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CNN: India: land of non-veggies; boozers

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India: land of non-veggies; boozers




FOOD CHOICE: The food habits varied on the basis of region and religion. New

Delhi: If you thought India is largely a vegetarian country, then think again.

An exclusive survey conducted by CNN-IBN and The Hindu have found majority of

Indians to be non-vegetarians.



The food habits, however, varied on the basis of region and religion.



The survey reveals, while just 2 per cent of Kerala residents are vegetarian,

less than 4 per cent survive on greens in Andhra Pradesh and 8 per cent in

Orissa and Tamil Nadu.



The percentage of vegetarian families are higher in northern India, with

Rajasthan accounting for 63 per cent vegetarian people, Haryana 62 per cent,

Punjab 48 per cent, Gujarat 45 per cent, Madhya Pradesh 35 per cent and Uttar

Pradesh 33 per cent. There are 9 per cent others who are vegetarians but they

eat eggs.



Overall, only 31 per cent individuals prefer vegetarian food and 60 per cent

others have shown a definite preference for non-vegetarian food.



In the overall count, 21 per cent Indian families are pure vegetarians while 44

per cent families prefer having non-vegetarian food.



And 32 per cent families have people who eat both vegetarian as well as

non-vegetarian foods.



When it comes to beverages, tea and coffee remain the most favoured drinks with

as many as 77 per cent people consuming tea or coffee on a daily basis while 44

per cent have milk everyday.



The percentage of people who consume soft drinks on a daily basis is still a low

15 per cent.



The survey, however, found that drinking habits were on the rise in both urban

and rural areas in the last decade. As many as 40 per cent people agreed that

alcohol consumption has increased considerably while 24 per cent believe that it

has increased only a little.



Fourteen per cent people thought drinking has gone down in the last decade.



As many as 73 per cent people said the government should ban consumption of

alcohol and while 18 per cent others said it should be left to the individual's




The survey also found 21 per cent people to be regular smokers.



When asked about the quality of food available now as compared to their parents'

generation, 45 per cent people said the quality has improved.



However, it was alarming is that almost one-third of the Indians still go

without two square meals a day.



As many as 27 per cent Indians said in the survey that they experienced hunger

sometimes in the last one year. That means one-third of India has experienced

hunger often or sometimes in the last one year.



However, 65 per cent Indians say that they never experienced hunger in the last

one year.



Incidence of hunger is higher among the rural poor with 45 per cent having

experienced it. Over 40 per cent people in the urban poor category have

experienced hunger.



Among dalits, 44 per cent say they have slept on a hungry stomach often during

the last one year while 50 per cent Adivasis have experienced hunger at some

point or the other during the last one year.




































Majority of Indians are non-vegetarians




Vegetarians 31 21

Vegetarian who take eggs 9 3

Non-vegetarians 60 44

Mixed 32

Note: all figures in per cent of all respondents. Family here includes

parents, self and spouse. The figures here are for families where everyone falls

in the same category. The remaining 32 per cent families have mixed pattern.



































Religion and caste matters in food preferences…




Other Upper caste






Adivasi 12

Muslims 3

Christians 8

Note: all figures in per cent of vegetarian families in the relevant


































































But regional location matters much more

Hindi Heartland



Southern states



Coastal states have very few vegetarian families


Andhra Pradesh 4

Kerala 2

Orissa 8

Tamil Nadu 8

Inland states in north and west have more vegetarians

Rajasthan 63

Haryana 62

Punjab 48

Gujarat 45

Madhya Pradesh 35

Uttar Pradesh 33

Note: all figures in per cent of vegetarian families in the relevant

































Regular Consumption of

Tea or coffee (daily)



Milk (daily)



Cold drink (weekly)



Eating out (occasionally only urban) 23%

Alcohol (occasionally) 14%

Smoking (daily) 21%































Last decade has witnessed a rise in drinking, both in rural and urban


In your locality drinking has ..



Increased a lot



Increased a little



Remained the same 13

Decreased 14

Note: all figures in per cent of the relevant group.























Widespread support for prohibition

Government should ban the consumption of alcohol



Those who drink should not be stopped



No opinion



Note: all figures in per cent of all respondents




























People feel they eat better now than before



The quality of food consumed in the family has.. Compared to parent’s





Remained same






Note: all figures in per cent of all respondents. Rest: don’t know.





















About one-third Indian faced hunger during the last one year








































Those who experienced hunger




Rural Poor



Urban Poor



Dalit 44%

Adivasi 50%

Note: all figures in per cent of respondents in the relevant categories

who responded to the question " In the last one year how often did you or any

member of your family had to go without two square meals "





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