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PAWS E-NewsLetter December 2005

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PAWS Newsletter December 2005

Edited by Brinda Upadhayaya


This Newsletter Contains…



1. From The Desk of Hony. Gen. Secretary

2. Anti-Rabies Drive in Thane

3. PAWS on Net

4. A Token of Appreciation

5. Visit to Jaipur

6. Appeal for Funds





This is wishing you ,your families and our animal friends a Happy and joyful New


We are proud to announce that on 11th January 2006, PAWS will enter its sixth

year .During this time our young team mates overcame several obstacles and faced

many challenges to keep working tirelessly towards helping over 4000 stray



This month I visited CUPA at Bangalore and also ‘Help in Suffering’ at Jaipur

where I went with my parents on a holiday. There I met Suprana Ganguly who gave

me an amazing and touching book entitled ‘The Mad Dogs & English Women’ which

is the autobiography of Late Crystal Rogers who started the first animal

welfare organization in India and devoted her life towards the cause of

animals! The book touched my heart and restored my faith in the need to help

animals in distress and is a must read for all animal lovers. Both her

organizations CUPA & Help In Suffering are mentioned in this book are doing

excellent work. She was the pioneer of animal welfare movement in India - Hats

off to her!!


Yours truly,

Nilesh Bhanage




PAWS trustees Nilesh Bhanage & Anuradha Ramaswamy along with volunteers Sharmila

Manjrekar, Sonali, Monika conducted an Anti-Rabies drive in Runwal Plaza on 4th

of December. More then 40 strays were vaccinated within two hours in the

colonies of Runwal Plaza, Gawand Baug & St. John School – Thane.


If you are located in Mumbai, Thane & Raigad district, and you would like to

get the stray dogs in your area vaccinated against rabies, please call Nilesh on

9820161114 or Anuradha 9869376238.




This month PAWS Secretary Nilesh was covered by and quoted in DNA. Read the

entire news by clicking the following address:


http://dnaindia.com/dnaPrint.asp?NewsID=1001915 & CatID=1





We wish to appreciate the help and encouragement provided to us by the following

PAWS Supporters:


1. Ms. Fizzah Shah

2. Ms. Poornima Balan

3. Ms. Brinda Upadhyaya

4. Ms. R. D’silva

5. Ms. Piroza Abraham

6. Mr. Manoj Oswal


Individual ‘CERTFICATE OF APPRECIATION’ sent to them as tokens of our gratitude.

The following have been declared as Best Volunteers of PAWS:


1. Sonali Bagde – Quarter III

2. Shiv-Prasad Phadke – Quarter IV


Animal Welfare Work Appreciation:

PAWS draws inspiration from the following-


1. Kartick Satyanarayan - Wildlife

2. Usha Kolambkar – Domestic Animals





At Jaipur PAWS secretary Mr. Nilesh met a young group of animal activists called

‘RAW – Revolutionists in Animal Welfare’. This group is being started by a

couple of youngsters aged 22 & 24. PAWS secretary gave a Presentation about PAWS

to them on CD & also promised all help in their charity work at Jaipur. We wish

them the best and hope they can make the lives of several stray animals better

by their collective efforts.

We also hope they take steps to prevent cruelty to animals in this city.







We at PAWS are committed to help our four legged , furred, feathered and scaled

friends but for this we are totally dependent on financial help from donors and

generous well wishers. Helping distressed people is indeed a service to Humanity

but serving dumb and helpless creatures is service to GOD. While there are

several others who destroy them , we at PAWS conserve , rehabilitate and serve

animals as best as funds permit . We need money to run our ambulance, pay

salaries and buy food and medicine. We therefore appeal to you to kindly help us

help the needy.


You small contribution would make us difference!


Cheques / DD's can be drawn in the name of 'Plant & Animals Welfare Society' on

below Address:


A-14, Savitri Sadan,

Dr. Mukharhji Road,

Dombivli (East) 421201,



A registerd NGO, PAWS will send you a receipt for all your donations at the



For Direct transfer to PAWS accounts please e-mail us on

anuradhaforpaws or nileshforpaws


Thanks, Best wishes and Love from all of us.




Plant & Animals Welfare Society - PAWS is....


*Member Society of WSPA - World Society for Protection of Animals


*Associated with IOAP - International Organization for Animal Protection.


*Associated with RSPCA - UK.


*Registered under the Society's Registration Act XXIX of 1960 with registration

No. Maha/587-2001/Thane dated 7th July 2001.


*Registered with the Charity Commissioner vide certificate dated 11th



*Donations are exempted from Income Tax under Section 80-G of the Income Tax Act

1961, as per Certificate no. THN/CIT-III/J & T/Trust/185/2002-03 dated May 01,

2002 and valid up to 31st March 2004.


*Registered Under section 12AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 vide letter dated May

01, 20 . Letter No. THN/CIT-III/J & T/184/2002-03.


*Recognized by 'Animal Welfare Board of India', Ministry of Forests &

Environment, GOVT OF INDIA.


*Affiliated with World Animal Net (WAN) Directory, USA.


*Permanent Account Number (PAN) is AAA TP 4245L allotted by Dy. Commissioner of

Income-Tax, Pune.




For more information please contact 'Plant & Animals Welfare Society - PAWS' at,

A-14, Savitri Sadan, Dr. Mukharji Road, Dombivli (East) 421201, Mumbai.

Phone Nos.: 9869376238 or 9820161114.


........................END OF NEWSLETTER.......................




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