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.... one more small request

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Dear friends and colleagues,


I know that I have been a real pest while organizing Japan Dolphin Day 2006. And

for that I apologize.


However, in my own defense, I must say that had I not been a pest and pushed so

hard, the dolphins might not have had the benefit of having 58 international

NGOs representing them in 29 cities on September 20th. I realize that there are

a great many other urgent issues that we are all working on and we only have so

much time to devote to each important issue. From the bottom of my heart, I

thank everyone on the list for standing up to be counted.


That said, I have one more small request: Will you please send one of those

e-mail newsletter alerts to your members asking them to turn up for the demo?


I am on several NGO mailing lists. I get these important e-mail alerts all the

time from PETA, Sea Shepherd, HSUS, HSI, Blue Voice, One Voice, Earth Island,

Born Free, Zoocheck, Orca Network, WSPA, EIA, IDA, AWI, and on and on. These are

usually very important messages and I thank you for sending them to me. These

e-mail alerts deserve our attention, and I promise to respond to everyone of

them that I can.


Strangely enough, I have not received one e-mail alert about Japan Dolphin Day

from anyone so far. Maybe that's because everyone is planning to send the e-mail

alert later this week or sometime before September 20th. I just wanted to remind

you that it once someone gets the information from you and makes the decision to

participate, it takes them some time to get a permit, gather the troops, make

signs, and all of that stuff.


There are some very excellent and compressive announcements posted on our

websites, and that is very helpful. A link to samples websites is posted below.

Unfortunately our members don't visit our websites every day, or even every

month. We need to send our members an e-mail reminder giving them the option of



We will have a small window of opportunity to have an impact in Tokyo. That

window is going to be open for just a few hours on this one day of the year.

With the help of your membership we can send a powerful protest message to

government officials in Tokyo during this short timeframe.


Please take the time to send an e-mail message informing your members about the

Japan Dolphin Day demo. They might actually like to participate. They can't

participate if they don't know about it. The fundamental reason that the

Japanese public never do anything to stop the dolphin slaughter is because they

don't know about it. They are kept in the dark by a media blackout on all

dolphin and whale stories. They don't have the information that we take for



Time is running out. Your consideration is greatly appreciated on this e-mail

alert request.


Okay, that's it folks -- I won't pester you any more.


Thank you, Ric



Who We Are:


Animals Asia - Hong Kong

AnimalEarth - Hong Kong

Animalisti Italiani Onlus - Rome

Animal Voices Radio - Toronto

Animal Welfare Institute - Washington DC

Animal Rights Hawaii - Waikiki

Animanaturalis - Barcelona/Mexico City/Bogotá/Madrid/Caracas

Asian Animal Protection Network - Hong Kong

Begley's Best - Los Angeles

Blue Voice - San Francisco

Born Free Foundation - London

British Divers Marine Life Rescue - London

Calgary Animal Rights Coalition - Calgary

Center for Environmental Concerns - Manila

Circusleed - Den Haag

Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre - Wellington

Compassion in Action -Calgary

Compassion and Responsibility for Animals - Manila

Campaign Whale - London

Captive Animals Protection Society - London

Care for the Wild - London

Cetacea Defence - London

Cetacean Society International - New York

COMARINO - Mexico City

Committee for a Dolphinarium-free Belgium - Brussels

Dolphin Care UK - London

Dolphin Project - Miami

Earth Island Institute - San Francisco/Manila

EDEV - Den Haag

Environmental Investigation Agency - London

Global Ocean - London

GAIA - Brussels

HSUS/HSI - Washington DC

In Defense of Animals - San Francisco/Seattle

International Animal Rescue - London

Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment - Manila

Last Chance for Animals - Los Angeles

LIFE - Hong Kong

Marine Connection - London

Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition - Boston

No Whales In Captivity - Vancouver

Nomades des Oceans - Paris

NY Whale and Dolphin Action League - New York

One Voice - Paris

Orca Network - Seattle

Palawan Animal Welfare Association - Manila

PETA - Manila

Philippines Animal Welfare Society - Manila

Rattle the Cage Productions - Miami

Reearth - Nassau

Responsible Animal Care Society - Vancouver

Science & Technology Advocates for the People - Manila

Sea Mammal Support Group - Den Haag

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - Den Haag/Calgary/Budapest/Melbourne/Seattle

VictoriaDreamSpace -Vancouver

WDCS - London/Washington DC

WSPA - London/Boston

Zoocheck - Toronto


" Eighty percent of success is showing up "

Woody Allen




Some sample website announcements in no particular order: JAPAN DOLPHIN DAY 2006








http://www.cetaceadefence.org/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=298 & Item\









http://www.eia-international.org/cgi/news/news.cgi?t=template & a=326












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Many thanks for being a " pest " , dear friend. Without your precious work

and information many of us would still be in the dark concerning this

matter of tremendous importance. Our " sea friends " as well as we, owe

you a lot.

Please keep up " disturbing " us!!


Have a really nice day

An animal advocate from Greece


Richard O'Barry wrote:


>Dear friends and colleagues,


>I know that I have been a real pest while organizing Japan Dolphin Day 2006.

And for that I apologize.


