Guest guest Posted March 28, 2010 Report Share Posted March 28, 2010 -CROSS-POST WIDELY-\ %80%93again-sealer-filth-seeks-like-minded-thugs-in-china-to-fuel-future-massacr\ es/ Canada has a population of 36 million people. Of those, approximately 6,000 individuals are actively using their government issued licenses to take part in the yearly savagery of assaulting and murdering helpless babies. These 6,000 are holding the nation of Canada and the rest of the world at bay. This tiny minority is being empowered by the knuckle-dragging goons in government --- the DFO's Gail Shea and Prime Minister Stephen Harper --- who have not only ignored world opinion but have UPPED THE KILL QUOTA in the face of an environmental disaster. Global warming is causing the massive drowning deaths of infant seals as their nurseries, the ice pans, crumble and dissolve, leaving mothers no other choice but to give birth in the open sea. Rational people, compassionate people, people with a moral conscience would at least SUSPEND THE SLAUGHTER--not--UP THE NUMBER OF VICTIMS TO BE MURDERED. But, we aren't dealing with 'rational' people. We are dealing with psychopaths -- individuals who are hardwired for cruelty...who actually enjoy torturing and murdering...who are so addicted to the high they experience from inflicting their ungodly venomous brutality that they are literally insane with the drive to kill. They cannot be reasoned with any more than someone who is totally blind and rabid. 40 years of begging, cajoling and threatening have made little impact on a segment of the population which does not possess the ability to see the reality of the heinous acts they commit, through any but their own highly deluded eyes. Boycotting ***ONLY EASTERN CANADA*** is the MOST effective means to stop commercial sealing for good, because it is the ONLY approach that takes money DIRECTLY FROM THE POCKETS OF SEALERS, and the small businesses which support sealing. If these thugs are denied a living in the summer, fall and winter even the most brain-dead will begin to understand that the income gleaned from a few weeks worth of bashing babies will NOT off-set the financial losses they will suffer the rest of the year. WHY THE CANADIAN SEAFOOD BOYCOTT HAS FAILED AFTER NEARLY 5 YEARS AND WILL NEVER WORK To put it simply, this is a WAR. If one invades a country intent on winning, they must FOCUS DIRECTLY ON THE ENEMY not waste their firepower on secondary targets. Boycotting Canadian seafood is a “secondary†target. WHY? Because many commercial fishers /sealers have other lucrative markets for their seafood — Europe being the largest. Therefore they will never be “broken†financially by an American boycott of their ‘products.’ WHY A GENERAL BOYCOTT OF CANADA WILL NEVER WORK Boycotting all of Canada is not only unfair, it DILUTES the power of such a strategy because it does NOT target the GUILTY! It will NOT WORK because it does NOTHING to hone in on, and financially pressure, the REAL culprits — those doing the killing — specifically, EASTERN CANADA! Secondly, the only reason for boycotting ALL of Canada would be to send a message to the Canadian government. The Canadian government has CONSISTENTLY AND BELLIGERENTLY PROTECTED AND SUBSIDIZED SEALING FOR THE LAST 40 YEARS–AND FOR A FEW CENTURIES PRIOR TO THAT — THEY ARE OBSTACLES AND MUST BE BYPASSED. The only effective strategy to help end sealing is to DISENFRANCHISE the government and stop wasting time protesting and petitioning those in power who are corrupt and DEAF to the demands of the people. TARGETING SEALERS FOR BOYCOTT, WITH THEIR SMALL TOWN ECONOMIES, DIRECTLY BYPASSES GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION! In other words, it doesn’t matter how much the government subsidizes sealers for the few weeks they are out rampaging on the ice, if a sealer isn’t able to survive the rest of the year, he will be forced to give up sealing and get a REAL JOB! And make no mistake, there are plenty of good jobs to be had in Newfoundland/Labrador [unlike the absolute lies told by the DFO and locals]. Hydro and wind technologies are high paying positions — and they are looking for trainees! Sealers murder because it is THEIR CHOICE and for NO OTHER REASON. SEND A SHORT MESSAGE [Email Sample Below] TO THE FOLLOWING TOURISM BOARDS LETTING THEM KNOW THAT YOU’LL BE TARGETING SEALING PROVINCES FOR BOYCOTT: AND PLEASE: #1 BOYCOTT SEAFOOD — ALL SEAFOOD — NOT JUST CANADIAN Buying seafood supports seal, dolphin and whale slaughter, worldwide. Better yet — GO VEGAN! #2 Concentrate the boycott on EASTERN CANADA–the sealing provinces ONLY. They are the ones KILLING and they are the ones which MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE! #3 Let EASTERN CANADIAN tourism boards KNOW you are boycotting seafood, tourism, goods/services and internet trade until the slaughter is outlawed: QUEBEC TOURISM: EMAIL: info [info at bonjourquebec dot com] NOVA SCOTIA TOURISM EMAIL: info [info at nstourism dot com MAGDALEN ISLANDS TOURISM EMAIL: info [info at tourismeilesdelamadeleine dot com] NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR TOURISM EMAIL: tourisminfo [tourisminfo at mail dot gov dot nf dot ca] Sirs: I, my friends, family and associates will be boycotting ALL goods, services and travel to Canada’s EAST COAST PROVINCES. We will do everything within our power to force an end to your mindless destruction of Harp and Grey seal populations. I sincerely hope that the specter of a sharp economic decline will help you realize that these animals are valuable; they are revered, not for the currency their body parts bring, but because they have a right to a peaceful existence, the same right which you so arrogantly afford yourselves, but deny your victims. When the slaughter stops, the money will flow. Sincerely, Name/Country Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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