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It is said of some people that even though they be your enemy you would find

it difficult to go against them because they are so polite, courteous and

gentle. Mr. Jeremy J. C. Mallinson, whom I had the privilege of knowing

during my course in Jersey from September to December, 1999, is just that

kind of person. What follows is my homage to a man who must surely rank as

one of the nicest people I have ever been privileged to meet and one of the

animal kingdom's great champions.

My association with Mr. Jeremy Mallinson began long before I even met him.

It was through Gerald Durrell's books that I became a part of his family of

human and animal friends. Mr. Mallinson, needless to say, was an integral

part of that family establishment. In his book 'The Ark's Anniversary', Mr.

Durrell wrote " with his buttercup coloured hair, bright blue eyes and Duke

Of Wellington nose, Jeremy was as committed to the animals in our care as if

he had given birth to each of them personally. " I was particularly enamoured

by Mr. Durrell's description of Mr. Mallinson's conduct in his book 'Catch

Me A Colobus'. I was so impressed by the chapter 'Just Jeremy' during my

schooldays that I would pretend to be Jeremy Mallinson myself. I would knock

on the door and in response to 'Who is it?' or 'Come in' would utter 'Just

Jeremy' on the lines of the description given by Mr. Durrell. No doubt this

prank irked my own family at times. It was only much later that I got the

opportunity to meet the man in person in Jersey. As a member of the Jersey

Wildlife Preservation Trust of course, I was well informed of Mr.

Mallinson's ambitions to 'do something worthwhile for the animal kingdom'

and 'sow the seeds of awareness.'

My first meeting was rather startling. During the introduction of the

trainees, my position was rather awkward since I happened to be associated

with the Born Free Foundation, the world's largest anti-zoo group. I just

did my best and spoke out about myself, including my relationship with the

Born Free Foundation. Mr. Mallinson was supposed to speak after the trainees

and I was rather apprehensive as to what he would have to say about an

animal rights activist like me. To my pleasant surprise, Mr. Mallinson

appreciated my comments and said that the Born Free Foundation had done some

good work along with the Royal Society For the Protection Of Animals.(Mrs.

Lee Durrell also appreciated the work of the Born Free Foundation.) His

speech revealed him to be a most courteous gentleman, an image I maintain to

this day.

Later during the trainees' party, I could talk to him personally. He was

most amused by my childhood demeanours with regard to acting out 'Just

Jeremy'. We were eating while discussing this and Mr. Mallinson turned to

Mrs. Durrell and said, " Do you hear what this man has to say? He says he

used to act my part in 'Catch Me A Colobus' and say 'Just Jeremy' while

knocking on the door. " Mrs. Durrell smiled, " Well, you still say that to me

sometimes while visiting my flat, don't you Jeremy? " We all laughed. We

discussed his books and his experience in Kolkata outlined in 'Travels In

Search Of Endangered Species.' He spoke of his association with the radio

sports commentator, Pearson Surita, in Kolkata. We discussed Lawrence

Durrell's books and Mr. Mallinson burst out laughing at my mention of 'The

Black Book', written by Lawrence Durrell and banned in UK for a long time

due to its erotic undertones.

I had a great desire to see the old books in Mr. Mallinson's library and he

encouraged me in this. I could discuss animal welfare issues with him. In

reply to my question asking for his opinion on the Born Free Foundation, he

said " I have nothing against them. " Later I could see a television debate

between Mr. Mallinson and Mr. Will Travers and was much moved by the way Mr.

Mallinson started the debate by saying " I have nothing against Will Travers

as a colleague. " It reminded me of a passage in Edward Wilson's

autobiography 'Naturalist', which I think prudent to include: " All my life

I have placed great store in civility and good manners, practices I find

scarce among the often hard-edged, badly socialized scientists with whom I

associate. Tone of voice means a great deal to me in the course of debate. I

try to remember to say 'With all due respect' or its equivalent at the start

of a rebuttal, and mean it. I despise the arrogance and doting self regard

so frequently found among the very bright. "

I did get to see Mr. Mallinson's library when he went away to South Africa.

