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Animal Sacrifice

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Calcutta High Court has given direction on Friday, 15th September, 2006 ; to

STOP SACRIFICE OF ANIMALS in the open areas(in public view) in KALIGHAT TEMPLE.





On 10 Nov 2004 at 0:22, Merritt Clifton wrote:

Dear Debasis:


Brilliant! This is the idea that is going to end animal sacrifice!


We're just about to go to press, but I'm redesigning page 5

to get this announcement in.


This idea needs to go out to all animal defenders in India!


(As you probably know, I don't gush over ideas being

brilliant very damned often. But, I think you hit the jackpot with

this one.)









>As a part of our ongoing protest against killing of animals in the

>name of religion, the People for Animals Calcutta is organising a

>Blood Donation Camp on the day of Kali Puja, Thursday, 11th Nov. '04

>at our animal hospital complex, ASHARI, Mukundapur, off EM Bypass,

>between 10 am - 1pm.

>In the past we protested in front of Kalighat temple on Kali Puja

>day, which resulted in considerable reduction in the no. of animal

>sacrifice. Because of our protest the Nepal King abstained from

>animal sacrifice during his last visit to Kolkata.

>Our slogan is " Want to offer Blood to the mother Kali, why not give

>Human blood for the benefit of human soceity ? " , after all human is

>supposed to the best creation of the Mother, hence human blood should

>be most prefered, why compromise in the quality and kill the poor

>hapless goat !

>The blood we collect will be given over to the Haemophilia Society of

>Eastern India.


> Debasis Chakrabarti

" www.animalcrusaders.org "

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*Dear Debashishda and AAPN colleagues,*


Thank you for posting this bit of information. I wanted to add some more.

The latest Kolkata High Court order is a result of public concern on the

general misdeeds conducted at the Kalighat temple and the sustained

campaigning of several groups against animal sacrifice. Two of the most

important groups who have campaigned against animal sacrifice in West Bengal

are the Science and Rationalists Association of India and the Humanists

Association of India. I had an opportunity to discuss the animal sacrifice

issue this evening with Probir Ghosh, founder secretary of the Rationalists

Association of India and Ms Sumitra Padmanabhan, General Secretary of the

Humanists Association of India. Both these organisations have campaigned

against animal sacrifice for more than a decade. Last year in September they

did a very successful demonstration against animal sacrifice at the

Sarbamangala Temple in Bardhaman. The members of these organisations

protested by wearing black badges and made video recordings and talked to

the local people in an effort to prevent animal sacrifice. The results were

quite tangible since instead of two hundred animals that were scheduled to

be sacrificed, twenty were killed. I would say that is huge progress. They

have also made a film on animal sacrifice that has ben telecast on Tara

Bangla television. They have also protested against the sacrifice of 10,000

animals in the Boroballoon village in Bardhaman. Their approach to animal

sacrifice is different from that of PFA and I was able to understand their

viewpoint today.*

* Both these organisations are against vandalism in the name of religion

and question traditional religious wisdom. Whilst it is good that people

have been asked to donate blood to the goddess instead of killing animals,

several questions remain. In this approach, the Hindu religious tag remains.

Therefore, is a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jain or atheist entitled to

donate blood to the goddess they do not believe in? Secondly, the approach

of appeasing the goddess Kali with blood reinforces the image of her as a

goddess who cannot be worshipped without blood. Personally, I find both

these issues uncomfortable although the idea of replacing animal sacrifice

with human blood donation sounds very worthwhile. Several years ago, I came

across a letter to the editor of Anandabazar Patrika from Compassionate

Crusaders Trust that invoked the teaching of Swami Vivekananda that says,

'Jibe doya korey jai jon, sai jon sebiche ishwor(One who serves living

creatures, serves God). That is a fine quote to use but selective in its

purport. Swami Vivekananda introduced animal sacrifice at the Belur Math

which was stopped at the insistence of Sarada Maa, wife of Ramkrishna.

