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Responses received for my Zoo Report

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Compilation of responses received by Karmayog to

the Inspection Report on Mumbai Zoo prepared by PAWS



I appreciate the efforts taken to study the condition of these dumb

animals and birds.


NP Bharathan



I received a mail informing me about the conditions at the Byculla Zoo,

and i was horrified after what I read. Every living creature has a right

to live. I think Wildlife Protection and it's Importance should be

introduced in Schools. ( Each and every school here in Mumbai) so as to

educate everyone about the same. A large number of

citizens aware of the conditions in Zoo's and why animals need to be

protected and cared for, will only raise a cry for changing the current

situation and giving animals a safe and loving environment....





Never seen a zoo like this in our life . If BMC wants can really beautify

this and make a tourist place and a place for kids ... but who cares

attitude .. has always been there .

They must learn form singapore how the local municipal body takes care of

their asset.Very disappointing!


Malhotra, mumbai



Please make this information public. it is reallly sad that there are so

many children seeing this, and growing up thinking animals are dirty,

smelly creatures. this is part of the reason people dislike animals.

Please also investigate the funds available for the zoo, the sources and


you guys are doing a great job. your emails are real eye-openers. may you

continue doing good work and get the desired results/changes.





We must close down this den of cruelty which goes by the name of Zoo as

soon as possible. Let us work towards this in a organized manner under the

leadership of PAWS.


Dr. Vispi Jokhi



It is Pathetic! Is there any civic aspect where we are not cheating


This matter should be taken up with Menika Gandhi who has used this theme

to acquire her position and with the Ministry.


Maj gen chauhan



I read the article on the Zoo. It is really a sad situation where we have

innumerable human resource and also NGO’s who want to work for a cause and

still the animals in our country have to survive in a condition like this.

As per me this is due to mere negligence of the governing body

responsible in this area. Why can’t we have trained people on the jobs in

zoo? Why can’t we have a body responsible to deal with nature’s creations

like this? What we really need is streamlining the process with proper

planning and supervision. The caretakers in the zoo rule the zoo because

they are well aware of the fact that they are not answerable to anyone.

And then there are visitors who come there who are also there for

amusement and nothing else. They just need to purchase a ticket and they

are left wondering to do what they like. Why can’t there be a group of

guides who can show them around and educate them and restrict them from

misbehaving, I am sure no one comes in with an intention to harm. I think

we should have a department with trained experts and responsible

authorities to monitor and I am sure the situation can be much better.


Kajal Pandya



In this case, the animals at the zoo are being extremely inadequately

cared for. I found this inspection to be very interesting, but I am left

wondering what can be done to change the practices at the zoo?





The zoo should be handed over to a private operator or a foreign zoo to be

invited to run the same.

-The entry fee should be upgraded a number of times.

-All round security spruced up.

-No of trees to be planted.

-Animal teasers should be strictly punished and tried in special court.

Persons working at present should all be sacked and new personal to be

selected on very strict criterion of love respect knowledge etc etc of

animals by a very competent team and also exams to be conducted for

various posts with personal interviews. Salaries should be excellent by

efficiency and work must be taken out.

Have visited no of zoos all over the world and was spell bound by the zoos

and especially the commitment of the people working there.


Naozer baldawala



Good to know that finally someone is interested in the mumbai zoo and

development of the same.

This pathetic condition of the zoo is not new to anyone; I have seen these

bad conditions for over 35 years.

To see any development, first and foremost you have to wipe out the

corruption amongst those involved within the zoo and the BMC. Until and

unless corruption is not dealt with, whatever efforts any NGO does to help

and improve the zoo will not help.

There are corruption at all levels in the BMC, which the whole city of

Mumbai knows.

How can you expect improvement when money for the food meant for the

animals is pocketed by the corrupt officials.

The BMC is a very rich organization but unfortunately because of the high

level of corruption, even though 65 percent to 70 percent of the revenue

collected is used for salaries, the BMC workers, staff and officials are

greedy just like monkeys.

First and foremost all NGO's working on the zoo improvement project should

come together and file public litigation cases against the corrupt

officials of the BMC before any improvement can be seen. Get the Anti

Corruption Bureau involved before beginning improvement.





