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Public opinion against 'Elephant Polo'

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>I also respect the views of Kim and Merrit ( although it came a

>little late ), and request them to highlight the trauma, terror and

>pain of captive elephants which they have to undergo throughout

>their life after their capture from the wild. These things have been

>documented on video, but they also need the blessings of 'Animal

>People' in a similar way as any other form of animal abuse gets

>space on the esteemed tabloid.



I believe I first wrote about elephant suffering in captivity

approximately 18 years ago, but it may have been five years or more

earlier, when I was exposing bad conditions at the Granby Zoo in



ANIMAL PEOPLE has examined the many issues involved in

elephant capture and keeping captive elephants in dozens of articles,

beginning in our third-ever edition in December 1992.


From the past three years alone--


March 2004 - 15-year-old puts bill to ban circuses on the ballot

April 2004 - USDA puts Hawthorn Corp. out of the elephant business

October 2004 - Elephas Maximus

September 2004 - Live elephant exports from Thailand and South Africa

September 2004 - Keeping elephants out of sanctuaries

December 2004 - The Tower Menagerie

December 2004 - Elephant retirement progress

May 2005 - Weaning zoos from elephants

November 2005 - Gods In Chains

December 2005 - Elephant Sanctuary to get last Cuneo eles

Jan-Feb 2006 - So why doesn't the Belgrade Zoo cage the war criminals

& & leave the elephant in India?

June 2006 - Tuli elephant case reprised

July-August 2006 - Thai zoo deals with Kenya and Australia put on hold

July-August 2006 - Coping with elephant moods

July-August 2006 - PETA, Ringling clash in Austin

October 2006 - Thai coup may hit wildlife traffic



That's 17 articles in 30 editions, not counting briefer

mentions such as obituaries for longtime captive elephants, many of

which mention their circumstances of capture and causes of death

associated specifically with captivity. Our current edition,

October 2006, includes an obituary for the elephant Lucy, 46, whom

I visited at the Milwaukee County Zoo only a few days before she was

euthanized due to chronic inability to stand.


The preceding edition included an obituary for Elephant

Sanctuary at Hohenwald senior elephant handler Joanna Burke, 36,

who was killed by an elephant who had apparently gone insane during

30 years at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Madison, Wisconsin.


Christine Townend has been writing about elephants in

captivity for much longer than I have, I believe, though not as



Inasmuch as both Townend and I have examined and exposed bad

situations for elephants in captivity all over the world, in many

different places and times, it is ironic for either of us to be

accused of indifference to it now.


We do, however, have very different roles from the roles of

activist advocates. As I previously pointed out, Townend has earned

the inside role of attempting to alleviate and improve conditions for

the working elephants in Jaipur, for whom there are no sanctuaries

available and no wild habitat for them to reoccupy, and would be a

very long truck ride across the desert, which some might not

survive, even to move them back to the various distant locales from

which they came. Captive or not captive is not the debate for these

elephants. They are captive, and will almost certainly always be

captive, simply because regardless of how they are used, or even if

they are used at all, there is nowhere else for them to go.


They will be used with the ankus or without, chained or not,

receiving regular veterinary care or not, depending on the extent to

which their mahouts allow Townend to intervene on the elephants'

behalf and allow her to teach them better, gentler methods.


Perhaps this is only palliative care. Nonetheless, it is

all that can be done for these elephants here and now, and helping

them here and now takes nothing away from anyone else's efforts to

keep other elephants out of captivity and out of use.


My role is to to be fair, be accurate, " comfort the

afflicted, afflict the comfortable, print the news, and raise

hell. "


Very often this entails pointing out to those who are

engaging in smug exercises of group-think that group-think usually

amounts to not thinking much at all. Of all the many abuses of

elephants going on in India at this very moment, how significant is

this elephant polo match?


