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A chance to speak out against rodeos in Australia

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Hi All,


Happy New Year.

If anyone wants to write opposing rodeos in Australia, now seems a good

time to do so since there has been a segment on tv about it. Even if

you dont have time to research the tv segment but want to let politicians

know rodeos are cruel and unecessary, now is a good time to voice your opinion.

It looks like South Australia is reviewing the Animal Welfare Act there

so its a good time to let Minister John Hill know rodeos are cruel and

unecessary. His email is kaurna or



" Environment Minister, John Hill, is responsible for animal welfare in Sout

Australia, and he is reviewing the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act right

now, so it is absolutely crucial that the " yes " vote dominates.


Today Tonight also obligingly put John Hill’s email address on-screen too, so

please email him at kaurna or

minister.hill "


Hope you can find time to send an email in opposing rodeos,









Hi everyone,


I hope you saw Today Tonight last night and the damning footage of the rodeo

industry. Today Tonight is having a poll :


“Should rodeos be banned?”


Please ring 1900 957 163 to register a “yes” vote. The number can be called

from any State even if it did not screen in that State, so please forward this

on to as many people as you can. The results will be announced tonight

(Thurs) on Today Tonight, so there is no time to lose. Please, please make

the call. Pressure on the industry has never been greater than it is now so

it’s vital we don’t lose this opportunity.


Environment Minister, John Hill, is responsible for animal welfare in SA, and

he is reviewing the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act right now, so it is

absolutely crucial that the " yes " vote dominates.


Today Tonight also obligingly put John Hill’s email address on-screen too, so

please email him at kaurna or



For those who would like to see the Today Tonight segment before emailing John

Hill, please contact me and I’ll get you a CD, but what ever you do, ring 1900

957 163 now.


Thanks everyone and sorry for any cross-postings



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