Pathetic! Why at all cage them?........ Just let them live freely in

jungles...all such zoos (like the ones at Byculla) should be closed

forever. I am sure; the Creator did intend freedom to all His creations!





The report is a Good work done.

But let me assure you that condition of zoos are the same all over India

and many countries abroad. I made a similar study of Kuwait Zoo once and

found the similar status. Letter was published in the local daily.

We need to go into the question - " why the Zoo is necessary? When we can

not manage them properly, when we can not afford them, why have them?

Set the Animals free and let them live in a natural surroundings. If it

is for

educating the children, if it is for specific breeding or research, then

special facilities can be created.

Children can be educated by films made on animals similar to the films

National Geographics, Discovery Channels.


There is absolutely no need for these zoos.

And finally, like I always point out, it is all because of deficient

education/values, no wisdom teaching in education that every system is

mismanaged /misgoverned / functionally pathetic. People lack impersonal

vision, wisdom. Complete education - education with wisdom is a

necessarily for the required change in society.


Sushil Jain



It is an interesting reading. Animals are a 'life' and must be protected

the same way as we love fellow human beings. PAWS have done a good job by

visiting and making a report. It will go a long way if PAWS could get the

information vouched from the Zoo Keepers under the Right to Information

Act, 2005, and then take them to court for making individual keepers

responsible and answerable.


G.C. Mathur



Animal vs Super-animal. What you describe is pathetic. The Zoo Maintenance

Staff should certainly be hauled up for dereliction of duty but in my

opinion greater problem is posed by visiting public; we Indians are

generally unruly, misbehaved, un-civilised and insensitive to others what

to say of poor animals. Recently, its this type of behaviour by a few in

the North West Flight that created an undesirable situation leading to

stern action by the Dutch. What's wrong then; it's they against the rest

who respect decency and decorum.

Such segment of the larger public need to be treated with disdain. Super-

animals who run amock in the zoo premises, should be put behind the cage



Narayan Moorthy



This email has completely disturbed me. I am not exactly an animal lover

but I think if the municipal corporation cannot take care of animals then

they do not have the right to run a zoo, your mail suggests that the care

takers are not bothered about what animals are fed and their safety, I

quite like to know if they are trained enough to take care of animals. I

am worried about the state of the zoo and its management. I reckon the

condition would be worst in monsoons. Well I am not really sure if a

surprise visit is only enough by a NGO vet and this I say with due respect

to all the professionals and people working closely in this regard and

pardon me for my lack of knowledge on this issue. In my opinion animal

care should be taken up by Municipal corporation and an NGO so that better

care can be taken for animals and also able to raise funds, to provide

them better living conditions.





I whole-heartedly applaud the efforts of PAWS for this operation and its

shocking to note this situation of Mumbai zoo. Has it been reported to the

press? I request you and PAWS to please do so. The press is the only way

these atrocities be exposed to the public and the concerned authorities

will have no option but immediately act. A report submission and going by

the rules of the book will possibly gain nothing. By the

time things go by the rules of the book, perhaps there would be nothing

left but a " carcassed " Byculla zoo.


Pramod Pisharody



It is really a pathetic condition! It is necessary to sensitize Government

on such issues. I am sure, most of the zoos must be in similar condition.

Should we try Maneka Gandhi to intervene?


Dhananjay bhatt



Zoo should be privatised, very clearly....


Sanjeeta Joshi



Thanks for the message. In my opinion, the Zoo should be moved to a place,

which can give the animals a more natural, larger and humane environment.

The BMC should move out of these businesses and hand it over to private

parties who can with the help of volunteers; NGOs and interested citizens

run the place.

We are not only killing the animals but also killing their self-esteem.


V Krishnan



It is a real eye opener & have a very strong feeling that BMC should

closed down the zoo & donate the animals to a better zoo so they do not

have to take care of any things.


Mehul Mehta



We are most inhuman. When we can't look after the human beings how do we

expect that humans will look after animals. The zoo authorities must be

having a feast with the money provided for the zoo.

I suggest that the zoos in India must close down and leave the animals to

get a sigh of relief.


AK Rastogi



I had tried all this in 1982 without success. Things have not changed

since then - only gotten worse. I was told that the saltpan land - 400

acres - in Mulund was reserved for a new state of art zoo but go ahead was

not being received.