Ramkrishna was also in favour of animal sacrifice. Swami Vivekananda found

his efforts thwarted and started the practice of animal sacrifice at the

Barahanagar Ramkrishna Mission. In Belur Math, they had a curious practice.

They got animals sacrificed at Dakshineshwar and would bring in the severed

heads to offer to the deity in Belur.*

* Swami Vivekananda was also a staunch critic of vegetarianism. In his

collected letters, this is what he writes about Ashoka, the emperor who

stalled animal sacrifice: " Ashoka stopped the sacrifice of hundreds and

thousands of animals, but how did that endeavour benefit humanity? To

maintain an active life, there is no better food habit than eating meat. My

guru(Ramkrishna) did not eat meat, but if he was offered meat obtained by

the way of animal sacrifice, he would touch the flesh with his finger and

then touch his forehead with the finger. " (Swami Vivekananda's Letters, pages

201and 202, Udbodhan Karjaloy, Kolkata, 1999). When one espouses the first

dictum of kindness, what is one meant to do with the others that contradict


* I am attaching some information on the work of the Science and

Rationalists Association of India and their founder, Probir Ghosh, who in

many respects, is a living legend, having been featured in the New York

Times, BBC and CNN for his fearless efforts to unmask the true face of the

vicious nuance of conventional religion. Apart from his rational and

reasoned anti animal sacrifice position, his many achievements include

calling the bluff of the American Christian pastor Morris Cerullo and

exposing the fraud of the miraculous healing of Monika Besra, who was

allegedly healed by Mother Teresa. To date, he has successfully challenged

more than 100 astrologers. Needless to say, religious bigots have made

attempts on his life for speaking out the truth.*

* As I wrote in a previous message, in subjective issues, there is no

single brilliant idea to hit the jackpot. But I emphasise that I remain

appreciative of PFA's efforts in this regard. In this case, despite

fundamental differences, all organisations are fighting against cruelty. The

mayor of Kolkata, Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya, has also thrown his weight

behind the animal sacrifice campaign. I have been fortunate to interview the

mayor, Probir Ghosh and Sumitra Padmanabhan on several occasions.*

* Thanks again for the post. Best wishes and good luck in your campaign,*



Sincerely yours,*



* *

* http://www.srai.org/*



*Sarbmangala Mandir, the famous temple attached to Burdwan Rajbari still has

the practice of ANIMAL SACRIFICE, (BOLIDAN). We along with 38 members

visited the temple , took photos, interviewed locals, staged a silent

protest with black bands & placards. Had a press conference. The matter came

in todays paper DAINIK STATESMAN, and ETV news, Akash -barta news. Local

paper SANGBAD AND sTAR aNANDA news channel took detailed photos.

Intellectuals like Sunil Ganguly & Partha Chattopadhyay, Lawyers like

Gitanath Ganguly, Bikash ranjan Bhattacharya have signed jointly with us,

writing articles & giving speeches on TV. We started this campaign 2 months

back. Our campaign, the first of its kind in India, is gaining impetus. 92%

of the public have spoken in favor of us .*






*He contrasts the saying of Vivekanada: " Those who shows kindness to

animals, serve God " with his introduction of animal sacrifice in Barahnagar

Moth(Temple). He also exposes the shrewed calculativeness of Vivekananda in

serving the poor. In one of his letter to Swami Brahmananda he (Vivekananda)

instructed " After spending for the Calcutta meeting, whatever money is left

over spend it to feed the famine victims, or help the poor in the lanes of

Calcutta, Domrapara, Haripara. Only then they will believe in Hindutya, only

then they will listen " (Potraboli, letter number 363).*


*On one hand Vivekananda sang " India, don't forget your sweepers, cobblers,

Chandals, you are all brothers " , " There can be no relgion in empty stomach " ,

" Let India emerge from the peasant's hut " etc and on the other hand he wrote

letters to his disciples instructing them not to create strife between the

rich and the poor, not to criticize the rich " etc. (Potraboli, letter number



*On child marriage Vivekananda had contradictory views. He said " I hate

child marriage very much " (In Bharotio Nari, published by Udbodhon

Karjyaloy, p-90), while on page-15 he is quoted as saying " Sometimes

children are married at early age, because that is mandated by the Varna. If

one has to be married off without their opinion, they better be married in

childhood before they develop any romantic feelings " *


* *

** ** **


*Prabir Ghosh : A portrait of a Rationalist *

** ** ** ** ** *Born on 1st March 1945, Prabir spent his early childhood

in railway towns of Kharagpur and Adra. Growing up with god-fearing parents

in this multicultural township, Prabir had keen interest in gods and godmen.

