Guest guest Posted March 23, 2010 Report Share Posted March 23, 2010 Kinship Circle <info 10A) KINSHIP CIRCLE [CA, NV, ID, WA, OR, AK, HI] <info Sun, Mar 21, 2010 1:08 pm Act/ Show Me Horse Slaughter In Show-Me Missouri? 3/21/10 - KINSHIP CIRCLE Show Me Horse Slaughter In Show-Me Missouri? SEND YOUR COMMENTS EITHER WAY: 1) Skip this email. Go to this link to send an automated letter: & seriesfirst=true 2) OR -- Copy/paste emails & sample letter below into your own email. Photo: Horses sold for transport to a Canadian slaughterhouse. Missouri, the "Show Me State," is already the nation's puppy mill capital. Now the enterprising state aims to reinstate horse slaughter. Rep. Jim Viebrock, R-Republic, has introduced H.B. 1747 to sidestep federal regulations that bar horse slaughter for human consumption. According to Viebrock, his bill would jump-start the "ailing equine industry." WHEREVER YOU LIVE: THIS BILL AFFECTS YOU. The last three U.S. kill plants were shut down in 2007. Don't let Missouri revive a despicable industry. ============================================================= SAMPLE LETTER - CONTACT INFO FOLLOWS SAMPLE LETTER ============================================================= Missouri House of Representatives: Please reject Rep. Jim Viebrock's bill to sidestep federal rules that bar horse slaughter for human consumption. If passed, H.B. 1747 lets horse processors operate in Missouri -- even though no equine plants legally function in the U.S. right now. While supporters insist slaughter "saves" horses from neglect and starvation, their argument fails to recognize: -- "Americans oppose horse slaughter by an overwhelming margin," says Glen Bolger, national pollster and founding partner of the nonpartisan Public Opinion Strategies (POS). In a 2007 poll, POS found that 71% want horses preserved as part of American cultural heritage. Nearly half are less likely to vote for a Congressperson who is against a horse slaughter ban. -- Equine plants are known polluters that congest sewers and contaminate land and water. -- Under Missouri Anti-Cruelty Statues Chapter 578, animal abandonment is a crime punishable by fines and jail time. Rather than advocate slaughter as an alternative to neglect, lawmakers ought to enforce criminal prosecution. -- Slaughter is NOT humane euthanasia. Methods to stun and kill cows and pigs are excruciating when used on horses. Nonetheless, these excitable, long-necked animals are subjected to captive bolt pistols that often don't render them insensible. Some remain aware while killed. -- Overpopulation stems from industries such as Premarin and Prempro (HRT drugs made from mare urine); carriage horses; riding stables, etc. that over-breed horses. Focus should shift to breeding oversight and responsible care. Moreover, there is no documented connection between closure of domestic plants and a spike in horse abuse cases. In contrast, slaughter supplies a "dumping ground" for irresponsible breeders and caretakers. H.B. 1747 wants to impose a U.S. market for horsemeat on a nation that doesn't want it. The Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, H.R. 503/S.B. 727, currently before Congress, bans possession, shipment, transport, purchase, sale, delivery or receipt of any horse for the purpose of human ingestion. In 2006 Congress cut off funding for mandatory ante-mortem inspection of horses. This de-funding was reinstated in the 2010 Appropriations Act. It is illegal to kill uninspected horses under the Federal Meat Inspection Act. In 2007 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals proclaimed horse slaughter illegal in Texas, home to two foreign-owned equine plants. Later that year, U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly froze America's last kill plant in DeKalb, Illinois for its failure to assess environmental impacts of horse slaughter, in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act. Missouri's proposed "rebirth" of a doomed industry is economically and ethically shortsighted. Horse slaughter is a no-win for horses and people. Please do not support H.B. 1747. Sincerely, >>>YOUR FULL NAME >>>ADRESS, CITY, STATE >>>COUNTRY ============================================================= CONTACT INFORMATION ============================================================= MISSOURI RESIDENTS, CONTACT YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVES: