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The Scientist: Evidence for empathy in mice

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Mice show evidence of empathy

Adults become more sensitive to pain after

watching other mice in pain, the first sign of

empathy in non-primate mammals


[Published 30th June 2006 05:01 PM GMT]



Mice who watch their peers in pain are more

sensitive to it themselves, Canadian researchers

report this week in Science -- the first evidence

of empathy between adult, non-primate mammals.


There is an " increasingly popular " view that this

kind of basic, pre-cognitive response to social

cues may be present in all mammals, said Frans de

Waal at Emory University and the Yerkes National

Primate Research Center, who did not participate

in the study. " This " highly significant

[paper]Šconfirms that empathy is an ancient

capacity, " he told The Scientist in an Email.


The response mice showed to their peers in pain

is an example of emotional contagion, according

to senior author Jeffrey Mogil. (The best known

example found in both humans and chimpanzees is

the contagious yawn.) In higher primates,

emotional contagion can progress to the more

complex behaviors commonly associated with the

term empathy, such as when a human identifies

with a friend's pain and is driven to help.


Mogil and his team at McGill University became

interested in looking at empathy in mice after

they stumbled onto an interesting pattern in a

large data set suggesting that a mouse's

sensitivity to a pain test depends on its

exposure to others that have been through the

test. The pattern suggested that mice " might be

talking to each other " about their pain in ways

that changed their response to it, he said.


In this study, the scientists injected acetic

acid into one or both of each pair of same-sex

adult mice they were studying, causing them to

writhe in pain, and allowed them to observe each

other. An injected mouse writhed more if its

partner was also writhing, but only if the mouse

had previously shared a cage with its partner for

more than 14 days.


Observing another mouse also reduced a mouse's

response to pain. When the researchers injected

the paws of familiar mice pairs with varying

doses of inflammation-causing formalin, mice

whose partners experienced less pain tended to

show less pain sensitivity (indicated by how long

a mouse licked its paw).


The researchers also found that a writhing mouse

became more sensitive to the acetic acid while

watching its cagemate deal with a different

painful stimulus -- heat. These findings suggest

that mice experience a general increased

sensitivity to pain, and don't simply imitate

what they see.


To figure out what the mice were using to

communicate pain to their similarly distressed

peers, the researchers systematically blocked

each of their senses, using physical barriers or

rendering the animals deaf or unable to smell.

They found that mice appeared to depend primarily

on visual cues to generate an empathic response

-- a surprise, since mice are known to be reliant

on smell, along with ultrasonic vocalizations to

care for their offspring. " Given that rodents

don't use visual senses muchŠthat was our last

guess, " said Mogil. However, it's " almost

impossible " to knock out pheromone circuits,

which mice use to identify their acquaintances in

the first place, so pheromones may also be a

significant mediator of empathy, he said.


There's a practical lesson here for mouse

researchers, according to Mogil -- mice who

observe each other during experiments may be

" contaminating " the data. He added that he and

his colleagues now routinely put up an opaque

barrier between mice being tested simultaneously.


Empathy is " an evolutionary mechanism to maintain

social cohesion. If you're evolving and you're in

a group, you're more sensitive to the pain of

other members in a group, " explained James Harris

at Johns Hopkins University, who did not

participate in this study.


Greater empathy between individuals who are

familiar goes back to the early evolution of

maternal care in mammals, according to de Waal.

" This may have driven initial evolution of being

in tune with the emotions of others, after which

all the fancy stuff that we associate with

empathy came into play. "


However, these findings in mice hinge on how one

defines empathy, which is still under debate, de

Waal noted. " Lots of psychologists think

top-down, hence equate empathy with complex

cognitionŠ which requires introspection, " he

said. " In this view, mice shouldn't have empathy. "


In 2004, British researchers used brain imaging

to pinpoint the empathy center in humans. The

next step here will be to find the mechanisms

behind the phenomenon in mice, according to Mogil

and Harris. Researchers " may have avoided looking

at altruism [in rodents] because it seemed too

ridiculous, " Mogil said, but these findings have

" opened our eyes [about the] abilities of rodents

in terms of social interactions. "


" If it turns out that the 'empathetic' effect in

mice is mediated by the same brain mechanisms as

human empathy, " Jaak Panksepp at Washington State

University, not a co-author, told The Scientist

in an Email, " then the evidence would be truly

compelling that their model actually reflects

evolutionary continuity in a pro-social mechanism

among many different mammalian species. "


Ishani Ganguli



Links within this article


D.L. Langford, et al, " Social modulation of pain

as evidence for empathy in mice, " Science, June

30, 2006.



E. Russo, " New views on mind-body connection:

Studies into placebo effect and empathy suggest

how the brain encodes subjective experience, " The

Scientist, August 2, 2004.



S.D. Preston and F.B. de Waal, " Empathy: Its

ultimate and proximate bases, " Behav Brain Sci,

February 2002.

PM_ID: 12625087


Frans de Waal




Jeffrey Mogil



James Harris

http://faculty.jhsph.edu/?F=James & L=Harris


T. Singer et al, " Empathy for pain involves the

affective but not sensory components of pain, "

Science, February 20, 2004

PM_ID: 14976305


Panksepp, J. " Brief social isolation, pain

responsivity, and morphine analgesia in young

rats, " Psychopharmacology, 1980.

PM_ID: 6781002


Jaak Panksepp



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