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URGENT ACTION ALERT! Big Pharma to Control Vitamins, Holistic Treatments, (Non) Truth in Labeling GMOs, Fake Food Safety Bill - Need to Hear from You TODAY!

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Breaking News! The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), just adopted by the House of Representatives (and sent to the Senate as S.3217) includes language giving more power to the Federal Trade Commission to make general rules for interstate commerce that could be used to restrict truthful information about dietary supplements, by requiring expensive, "drug company" level clinical trials before vitamin companies could make claims about their products. This "reform" could hand-over the natural products industry to Big Pharma, which, over the past few years, has bought up most of the larger vitamin companies. The

new rules could become a "barrier against entry" driving many smaller companies out of business.


We address this issue in a new Action Item telling the Senate to provide protective language for natural products which do not need the same level of substantiation (called "significant scientific agreement") that drugs should require for public safety. The existing commercial standard of "competent and reliable scientific evidence" allows natural product marketers to rely on published literature and small-scale clinical studies appropriate for food products. As we have been warning, the attacks on Natural Solutions will continue and will escalate. BUT, YOUR CONTINUED PUSH-BACK WILL PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO ACCESS NATURAL SOLUTIONS!






There is likely to be a GMO showdown at the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Needs.

The United States is vigorously pursuing its policy to prevent the labeling or identification of GMOs (or GMO-Free) anywhere in the world. Indeed, the agency, in a true display of the arrogance of power, believes it has authority to censor even "GMO Free" labels!


That means that no one on this planet will be able to protect self or family from the dangers of GMO plants or animals. No one will ever be able to deterimine that the fact that they cannot have children is due to the GMO food they have been eating, unknowingly. Or their Cancer, or their Lupus, or the death of their babies. Without detailed traceability, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Jains and others whose religion teaches that the must not eat certain foods will ever again be able to determine that they have avoided the foods that will make them religiously impure.

Organic will cease to have any meaning whatsoever and all food will be contamaintaed, given sufficient time.


This is what is at stake at the Codex committee meeting beginning this weekend. Codex is the battleground for the future of food -- will the pro-GMO Globalist Agenda prevail, or will enough nations stand up for their traditional agriculture and customs and refuse to engage in a false "consensus" that benefits only the Bigs -- Big AgBiz, Big Pharma, Big Finance and Big Govt?


The United States FDA approves GMO foods and feeds without any safety testing of significance. Early on in the process of releasing GMOs, the company which owns the patented gene provides the FDA with whatever edited data it chooses to show that the organism is "safe", no matter how weak, contrived or meaningless that data may be.


No further safety testing is carried out by the FDA, nor are further safety data reviewed, if they exist.


But, in the largest involuntary human experiment ever conducted, with zero informed consent possible, the world's food, as it comes through the US food system, its seed system and its feed system, is contaminated with unlabeled, un-traceable GMOs. Any long term (or, for that matter, short term) effects will never be known because who is eating what GMO gene, promoter virus or bacterial marker sequence is totally unknowable. This is the effect of FDA refusing to require "truthful and not misleading" GMO labeling.


Read more here: GMO Files: GMO Crops Fail, Cost More, Increase Toxin Usewww.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=5225

Action Item: BAN ALL UNTESTED, UNLABELED GMOs!http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=2049




Just Days to Stop Food Fascism!

UPDATE: S.510 STILL has not made it to the floor of the Senate this week! Your continued PUSH BACK is still holding it off. Please read below and TAKE THE ACTION ITEM AGAIN! We must continue to innudate the Senate with emails to stop this travesty!

Rumor in DC is that the forced-industrialization of food production bill, S.510, will come to a vote in the Senate this week or next week. If you value local, natural food production, NOW is the time to act! Please use this Action Item and send the message to the Senate: "NO FAKE FOOD SAFETY BILL". Demand strong, unequivocal protection for local, natural food production! Please forward this message to everyone you know and ask them to act too!



Two action steps to take:



[1] Send an email to your Senators:







[2] CALL your US Senators' offices; Just dial 800-828-0498 and make a call registering your strongly negative opinion of S. 510! If not now, when? For 9 "talking points" about why the bill is just as we've described it, see - http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=5205






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