His secretary, Ms. Bronwen Garth-Thornton, helped me to locate the old

collector's items and I am immensely grateful to her for her fortitude, care

and cooperation. Sharing Mr. Mallinson's interest in literature, I was

extremely pleased to know he had won a French award for his collection of

Lawrence Durrell books. I bought his book 'Durrelliania' and enjoyed it

thoroughly. Later on, I could send him some items on Lawrence Durrell from

my collection and add to his collection of 'Durrelliania.' Hearing of my

interest to read John Aspinall's 'The Best Of Friends', Mr. Mallinson

unhesitatingly lent me his copy. He gave me copies of his writings on animal

welfare. His deep concern for animal welfare is evident in his books. His

description of his relationship with Jambo the gorilla and Chinky the

lioness in his book 'Okavango Adventure: Wildlife Adventures In Southern

Africa' is most touching. I also learnt of his association with noted animal

welfare personalities like Sir Christopher Lever(author of 'Naturalized

Birds Of the World'), Richard Adams(author of the best selling classic book

on rabbits,'Watership Down'), Mr. Peter Davies of Royal Society For The

Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals, Mr. Andrew Dickson(Chief Executive Of the

World Society For The Protection of Animals) and his former colleague Mr.

Stephan Ormrod(Curator Of Mammals at Jersey Zoo at one time and later

director of the Zoo Check Project of the Born Free Foundation). His deep

regret at not being able to include a passsage from 'Black Beauty' by Anna

Sewell in an anthology of short stories edited by him is evidence of his

intense concern for animal welfare.

I really admired Mr. Mallinson's academic leanings and could give him some

notes from an old encyclopaedia on natural history(Edited by Charles Knight

and published in 1854.) One note was on a captive Javan Rhinoceros, and it

gives me immense pleasure to say that Mr. Mallinson found it interesting and


Mr. Mallinson's character is well portrayed in Gerald Durrell's biography

written by David Hughes. Quotes like " I am infuriated by bad manners and

complacency and I have no sympathy for stupidity " and " I am not a yes man,

but I am a disciple(of Gerald Durrell) " reveal the impeccable courtesy of

this very fine gentleman.

My favourite memory of Mr. Mallinson is observing him in the morning from

the Les Noyers corridor. Having woken up late as usual and brushing my

teeth, I would find him walking around the campus with his umbrella. He

would come in very often, enquire about the welfare of trainees and Madam

Olwen's dog, Charlie. Assured everything was all right he would would

exclaim " Oh, good, good, good! " in his inimitable style of speaking.(Which

admittedly, I found sometimes a bit difficult to understand.)

Before leaving Jersey, I went to his office and thanked him for all his

help. Noticing his picture in front of Buckingham Palace on receipt of the

OBE, I congratulated him. " That is the result of a team effort, you know " ,

he pointed out with typical modesty. I told him that I was scheduled to meet

Mrs. Virginia McKenna in England. " Oh, good, please do. She used to come for

the biannual RSPCA meeting. She has always been most courteous, inspite of

the fact that we beg to differ on some fundamental animal

conservation/welfare issues! Please pass on my regards to her and her son,

Will Travers. " . Mr. Mallinson's parting words exposed his greatness in being

able to reconcile properly with people of differing views.

I consider it an enormous privilege to have known and met a person like Mr.

Jeremy Mallinson, a person who came to Jersey Zoo on 'a temporary basis' and

after forty one years of service there wondered 'how temporary can temporary

be?'. I knew him for only three months but during that period I developed

nothing but admiration, respect and reverence for him. I can do no better to

end this tribute than quote Mr. Mallinson's mentor, Gerald Durrell, writing

in the foreword to his book 'Okavango Adventure', " I wish there were a few

more people in this world like him. " *




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