It is possible to collect funds and re-develop the zoo but nothing without

BMC cooperation and political assistance.


Anil Chandhok



This is very pathetic. What is the government doing with the public money.

It's shame on our city that we do not have a quality zoo with proper

upkeep and maintenance of animal. I agree with the recommendations of

forming a committee to oversee the anomalies. Please spread this news as

far as possible and provide it to the media.





This report on the Mumbai zoo is exhaustive and informative. You can add

more weight-age to this report if a comparative report is prepared with

zoos in other major metros, wherein the plus and minus of this zoo can be

known to all readers and that might prompt the concerned officials to take

corrective actions on the flaws.





Thanks for sending this article. The suggestion of allowing NGO and having

committee inspection looks right.

One more suggestion is to approach the big industrialist and request them

to adopt animals as done by Mr.Ratan Tata.

Can this be done and how do we approach the biggies?





Really appreciate the efforts taken by the team.

I think it is high time that all the animals and Zoo

to be shifted to Sanjay Gandhi National Park.

With the help of corporates, new state-of-art zoo can

be built in the park.





After reading the status of Mumbai zoo, I really feel sorry about the

animals & personally feel that zoo should have a committee Dist. Vet,

representative of of NGO Council, AWBI's Animal Welfare Officers & local

humanitarians who can give surprise visit any time during the day or

night. and take care of things and provide the required facilities to the

animals. Zoo is not only the place of entertainment for human being but

safety and food-shelter of animals should also be taken care of.





Time for serious awakening and action!!!!!!!! Thanks for bringing these

harshly facts to our notice.We support you in the cause.





I am based at Singapore and read with dismay the note on the pathetic

conditions prevailing at the Byculla Zoo.

This is what happens when people who don't have a love for their jobs are

made to do them. I am sure the conditions at other zoos in india would be

no different as indifferent, incompetent, uneducated and sullen staff with

no accountability or training for their jobs are in place everywhere.

This is a legacy of our so called socialist past. I am forwarding your mail

to the times of india and ndtv so that they can provoke a public debate. I

think the only way of handling things like this is to do a pil and force

closure of all such places till we have made sufficient advances as a

nation to turn our attention to things like this, and enforce governance

like other countries do.





I am sorry I just didn’t have the heart to go through your entire

information as it was heart breaking and extremely depressing as I have

been to zoos abroad where u can only but feel that the animals there are

so lucky., the animals though kept in cages are kept in climate control

conditions , according to their requirements.

The purpose of the zoo world wide is to make people respect the flora and

the fauna and natures gifts, the wild animals that are kept there out of

the choice of humans., for our eyes ,satisfaction , to educate our young

ones, just imagine what education will our city kids make of our zoo,

nothing but considering them as mere exhibits that can be mocked , teased


I strongly condemn the idea of having a zoo in the city which is nothing

but a torture to these poor animals, as I have been an intern in the

Mumbai zoo during my undergraduate studies I know exactly how the state of

the affairs have been., the zoo gardens are in better condition and taken

better care of than the poor animals .

The whole purpose of having a zoo is not kept in mind and i therefore am

in full support of shutting down this slow torture of the animals in there

unless strong action is not taken to correct the situation as soon as


Since I have experience of working in a zoo abroad, if there is any help

and support that I can offer I’ll only be happy


Dr. Deepa Katyal- M.V.Sc (Mum.) , M.V.St.(Australia )

Hon. Vet & Trustee P.F.A, Member Animal Welfare Board.



The state of the zoo is indeed pathetic and needs instant rehabilitation.

The information in this case is really good.


Sudhir Dongre



Who do I write to for improving the state of affairs? I mean to start an

email petition campaign to bring this to the notice of authorities who can

make a difference, and an internet donation programme to help improve the

state of affairs for these tortured animals.

I am part of an international environmental group called Care2, and would

like to do anything I can to help.


Damyanti, Singapore



It made me very sad to read your report on the zoo in Mumbai.

Is it legal in India to treat and keep animals like that? I wish there was

something I could do to help you but I am in England and I don't have much


I just wanted to say what a good job P.A.W.S. staff are doing, so please

let them know what great work they do.