Whether it occurs or not, will it make one elephant dung

ball's worth of difference in whether or not elephants in India have

sufficient habitat to avoid conflicts that result in their death or



Is anyone on this list under the illusion that there is

growing demand for captive working elephants, or ever again likely

to be, with hundreds of cast-off former logging elephants already

shuffling the streets looking for hand-outs, or trying to re-learn

feeding themselves in the forest?


Does anyone imagine that there is any likelihood of elephant

polo ever catching on as a significant spectator sport?


There are any number of ways in which people who care about

elephants can genuinely help them. Knocking Christine Townend for

trying to teach mahouts to work without the ankus is not among them.


As to anyone wishing to toss dung-balls at me, you're

welcome, but be aware that the mob of true believers in front of you

is already so dense that you are very likely to hit others who share

your feelings in the back of the head.




Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing

original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,

founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the

decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal protection organizations.

We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity. $24/year;

for free sample, send address.]

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Dear Merrit,


Thanks for your mail.


So even you do not have much idea of what goes behind the scenes with regards

the whole 'method of wild elephant capture'.


I wish you could see the film which bagged a Green Oscar for Mr. Mike Pandey on

elephants capture where a tusker was captured from the wild, tortured in the

process of taming, tusks sawed without anesthesia, prodded with iron rods...and

by none other than the 'Elephant Queen', Parbati Barua from Assam ( the title

Elephant Queen was given by none oher than Mr. Mark Shand in one of his books on



Well to make things a little easy for all os us, Godwilling I may be able to

upload some pictures of an elephant capture in progress shot in the wilderness

of Assam. I am trying my best to get some exclusive video footage.


Wish to get back to the debate after I acquire the video, will put it up on the

internet for all of us to see.




Azam Siddiqui



You wrote:


March 2004 - 15-year-old puts bill to ban circuses on the ballot

April 2004 - USDA puts Hawthorn Corp. out of the elephant business

October 2004 - Elephas Maximus

September 2004 - Live elephant exports from Thailand and South Africa

September 2004 - Keeping elephants out of sanctuaries

December 2004 - The Tower Menagerie

December 2004 - Elephant retirement progress

May 2005 - Weaning zoos from elephants

November 2005 - Gods In Chains

December 2005 - Elephant Sanctuary to get last Cuneo eles

Jan-Feb 2006 - So why doesn't the Belgrade Zoo cage the war criminals

& & leave the elephant in India?

June 2006 - Tuli elephant case reprised

July-August 2006 - Thai zoo deals with Kenya and Australia put on hold

July-August 2006 - Coping with elephant moods

July-August 2006 - PETA, Ringling clash in Austin

October 2006 - Thai coup may hit wildlife traffic




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This message, just received, is how activists erode their own credibility:



>So even you do not have much idea of what goes behind the scenes

>with regards the whole 'method of wild elephant capture'.

>I wish you could see the film which bagged a Green Oscar for Mr.

>Mike Pandey on elephants capture where a tusker was captured from

>the wild



I not only saw the Pandey film, but reported about it and

many integrally related issues on page one of the May 2003 edition of

ANIMAL PEOPLE. The article is easily accessible at



To make it even more easily accessible, I am posting it below.





From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2003:



Elephant captures & rampages spotlight habitat encroachment



COLOMBO--Pretoria Regional Court magistrate Adriaan Bekker on April 7

found African Game Services owner Riccardo Ghiazza of Brits, South

Africa, guilty of cruelty to 30 young elephants in 1998-1999. The

verdict reportedly took Bekker four hours to read.

Convicted with Ghiazza, but on just two cruelty counts, was

student elephant handler Henry Wayne Stockigt.

Charges were dismissed against another handler, Craig

Saunders, and another company, African Game Properties Inc.

Captured in the Tuli district of Botswana during July 1998,

the elephants were transported to Brits for training and sale to

overseas zoos.

Global outrage erupted first over the separation of the

elephants from their mothers, and then over alleged rough treatment

of the elephants by trainers hired from Indonesia. The South African

National SPCA began the long effort to convict Ghiazza after

videotape surfaced that reportedly showed Stockigt and others beating

the chained elephants.

