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Camels and bakrid

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These photos from today's Dinamalar Newspaper (can be viewed at

http://www.aapn.org/camels.html ) shows the horrific nature of camel

" sacrifice " .

The top photo is from Rawalapind; the bottom one from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir

but the news report is about the shameful killing in Chennai. The translation of

the report is this:


30 camels killed with police bandobast


Chennai, Jan 12.


On the eve of Bakrid yesterday, 30 camels were sacrificed with police



Bakrid was celebrated yesterday throughout the country. In Cuddapah, A.P., many

people mustered in the market, bought camels and sacrificed them.


In 14 places in Chennai, 30 camels were sacrificed. Four camels in Washermanpet,

seven in Tondiarpet, two in Pulianthope, six in Mannady, two in Tiruvottiyur and

one each in Pallvaram, Avadi, Padi and Red Hills. Police bandobast was given in

all the places where camels were sacrificed.


How the camels are sacrificed: A camel cannot be slaughtered as a goat is.

The camel has to be tied and then the rope is connected to the hoof of the left

leg with the leg folded. All the four legs are folded in this manner. Sis to

eight people press the camel down hard.

Its neck is cut with a special one-and-a-half foot knife. It takes two hours for

the camel to die after this.


The camel refuses to oblige (sic). After one camel is cut, the spot has to be

cleaned thoroughly, as otherwise, the next camel will refuse to oblige, experts



For killing the camel, eight persons were brought. Most of the camel meat was

distributed to the poor.

The skin of the camels and cattle are donated to the Madarasa.




Can't we do something? Is this what the Prophet (peace be on him) wanted when

every prayer begins with " In the name of Allah; the merciful; the most

compassionate " ?

Surely, this suffering and pain is to be avoided when it is totally





S. Chinny Krishna







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Dear AAPN members,

Dr Krishna has raised a very relevant

issue and a most important question : Can't we do something? Is this

what the Prophet (peace be on him) wanted when every prayer begins

with " In the name of Allah; the merciful; the most compassionate " ?

Surely, this suffering and pain is to be avoided when it is totally


I came across a thought provoking message by Syed Kamran Mirza on the

website of Faith Freedom on animal sacrifice in Islam. I hope it will

give us all cause for thought.

Best wishes and kind regards,


Yours sincerely,





Sacrifice to Appease the Merciful Allah!

By Syed Kamran Mirza








The Eid-ul-Azha popularly known as Qurbani Eid in South Asia is just

over now. Like the change of the seasons this Qurbani comes into the

Islamic world every year and the Islamic folks go crazy over it year

after year after year. And this religious occasion had lead the

utopia of merciless slaughter of tens of millions of innocent animals

(cows, camels, sheep and goats) by devoted Muslims throughout the

Muslim world. All these merciless slaughters were performed to please

the merciful Allah!


The origin of this madness named sacrifice (killing animals) for Allah

was derived from the myth related to pre-biblical Prophet Abraham

(Ibrahim in Islam). This belief system of sacrifice is called burnt

offerings in Bible. This was the system of sacrifice discovered for

Jews, and Bible commanded this decree of God by hundreds of scriptures

throughout the Old Testament. Animal sacrifice was prescribed for

Jews and Christians by very strict Biblical injunction. Yet, Jews and

Christians stopped this mad practice longtime ago once they realized

that this is nothing more than an uncivilized and inhumane practice.

But sadly though, the Muslims are busy killing animals to satisfy the

angry Allah just the way ancient uncivilized peoples used to sacrifice

human life (Naro baali) to appease their deity. Later in the course

of human civilization, ancient people used to sacrifice animals

instead of human. Hindus and various other tribal religions do

occasionally practice this animal sacrifice even today.


I was inspired to write this essay about Kurbani by a marvelous essay

(about Kurbani episodes) which I read last week in this forum. I will

come back to that later in this essay. Just when I started this

essay, I got another sad story of real Kurbani (real sacrifice) of

Abrahamic style performed by a devout soldier of Allah in Bangladesh.

The daily star (Feb. 27) news was as follows:


'THE Eid mood got suddenly overcast with gloom and horror on February

23rd evening as the television news caster served up a heart beat

stopper for millions in the country. And courtesy satellite television

millions outside Bangladesh learnt about it, too. What a shame! Golam

Mostafa alias Tula Mian put his seven-month old child Solaiman to

sword in the delusion of performing a religious duty 'directed by a

voice heard in dream.' As his progeny lay slaughtered, a nonchalant

Mostafa with his barbaric zealotry muttered the total nonsense about

being dream-driven to act.'


This above mentioned mind-boggling incident is not an isolated case.

No, I do not consider it to be a case of hallucination, or a psychotic

case either. This is simply a case of religious fanaticism. Madrassah

educated Golam Mostafa alias Tula Mia was not psychotic or

schizophrenic. He may have hallucinated but that was due to his

religious fervor. He believed strongly and literally what he learned

from the Holy Quran about the incident of myth-related Kurbani story

of Prophet Ibrahim. He thought about it, day and night, and as a

result he dreamt that impossible episode. Result was the unbelievable

cruel demise of his 7 month old son.


