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vegan infants

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If your child is breastfeeding, she is already getting all she needs, and

will continue to do so until weaning. Where did you hear that it was difficult

to get calcium as an infant? If it was a mainstream source (not a vegan one),

the information is most likely incorrect. Same for the protein information,

when and if that comes up. Reputable, nutritionally-minded doctors (such as

Dr. John McDougall) have said that they have NEVER seen a case of protein

deficiency in any of the vegans they know of, and have never heard of a single

case, either. Your child will get calcium from the same exact sources you do,

once she is eating solids--leafy greens, sesame seeds/tahini, fortified

soymilk, oranges and orange juice, etc.


Just an aside, and it's for everyone--not picking on ANYONE. Find a

pediatrician who is familiar with, and comfortable with, vegan diets. Otherwise


may have a lot of misinformation thrown at you--and new parents can be

vulnerable to advice from the " experts " . Most doctors haven't got a CLUE about

vegan/vegetarian nutrition.








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Hi! I'm new here and was wondering about starting an infant on a vegan

diet. My daughter is 4 months and I've been reading baby food cookbooks

in preparation for serving her solids in a couple of months. It seems

like it may be difficult for infants to get enough calcium. (since you

can't introduce soy or other dairy alternatives until around 10

months). Does anyone have experience with vegan infants? I am

considering doing a little organic dairy for her in the beginning but

would prefer not to.

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My kids are 3.5 and 1.5. They are vegan at home and lacto outside the

house. I've never worried about them getting any particular nutrient. I

feed them a variety of food... they eat a lot of fruit and veggies,

whole grains, soy milk, etc.

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After my daughter weaned from breastmilk she continued to take soy formula until

she was about 2 years old. We used the follow-up formula for 4 months & up until

she was 12 months old and then we used the Stage 2 Toddler Soy Formula until she

was 2 years old. I know was a long time ago and the formulas have changed quite

a bit. She ate baby foods such as veggies, fruits and baby cereal (oatmeal,

rice, etc) again until she was around 22 months or so before I started to give

her 'grown-up' foods. I don't understand why you'd be wanting to give a 4 month

old or a 10 month old for that matter soy milk or dairy alternatives instead of

breastmilk or soy formula.



food4u1575 <dana.sommers wrote:

Hi! I'm new here and was wondering about starting an infant on a vegan

diet. My daughter is 4 months and I've been reading baby food cookbooks

in preparation for serving her solids in a couple of months. It seems

like it may be difficult for infants to get enough calcium. (since you

can't introduce soy or other dairy alternatives until around 10

months). Does anyone have experience with vegan infants? I am

considering doing a little organic dairy for her in the beginning but

would prefer not to.








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Babies get the nutrients that they need from breastmilk (or formula). Solids

are introduced more to get them used to eating them. Before babies first

birthday, avoid the " allergy triggers " . Off the top of my head: wheat, dairy,

citrus, strawberries, eggs, soy, nuts, peanuts. I am sure that someone will

chime in with what I'm missing.


food4u1575 <dana.sommers wrote:

Hi! I'm new here and was wondering about starting an infant on a vegan

diet. My daughter is 4 months and I've been reading baby food cookbooks

in preparation for serving her solids in a couple of months. It seems

like it may be difficult for infants to get enough calcium. (since you

can't introduce soy or other dairy alternatives until around 10

months). Does anyone have experience with vegan infants? I am

considering doing a little organic dairy for her in the beginning but

would prefer not to.








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For the first year, she should still be mainly nursing or on formula. They

will not have trouble getting calcium as they should still be getting most

of their nutrients from nursing /formula.


Think of the introduction of foods more as something to do with her rather

than replacing nursing/bottle feeding. Her serving sizes will start out at

about 1 teaspoon and most of that will not be going into her mouth. LOL.


A book that I found tremendously helpful for me/us was " Super Baby Food " by

Ruth Yaron. She's got a chart for what to start and when, and recipes,

things to do, and all kinds of helpful info. We still use some of the

recipes for all of us (especially the master baking mix, and the skillet

hodgepodge which was easy to veganize,btw). She does recommend milk stuffs

when they're older (yogurt/cheese/milk poweder) but our son has a milk

protien allergy, which is what prompted us to go vegan in the first place

since we were already vegetarian before he was born, but we sub'd vegan

versions and most things work pretty well).




On Feb 11, 2008 2:35 PM, food4u1575 <dana.sommers wrote:


> Hi! I'm new here and was wondering about starting an infant on a vegan

> diet. My daughter is 4 months and I've been reading baby food cookbooks

> in preparation for serving her solids in a couple of months. It seems

> like it may be difficult for infants to get enough calcium. (since you

> can't introduce soy or other dairy alternatives until around 10

> months). Does anyone have experience with vegan infants? I am

> considering doing a little organic dairy for her in the beginning but

> would prefer not to.
















