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Parenting Magazine Article

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Hello Everyone,


I was just wondering if any of you read the article in the May issue of

Parenting Magazine entitled " The Truth About Feeding Your Baby: How to Raise a

Healthy, Happy Eater " ? Being strict vegetarians (very close to vegan) for over

10 years and raising our 13 month old as a strict vegetarian since conception,

my husband and I were very shocked at this article. It takes 5 common myths and

rejects them, the first one being that Rice cereal should be a baby's first

food. It says it isn't necessary to give them rice cereal first and then says

" In fact, the latest research shows you may want to consider meat for your

baby's first bites. It's a particularly rich source of iron and zinc, both of

which breast milk doesn't provide enough of, and your baby's stores of them

become depleted by 6 months of age. " Am I the only one that is shocked that

they suggested a baby's first food be meat! They also said a few things about

soy formula that I didn't agree

with. I'm going to write to the editors and I just though the other parents in

this group might want to check out the article. I believe you can read it at



I just feel like we as vegetarian/vegan families have it difficult enough in

this world. Now parents are being told to feed their children meat as their

first food. I would like to know what research study this was and who it was

funded by.







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That is horrible, although I can't say that I'm suprised! I can't stand

Parenting magazine because I feel like every month they have another article on

how I'm going to kill my kids by doing or not doing something. I feel like

their magazine and articles don't put enough trust in parents and our own

intuition on how to raise our children. A good magazine is Mothering-Natural

Family Living. I've only read it a couple of times, but I like the information

and how it's geared towards more natural living. All in all, you have to take

these things with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, there will be parents out

there that read this article and will go out and give their 4 month old baby

ground up meat. Lovely.




: dawnhubb: Mon, 14 Apr 2008

08:59:36 -0700 Parenting Magazine Article





Hello Everyone,I was just wondering if any of you read the article in the May

issue of Parenting Magazine entitled " The Truth About Feeding Your Baby: How to

Raise a Healthy, Happy Eater " ? Being strict vegetarians (very close to vegan)

for over 10 years and raising our 13 month old as a strict vegetarian since

conception, my husband and I were very shocked at this article. It takes 5

common myths and rejects them, the first one being that Rice cereal should be a

baby's first food. It says it isn't necessary to give them rice cereal first and

then says " In fact, the latest research shows you may want to consider meat for

your baby's first bites. It's a particularly rich source of iron and zinc, both

of which breast milk doesn't provide enough of, and your baby's stores of them

become depleted by 6 months of age. " Am I the only one that is shocked that they

suggested a baby's first food be meat! They also said a few things about soy

formula that I didn't agreewith. I'm going to write to the editors and I just

though the other parents in this group might want to check out the article. I

believe you can read it at Parenting.com. I just feel like we as

vegetarian/vegan families have it difficult enough in this world. Now parents

are being told to feed their children meat as their first food. I would like to

know what research study this was and who it was funded by.

-Dawn________Be a better

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it's also profoundly inaccurate that breastmilk doesn't provide enough zinc

or iron. the latter is especially a problem. many outdated pediatricians

continue to profess that breastmilk doesn't provide enough iron, which was

believed to be true for so long because breastmil actually does not have

very much iron. however, now it is known that the iron in breastmilk is

highly absorbed and digested, and iron deficiency from breastmilk is really

not a problem. with the WAPF's emphasis that breastmilk is not sufficient,

and that homemade formula based on meat, and meat itself, are best for

babies, and their emphasis on zinc and iron as especially difficult

nutrients to obtain, obviously whomever wrote this article has been affected

by their agenda...again.


here is the article online:


http://www.parenting.com/Common/photo_gallery.jsp?galleryID=1000021563 & genID=3


like so many WAPF influences, they mix up a lot of good information (like

not using rice cereal as a first food and not starting solids early) with a

lot of bad information (like starting your child on meat and too much

emphasis on formula). i also loved the picture on the front page - a BOTTLE

filled with meat, cheese, eggs and cereal (such healthy foods!) with a piece

of broccoli thrown in there as an afterthought. gag.






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Please send an email with your concerns and also include a link to the online

article to the media watchdogs at Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine

- www.pcrm.org so they can respond to it.





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I get Pareting magazine as well. I just pulled out the article as

soon as I read your post. I CAN NOT believe what they had to say.

Meat?!?! I can't imagine what that can do to a baby's system,

especially, as their first food. I encourage you to write in to

them. I don't agree about the soy formula info they had to say

either. What really bothere me was when I read " human infants are

made to grow on animal protein " . The pediatrician probably only

states that because it's the AAP.