As a child he spent hours with these religious people. As a result, he

learnt magic and all the other tricks these godmen practiced, at a very

young age. *


*Teacher Subhendu Roy instilled in him, the interest in sociology and in the

power of political motivation behind all human endeavours. He grew up have

keen interest in politics and developed excellent oratorical skill.*


*In his college days, he started writing in premier Bengali magazines and

dailies. An avid reader, his interests include anthropology, archeology,

history, psychology, sociology and of course, politics. As a result, his

understanding of the human mind as an individual and the social human being

as a species is vast. With this knowledge of the human mind, his keen sense

of politics gives him an insight and a rare understanding of all human



*He has also completed four collection of series meant for young readers who

wish to grew up. Topics like psychology, history, sociology and politics are

discussed by way of story-telling in such lucid language that one never

loses interest. ( **Read More...* <http://www.srai.org/sra.htm#prabir>* ) *

** ** ** ** ** **


*Since his first collection of essays 'Aloukik Noi Loukik[Vol - I ]' was

published, Prabir Ghosh's name was established as an essayist with a

difference, with a mission. The name 'Aloukik Noi Loukik', literally

translated, means " Everything is Natural – not Supernatural " Then followed

four more volumes of the same name.*


* It is well known to the readers of his best-selling books that Prabir

Ghosh General Secretary of the Science and Rationalist Association of India

is the founder of the modern concept of Contemporary Rationalism and the

pioneer of the rationalist movement in India.*


*The uncompromising attitude and the stunning self-confidence which comes

from deep conviction within, has given him a He-man image. But to those who

know him closely, he is friendly, easily approachable, a loving and caring

human being. Always on the move, mixing freely with all and sundry,

easy-going and forever young all hearts.*


*List of publication by Prabir Ghosh*<http://www.srai.org/sra.htm#Publications>





*Mr. Prabir Ghosh**, Secretary General of Science and Rationalist

Association of India, has protested Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi's decision of

conferring Bsc. and Msc. degree to Astrology.


It has been reported that Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi is conferring a Bsc. and

Msc. degree to astrology, a subject which has not yet been proved as

science. We would request him to take steps to prove astrology as science

and then proceed to make it a subject to be taught in colleges and

universities, else it would be nothing less than encouraging an already

increasing business of duping people. We are ardently requesting him not to

involve the sacred institution of learning and himself with something so

corrupted as astrology.


Based on the report that Bsc. and Msc. degree will be conferred to

Astrology, Mr. Prabir Ghosh has challenged the Human Resource Development

and Education minister, Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi's decision of introducing

astrology as part of academics and his decision of conferring it a science

degree. Mr. Ghosh harps that based on all unearthed data we have failed to

resolve that astrology has anything to do with science. Further he has

announced an amount of 20 lakhs to any astrologer who can correctly reveal

the past of any four persons on matters related to income, qualifications,

marriage and children. He has openly invited Mr. Joshi to bring his

astrologers to accept his challenge. All arrangements will be made by him in

association with Bangalinet.com.



*It is to be noted that prior to this Mr. Ghosh had openly invited about 100

astrologers in various media (Alpha Bangla, Doordarshan, All India Radio,

CCCN, A.T.N, E.tv.) who had failed to prove him wrong (from Bangalinet). *




On 9/15/06, debasischak <debasischak wrote:


> Calcutta High Court has given direction on Friday, 15th September, 2006 ;

> to STOP SACRIFICE OF ANIMALS in the open areas(in public view) in KALIGHAT






> On 10 Nov 2004 at 0:22, Merritt Clifton wrote:

> Dear Debasis:


> Brilliant! This is the idea that is going to end animal sacrifice!