Ghizza, a major supplier of African wildlife to zoos in

China, apparently intended to sell some or all of the elephants to

China. None are known to have actually gone there. Instead,

according to the South Africa-based Wildlife Action Group, nine went

to the Marakele Game Reserve in South Africa; nine went to the

Sandhurt Safaris hunting lodge in North West Province; seven are

held in controversial conditions at the Dresden Zoo, in Germany;

and five were sold to former co-defendant Saunders.

The " Tuli elephants case, " as the episode became known, was

instrumental in rallying protest against the conventional practices

of wild elephant capture and training. It spotlighted an increasing

dilemma throughout the range of both African and Asian elephants,

afflicting both the wild and captive populations: what to do about

overcrowded or displaced elephants in a world which allows them only

limited wild habitat.

The Ghiazza conviction came amid a new worldwide furor over

the prolonged suffering and death of an Indian elephant captured on

February 5 in Chattisgarh state by the noted female mahout Parbati


Wrote Alex Kirby of BBC News Online, " Witnesses say the

elephant was repeatedly jabbed with spikes and struck with bamboo

canes, " after being run to exhaustion, tranquilized, and dragged

between two tame elephants. " His legs were tied, " Kirby continued,

as was the elephant's head. " Then his tusks were sawn off. He was

left without food and water, and died 18 days later, apparently of

stress, starvation, and thirst. "

Videographers Mike Pandey and Amalendu Mishra documented the

suffering of the elephant. The International Fund for Animal Welfare

and the Wildlife Trust of India distributed the video to news media.

People for Animals founder Maneka Gandhi demanded that Barua be

criminally prosecuted.

" The acts of Barua were not negligent but deliberate, " Ms.

Gandhi noted. " Under the circumstances, a clear case has been

established. Barua has committed an act of hunting that is

punishable by imprisonment for not less then three years and which

may extend up to seven years, " Ms. Gandhi added.

A federal investigation of the episode began on April 16.

The elephant was among a trio who had allegedly killed 33

people since September 2001. According to some accounts the

elephants had learned to abscond when wardens hunting them with guns

begin to pray for forgiveness before lining up their shots.

Chattisgarh chief wildlife warden Anup Bhalla had authorized

capturing all three of the elephants in lieu of killing them, but

after the controversy over the death of the first elephant captured

blew up in late March he ordered that the other pair should be shot.


The much disputed options for wild elephants include

expanding their habitat; allowing trophy hunters to shoot them;

culling them for ivory and hides; trying to chemically control their

births; capturing them for exhibition; and training them for work.

Habitat expansion is costlier than most of the governments

which have wild elephants could fund without enormous outside

support, and is often politically unfeasible anyway, since

elephants' habitat is shrinking in the first place because of human

encroachment on their existing reserves.

In some regions the encroachment has actually resulted from

the success of elephant-focused tourism, creating jobs for lodge

staff and safari drivers, who bring their families to villages on

the fringes of wildlife reserves that eventually boom into small


In other places, the elephant population was poached to

abnormally low numbers during the 1980s, allowing farmers and

herders to take over temporarily vacated habitat, especially in

migration corridors close to water sources, that the elephants are

now trying to reclaim--with frequently catastrophic consequences for

all concerned.

The Nation, of Kenya, reported on March 26 that rampaging

elephants kept villagers in Tetu, Nyeri District, from saving a

three-year-old boy from a dawn housefire. The elephants then smashed

three local schools, just as classes were starting, and critically

injured three villagers during a six-hour confrontation that

apparently resulted from a botched attempt to chase them back into

the forest. Police finally shot several elephants.

Repeated elephant forays out of Tsavo East National Park

meanwhile put 20,000 people at risk of starvation in Kilifi District,

due to crop losses, The Nation said.