, Dawn Hubble <dawnhubb wrote:


> Hello Everyone,


> I was just wondering if any of you read the article in the May

issue of Parenting Magazine entitled " The Truth About Feeding Your

Baby: How to Raise a Healthy, Happy Eater " ? Being strict vegetarians

(very close to vegan) for over 10 years and raising our 13 month old

as a strict vegetarian since conception, my husband and I were very

shocked at this article. It takes 5 common myths and rejects them,

the first one being that Rice cereal should be a baby's first food.

It says it isn't necessary to give them rice cereal first and then

says " In fact, the latest research shows you may want to consider

meat for your baby's first bites. It's a particularly rich source of

iron and zinc, both of which breast milk doesn't provide enough of,

and your baby's stores of them become depleted by 6 months of age. "

Am I the only one that is shocked that they suggested a baby's first

food be meat! They also said a few things about soy formula that I

didn't agree

> with. I'm going to write to the editors and I just though the

other parents in this group might want to check out the article. I

believe you can read it at Parenting.com.


> I just feel like we as vegetarian/vegan families have it difficult

enough in this world. Now parents are being told to feed their

children meat as their first food. I would like to know what

research study this was and who it was funded by.


> -Dawn






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I had to quit reading Parenting Magazine quite a while ago. I found

myself always getting angry about the articles and the tips to

parents. There is hardly anything I have ever agreed with in that

magazine. I admire you for writing the editor about this - I found

too many things that I disagreed with the magazine to ever do that

myself. They are very pro-formula, anti-attachment and I chose to

just remove the magazine from my home.





On Apr 14, 2008, at 11:59 AM, Dawn Hubble wrote:


> Hello Everyone,


> I was just wondering if any of you read the article in the May

> issue of Parenting Magazine entitled " The Truth About Feeding Your

> Baby: How to Raise a Healthy, Happy Eater " ? Being strict

> vegetarians (very close to vegan) for over 10 years and raising our

> 13 month old as a strict vegetarian since conception, my husband

> and I were very shocked at this article. It takes 5 common myths

> and rejects them, the first one being that Rice cereal should be a

> baby's first food. It says it isn't necessary to give them rice

> cereal first and then says " In fact, the latest research shows you

> may want to consider meat for your baby's first bites. It's a

> particularly rich source of iron and zinc, both of which breast

> milk doesn't provide enough of, and your baby's stores of them

> become depleted by 6 months of age. " Am I the only one that is

> shocked that they suggested a baby's first food be meat! They also

> said a few things about soy formula that I didn't agree

> with. I'm going to write to the editors and I just though the other

> parents in this group might want to check out the article. I

> believe you can read it at Parenting.com.


> I just feel like we as vegetarian/vegan families have it difficult

> enough in this world. Now parents are being told to feed their

> children meat as their first food. I would like to know what

> research study this was and who it was funded by.


> -Dawn


> ________

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So many of their articles make me crazy that I finally cancelled my

subscription. My recent favorite was a 3 page apology to formula feeding moms,

but that's another topic altogether....






Dawn Hubble <dawnhubb


Monday, April 14, 2008 8:59:36 AM

Parenting Magazine Article


Hello Everyone,


I was just wondering if any of you read the article in the May issue of

Parenting Magazine entitled " The Truth About Feeding Your Baby: How to Raise a

Healthy, Happy Eater " ? Being strict vegetarians (very close to vegan) for over

10 years and raising our 13 month old as a strict vegetarian since conception,

my husband and I were very shocked at this article. It takes 5 common myths and

rejects them, the first one being that Rice cereal should be a baby's first

food. It says it isn't necessary to give them rice cereal first and then says

" In fact, the latest research shows you may want to consider meat for your

baby's first bites. It's a particularly rich source of iron and zinc, both of

which breast milk doesn't provide enough of, and your baby's stores of them

become depleted by 6 months of age. " Am I the only one that is shocked that they

suggested a baby's first food be meat! They also said a few things about soy

formula that I didn't agree

with. I'm going to write to the editors and I just though the other parents in

this group might want to check out the article. I believe you can read it at



I just feel like we as vegetarian/vegan families have it difficult enough in

this world. Now parents are being told to feed their children meat as their

first food. I would like to know what research study this was and who it was

funded by.