> We're just about to go to press, but I'm redesigning page 5

> to get this announcement in.


> This idea needs to go out to all animal defenders in India!


> (As you probably know, I don't gush over ideas being

> brilliant very damned often. But, I think you hit the jackpot with

> this one.)


> Cheers,


> Merritt





> >As a part of our ongoing protest against killing of animals in the

> >name of religion, the People for Animals Calcutta is organising a

> >Blood Donation Camp on the day of Kali Puja, Thursday, 11th Nov. '04

> >at our animal hospital complex, ASHARI, Mukundapur, off EM Bypass,

> >between 10 am - 1pm.

> >In the past we protested in front of Kalighat temple on Kali Puja

> >day, which resulted in considerable reduction in the no. of animal

> >sacrifice. Because of our protest the Nepal King abstained from

> >animal sacrifice during his last visit to Kolkata.

> >Our slogan is " Want to offer Blood to the mother Kali, why not give

> >Human blood for the benefit of human soceity ? " , after all human is

> >supposed to the best creation of the Mother, hence human blood should

> >be most prefered, why compromise in the quality and kill the poor

> >hapless goat !

> >The blood we collect will be given over to the Haemophilia Society of

> >Eastern India.

> >Regards,

> > Debasis Chakrabarti

> " www.animalcrusaders.org "


For more information on Asian animal issues, please use the search feature

> on the AAPN website: http://www.aapn.org/ or search the list archives at:

> aapn

> Please feel free to send any relevant news or comments to the list at

> aapn


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Dear Aunty and Debashishda,

Thanks for your views. I

remember in a previous discussion with Debashishda he mentioned that I

argued with you about atheism because I have not read Vivekananda. I just

gave an example of who has and who has not although my message was not to

prove intellectual superiority. I am a life member of Beauty without Cruelty

but I take exception to the way they drag in religion in every issue.

Whenever you drag in one religion you run the risk of offending other

religions and atheists. The problem I have with discussing things with you

and Debashishda is that both of you seem to me to be ethical absolutists.

That is a common thing with religious believers. I on the other hand do not

have problems with people believing in God as long as they do not force

their opinion on others. As Richard Dawkins of Oxford University says the

difference between atheists and believers is that atheists argue and

believers kill. You told me once that I would only be harming myself by

criticising gurus like Jesus and Mohammed. I wonder what you would have to

say to the latest comments of Pope Benedict on Prophet Mohammed. Why don't

write to him and protest his latest attack o Islam if you are convinced that

criticising prophets is a bad thing? I am not all that sure he will listen

because he is a bigot. As I have told you time and time again, the only two

religions that preach respect for life are Buddhism and Jainism and a

significant portion of Hinduism. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are

vicious, vulgar and intolerant religions. Which is why the Christians fought

the Muslims for hundred years during the crusades. There is no end to

religious violence once you have the faith that people with different views

only deserve to die. I am an atheist and I am against capital punishment and

I do not believe religious believers deserve to die.

I appreciate your work, the fact that you want to do good and help others.

I wish there were more people like you. But I get put off by your religious

stance. Let us agree to disagree on this for once and for all. If there is

any religious undertone to any campaign, please allow me the liberty to

differ. As I have told both of you before, notions of what is good and is

bad differ in individual perceptions. For me, nature is neither kind nor

cruel. Nature is simply indifferent. In many ways I am a nihilist and that

means that no way of action is preferable than another in the universal

perspective. I personally do not like to harm others but I am not sure what

motivations behind not wishing to harm or kill are right and wrong. In

short, I prefer not to preach. My understanding of religion is akin to Peter

Singer's and that is it is the chief enemy of civilised behaviour. For

civilised behaviour to exist we must get rid of religion, according to

Singer. In my life, my greatest good fortune is that I have had the

privilege of coming in the company of a number of atheists, both in India

and abroad. Some of them know religion better than the believers. I read

religious books regularly and would agree that there are good aspects of

religion but since the bad overweighs the good, I prefer not to mix religion

with animal welfare or human welfare issues.