Big question is who is responsible? Where was the most omnipotent,

most Merciful Allah at the time of slaughtering that poor 7 month old

innocent child? Who should be blamed for this horrendous episode? I

strongly believe it was the Islamic teachings solely responsible for

his mindset. It was the fanatic zealotry behind his cruelty and

madness. It is the same kind of religious zealotry makes a believer

kill another non-believing human being! A fanatic zealot inspired by

religion Islam is so strong and forceful selfish, that he has no

regard for a life of a human, or animal. Only thing he cares for is

his deity Allah. And to appease his blood thirsty Allah, this zealot

can sacrifice even his own child, as we have seen in the case of Tula

Mia. Heavenly pleasures (houries, wine, milk and honey) make these

Islamic zealots inhuman creatures.


It is the same kind of religious teachings which can turn a peaceful

and quiet white American boy into a zealot Taliban (John Walker Lindh)

having bushy beard and turban. Readers may still remember my article

in NFB: " How one gets to be a Taliban " --in which I did prove with

incontrovertible logic how a single human being can act differently

with different beliefs and education. Culpability of Golam Mostafa

rest on the teachings and belief of Islam. Had he not learnt about

myth-story of the Abraham's Kurbani—Golam Mostafa may not commit such

inhuman act of sacrifice in the name of religion.


Now back to my original Eid story. The heartbreaking essay titled,

" The Eid Story " (NFB February 19) by Mr. Lutfur Rahman has opened my

past memory of similar cruel and horror stricken episodes during

Qurbani not once but twice. The same horrific scenarios (unborn

calves inside the torn opened gaping body cavity of the sacrificed

cows) were seen by me in two such occasions of animal sacrifice. Yet,

there was not a slightest remorse to those hungry meat eater pious

Muslims and everything was just fine by the fatwa of our merciful

mullah Huzoor.


Again, heartfelt thanks to Mr. Lutfur Rahman for rewarding NFB readers

his well-written but tears rendering essay about his true experience

of an episode of Islamic sacrifice. Mr. Rahman left some painful

heart touching (Hridoy Bidarok) questions at the end of his

marvelously described essay, which should open the eyes and minds of

the conscientious readers. His questions were as follows:


Mr. Rahman wrote:


" Going to bed belly full in a scarlet cow that night, Allah's purpose

did not appear too apparent to me. For a long time before falling

asleep I could here strange voices asking:


How could an omnipresent, omniscient, ever merciful Allah sanction

such torture and destruction of another one of His own magnificent

creation and its unborn fetus with, what appeared to be, such callous



To which higher court of authority does a mother cow and her unborn

calf seek justice and deliverance? Are mother cows and their fetuses

exempt from coverage of mercy ?


And whose sin, whose piety and whose penance? "


Who will answer those intelligent questions asked by Mr. Rahman? I am

quite positive that none of the Islamists will ever come forward to

answer these questions! Immediately after the horrendous incident of

September 11, Rev. Billy Graham was in the famous CNN Larry King show

discussing the days events. Rev. Graham told the audience that after

that horrific Sep 11, many people asked him: " where was the all

powerful and merciful God when these Arab terrorists flew their

aircraft and crashed them into the WTC and Pentagon building? How God

let such horrible things to happen? Why can't the almighty God not

interfere with such a terrible episode? " Mr. Graham said (nodding his

head down) " I could not answer those questions; I do not have any

answer why God did not interfere. "


The fact of the matter is—God never could interfere to any dreadful

acts of human beings nor could he ever interfere with any such natural

devastation like cyclone, hurricane, earthquake, flood, etc. He never

did interfere when millions of human beings were gassed to death by

Hitler or when thousands of people were drowned with the sinking

Titanic. Similarly, God never did intervene when hundreds of man,

women, and children were perished when an Egyptian Aircraft went down

in the icy water of Atlantic Ocean! The truth is that God never could

interfere—when millions of human beings were perished by deadly

diseases before the discovery of medicine by humans. He never could

interfere when one fourth of the world populations were perished by

bubonic plague!!! These are all documented cases. Bubonic plague

used to scare the ancient folks all over the world. Similarly, small

pox (Guti Bosonto) and cholera (Ola Utha) used to dread our

grandfather's generation (as the Allah's Gazab) in the early twentieth

century. It was the discovery of antibiotics and other medicines that

conquered these pestilences. The God, who may have been too powerful

at one time, had nothing to do with the eradication of these deadly

diseases. And these are cold facts of the progress of human



If one analyzes all the facts and figures of the growth of human

civilization in a cool head, one will find out quite easily that our

God, Allah, or Baghaban was never omnipotent, omniscient, all mighty

or Merciful!!! May be He never did exist in reality. Only He exists

in the human imagination! May be, we the humans actually created Him

and gave him all those mouthful adjectives only to make Him a big

thing worthy of worshipping! May be, Allah, God, or Baghaban was

never omniscient or all powerful. May be, Allah, God or Baghaban is

completely a deaf and dumb entity! He never hears anything, knows

anything or does anything by Himself! He never did talk with any

Prophet, nor had He revealed Himself to anybody! And that's why Mr.