____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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i actually haven't read the article yet. the magazine is still in the back

of my car (i keep saying i'm going to read it on my lunch break at work).

i'm not surprised though. i've always had a rough time finding support from

the mainstream media venues regarding vegetarianism and veganism, especially

where children are concerned. the only things the media will often pick up

are the horror stories where a child passes away and because s/he was being

raised as a vegetarian or vegan, all hell breaks loose (when the problem can

usually be attributed to poor parenting). a quick google search for " vegan

parents " brought back the following top three links:


Vegan parents on trial for baby's


LP: Vegan parents guilty in infant


The Grapevine -



*this* one is tips for having a healthful, vegan pregnancy and family)


you rarely (if *ever*) hear about the rates for childhood obesity and

nutrition-related health problems for vegetarian and vegan children as

opposed to other children. you rarely (if *ever*) hear about the parents who

are doing something right, merely those whose poor choices end in fatality.

it's depressing to even think about.


^8^ Reni ^8^




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I am usually a fan of Parenting Mag. but, this seems quite ridiculous! I hope

that most parents would do more research on first foods and when to give them.

I am shocked. I know that Lily didn't like much meat, and the ground chicken

and mush I gave her, she ate a few bites and then threw it at me! I am glad

that we are now veggies.

On a more positive note, I was reading a tabloid with Nicole Ritchie on the

cover. She said that the reason she lost most of her baby weight was

breastfeeding! I was sooo very excited, as I know many younger moms are afraid

of it, and seeing such a " celebrity " admit to nursing her child may change their

minds for the better...Score one for us!












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I sent the article and my thoughts to a mom's group I am in, and got this link

back in support.

I only got to slide 77, but I really like it (except for the egg reference).

Seems to be on the right track, and it was found doing a basic search for first

foods. YEAH!!!





Reni <renireligion wrote: i actually

haven't read the article yet. the magazine is still in the back

of my car (i keep saying i'm going to read it on my lunch break at work).

i'm not surprised though. i've always had a rough time finding support from

the mainstream media venues regarding vegetarianism and veganism, especially

where children are concerned. the only things the media will often pick up

are the horror stories where a child passes away and because s/he was being

raised as a vegetarian or vegan, all hell breaks loose (when the problem can

usually be attributed to poor parenting). a quick google search for " vegan

parents " brought back the following top three links:


Vegan parents on trial for baby's


LP: Vegan parents guilty in infant


The Grapevine -



*this* one is tips for having a healthful, vegan pregnancy and family)


you rarely (if *ever*) hear about the rates for childhood obesity and

nutrition-related health problems for vegetarian and vegan children as

opposed to other children. you rarely (if *ever*) hear about the parents who

are doing something right, merely those whose poor choices end in fatality.

it's depressing to even think about.


^8^ Reni ^8^




Drag queens are the rea-

Son I pluck my eyebrows. It's

The least I can do.


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Maybe Parenting Mag. Should take a look at these stats.










Behalf Of lilbludaisy

Monday, April 14, 2008 2:21 PM


Re: Parenting Magazine Article




I get Pareting magazine as well. I just pulled out the article as

soon as I read your post. I CAN NOT believe what they had to say.

Meat?!?! I can't imagine what that can do to a baby's system,

especially, as their first food. I encourage you to write in to

them. I don't agree about the soy formula info they had to say

either. What really bothere me was when I read " human infants are

made to grow on animal protein " . The pediatrician probably only

states that because it's the AAP.




@gro <%40> ups.com,

Dawn Hubble <dawnhubb wrote:


> Hello Everyone,


> I was just wondering if any of you read the article in the May

issue of Parenting Magazine entitled " The Truth About Feeding Your

Baby: How to Raise a Healthy, Happy Eater " ? Being strict vegetarians

(very close to vegan) for over 10 years and raising our 13 month old

as a strict vegetarian since conception, my husband and I were very

shocked at this article. It takes 5 common myths and rejects them,

the first one being that Rice cereal should be a baby's first food.

It says it isn't necessary to give them rice cereal first and then

says " In fact, the latest research shows you may want to consider

meat for your baby's first bites. It's a particularly rich source of

iron and zinc, both of which breast milk doesn't provide enough of,

and your baby's stores of them become depleted by 6 months of age. "

Am I the only one that is shocked that they suggested a baby's first

food be meat! They also said a few things about soy formula that I

didn't agree

> with. I'm going to write to the editors and I just though the

other parents in this group might want to check out the article. I

believe you can read it at Parenting.com.


> I just feel like we as vegetarian/vegan families have it difficult

enough in this world. Now parents are being told to feed their

children meat as their first food. I would like to know what

research study this was and who it was funded by.


> -Dawn






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> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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