I have not seen Munnabhai so therefore am not in a position to comment.

Last year I started writing a book on my thoughts and was negotiating

with publishers some of whom expressed an interest to have my work

published. I have not been able to finish it but hope fervently that one day

I will be able to do it. That is a principal aim of my existence; to put

some of my thoughts on paper. Newspaper articles are rather transitory but

sometimes the appreciation I receive does make me feel that people are

connecting to my thoughts and I find that very gratifying. I have no

problems if people think what I write is garbage and only fit for the


But again, I emphasise that you have done enormous good with whatever

motivation you may have had, religious and otherwise and I remain very

thankful and appreciative. I would say the same thing about the work of

Beauty Without Cruelty. They do very good work but with a different

motivation but since they do good work, I am all for it. If there is a God,

I do not think his plans for my life will be changed by prayer, but

nevertheless, I do pray to him/her/it for your continued success.

Good luck and best wishes. I trust you are well.






On 9/16/06, Purnima Toolsidass - G Mail <ptoolsidass wrote:


> All these issues confuse one. I think that the important thing is to try

> sincerely, to avoid inflicting pain (and extend compassion) at every

> opportunity. Even in simple day to day matters, we need to be conscious that

> we have the option of choosing a more humane reaction in our behavior and

> the choices we make.

> For example, Beauty Without Cruelty campaigns for compassionate choices in

> the toiletries and garments we use. While individual purchasing is limited,

> the combined consumer power is formidable. Henry Spira is one of the finest

> examples of what a committed individual can do.

> Another vital aspect of opting for compassion is the impact it has on

> society. Psychological tests have proved beyond doubt that callousness to

> weaker species encourages violence and brutality in society.

> Despite the damage done by misguided religious (and other) leaders, we

> only harm ourselves when we discard the basic values of goodness,

> compassion, ethical living, etc., when we reject the narrow-minded

> strictures which have seeped into spiritual philosophy. What some call

> spiritualism can also be called aspiration for loftier values, or idealism.

> Reverence for the concept of goodness can - and does - exist, even in the

> minds of those who are declared atheists.

> The popularity of movies like Munna Bhai prove that the common man is

> still inclined towards the eternal; values which all religions claim to

> preach, and so few of the 'faithful' practice in their daily lives.

> Compassion and idealism are as natural as loving. No human being can

> achieve happiness or satisfaction if they are removed from their lives.

> The important thing is to be on the side of all that is noblest and best

> in our own nature, and reject the temptation to obtain personal pleasure or

> profit at the cost of another's pain. If more people adopted this

> philosophy, most of the world's problems would be solved.

> Purnima L.Toolsidass


> -

> **

> *To:* debasischak

> *Cc:* aapn ; rob ; ptoolsidass

> *Sent:* Saturday, September 16, 2006 11:05 PM

> *Subject:* Re: Animal Sacrifice



> *Dear Debashishda and AAPN colleagues,*

> *

> Thank you for posting this bit of information. I wanted to add some more.

