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Dogs Destined for Lab in Edinburgh (Scotland)- PLEASE TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!!

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planetanimal <planetanimal[Animal Rights Activist Resources] Dogs destined for Lab in Edinburgh (Scotland)- LTR SAMPLE please take immediate actionTuesday, May 4, 2010, 5:59 PM

Please feel free to send as is, edit or write your own, but please write! THANK YOU.

South West Animal Protection Undisclosed- Recipient: ;@me.freeserve. com Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:04 AMDogs destined for Lab in Edinburgh (Scotland)- please take immediate action



Please note if you have a problem sending it in block email (as we did) you may have to send the sample letters seperately, we apologise for any inconvenience if you experience this problem yourself

Please remember to include your full postal address at all times.

Many thanks for your supportSWAP team UK


- Scotland for Animals Monday, May 03, 2010 12:02 PMDogs destined for Lab in Edinburgh

The Airline Lufthansa has now pledged to end the transport of animals for research after being exposed shipping a 'cargo' of dogs to Edinburgh to be experimented on and killed by Charles River Labs in East Lothian.The Beagles destined for Charles River Labs a couple of weeks agoMSP's have consistently cowered away from the issue of vivisection in Scotland refusing even to discuss the matter as it is "not a devolved issue" but are always keen to meet with the animal research lobby and the firms involved in order to organise tax-payers funding for projects.With almost 560, 000 animals being abused and killed every year in labs all over Scotland and this number rising steadily we think it's about time they had the courage to face this scandal and tell us, their employers, what they intend to do about it.We'd like to appeal to everybody to contact all Members of the Scottish Parliament for answers.These

animals are suffering and dying as you're reading this, nobody's coming to help them so it's up to you and me to stand up and do something now. Please take a couple of minutes of your time to send the message below (personalise it if you want), just cut and paste the email addresses provided in a block into your 'To' section, no need to send individually. Also please CC to Charles River labs: info. com


*Please pass this appeal on to your friends, family, other contacts and post up if you're on facebook, etc.*

Sample letter/ emailRe: Animals/ researchCC: Charles River LaboratoriesDear Sir/ MadamI am aware that the Airline Lufthansa have now pledged to discontinue their shipping of animals for use in research experiments worldwide after having been exposed transporting a cargo of live dogs destined for the Charles River Labs, Tranent, East Lothian for to be used then killed in commercial experimentation.Almost 560, 000 animals meet this fate in Scotland annually and I would like to ask what you intend as a parliamentary member to do about this situation.I note that when this issue has been raised previously the Scottish Parliament has refused to discuss or deal with the matter stating that "it is not a devolved issue". I have learned that precedent has been set for the devotion of parliamentary time to non-devolved matters including most recently when the UK voting system (also not a devolved issue) was

debated and voted upon in Parliament last week.In previous correspondence and statements from elected members and Scottish officials it has been claimed that the use of animals in research is "vital" in the battle against illness and disease. There is a huge amount of scientific evidence that this is not the case, that animal research is hindering the discovery of cures and treatments and that public health is being jeopardised by its continued use. This is being backed by many of the worlds leading researchers and medical experts.I would be grateful if you could please give me your views and tell me if you intend to take action regarding this matter including if you will support the charity 'Scotland for animals' call for an official and independent inquiry into the use of animals for research in Scotland. Please contact them if you require any Data or further information.I look forward to your response.Yours

faithfullyPlease include your full postal address at all times Brian.Adam.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Bill.Aitken. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Wendy.Alexander. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Alasdair.Allan. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Jackie.Baillie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Claire.Baker. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Richard.Baker. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Sarah.Boyack. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Rhona.Brankin. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Rhona.Brankin. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Ted.Brocklebank. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Gavin.Brown. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Keith.Brown. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Keith.Brown. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Robert.Brown. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Derek.Brownlee. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Aileen.Campbell. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Jackson.Carlaw. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Malcolm.Chisholm. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Willie.Coffey. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Angela.Constance. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Cathie.Craigie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Bruce.Crawford. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Roseanna.Cunningham .msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Margaret.Curran. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Nigel.Don.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Bob.Doris.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Helen.Eadie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Fergus.Ewing. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Linda.Fabiani. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Patricia.Ferguson. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Alex.Fergusson. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Ross.Finnie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,dundee@joefitzpatri ck.net,Murdo.Fraser. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Kenneth.Gibson.

msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Rob.Gibson.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Karen.Gillon. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Marlyn.Glen. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Trish.Godman. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Charlie.Gordon. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Christine.Grahame. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Rhoda.Grant. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Iain.Gray.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Robin.Harper. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Christopher. Harvie.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Patrick.Harvie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Hugh.Henry.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Jamie.Hepburn. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Jim.Hume.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Cathy.Jamieson. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Adam.Ingram. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Alexander.Johnstone .msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,James.Kelly. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Andy.Kerr.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Bill.Kidd.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Johann.Lamont. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,John.Lamont. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Marilyn.Livingstone .msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Lewis.Macdonald. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Margo.MacDonald. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Ken.Macintosh. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Paul.Martin. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Tricia.Marwick. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Jim.Mather.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Michael.Matheson. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Stewart.Maxwell. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Liam.McArthur. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Tom.Mccabe.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Jack.Mcconnell. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Jack.Mcconnell. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Jamie.Mcgrigor. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Alison.McInnes. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Ian.McKee.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Christina.Mckelvie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Anne.McLaughlin. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,David.Mcletchie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Michael.Mcmahon. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Stuart.McMillan. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Duncan.McNeil. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Pauline.Mcneill. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Des.Direct@scottish .parliament. uk,Nanette.Milne. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Margaret.Mitchell. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Alasdair.Morgan. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Mary.Mulligan. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,John.Munro.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Hugh.O'Donnell. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Irene.Oldfather. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,John.Park.msp@ scottish. parliament. uk,Gil.Paterson. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Peter.Peacock. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Cathy.Peattie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Mike.Pringle. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Jeremy.Purvis. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Shona.Robison. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Bill.Butler. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Annabel.Goldie. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Elaine.Murray. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk,Frank.Mcaveety. msp (AT) scottish (DOT) parliament. uk, FirstMinister@ scotland. gsi.gov.uk------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -Join our Facebook page! http://www.facebook .com/pages/ Scotland- for-Animals/ 301399245068 Reg. charity: SCO39109info@scotlandforani mals.org www.scotlandforanim als.orgFollow us on Twitter http://twitter. com/scotforanima lsMyspace www.myspace. com/scotlandfora nimalsBebo www.bebo.com/

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