Alice Salvesen

Receptionist & Marketing Assistant

GAP House (www.gap.org.uk)



This was really very bad experience for you . And horrible way to treat the

animals. If we remember Dashavatars and people of Maharashtra only can do

improve the pathetic conditions the animals are in. Instead of building the

temples take them to the zoo. Ask school kids to accept one animal to care

for like we do it here.

If I can be of some help I will be glad to help. We have to reform through

the social organisations.


Rajani Purandre



Why we don’t give lots of this work to be done by outsourcing. The

reverse of IT outsourcing. The Australians and Americans seems to have lots

of expertise in this.

As a kid we used to go to the zoo every Saturday in Mumbai.


Mrs. Purandare



The report makes one very sad. Like so many things in Mumbai, Zoo is also

is an eyesore. I am wondering whether PAWS can constitute a Committee to

Save The ZOO. It should not be very difficult to raise some funds an

appeal to the citizens of Mumbai and also with some musical and other

programmes. If such a committee approaches some of the artists/film

stars/industrialialists, it may be able to raise sufficient funds to

re-organise the ZOO. Of course, BMC should agree to share management with

the committee.





What are the Children learning from the Zoo?

How to tease animals??

How to trouble other living things?????

How to spread garbage and pollution????

perhaps children and people who visit are learning that the ticket money

they paid is going to.... ???? in vain. With all the value education and

Mannerism taught to people and children in school -I Guess there is no

co-ordination in what is said and practiced.


Why is it that Municipal officials - are always considered to be less

active???? are they really ??? or there are many other difficulties to

add to the situation????

my request to the persons concerned to become vigilant and revive the wild

life home... these are animals seem to be suffering more than tortured


please release the animals if care and maintenance of the animals is not



Dimple ghelani



The zoo should be disbanded with immediate effect unless somebody with

sufficient stature such as mrs chief minister or mrs chief secretary takes

full interest in the running of such zoos. Historically also such old zoos

have been made extinct in the developed world as humans have realised that

this is the wrong way to exhibit animals and they need more natural

surroundings. The byculla zoo is from an unenlightened age (19th century)

and needs a total revamp or disbanding in its funding/management structure

etc. Ngos such as PAWS etc can only find faults but do not have the

necessary expertise to run such zoos since there are no animal

behaviourists and professional zoologists etc among the ngo sector

generally in India unlike the west where one can live on par with other

sectors of the economy.





I am a lawyer. I have am very fond of animals myself and advocate that

they deserve far better living conditions in the zoo than those that are


if there is anything i can do please do not hesitate to contact me.


Ankoosh Mehta



This is relly pathetic. The poor dumb animals, what can they do other than

suffer at the hands of the uneducated and inhuman zoo keepers. It is

imparative that this matter has to be taken up at the highest level


All the best for the NGO team.


C R Ramakrishnan



I truly empathize with the animals in the zoo and I really want to help in

some way.

Please let me know what role I can play in your organization





I am very thankful to know the status of animals in the Byculla zoo. My

suggestion for the zoo matter is that there should

be an action comitee for the zoo animals keeping a proper watch on the

caretakers of zoo. If the animals are not given proper food ,they are not

traeted well etc.. then the action comitee should take action against the

people who are responsible for such hazards. The hazards taking place in the

zoo should be taken seriously or else the animals will be affected. The

proper management of zoo is required and according to me karmayog can

improve this as soon as possible. Please take some action against the people

who are responsible for such Hazards.

Hope the matter is taken seriously and there is proper action taken

against the people responsible for this.


Mahek sanghavi



I have seen the fact file concerning many animals confined in the Zoo

area. It is very pitty to see their condition during raining days.

Certainly they should be fed properly and some body to take care as

necessary. The cage etc should be maintained well for their well being in

respect of the animals you referred. The Zoo authorities may be served

notice in this particular case. I am in agreement with you that the

animals be given food properly and as needed in different seasons.





Good work you people are doing. This is excellent report.

But how many electronic channels will telecast this? They all are only

concerned about fake trp's and big revenues.

Wish u all the best.

Chetan upadhyaya, Secy., satya foundation



Am really impressed by your survey and was shocked too to hear about the

pathetic condition of Zoo.




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