> The latest Kolkata High Court order is a result of public concern on the

> general misdeeds conducted at the Kalighat temple and the sustained

> campaigning of several groups against animal sacrifice. Two of the most

> important groups who have campaigned against animal sacrifice in West Bengal

> are the Science and Rationalists Association of India and the Humanists

> Association of India. I had an opportunity to discuss the animal sacrifice

> issue this evening with Probir Ghosh, founder secretary of the Rationalists

> Association of India and Ms Sumitra Padmanabhan, General Secretary of the

> Humanists Association of India. Both these organisations have campaigned

> against animal sacrifice for more than a decade. Last year in September they

> did a very successful demonstration against animal sacrifice at the

> Sarbamangala Temple in Bardhaman. The members of these organisations

> protested by wearing black badges and made video recordings and talked to

> the local people in an effort to prevent animal sacrifice. The results were

> quite tangible since instead of two hundred animals that were scheduled to

> be sacrificed, twenty were killed. I would say that is huge progress. They

> have also made a film on animal sacrifice that has ben telecast on Tara

> Bangla television. They have also protested against the sacrifice of 10,000

> animals in the Boroballoon village in Bardhaman. Their approach to animal

> sacrifice is different from that of PFA and I was able to understand their

> viewpoint today. *

> * Both these organisations are against vandalism in the name of religion

> and question traditional religious wisdom. Whilst it is good that people

> have been asked to donate blood to the goddess instead of killing animals,

> several questions remain. In this approach, the Hindu religious tag remains.

> Therefore, is a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jain or atheist entitled to

> donate blood to the goddess they do not believe in? Secondly, the approach

> of appeasing the goddess Kali with blood reinforces the image of her as a

> goddess who cannot be worshipped without blood. Personally, I find both

> these issues uncomfortable although the idea of replacing animal sacrifice

> with human blood donation sounds very worthwhile. Several years ago, I came

> across a letter to the editor of Anandabazar Patrika from Compassionate

> Crusaders Trust that invoked the teaching of Swami Vivekananda that says,

> 'Jibe doya korey jai jon, sai jon sebiche ishwor(One who serves living

> creatures, serves God). That is a fine quote to use but selective in its

> purport. Swami Vivekananda introduced animal sacrifice at the Belur Math

> which was stopped at the insistence of Sarada Maa, wife of Ramkrishna.

> Ramkrishna was also in favour of animal sacrifice. Swami Vivekananda found

> his efforts thwarted and started the practice of animal sacrifice at the

> Barahanagar Ramkrishna Mission. In Belur Math, they had a curious practice.

> They got animals sacrificed at Dakshineshwar and would bring in the severed

> heads to offer to the deity in Belur. *

> * Swami Vivekananda was also a staunch critic of vegetarianism. In his

> collected letters, this is what he writes about Ashoka, the emperor who

> stalled animal sacrifice: " Ashoka stopped the sacrifice of hundreds and

> thousands of animals, but how did that endeavour benefit humanity? To

> maintain an active life, there is no better food habit than eating meat. My

> guru(Ramkrishna) did not eat meat, but if he was offered meat obtained by

> the way of animal sacrifice, he would touch the flesh with his finger and

> then touch his forehead with the finger. " (Swami Vivekananda's Letters, pages

> 201and 202, Udbodhan Karjaloy, Kolkata, 1999). When one espouses the first

> dictum of kindness, what is one meant to do with the others that contradict

> it? *

> * I am attaching some information on the work of the Science and

> Rationalists Association of India and their founder, Probir Ghosh, who in

> many respects, is a living legend, having been featured in the New York

> Times, BBC and CNN for his fearless efforts to unmask the true face of the

> vicious nuance of conventional religion. Apart from his rational and

> reasoned anti animal sacrifice position, his many achievements include

> calling the bluff of the American Christian pastor Morris Cerullo and

> exposing the fraud of the miraculous healing of Monika Besra, who was

> allegedly healed by Mother Teresa. To date, he has successfully challenged

> more than 100 astrologers. Needless to say, religious bigots have made

> attempts on his life for speaking out the truth. *

> * As I wrote in a previous message, in subjective issues, there is no

> single brilliant idea to hit the jackpot. But I emphasise that I remain

> appreciative of PFA's efforts in this regard. In this case, despite

> fundamental differences, all organisations are fighting against cruelty. The

> mayor of Kolkata, Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya, has also thrown his weight

> behind the animal sacrifice campaign. I have been fortunate to interview the

> mayor, Probir Ghosh and Sumitra Padmanabhan on several occasions. *

> * Thanks again for the post. Best wishes and good luck in your campaign,*

> **

> *

> Sincerely yours,*

> *

> *

> * *

> * http://www.srai.org/*

> **


> *Sarbmangala Mandir, the famous temple attached to Burdwan Rajbari still

> has the practice of ANIMAL SACRIFICE, (BOLIDAN). We along with 38 members

> visited the temple , took photos, interviewed locals, staged a silent

> protest with black bands & placards. Had a press conference. The matter came

> in todays paper DAINIK STATESMAN, and ETV news, Akash -barta news. Local

> paper SANGBAD AND sTAR aNANDA news channel took detailed photos.

