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Animals Asia launches Anti-Cruelty Campaign in Hong Kong

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14 March 2006 Press Release






Working dogs stole the limelight at a press conference today (March

14) to launch Animals Asia Foundation's anti-animal cruelty education

campaign In Hong Kong.


Dogs from Animals Asia's " Dr Dog " and " Professor Paws " programmes

teamed up with working dogs from Hong Kong Police, Customs & Excise

and Correctional Services Departments, to show that dogs deserve our



The display of canine solidarity came as Animals Asia launched its

educational campaign in conjunction with government departments and

private organisations, including Agricultural, Fisheries &

Conservation Department, Hong Kong Police, Junior Police Clubs,

Customs & Excise, Correctional Services, the Scouts Association of

Hong Kong, Olympian City and retailer Lush.


Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson MBE said at the launch

that in the wake of so many animal cruelty incidents in Hong Kong in

the past few months, the foundation felt it was time to reinforce the

message that dogs were important members of society and that they

made a significant contribution to our lives.


" This is a very proud moment for Animals Asia because the very

presence of us all here today reinforces a strong commitment towards

the importance of engaging the Hong Kong community to recognise dogs

- and cats - as important members of society that can contribute

significant help and companionship in our day-to-day lives, " Ms

Robinson said.


" As an animal welfare group, Animals Asia has always focused on

promoting dogs and cats as our best friends through our animal

therapy programme, 'Dr. Dog', and 'dogs as teachers' through our

education programme, 'Professor Paws', " Robinson said.


She told a shocked audience that dog and cat fur was readily

available in Hong and that it was cheap to buy. It is simple truths

such as this that Animals Asia wishes to get across during its

education campaign.


With the help of the participating bodies, Animals Asia plans to

distribute educational materials to the general public and primary

and secondary school students. The materials include responsible pet

care leaflets; companion animal commitment posters; an

anti-dog-eating VCD, " Dr. Eddie: Friend or Food " ; and dog and cat fur

alert cards, " Are you wearing my coat? " .


Ms Robinson said there were two main reasons that Animals Asia

started its Dr Dog programme in 1991. " The first was my utter

disbelief in seeing so many dogs abandoned by society - pedigrees

walking the streets, hungry, sick, lonely and confused, after being

thrown away by people who were their family, but became sick of their

" designer " dogs.


" I realised too that shelters such as the SPCA were full of equally

beautiful loving dogs who would be killed in their thousands each



" The second reason I began Dr Dog was when I went to the live animal

markets of Asia - seeing dogs and cats crammed together into cages

without food, water or shade, transported over long distances on the

back of trucks, and then beaten to death or stabbed in the neck or

boiled alive as food for the table.


" Today, our Dr Dog animal therapy programme sees over 250 dedicated

volunteers and their dogs visiting hospitals, disabled centres,

elderly homes, orphanages and schools spreading warmth and love to

people in need across six Asian countries -- including China! The

reaction from the patients, from the doctors and staff is

overwhelming as more and more people recognise that being friends

with dogs and cats is actually good for us!


" And the beauty is that any suitable dog can be a Dr Dog, they do not

need to be pure breeds, " Ms Robinson said.


With a nod to the guests of honour, she pointed out that throughout

the world dogs were being used in increasingly sophisticated roles to

benefit humankind. " Today, dogs work their hearts out as guide dogs

for the blind; hearing dogs for the deaf; police and army dogs;

sniffer dogs searching out bombs, narcotics and illegal wildlife

products, or people lost in landslides, avalanches and earthquakes.

Dogs have even been trained to dive underwater to locate drowning



They risk their lives for us. The least we can do is give them our respect. "


The ceremony closed with the dogs and handlers adding their paw and

hand prints to the backdrop - symbolising dogs and people working

together to create a better society for all.


Distribution of Animals Asia Education Materials across Hong Kong:


- 20,000 Pet Care Leaflets will be available at all Police Stations

throughout Hong Kong

- 20,000 Pet Care Leaflets and 20,000 " Are you wearing my coat? " Dog

and Cat Fur Alert Cards will be distributed to the 20 Junior Police

Clubs (with 140,000 members) together with " I Do " Commitment to your

Companion Animal Posters.

- The Anti-Animal Cruelty Packs will also go to Junior Police Clubs

and the Scouts Association of Hong Kong.

- Lush will distribute Pet Care Leaflets and fur alert cards will be

given away with every purchase.

- Olympian City will give away pet care leaflets and fur alert cards.


The dogs attending the press conference were:

Dr. Eddie - rescued ex-street dog - now Dr. Dog ambassador

Professor McDull (Golden Retriever)

Millie - HK Customs and Excise Department (Yellow Labrador)

Jupiter - HK Correctional Services Department (German Shepherd)

Garrett - HK Police (Springer Spaniel)


Animals Asia invites schools and institutions to join us in promoting

love and respect for companion animals, by distributing our

educational materials. They can contact Keir Blaauw in our Education

Department: Tel: 2791-2225


For more information, please contact:

Samantha Yu: syu

Tel: 2791 2225 / 6189



Website: www.animalsasia.org


Annie Mather

Executive Director, Head of Media

Animals Asia Foundation

Hong Kong



Find out more about the " China Bear Rescue " and " Friends....or Food? "




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