Rahman's questions will remain unanswered forever. May be, we the

humans shall have to find the answer of those intelligent questions

asked by Mr. Rahman in his essay of Eid Story. We the humans should

discover the way to love each other. We the humans should stop these

mockery of worshipping God by sacrifice at the expense of others life.

Only then, could there be any lasting peace on earth.







On 1/12/06, Dr.Chinny Krishna <drkrishna wrote:

> These photos from today's Dinamalar Newspaper (can be viewed at

> http://www.aapn.org/camels.html ) shows the horrific nature of camel

> " sacrifice " .

> The top photo is from Rawalapind; the bottom one from Pakistan-occupied

> Kashmir but the news report is about the shameful killing in Chennai. The

> translation of the report is this:


> 30 camels killed with police bandobast


> Chennai, Jan 12.


> On the eve of Bakrid yesterday, 30 camels were sacrificed with police

> protection.


> Bakrid was celebrated yesterday throughout the country. In Cuddapah, A.P.,

> many people mustered in the market, bought camels and sacrificed them.


> In 14 places in Chennai, 30 camels were sacrificed. Four camels in

> Washermanpet, seven in Tondiarpet, two in Pulianthope, six in Mannady, two

> in Tiruvottiyur and one each in Pallvaram, Avadi, Padi and Red Hills. Police

> bandobast was given in all the places where camels were sacrificed.


> How the camels are sacrificed: A camel cannot be slaughtered as a goat is.

> The camel has to be tied and then the rope is connected to the hoof of the

> left leg with the leg folded. All the four legs are folded in this manner.

> Sis to eight people press the camel down hard.

> Its neck is cut with a special one-and-a-half foot knife. It takes two hours

> for the camel to die after this.


> The camel refuses to oblige (sic). After one camel is cut, the spot has to

> be cleaned thoroughly, as otherwise, the next camel will refuse to oblige,

> experts say.


> For killing the camel, eight persons were brought. Most of the camel meat

> was distributed to the poor.

> The skin of the camels and cattle are donated to the Madarasa.


> *******************************************


> Can't we do something? Is this what the Prophet (peace be on him) wanted

> when every prayer begins with " In the name of Allah; the merciful; the most

> compassionate " ?

> Surely, this suffering and pain is to be avoided when it is totally

> unnecessary.


> Regards.


> S. Chinny Krishna







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Dear Friends,


The inthing now is camel sacrifice and the larger the animal the worse is the



I do not know how but something needs to be done. There is a limit to

everything and this is going much more than that.


Unfortunately police is just a mockery everywhere. We had a tough time on the

Bakrid with the police openly siding with the butchers to slaughter the cows.

With Commisiioner of Police, Municipal Commissioner we did day and night

searches but the field situation is quite different.


We need to group up and decide all parameters.


Can we decide on this soon.


Warm regards,



" Dr.Chinny Krishna " <drkrishna wrote:

These photos from today's Dinamalar Newspaper (can be viewed at

http://www.aapn.org/camels.html ) shows the horrific nature of camel

" sacrifice " .

The top photo is from Rawalapind; the bottom one from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir

but the news report is about the shameful killing in Chennai. The translation of

the report is this:


30 camels killed with police bandobast


Chennai, Jan 12.


On the eve of Bakrid yesterday, 30 camels were sacrificed with police



Bakrid was celebrated yesterday throughout the country. In Cuddapah, A.P., many

people mustered in the market, bought camels and sacrificed them.


In 14 places in Chennai, 30 camels were sacrificed. Four camels in Washermanpet,

seven in Tondiarpet, two in Pulianthope, six in Mannady, two in Tiruvottiyur and

one each in Pallvaram, Avadi, Padi and Red Hills. Police bandobast was given in

all the places where camels were sacrificed.


How the camels are sacrificed: A camel cannot be slaughtered as a goat is.

The camel has to be tied and then the rope is connected to the hoof of the left

leg with the leg folded. All the four legs are folded in this manner. Sis to

eight people press the camel down hard.

Its neck is cut with a special one-and-a-half foot knife. It takes two hours for

the camel to die after this.


The camel refuses to oblige (sic). After one camel is cut, the spot has to be

cleaned thoroughly, as otherwise, the next camel will refuse to oblige, experts



For killing the camel, eight persons were brought. Most of the camel meat was

distributed to the poor.

The skin of the camels and cattle are donated to the Madarasa.




Can't we do something? Is this what the Prophet (peace be on him) wanted when

every prayer begins with " In the name of Allah; the merciful; the most

compassionate " ?

Surely, this suffering and pain is to be avoided when it is totally





S. Chinny Krishna







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