> Intellectuals like Sunil Ganguly & Partha Chattopadhyay, Lawyers like

> Gitanath Ganguly, Bikash ranjan Bhattacharya have signed jointly with us,

> writing articles & giving speeches on TV. We started this campaign 2 months

> back. Our campaign, the first of its kind in India, is gaining impetus. 92%

> of the public have spoken in favor of us .*


> **




> *He contrasts the saying of Vivekanada: " Those who shows kindness to

> animals, serve God " with his introduction of animal sacrifice in Barahnagar

> Moth(Temple). He also exposes the shrewed calculativeness of Vivekananda in

> serving the poor. In one of his letter to Swami Brahmananda he (Vivekananda)

> instructed " After spending for the Calcutta meeting, whatever money is left

> over spend it to feed the famine victims, or help the poor in the lanes of

> Calcutta, Domrapara, Haripara. Only then they will believe in Hindutya, only

> then they will listen " (Potraboli, letter number 363). *


> *On one hand Vivekananda sang " India, don't forget your sweepers,

> cobblers, Chandals, you are all brothers " , " There can be no relgion in empty

> stomach " , " Let India emerge from the peasant's hut " etc and on the other

> hand he wrote letters to his disciples instructing them not to create strife

> between the rich and the poor, not to criticize the rich " etc. (Potraboli,

> letter number 476) *


> *On child marriage Vivekananda had contradictory views. He said " I hate

> child marriage very much " (In Bharotio Nari, published by Udbodhon

> Karjyaloy, p-90), while on page-15 he is quoted as saying " Sometimes

> children are married at early age, because that is mandated by the Varna. If

> one has to be married off without their opinion, they better be married in

> childhood before they develop any romantic feelings " *


> **

> ** ** **


> *Prabir Ghosh : A portrait of a Rationalist *

> ** ** ** ** ** *Born on 1st March 1945, Prabir spent his early

> childhood in railway towns of Kharagpur and Adra. Growing up with

> god-fearing parents in this multicultural township, Prabir had keen interest

> in gods and godmen. As a child he spent hours with these religious people.

> As a result, he learnt magic and all the other tricks these godmen

> practiced, at a very young age. *


> *Teacher Subhendu Roy instilled in him, the interest in sociology and in

> the power of political motivation behind all human endeavours. He grew up

> have keen interest in politics and developed excellent oratorical skill. *


> *In his college days, he started writing in premier Bengali magazines and

> dailies. An avid reader, his interests include anthropology, archeology,

> history, psychology, sociology and of course, politics. As a result, his

> understanding of the human mind as an individual and the social human being

> as a species is vast. With this knowledge of the human mind, his keen sense

> of politics gives him an insight and a rare understanding of all human

> problems. *


> *He has also completed four collection of series meant for young readers

> who wish to grew up. Topics like psychology, history, sociology and politics

> are discussed by way of story-telling in such lucid language that one never

> loses interest. ( **Read More...* <http://www.srai.org/sra.htm#prabir>* )

> *

> ** ** ** ** ** **


> *Since his first collection of essays 'Aloukik Noi Loukik[Vol - I ]' was

> published, Prabir Ghosh's name was established as an essayist with a

> difference, with a mission. The name 'Aloukik Noi Loukik ', literally

> translated, means " Everything is Natural – not Supernatural " Then followed

> four more volumes of the same name.*


> * It is well known to the readers of his best-selling books that Prabir

> Ghosh General Secretary of the Science and Rationalist Association of India

> is the founder of the modern concept of Contemporary Rationalism and the

> pioneer of the rationalist movement in India. *


> *The uncompromising attitude and the stunning self-confidence which comes

> from deep conviction within, has given him a He-man image. But to those who

> know him closely, he is friendly, easily approachable, a loving and caring

> human being. Always on the move, mixing freely with all and sundry,

> easy-going and forever young all hearts. *


> *List of publication by Prabir


> *

> ------------------------------

> *


> *Mr. Prabir Ghosh**, Secretary General of Science and Rationalist

> Association of India, has protested Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi's decision of

> conferring Bsc. and Msc. degree to Astrology.