Reports of similar damage have recently reached ANIMAL PEOPLE

from Indonesia and Malaysia.

" Fear of being crushed by wild elephants is driving pregnant

women in Dumka, Jharkand to give birth on platforms built in

treetops, " the Deccan Herald of Mysore, India reported on April 1.

The account might have been dismissed as an April Fool, except that

approximately 150 people have been killed by elephants in Jharkand

since November 2000, including a young woman who was trampled on

April 14.

Similar problems are anticipated in Sri Lanka, as a 12-year

civil war subsides. At least 1,369 elephants were killed during the

fighting, many of them poached by rebels who allegedly traded ivory

for weapons. Anti-poaching law enforcement in the northern half of

Sri Lanka virtually ceased after 1990, and formerly protected

elephant migration corridors were extensively encroached. Attempting

to reopen the corridors by evicting the people could spark resumed


Sri Lankan newspapers are full of schemes to deal with the

problem by diverting the recovering elephant population into zoos,

sanctuaries, the export trade, and national parks redeveloped to

facilitate ecotourism.

Whether any of the ideas will work is a matter of

speculation. But there seems to be little chance that elephants will

regain much of the habitat they have lost, much to the distress of

Kala Santha, DVM, the Sri Lankan animal advocate who brought the

controversy to the attention of ANIMAL PEOPLE. Santha fears that

surplus Sri Lankan elephants will either be exported or be reduced to

servitude like the working elephants of Jaipur, India, whom she has

helped to treat at clinics organized by Help In Suffering.

Since people vote and elephants don't, human interests tend

to take precedence even where the laws are on the elephants' side.




Trophy hunting and culling surplus elephants, practiced in

South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, can be lucrative

for those who control the trade, but for the second time in six

years there is increasing evidence that allowing any legal

international commerce in elephant parts tends to stimulate poaching,

as traffickers use the legal trade as cover.

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

banned international sales of ivory in 1989, but allowed Botswana,

Namibia, and Zimbabwe to sell some of their stocks of culled and

confiscated ivory in 1997. As the vote approached, ivory poaching

in Asia, other parts of Africa, and along the border between

Zimbabwe and Zambia reportedly was more intensive than it had been in

a decade.

After the poaching outburst appeared to have subsided, CITES

in early 2002 began considering allowing the same nations plus South

Africa to sell more stockpiled ivory. Poaching again markedly

increased, as shown by the February 2003 seizure of 33 tusks from

five alleged poachers in northern Kenya, and by the March 25

massacre of a seven-member elephant family in Queen Elizabeth

National Park, Uganda--the first known instance of ivory poaching in

Uganda since 2000.

Elephant birth control experiments have had some reported

success, after initial failures, but the technique is still in

develop ment and the concept is not widely accepted yet, especially

by politicians, hunters, and some international conservation groups

who see elephants as a " sustainable resource. "




Capturing elephants for exhibition abroad runs afoul of

opponents of elephant captivity, even though there is growing demand

among zoos for healthy young elephants to replenish the fast

dwindling number who were captured and exported from Asia and Africa

before the 1972 adoption of CITES and, in the U.S., the 1973 passage

of the Endangered Species Act, which effectively ended imports of

most listed species.

Captive breeding programs have not produced new zoo and

circus elephants at even a fraction of the captive elephant death

rate. Although the life expectancy of an adult zoo elephant is now

as long or longer than life expectancy in the wild, the increasing

proportion of geriatric elephants among the zoo and circus herd hints

that the death rate will only rise if more elephants are not imported.

Walt Disney Inc. in 1996 considered importing a herd of

elephants from South Africa who were otherwise slated for culling,

but dropped the idea after the International Fund for Animal Welfare

bought additional land for elephant habitat on the promise of the

South African government that the elephants would be spared.

