state

legislators and Governor Charlie Crist plus the U.S. Congress and

President Obama are being courted by big oil and their lobbyists.

Their message - open Florida's state and federal waters to oil rigs

starting just 3 miles off our shores. Even with the most advanced

technology, oil spills and accidents can and do happen. See photos

below from the 'state of the art' oil rig off the coast of Australia

that went up in flames in the summer of 2009 - and seriously damaged

Australia's sea life in the process.http://m1e.net/c?74588643-uHJVckNOHscZU%405018808-FBRzwwEUulEYwOur

beaches, ecosystem, marine wildlife and tourist based economy are all

at risk. See also image below of the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current.

Depending on location, winds and currents, our east coast beaches,

Florida Bay, and the Florida Keys are clearly in the line of fire from

an accident in the Gulf:http://m1e.net/c?74588643-oBTMp470T7TfQ%405018809-E5Gb35tFgFYYc If

you live in Florida, join your friends and neighbors on the beach of

your choice to let our lawmakers know that Floridians are united in our

stand against oil drilling in our waters. If you don't live in

Florida, consider this. Florida's many national parks, preserves,

seashores, wildlife refuges and marine sanctuaries are the property of

ALL Americans. Everglades National Park (the only place on earth where

alligators and crocodiles live side by side and home to dozens of

threatened and endangered species) is also a UNESCO World Heritage

Site, International Biosphere Reserve, and Ramsar Wetland of

International Importance. It is part of the natural heritage of our

entire planet.According to the U.S. Minerals Management

Service, 2005's Hurricane Katrina alone destroyed 113 oil platforms and

damaged 457 oil pipelines in the western Gull of Mexico - in addition

to an estimated 7 to 9 million gallons of oil spilled onshore from

damaged pipelines, refineries, and storage tanks. The risk of major

spills to hurricane prone Florida is very real.http://m1e.net/c?74588643-Q7ItsGynGH1ns%405018810-dpJwi9JWfypAYIn a 2004 press release, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush made the following statement:“Florida

is a leader in coastal resource management,†said Governor Bush.

“Expanding environmental protection to include Florida’s offshore

jurisdictional boundaries protects our quality of life and safeguards

the vitality of our ocean-based economy.â€Please contact current

Florida Governor Charlie Crist and President Barack Obama and demand:

NO OIL DRILLING IN FLORIDA'S WATERS!Charlie.Crist Fax: (850) 487-0801, Telephone: (850) 488-7146www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/ Fax: (202) 456-2461, Telephone: (202) 456-1111If you can take the time, you can also send a message to your state and federal representatives and senators. Find them here:www.congress.orgIn

the future, we will take no satisfaction whatsoever from telling our

decision makers, "We told you so." At this critical time in our

nation's debate over energy, the Sunshine State (with more solar

potential than any state in the eastern United States) deserves a far

better energy alternative than a dangerous venture into the offshore

oil business. Help send the right message on February 13th. Instead

of 'Drill Baby Drill', how about 'Think Baby Think'.Thanks for your time and help.Matt SchwartzEverglades Chair and Outings LeaderBroward Group of the Sierra Club

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