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mouth sores, soy, amino acids, and saliva tests

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Since becoming vegan (3 months now), I have had a terrible time with

mouth ulcers. I went to my local health food store looking for a

solution and it was recommended to me to try L-lysine. In the little

bit of research I did, it seems that the ulcers can not only be caused

by viruses, but also by consuming too much soy, wheat, and some others

I can't remember. Anyway, I learned that too much soy can imbalance

your amino acids giving you too much L-arsenine. To " fix " that, it was

suggested to take L-lysine. I've been taking the L-lysine (1,000mg)

once a day but only for three days now. My question is, have any of

you ever had this same problem and do you know anything about the amino

acid imbalance? I need to figure out a natural way to make these

things go away and stay away!


Second question - have any of you ever had a saliva test done? I heard

of someone in my town who does them and can tell you what ailments you

have and if any parasites are present in your body. I wonder if that

would give me the answer to why I'm getting the ulcers. Just curious.

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I find that whenever I've eaten too much sugary stuff I get the canker sores

you're talking about. All I have to do is stop eating ANY sweets and they start

to disappear immediately.


Is there any chance that your new diet has hidden sugars in it?





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Hi There,


I hope I can help. I've had canker sores my whole life. They have

been so bad that I've stayed home from parties because I was unable

to talk or

eat! I think they have a lot to do with your immune system. I usually

don't get sick (colds/flus), but instead when I'm worn down I will

get a canker sore or two.


I've tried L-lysine supplements and maybe they have helped. I'm just

not sure about how long to take them, just during an outbreak or what? I

can't say they have helped that much. Please share what you've read

about how long to take it and when (read below).


The best thing is to stay healthy and not get too worn down or

stressed out (easier said than done).


Something I have discovered recently is a rinse called " Prevention

Mouth Rinse - Antibacterial " made by Prevention Laboratories.

www.preventionlab.com. 1-800-473-1205. I've

only found it at Walgreens. I have to travel around 10 miles to the

nearest store. I use it as soon as I accidently bite the inside of

my mouth, or feel a sore coming on. It works.

The problem is having it handy at the right time...


That said, you don't need to consume a lot of soy. You need 50-100

grams of protein per day (depending on your size and activity level)

and this

is easily obtained thru a normal diet of whole grains (try quinoa!),

beans (try bean salads w/ garlic, lemon and flax oil for lunch!)

veggies (eat a large variety and make sure you include

leafies like collards, Kale -- also don't forget cooked orange

veggies) and fruit (watch the sugar content -- go for the ones w/ the

most antioxidents (brightest colors)).

If you eat nuts, try to consume raw nuts. That said, I have found

that walnuts give me canker sores. I think they get stuck inside my

mouth and cause small cuts that can develop

into sores.


Anyway, thanks for your info. You've prompted me to do some more

research. Foods high in argenine are: nuts, chocolate, whole and

white wheat, coconut, oats and caffeine. This source

didn't mention soy. It says that beans are high in L-lysine, so you

would think that soy would be included. So from this, I think it's a

good idea to vary your diet a lot, include lots of rice,

quinoa, and buckwheat instead of wheat and oats (which I try to do).

Limit the chocolate, coconut, nuts and caffeine. Off set these with a

l-lysine supplement, perhaps, if you must indulge?


Here is the link I was just reading I found it quite informative:



I'd like to hear about saliva tests if you find out more info.


Good luck!





On Aug 21, 2008, at 4:34 PM, iluvk5 wrote:


> Since becoming vegan (3 months now), I have had a terrible time with

> mouth ulcers. I went to my local health food store looking for a

> solution and it was recommended to me to try L-lysine. In the little

> bit of research I did, it seems that the ulcers can not only be caused

> by viruses, but also by consuming too much soy, wheat, and some others

> I can't remember. Anyway, I learned that too much soy can imbalance

> your amino acids giving you too much L-arsenine. To " fix " that, it was

> suggested to take L-lysine. I've been taking the L-lysine (1,000mg)

> once a day but only for three days now. My question is, have any of

> you ever had this same problem and do you know anything about the

> amino

> acid imbalance? I need to figure out a natural way to make these

> things go away and stay away!


> Second question - have any of you ever had a saliva test done? I heard

> of someone in my town who does them and can tell you what ailments you

> have and if any parasites are present in your body. I wonder if that

> would give me the answer to why I'm getting the ulcers. Just curious.







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