No further attempts to import elephants were made until 2002,

when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service authorized the San Diego Zoo

and the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa to obtain 11 elephants from

Swaziland, including six females of breeding age. Swaziland

officials said the elephants would otherwise be culled. San Diego

Zoo spokesperson Christina Simmons told Catherine Ivey of Associated

Press that Swaziland would be given " several million dollars " for

anti-poaching work.

As of early April 2003 the elephants were in holding pens

awaiting transfer, but People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

and other activist groups were pursuing legal action in hopes of

blocking the deal.

Keeping them home

Capturing elephants for either exhibition or work in their

own nations is a non-starter. Prasanta Paul of the Deccan Herald

News Service reported on March 19 that the West Bengal forest

department is hoping to raise funds by selling 26 elephants to Indian

zoos, but even if the zoos had the money to purchase the elephants,

there are already more captive elephants in Asia than anyone knows

what to do with--most of them trained for logging or carrying

tourists, but out of work due to the advent of tractors and the

global tourism slump resulting from the U.S. recession and fears of


The Thai cabinet on March 11 approved a scheme to employ as

forest guards an estimated 200 elephants who have been illegally

roaming Bangkok. Proposed by King Bhumibol Aduladej in his 2002

birthday speech, the idea outraged the volunteers who now patrol the

Thai national forests for an allowance of a fifth as much as the

elephants and their mahouts will get--but the elephants have markedly

greater food needs.

Elephants whose mahouts bring them back to Bangkok are to be

seized, if the recommendations of the Friends of the Asian Elephant

Foundation for implementing the king's idea are followed. Bangkok

officials, however, say they do not have the budget, staff, or

impound facilities to seize elephants, which is part of why so many

are at large in the city despite previous expulsion orders.

Elephant captures continue in Thailand, and elsewhere in

Asia not because there is market demand for the elephants, but

rather because, as brutal as the captures and subsequent training

tend to be, there is widespread opposition to killing even the most

problematic elephants wherever there exists either a tradition of

worshipping Ganesh, the half-elephant Hindu god in charge of placing

or removing obstacles, or of practicing Buddhism. The symbol of

Buddha was a white elephant, whose name in the U.S. is synonymous

with being an unwanted gift.




Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing

original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,

founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the

decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal protection organizations.

We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity. $24/year;

for free sample, send address.]

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This exchange only proves that the organisers of this elephant polo match

are beginning to feel the pressure. Something they possibly did not reckon

with when they went ahead with their plans without consulting other animal

welfare groups and concerned individuals.


On 10/15/06, Merritt Clifton <anmlpepl wrote:


> >I also respect the views of Kim and Merrit ( although it came a

> >little late ), and request them to highlight the trauma, terror and

> >pain of captive elephants which they have to undergo throughout

> >their life after their capture from the wild. These things have been

> >documented on video, but they also need the blessings of 'Animal

> >People' in a similar way as any other form of animal abuse gets

> >space on the esteemed tabloid.



> I believe I first wrote about elephant suffering in captivity

> approximately 18 years ago, but it may have been five years or more

> earlier, when I was exposing bad conditions at the Granby Zoo in

> Quebec.


> ANIMAL PEOPLE has examined the many issues involved in

> elephant capture and keeping captive elephants in dozens of articles,

> beginning in our third-ever edition in December 1992.


> From the past three years alone--


> March 2004 - 15-year-old puts bill to ban circuses on the ballot

> April 2004 - USDA puts Hawthorn Corp. out of the elephant business

> October 2004 - Elephas Maximus

> September 2004 - Live elephant exports from Thailand and South Africa

> September 2004 - Keeping elephants out of sanctuaries

> December 2004 - The Tower Menagerie

> December 2004 - Elephant retirement progress

> May 2005 - Weaning zoos from elephants

> November 2005 - Gods In Chains

> December 2005 - Elephant Sanctuary to get last Cuneo eles

> Jan-Feb 2006 - So why doesn't the Belgrade Zoo cage the war criminals

> & & leave the elephant in India?

