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barn owl

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An adult Barn owl with

some injuries and starvation was noticed by Mr.Parvej of CMC Hospital yesterday

night. He tried unsuccessfully to contact Forest People and finally contacted

Undersigned. I tried to contact DFO but he was out of station, However message

was conveyed to him to send some forest official to fetch it from CMC.As no one

reached at site, The Chief Wildlife Warden Punjab was contacted and informed at

his residence at Chandigarh, as there is holiday today. The State or District

Wildlife Department has no arrangements /squads to tackle these cases in odd

hours or holidays. The owl was brought to PFA office at Sundernagar, where he

was provided First Aid, Food and water. It is about 10 inches golden and white

bird appearing ghostly, having long heart sized facewith small black eyes. Its

upperparts are golden brown with black and white speckles.it has white

underwings and chest. The legs are coated with feathers.



Its voice is hissing,

snoaring or an extended wild shrieks.it nests on old buildings, treeholes. It is

nocturnal and eats mainly rodents, but can eat small vertebrates, insects or

sometimes grains.


District wildlife

inspecter reached at our office and gave us a request in writing, to treat &

keep it at Jeev Kalyan Kendra & Bhagwan Mahavir Abhayshala (PFA’s Animals’ &

Birds’ Hospital and Shelter) at Khwajke, Rahon Road Ludhiana.Our vet has

informed that it has got injuries due to Flying-Kite String.It will be treated

and released when it will become fit to fly.



(Dr.Sandeep K.Jain)


People For Animals Ludhiana.




On Fri, 06 Jan 2006 Snehal Bhatt wrote :

>hi sandip,

> i have not received any attachment.however you might have read that we were

attacked by 300 muslims while we went with 2 police mobiles to rescue 11 calves

that were for slaughter in baroda.all our motorbikes were total loss and all my

cameras etc all has been stolen and broken.but i got the calves out.my bike was

on hypothication and they never informed me that my insurance was due.any way i

have started closing mutton shops and slaughter houses as a challenge.i was

doing it but by writing to authorities. NOW????????

> bye luv

> snehal

> forward this message to all concern please


>Sandeep kumar jain <jeevdaya wrote:




>Note: Forwarded message attached


>-- Original Message --


> " Dr.Sandeep Kumar Jain " <jeevdaya04

>skj <jeevdaya

>Fwd:barn owl







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