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Hopes and Fears in Sri Lanka

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Dear Anita,


no wonder you had a problem finding out the issue because instead of the subject

some of the BCC adresses have got into the subjectbar... I don't know how, then

my battery also went down in the middle of sending the mail, so probably not

everyone got it. aapn does not publish attachments, but the mail to your address

should have four attachments, in those you can find all the necessary background

informations. Please let me know if you have not received them, then I will send

them again. I wish anyone of us knew how to design a web-page and how to update

it regularly, that would make it easier for Non-Sri Lankans to get to know about

the ongoing conflicts here regarding the dog-population-control-efforts. I hear

it's not so difficult, but right now I have no free time at all to learn about



Today was fullmoon-day, so probably they were scared to kill. Dr.Jayasinghe,

being a Buddhist, knows pretty well that, if the Buddha's teaching is true, he

will go to hell, that's why he does not send his staff to kill on a

full-moon-day, but fact is: the Buddhist precepts have to be kept every day, not

only duing festive seasons. This much at least I know about the Buddha's

teaching even though I was not born here, but was already 25, when I came to

live here 25 years ago and got to know the Buddha's teaching then and started

practicing it.


Even though we still hold on to our hopes for a humane programme launced by the

Central Government, the fear , that they may start killing again our

community-dogs is weighing our hearts down. However we will not just sit and

watch it happen, but continue to do what is possible to prevent it.


If there is no news from us tomorrow, it is good news, because that means we

continue our usual work, without being disrupted by the municipality.







" felicia anita " <facobasten1984

" Padma " <padmaeva; " appn " <appn >

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:42 PM

Re: waynezorro <waynezorro; Ursula Kuhn <info@mft-brec

kerfeld.de>; The Winsome Constance Kindness Trust <kindness@thewinsomeconst

ancekindnesstrust.com>; Sylvia Laver <Sylvia.Laver; Suparna Ga

nguly <suparnaganguly; Sonia




dear padma and all

where are you frmo? im from indonesia. yeah sure i

have spread sum realted news to certain groups. but to

sum ppl it feels tht they need sum guidance to wat to

do, well it can be spread but we need sumthing to

help. btw the www dogs need love com is in indonesian


thanks for the nice reply:)

btw are u srilankan? i tought i reply to the bear

abdomen stuff, but actually i mail to everyone in appn

to suggest that i wish i can find the

link " how to help " or " petition " or sumthing so im not

on;y reading the horrible news but at least i can do

sumthing. im working on the fur trade issue now.

tahnks for all d news:)

am very sorry, wud you remind me to wat issue i post

this from? i write to some groups n i m kinda

disoriented here. thanks, very sorry i forget....

thanks alot.i had spread the bear thing to a certain




--- Padma <padmaeva wrote:


> Dear Anita,


> initiated by Kim Cooling and strongly supported by

> Champa Fernando we had quite a good letter-campaign

> in August, but when I phoned Dr.Jayasinghe in

> September he told me what he was planning to answer

> all the people, who wrote to him and from that I

> understood, that we are wasting our time by talking

> or writing to him, I did not call him after that

> either. Inquiring from some, who had written to him,

> it seems he did not reply at all, neither did the

> Health Minister.


> Just to give you an idea how things work here:

> Marisa de Silva, a journalist, had inquired from the

> Health Ministry what are the plans about changing to

> humane methods, she was told, that a circular had

> been sent to all the local authorities, that they

> should stop killing dogs until the new law is passed

> by the parliament. When Marisa inquired from the

> local authorities in Colombo and Kandy, they said

> that they have not received such a circular and they

> would have to go anyway by the old law. The article

> she wrote about the new policies she gave the title:

> only bark, no bite... very true. How true we just

> saw today once again: even our legal systems only

> bark, but do not bite and so Dr. Jayasinghe now

> seems to feel confident, that nothing serious will

> happen to him even if he continues to kill. He does

> it at night right now, anyhow someone saw it and so

> I phoned our lawyer to inform him, that this time we

> have a witness, but he said we can only report it to

> the court at our next date, which is mid February.

> If that is true, what's the point of having all

> these judges and lawyers? Anyone can do what he

> likes anyway and the cases are dragging on for

> months and years. Then we phoned the Governor of the

> Province to ask him to intervene, hopefully we will

> have a meeting with him day after tomorrow, that's

> the earliest date we can get.


> It's amazing, that you and so many others from far

> away are keen to help, while here hardly anyone

> cares and even those, who care, they ask us to do

> something, but do not want to get involved.


> Anyway coming back to your question: what can you do

> from where you are?


> More than another letter-campaign or a petition, I

> think it would be usefull if you could help to

> spread the word about what is happening here to all

> the other mailing-lists and if you would write to

> the local media as well as to international

> magazines about animal-welfare and animal-rights. I

> will attach the necessary background-informations to

> this mail and update them whenever necessary.


> These are the e-mail-addresses of the local

> newspapers:


> prabath

> editor

> editor

> editor


> Thanks by the way for the list of websites... one I

> will visit immediately: dogs need love... how true.


> Regards


> Padma




> -

> " felicia anita " <facobasten1984

> " Padma " <padmaeva

> Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:51 AM




> btw, for any cases posted here is there anything a

> reader from abroad can do? signing a petition

> maybe?

> its kinda have a certain preassure at least for me

> to

> read such a horrible things happens, n i hope i can

> do

> sumthing....from far far away.....thanks,

> anita



> visit :

> www.wspa.org.uk

> http://www.dogs-need-love.com/

> http://www.yamp.com/balidogs/index.htm

> http://www.petitionthem.com

> http://www.goveg.com/

> www.rspca.org.uk




visit :




















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Try www.freewebs.com, it is easy and you can have it done in just a few hours.