> It has been reported that Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi is conferring a Bsc. and

> Msc. degree to astrology, a subject which has not yet been proved as

> science. We would request him to take steps to prove astrology as science

> and then proceed to make it a subject to be taught in colleges and

> universities, else it would be nothing less than encouraging an already

> increasing business of duping people. We are ardently requesting him not to

> involve the sacred institution of learning and himself with something so

> corrupted as astrology.


> Based on the report that Bsc. and Msc. degree will be conferred to

> Astrology, Mr. Prabir Ghosh has challenged the Human Resource Development

> and Education minister, Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi's decision of introducing

> astrology as part of academics and his decision of conferring it a science

> degree. Mr. Ghosh harps that based on all unearthed data we have failed to

> resolve that astrology has anything to do with science. Further he has

> announced an amount of 20 lakhs to any astrologer who can correctly reveal

> the past of any four persons on matters related to income, qualifications,

> marriage and children. He has openly invited Mr. Joshi to bring his

> astrologers to accept his challenge. All arrangements will be made by him in

> association with Bangalinet.com <http://bangalinet.com/>.

> *


> *It is to be noted that prior to this Mr. Ghosh had openly invited about

> 100 astrologers in various media (Alpha Bangla, Doordarshan, All India

> Radio, CCCN, A.T.N , E.tv.) who had failed to prove him wrong (from

> Bangalinet). *




> On 9/15/06, debasischak <debasischak wrote:

> >

> > Calcutta High Court has given direction on Friday, 15th September, 2006

> > ; to STOP SACRIFICE OF ANIMALS in the open areas(in public view) in KALIGHAT


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On 10 Nov 2004 at 0:22, Merritt Clifton wrote:

> > Dear Debasis:

> >

> > Brilliant! This is the idea that is going to end animal

> > sacrifice!

> >

> > We're just about to go to press, but I'm redesigning page 5

> > to get this announcement in.

> >

> > This idea needs to go out to all animal defenders in India!

> >

> > (As you probably know, I don't gush over ideas being

> > brilliant very damned often. But, I think you hit the jackpot with

> > this one.)

> >

> > Cheers,

> >

> > Merritt

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >As a part of our ongoing protest against killing of animals in the

> > >name of religion, the People for Animals Calcutta is organising a

> > >Blood Donation Camp on the day of Kali Puja, Thursday, 11th Nov. '04

> > >at our animal hospital complex, ASHARI, Mukundapur, off EM Bypass,

> > >between 10 am - 1pm.

> > >In the past we protested in front of Kalighat temple on Kali Puja

> > >day, which resulted in considerable reduction in the no. of animal

> > >sacrifice. Because of our protest the Nepal King abstained from

> > >animal sacrifice during his last visit to Kolkata.

> > >Our slogan is " Want to offer Blood to the mother Kali, why not give

> > >Human blood for the benefit of human soceity ? " , after all human is

> > >supposed to the best creation of the Mother, hence human blood should

> > >be most prefered, why compromise in the quality and kill the poor

> > >hapless goat !

> > >The blood we collect will be given over to the Haemophilia Society of

> > >Eastern India.

> > >Regards,

> > > Debasis Chakrabarti

> > " www.animalcrusaders.org "

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For more information on Asian animal issues, please use the search

> > feature on the AAPN website: http://www.aapn.org/ or search the list

> > archives at: aapn

> > Please feel free to send any relevant news or comments to the list at

> > aapn

> >

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