Find your reps' contact info: EVERYONE, CONTACT MISSOURI LAWMAKERS: Emails below are from the Missouri House of Representatives website: -- If any don't work, it is because: The website contains inaccurate, outdated information The recipient has disabled his/her email The recipient's mailbox is full (try later) At the time emails below were cross-researched and checked, they worked. AGRICULTURE POLICY COMMITTEE + ENTIRE MISSOURI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Sue.Allen, Bert.Atkins, Joe.Aull, NitaJane.Ayres, Kenny.Biermann, Walt.Bivins, Ellen.Brandom, Rachel.Bringer, Dan.Brown, Jason.Brown, Michael.Brown, Mark.Bruns, Eric.Burlison, John.Burnett, Don.Calloway, Chris.Carter, Ron.Casey, Maria.ChappelleNadal, Mike.Colona, Pat.Conway, Wayne.Cooper, Michael.Corcoran, Stanley.Cox, Mike.Cunningham, Shalonn.Curls, Cynthia.Davis, David.Day, Bill.Deeken, Charlie.Denison, Mike.Dethrow, Scott.Dieckhaus, John.Diehl, Bob.Dixon, Curt.Dougherty, Tony.Dugger, Gary.Dusenberg, Ed.Emery, Vicki.Englund Doug.Ervin, Sally.Faith, Joe.FallertJr, Linda.Fischer, Barney.Fisher, Thomas.Flanigan, Tim.Flook, Michael.Frame, Ward.Franz, Doug.Funderburk, Chuck.Gatschenberger, Jason.Grill, Jeff.Grisamore, Casey.Guernsey, Jim.Guest, Belinda.Harris, Steve.Hobbs, Steve.Hodges, Jason.Holsman, Denny.Hoskins,, Jake.Hummel, Allen.Icet, Kenny.Jones, Tim.Jones, Tishaura.Jones, Jason.Kander, Shelley.Keeney, Chris.Kelly, Gayle.Kingery, Jeanne.Kirkton, Andrew.Koenig, Sam.Komo, Michele.Kratky, Will.Kraus, JC.Kuessner, Mike.Lair, Sara.Lampe, Scott.Largent Mike.Leara, Roman.LeBlanc, Paul.Levota, Albert.Liese, Scott.Lipke, Tom.Loehner, Beth.Low, Rebecca.McClanahan, Tom.McDonald, Mike.McGhee, Cole.McNary, Margo.McNeil, Tim.Meadows, Kate.Meiners, Chris.Molendorp, James.Morris, Brian.Munzlinger, Bob.Nance, Jamilah.Nasheed, Stacey.Newman, Brian.Nieves, Jerry.Nolte, Charlie.Norr, Jeanette.Oxford, Sharon.Pace, Mark.Parkinson, Mike.Parson, Darrell.Pollock, Bryan.Pratt, Paul.Quinn, Ronald.Richard, Jeanie.Riddle, Jeff.Roorda, Martin.Rucker, Marilyn.Ruestman, Don.Ruzicka, Ray.Salva, Therese.Sander, David.Sater, Luke.Scavuzzo, Rob.Schaaf, Rodney.Schad, Dwight.Scharnhorst, Ed.Schieffer Charlie.Schlottach, Shane.Schoeller, Sue.Schoemehl, Jill.Schupp, Tom.Self, Tom.Shively, Ryan.Silvey, Trent.Skaggs, Jason.Smith, Joe.Smith, Michael.Spreng, Bryan.Stevenson, Mary.Still, Rachel.Storch, Rick.Stream, Mike.Sutherland, Terry.Swinger, Mike.Talboy, Mike.Thomson, Steven.Tilley, Tom. Clint.Tracy, Jim.Viebrock, Michael.Vogt, Maynard.Wallace, Gina.Walsh, Rochelle.Gray, Jay.Wasson, Steve.Webb, Don.Wells, Raymond.Weter, Hope.Whitehead, Kevin.Wilson, Terry.Witte, Billy.Wright, Patricia.Yaeger, Anne.Zerr, Jake.Zimmerman ****KINSHIP CIRCLE CANNOT GUARANTEE ALL EMAILS WILL WORK**** During campaigns, recipients may change or disable their email addresses. Emails from government, corporate, or institute websites may be incorrect. Kinship Circle believes an animal-free diet is the ultimate way to end cruelty and the devastating impacts of animal agriculture. We believe confinement, deprivation, drugging, brutalization, slaughter, dismemberment and consumption are bad for horses, dogs, cats, pigs, cows, chickens, goats and all who live. We advocate for an end to the suffering of all. Give To Kinship Circle's Disaster Aid Fund... So We Are Always Ready! Hurricane Katrina, Rita, Missouri Flood, Iowa Floods, Gustav, Ike, Kentucky Flood, California Wildfires, Haiti, Chile... You helped us be there for animals. * DONATE TO KINSHIP CIRCLE DISASTER AID FUND: * DONATE BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER: Kinship Circle / 7380 Kingsbury Blvd. / St. Louis, MO 63130 ACTION CAMPAIGNS * EDUCATION * ANIMAL DISASTER AID * FOR BREAKING NEWS & ACTION: * Action campaigns on animal cruelty issues worldwide * Animal rescue coordination/news in disasters UNSUBSCRIBE * Select a Kinship Circle ALERT received in your mailbox * Hit "FORWARD" + Send to: info * Type UNSUBSCRIBE in your subject line and hit send ============================================================= SOURCE OF INFORMATION / REFERENCE LINKS FOR THIS ALERT ============================================================= Slaughter of horses in U.S. could resume, in Missouri Show MO Legislators Why They Should Oppose H.B. 1747 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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