I do have knowledge of web design or computers in general, freewebs makes it

very easy to start a website if only to get the word out.


Hope this helps.




Padma <padmaeva wrote:

Dear Anita,


no wonder you had a problem finding out the issue because instead of the subject

some of the BCC adresses have got into the subjectbar... I don't know how, then

my battery also went down in the middle of sending the mail, so probably not

everyone got it. aapn does not publish attachments, but the mail to your address

should have four attachments, in those you can find all the necessary background

informations. Please let me know if you have not received them, then I will send

them again. I wish anyone of us knew how to design a web-page and how to update

it regularly, that would make it easier for Non-Sri Lankans to get to know about

the ongoing conflicts here regarding the dog-population-control-efforts. I hear

it's not so difficult, but right now I have no free time at all to learn about



Today was fullmoon-day, so probably they were scared to kill. Dr.Jayasinghe,

being a Buddhist, knows pretty well that, if the Buddha's teaching is true, he

will go to hell, that's why he does not send his staff to kill on a

full-moon-day, but fact is: the Buddhist precepts have to be kept every day, not

only duing festive seasons. This much at least I know about the Buddha's

teaching even though I was not born here, but was already 25, when I came to

live here 25 years ago and got to know the Buddha's teaching then and started

practicing it.


Even though we still hold on to our hopes for a humane programme launced by the

Central Government, the fear , that they may start killing again our

community-dogs is weighing our hearts down. However we will not just sit and

watch it happen, but continue to do what is possible to prevent it.


If there is no news from us tomorrow, it is good news, because that means we

continue our usual work, without being disrupted by the municipality.







" felicia anita " <facobasten1984

" Padma " <padmaeva; " appn " <appn >

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:42 PM

Re: waynezorro <waynezorro; Ursula Kuhn <info@mft-brec

kerfeld.de>; The Winsome Constance Kindness Trust <kindness@thewinsomeconst

ancekindnesstrust.com>; Sylvia Laver <Sylvia.Laver; Suparna Ga

nguly <suparnaganguly; Sonia




dear padma and all

where are you frmo? im from indonesia. yeah sure i

have spread sum realted news to certain groups. but to

sum ppl it feels tht they need sum guidance to wat to

do, well it can be spread but we need sumthing to

help. btw the www dogs need love com is in indonesian


thanks for the nice reply:)

btw are u srilankan? i tought i reply to the bear

abdomen stuff, but actually i mail to everyone in appn

to suggest that i wish i can find the

link " how to help " or " petition " or sumthing so im not

on;y reading the horrible news but at least i can do

sumthing. im working on the fur trade issue now.

tahnks for all d news:)

am very sorry, wud you remind me to wat issue i post

this from? i write to some groups n i m kinda

disoriented here. thanks, very sorry i forget....

thanks alot.i had spread the bear thing to a certain




--- Padma <padmaeva wrote:


> Dear Anita,


> initiated by Kim Cooling and strongly supported by

> Champa Fernando we had quite a good letter-campaign

> in August, but when I phoned Dr.Jayasinghe in

> September he told me what he was planning to answer

> all the people, who wrote to him and from that I

> understood, that we are wasting our time by talking

> or writing to him, I did not call him after that

> either. Inquiring from some, who had written to him,

> it seems he did not reply at all, neither did the

> Health Minister.


> Just to give you an idea how things work here:

> Marisa de Silva, a journalist, had inquired from the

> Health Ministry what are the plans about changing to

> humane methods, she was told, that a circular had

> been sent to all the local authorities, that they

> should stop killing dogs until the new law is passed

> by the parliament. When Marisa inquired from the

> local authorities in Colombo and Kandy, they said

> that they have not received such a circular and they

> would have to go anyway by the old law. The article

> she wrote about the new policies she gave the title:

> only bark, no bite... very true. How true we just

> saw today once again: even our legal systems only

> bark, but do not bite and so Dr. Jayasinghe now

> seems to feel confident, that nothing serious will

> happen to him even if he continues to kill. He does

> it at night right now, anyhow someone saw it and so

> I phoned our lawyer to inform him, that this time we

> have a witness, but he said we can only report it to

> the court at our next date, which is mid February.

> If that is true, what's the point of having all

> these judges and lawyers? Anyone can do what he

> likes anyway and the cases are dragging on for

> months and years. Then we phoned the Governor of the

> Province to ask him to intervene, hopefully we will

> have a meeting with him day after tomorrow, that's

> the earliest date we can get.


> It's amazing, that you and so many others from far

> away are keen to help, while here hardly anyone

> cares and even those, who care, they ask us to do

> something, but do not want to get involved.


> Anyway coming back to your question: what can you do

> from where you are?


> More than another letter-campaign or a petition, I

> think it would be usefull if you could help to

> spread the word about what is happening here to all

> the other mailing-lists and if you would write to

> the local media as well as to international

> magazines about animal-welfare and animal-rights. I

> will attach the necessary background-informations to

> this mail and update them whenever necessary.


> These are the e-mail-addresses of the local

> newspapers:


> prabath

> editor

> editor

> editor


> Thanks by the way for the list of websites... one I

> will visit immediately: dogs need love... how true.


> Regards


> Padma




> -

> " felicia anita " <facobasten1984

> " Padma " <padmaeva

> Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:51 AM




> btw, for any cases posted here is there anything a

> reader from abroad can do? signing a petition

> maybe?

> its kinda have a certain preassure at least for me

> to

> read such a horrible things happens, n i hope i can

> do

> sumthing....from far far away.....thanks,

> anita



> visit :

> www.wspa.org.uk

> http://www.dogs-need-love.com/

> http://www.yamp.com/balidogs/index.htm

> http://www.petitionthem.com

> http://www.goveg.com/

> www.rspca.org.uk




visit :




















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