Guest guest Posted March 11, 2010 Report Share Posted March 11, 2010 GOVERNOR'S HANDS DRENCHED IN WOLVES' BLOOD -- BOYCOTT ALASKA! Join with us in contacting Alaskan Governor Sean Parnell, to demand an end to the escalating orgy of wolf extermination begun under Sarah Palin's vicious decree. Let him know you will be boycotting tourism to his state. Tourism is second only to oil in importance to the Alaskan economy! Cross post widely! Please--send a BOYCOTT ALASKA message to the gov and pass it on! GOVERNOR'S WEB SITE STATES: Due to the volume of email we receive, we place a PRIORITY on email from Alaska residents. The following info assures when you fill out the contact form, your email will receive FIRST PRIORITY! CONTACT PAGE: YOU'LL NEED THE FOLLOWING: ALASKA AREA CODE: 907 Sample Ph #: 907 555 1212 [555 prefix does not exist. Phone # is required to complete contact form] Choose ANY Wasilla Zip Code: 99629 99652 99654 99687 99694 ~ SAMPLE FORM AS IT APPEARS ON GOVERNOR PARNELL'S CONTACT PAGE ~ [The following info MUST be included in order to send your message.] Title: Mr. / Ms. / Mrs First & Last Name: Mailing Address: GENERAL DELIVERY City: WASILLA State: AK ZIP: 99629 [or any listed above] Telephone: 907 555 1212 Email: your email address Topic: FISH & GAME Your Comments: [sAMPLE] Governor Parnell, It is my understanding that tourism ranks just behind oil as most important to the Alaskan economy. My family, friends and associates will be BOYCOTTING Alaska until your disgustingly rapacious program of massive wolf extermination is PERMANENTLY HALTED. These animals belong to ALL OF US -- not just Alaska. Slaughtering sentient beings for any reason is immoral. Being annihilated for the sake of corrupt hunting factions which control political positions of power within your state, and which continue to ignore the will of the majority, is outrageous. Wholesale murder in order to artificially manipulate Caribou and other prey species for the bloodsport of those who crave killing, is a despicable abuse of power and just one more example of why 98% of Americans today, see their politicians as nothing more than fascist elitists, destroying our environment, the economy and our civil rights for ever more money and power. You took an oath to serve the people -- ALL OF THE PEOPLE -- not just those who can help your political career. Please, wipe the blood from your hands and start behaving with ethics. You can begin by acting with a moral conscience -- stop this witchhunt on wolves. Unless and until you do, Alaskan tourism will suffer. LINK TO CONTACT PAGE: ************************************************************************* BACKGROUND INFO ON FOA's CALL TO BOYCOTT ALASKA: ~Boycott Alaska Until The State Stops Targeting Wolves~ 8 March 2010: Friends of Animals Declares a Boycott of Travel to Alaska in the 2010 Tourist Season, calling groups and individuals to join. INFORMATION The area around Denali National Park has just been opened to wolf hunters and trappers. Last Friday (5 March 2010), the state’s Board of Game voted to erase park’s protective zone, as reported in the Anchorage Daily News, and approved opening the northeast periphery of the Denali National Park and Preserve for wolf trapping. The 4-3 vote, over vigorous opposition of those who wanted the wolves protected, eliminates the current buffer zone that forbids trapping. “The state decision is obnoxious,†said Friends of Animals’ president Priscilla Feral. “And it contradicts what the park authorities had asked for. Federal officials had recommended expanding the buffer zone to protect wolves naturally wandering outside the park’s boundaries.†Feral added, “As long as Alaska officials thumb their noses at common sense and decency, the public should stop supporting the state. We understand this is not easy for businesses, but we need their public declaration in support of the wolves and their advocates! It’s the government that’s condoning the killing of the very animals tourists go up to see.†Friends of Animals, a group opposed to all hunting and trapping of wolves, pressed to reinstate a 600 sq.-mile east and northeast boundary buffer similar to that established in November 1992. Instead, not only has that area shrunk, but the current Board of Game went so far as to try to control federal lands proposing wolf control inside Denali National Park. “Don't support Alaska,†Feral said. “Alaska’s state officials have shown a disgraceful lack of respect for nature and the ecosystem as well as the wolves themselves. Governor Sean Parnell needs to step in and control the humans who are paid by the state.†Please tell Gov. Parnell you're boycotting travel to Alaska because of the state's wolf persecution: sean.parnell Postal correspondence: Gov. Sean Parnell P. O. Box 110001 Juneau, AK 99811-0001 Telephone Inquiries: Phone (907) 465-3500 Example message (suitable for 28 cent post cards, letters and e-mail): Dear Gov. Parnell: I have joined Friends of Animals' travel boycott; please step in now to stop Alaska from controlling wolves through any and all state permits or proposals -- and that includes stripping the buffer zone around Denali National Park. ************************************************************************* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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