>However, in my own defense, I must say that had I not been a pest and pushed

so hard, the dolphins might not have had the benefit of having 58 international

NGOs representing them in 29 cities on September 20th. I realize that there are

a great many other urgent issues that we are all working on and we only have so

much time to devote to each important issue. From the bottom of my heart, I

thank everyone on the list for standing up to be counted.


>That said, I have one more small request: Will you please send one of those

e-mail newsletter alerts to your members asking them to turn up for the demo?


>I am on several NGO mailing lists. I get these important e-mail alerts all the

time from PETA, Sea Shepherd, HSUS, HSI, Blue Voice, One Voice, Earth Island,

Born Free, Zoocheck, Orca Network, WSPA, EIA, IDA, AWI, and on and on. These are

usually very important messages and I thank you for sending them to me. These

e-mail alerts deserve our attention, and I promise to respond to everyone of

them that I can.


>Strangely enough, I have not received one e-mail alert about Japan Dolphin Day

from anyone so far. Maybe that's because everyone is planning to send the e-mail

alert later this week or sometime before September 20th. I just wanted to remind

you that it once someone gets the information from you and makes the decision to

participate, it takes them some time to get a permit, gather the troops, make

signs, and all of that stuff.


>There are some very excellent and compressive announcements posted on our

websites, and that is very helpful. A link to samples websites is posted below.

Unfortunately our members don't visit our websites every day, or even every

month. We need to send our members an e-mail reminder giving them the option of



>We will have a small window of opportunity to have an impact in Tokyo. That

window is going to be open for just a few hours on this one day of the year.

With the help of your membership we can send a powerful protest message to

government officials in Tokyo during this short timeframe.


>Please take the time to send an e-mail message informing your members about the

Japan Dolphin Day demo. They might actually like to participate. They can't

participate if they don't know about it. The fundamental reason that the

Japanese public never do anything to stop the dolphin slaughter is because they

don't know about it. They are kept in the dark by a media blackout on all

dolphin and whale stories. They don't have the information that we take for



>Time is running out. Your consideration is greatly appreciated on this e-mail

alert request.


>Okay, that's it folks -- I won't pester you any more.


>Thank you, Ric



>Who We Are:


>Animals Asia - Hong Kong

>AnimalEarth - Hong Kong

>Animalisti Italiani Onlus - Rome

>Animal Voices Radio - Toronto

>Animal Welfare Institute - Washington DC

>Animal Rights Hawaii - Waikiki

>Animanaturalis - Barcelona/Mexico City/Bogotá/Madrid/Caracas

>Asian Animal Protection Network - Hong Kong

>Begley's Best - Los Angeles

>Blue Voice - San Francisco

>Born Free Foundation - London

>British Divers Marine Life Rescue - London

>Calgary Animal Rights Coalition - Calgary

>Center for Environmental Concerns - Manila

>Circusleed - Den Haag

>Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre - Wellington

>Compassion in Action -Calgary

>Compassion and Responsibility for Animals - Manila

>Campaign Whale - London

>Captive Animals Protection Society - London

>Care for the Wild - London

>Cetacea Defence - London

>Cetacean Society International - New York

>COMARINO - Mexico City

>Committee for a Dolphinarium-free Belgium - Brussels

>Dolphin Care UK - London

>Dolphin Project - Miami

>Earth Island Institute - San Francisco/Manila

>EDEV - Den Haag

>Environmental Investigation Agency - London

>Global Ocean - London

>GAIA - Brussels

>HSUS/HSI - Washington DC

>In Defense of Animals - San Francisco/Seattle

>International Animal Rescue - London

>Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment - Manila

>Last Chance for Animals - Los Angeles

>LIFE - Hong Kong

>Marine Connection - London

>Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition - Boston

>No Whales In Captivity - Vancouver

>Nomades des Oceans - Paris

>NY Whale and Dolphin Action League - New York

>One Voice - Paris

>Orca Network - Seattle

>Palawan Animal Welfare Association - Manila

>PETA - Manila

>Philippines Animal Welfare Society - Manila

>Rattle the Cage Productions - Miami

>Reearth - Nassau

>Responsible Animal Care Society - Vancouver

>Science & Technology Advocates for the People - Manila

>Sea Mammal Support Group - Den Haag

>Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - Den Haag/Calgary/Budapest/Melbourne/Seattle

>VictoriaDreamSpace -Vancouver

>WDCS - London/Washington DC

>WSPA - London/Boston

>Zoocheck - Toronto


> " Eighty percent of success is showing up "

>Woody Allen




>Some sample website announcements in no particular order: JAPAN DOLPHIN DAY


> http://www.awionline.org/whales/news/Dolphin_Demo_2006.htm


> http://www.massanimalrights.org/dolphins.html



> http://www.orcanetwork.org/captivity/dolphinslaughter.html



http://www.cetaceadefence.org/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=298 & Item\



> http://www.captiveanimals.org/news/2006/japanese_dolphin_slaughter.html


> http://www.marineconnection.org/campaigns/taijiprotestsep06.htm


> http://www.earthisland.org/saveTaijiDolphins/japanDolphinDay06.html


> http://www.eia-international.org/cgi/news/news.cgi?t=template & a=326


> http://www.seashepherd.org/taiji/taiji_worldwide_protest.html


> http://www.lcanimal.org/cmpgn/cmpgn_dolphin.htm


> http://www.careforthewild.org/


> http://www.csiwhalesalive.org/csiupdat.html




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