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hi there, i've got two children (2.5 and 4yrs). i've been vegan for 10years,

so had two vegan pregnancies and vegan infants and toddlers. 6mths ago we

started with eggs and sheeps/goat cheese, but before that it was all vegan.


my son began solids at about 7mths of age and ate mashed fruit, veg,

avocado, then closer to 10mths he had soy yoghurt too. about this time i

added in cooked lentils, baked beans, tofu.


my daughter didn't eat solids until she was 12mths old, she would gag, vomit

and push it away. she went virtually straight to finger foods, fruit, veg,

and much the same as her brother.


they were both breatfed past 18mths of age, and it is this that gives them

all their nutrition. babies can be safely exclusively breastfed to 12mths of

age without needing anything else. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding to

at least 6mths, then continued breastfeeds until 2 yrs of age.


good luck you with your gorgeous baby, enjoy the breastfeeding, solids is

way away for now!









On 2/12/08, food4u1575 <dana.sommers wrote:


> Hi! I'm new here and was wondering about starting an infant on a vegan

> diet. My daughter is 4 months and I've been reading baby food cookbooks

> in preparation for serving her solids in a couple of months. It seems

> like it may be difficult for infants to get enough calcium. (since you

> can't introduce soy or other dairy alternatives until around 10

> months). Does anyone have experience with vegan infants? I am

> considering doing a little organic dairy for her in the beginning but

> would prefer not to.









Harvey b 12/03 and Sasha b 08/05




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I was vegan for years before getting pregnant with my first (now 8 years old) so

all three of my children were vegan from birth. They all started solids at

different times (my youngest is 5mo. and she is into " social " eating meaning she

wants to share when I am eating, but doesn't actually ingest much and I don't

give her food every time I eat just when she grabs for it...I let her suck on an

apple or mouth a carrot or eat some steamed kale). I see no need to introduce

dairy. Most of my friends who aren't vegan don't introduce dairy until after a

year or so because of allergies. I nursed my older two (and plan to nurse the

youngest) past two years of age. I ate lots of organic leafy greens, beans,

nuts, seeds...just the normal stuff I would eat, but paid more attention to get

everything I needed so they would get what they needed.


Enjoy your little one!



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On 2/12/08, food4u1575 <dana.sommers@ wholefoods. com> wrote:




> Hi! I'm new here and was wondering about starting an infant on a vegan


> diet. My daughter is 4 months and I've been reading baby food cookbooks


> in preparation for serving her solids in a couple of months. It seems


> like it may be difficult for infants to get enough calcium. (since you


> can't introduce soy or other dairy alternatives until around 10


> months). Does anyone have experience with vegan infants? I am


> considering doing a little organic dairy for her in the beginning but


> would prefer not to.














Harvey b 12/03 and Sasha b 08/05





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I would like to see vegan adults have complete confidence in the vegan

diet for raising children. There is no need to introduce animal

products of any kind for a child to grow healthily. In fact it is

likely to be detrimental to their health. If you are having doubts and

the dairy eaters are nagging you about the need for calcium etc., then I

strongly suggest reading The China Study by T Colin Campbell. This

excellent book pulls together scientific research from all over the

place, that hasn't been funded by meat and dairy corporations, that

clearly show the links between 'Western' diseases and consumption of

animal proteins, including dairy. All the nutrients a growing child

needs can easily be obtained from other sources.


I have been vegetarian for 30 years, and vegan for the last 14 of those

years. My partner is also vegan and our children are 6.5 and nearly 4

and doing great!.


I have just completed an article on raising vegan children

<http://www.aact.org.au/vegan_children.htm> which you are welcome to

read (links to animal rights group website). I am in Australia, so some

product references are not applicable to America, but I believe you have

an even wider range of product options available there. There are three

key websites I would refer all vegan parents to if they have any

concerns about planning their child's diet..


Firstly the American Dietics Association (www.eatright.org

<http://www.eatright.org>), who are satisfied that a vegan diet can

satisfy all the needs of children from infancy to adolescence. Search

for 'vegan children' to see their paper on vegetarian and vegan diets

and recommendations for children. Secondly, the Physicians Committee

for Responsible Medicine have excellent information on dietry

requirements for vegan children (they use the term " vegetarian " on their

fact sheet, but the diet they recommend is completely vegan.

www.pcrm.org <http://www.pcrm.org>. You can also get the 'new four food

groups' from their website, a dietry guide that excludes all animal

products. The third site I will recommend is Vegan Health

(www.veganhealth.org <http://www.veganhealth.org>) which is written by

Registered Dietitian and President of Vegan Outreach, Jack Norris. It

has lots of information that every vegan should know to ensure their

diet is well balanced and their health a glowing example to non-vegans!








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