> June 2006 - Tuli elephant case reprised

> July-August 2006 - Thai zoo deals with Kenya and Australia put on hold

> July-August 2006 - Coping with elephant moods

> July-August 2006 - PETA, Ringling clash in Austin

> October 2006 - Thai coup may hit wildlife traffic



> That's 17 articles in 30 editions, not counting briefer

> mentions such as obituaries for longtime captive elephants, many of

> which mention their circumstances of capture and causes of death

> associated specifically with captivity. Our current edition,

> October 2006, includes an obituary for the elephant Lucy, 46, whom

> I visited at the Milwaukee County Zoo only a few days before she was

> euthanized due to chronic inability to stand.


> The preceding edition included an obituary for Elephant

> Sanctuary at Hohenwald senior elephant handler Joanna Burke, 36,

> who was killed by an elephant who had apparently gone insane during

> 30 years at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Madison, Wisconsin.


> Christine Townend has been writing about elephants in

> captivity for much longer than I have, I believe, though not as

> often.


> Inasmuch as both Townend and I have examined and exposed bad

> situations for elephants in captivity all over the world, in many

> different places and times, it is ironic for either of us to be

> accused of indifference to it now.


> We do, however, have very different roles from the roles of

> activist advocates. As I previously pointed out, Townend has earned

> the inside role of attempting to alleviate and improve conditions for

> the working elephants in Jaipur, for whom there are no sanctuaries

> available and no wild habitat for them to reoccupy, and would be a

> very long truck ride across the desert, which some might not

> survive, even to move them back to the various distant locales from

> which they came. Captive or not captive is not the debate for these

> elephants. They are captive, and will almost certainly always be

> captive, simply because regardless of how they are used, or even if

> they are used at all, there is nowhere else for them to go.


> They will be used with the ankus or without, chained or not,

> receiving regular veterinary care or not, depending on the extent to

> which their mahouts allow Townend to intervene on the elephants'

> behalf and allow her to teach them better, gentler methods.


> Perhaps this is only palliative care. Nonetheless, it is

> all that can be done for these elephants here and now, and helping

> them here and now takes nothing away from anyone else's efforts to

> keep other elephants out of captivity and out of use.


> My role is to to be fair, be accurate, " comfort the

> afflicted, afflict the comfortable, print the news, and raise

> hell. "


> Very often this entails pointing out to those who are

> engaging in smug exercises of group-think that group-think usually

> amounts to not thinking much at all. Of all the many abuses of

> elephants going on in India at this very moment, how significant is

> this elephant polo match?


> Whether it occurs or not, will it make one elephant dung

> ball's worth of difference in whether or not elephants in India have

> sufficient habitat to avoid conflicts that result in their death or

> capture?


> Is anyone on this list under the illusion that there is

> growing demand for captive working elephants, or ever again likely

> to be, with hundreds of cast-off former logging elephants already

> shuffling the streets looking for hand-outs, or trying to re-learn

> feeding themselves in the forest?


> Does anyone imagine that there is any likelihood of elephant

> polo ever catching on as a significant spectator sport?


> There are any number of ways in which people who care about

> elephants can genuinely help them. Knocking Christine Townend for

> trying to teach mahouts to work without the ankus is not among them.


> As to anyone wishing to toss dung-balls at me, you're

> welcome, but be aware that the mob of true believers in front of you

> is already so dense that you are very likely to hit others who share

> your feelings in the back of the head.



> --

> Merritt Clifton


> P.O. Box 960

> Clinton, WA 98236


> Telephone: 360-579-2505

> Fax: 360-579-2575

> E-mail: anmlpepl

> Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


> [ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing

> original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,

> founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the

> decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal protection organizations.

> We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity. $24/year;

> for free sample, send address.]




> For more information on Asian animal issues, please use the search feature

> on the AAPN website: http://www.aapn.org/ or search the list archives at:

> aapn

> Please feel free to send any relevant news or comments to the list at

> aapn


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