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eM's to TV stations - Dogs Current Affairs in the north of Thailand.............

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Yes I know it was not a good photo. Tomorrow I can get the one in the office

from Khao Sod newspaper and scan it to you. It's better view of Tub AND THE



Last night ITV continued the features about companion animals being eaten.

This time it was focused on cats. It showed cats being rounded up in Thailand,

trucked to Vietnam and boiled ALIVE!


The one hour show finished with the interview with Sanya - our singing lawyer

- why we should not eat our friends, and then concluded with him singing on the

steps of the Culture Ministry; Why am I born, to die...so you may live....


This week we forge ahead with more signatures which we gather on the streets

of Chiang Mai. It has proved to be a good way of obtaining information. People

are cooperating in general, the few who back away give us leads.... some say

they like to eat it! Most are disgusted and blame it on the Chinese or Korean or

the Akka hilltribe people.


Attached is some info I found by chance on the internet.



Merry Cat'mas and have a Doggie New Year!





E Pierre STECK <pesteck wrote:

Hi there,


I received a scanned picture.... but the quality is too bad. one hardly can

see things... I know when one see an animal like this one does not feel for or

thinks of taking pixs. -but only like that one is getting involved the people


kr peter e


braendli [braendli]

Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:09 PM

Peter Steck

Fw: Fw: eM's to TV stations - Dogs Current Affairs in the north of





- Marianne Willemse


Friday, December 22, 2006 9:45 PM

Re: Fw: eM's to TV stations - Dogs Current Affairs in the north of





Dear Hanna, okay I worked out what pic you want. I have a newspaper clip with

me now from Daily News in CM which I will scan after and send you in another

mail. There is a better clip from Khao Sod but it's in the office and I won't be

able to get it until tomorrow.

Thanks hugs M


braendli <braendli wrote:

Dear Marianne


Do you have the pix of that dog? If yes, maybe you can send it directly to

Peter Steck. - thanks. - Hanna



- E Pierre STECK


Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:24 AM

eM's to TV stations - Dogs Current Affairs in the north of





Hi Hanna, my animal worrier.....


this eM did not get delivered to TV Channel 7, I need to get their 'new' eM





peter e


PS. I sent them some months ago something, & they brought it right on National

TV after the 6PM news.... - which was great... If you sent me the pix of that

dog.... it will help. When the Thai Embassy will see this on TV here.... it

might impact... and something will be done.... okay ??


E Pierre STECK [pesteck]

Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:18 AM


Dogs Current Affairs in the north of Thailand.............






Hi there at National TV Channel 7


maybe you like to read below and inform Oz about this...


kr peter e


E Pierre STECK [pesteck]

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:46 PM

petitions; GreenPeace - eMail

Dogs in the north of Thailand.............



Acc: to misc friends suppressed - please pass this on.... make people aware of

this... - in the Land of Smiles.....


Hi there my friends at care2 & at Green Peace.....


below true story just received form Thailand may be of interest to you.... -

Can you guys do something about this too ???


It makes any one sick and very sad reading this...... it is gut wrenching

stuff... and this in 2006 !!!


Fro your info, I left TH in 1980 after 10 years - so it appears nothing has

changed since.... This story is nothing new to me.... - but is horrible just

the same. What is new to me, it is still going on !!!! and nothing is done about



I lived near Soi Ari off Suhumvit Rd, in BKK there were dog eating &

slaughtering places too.... and I did not think my jet black German Giant

Schnauzers were safe even back then - I was told in Chiangmai nothing has

changed.... indeed it is sickening - send this to the Oz Australian News paper.

and papers around the globe....... pressures from outside just may help to

change this rotten attititude towards animals.......


.....where is the Thai Buddhism gone.... ???????? Are all the tourist to TH -

taking a blind eye.... ???!!! and the global animal liberation forums as well

??? !!!




peter e



Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:54 PM

" Undisclosed-Recipients:


Dogs in Thailand.............




Reading this makes me sick....... (this is a report from my friend at the Love

Animal House here in Chiangmai, Thailand). - H



On Dec. 9th Chiang Mai held its annual dog show at the sports stadium. Love

Animal House and Grant's dog/cat rescue under Thai Animal Guardian Assn. joined

hands to start a petition against eating dog meat and we sold T shirts with the

message in Thai. There was a great response because everyone wanted to support

the King. On his birthday Dec. 5th, King Bhumiphol opened a photo exhibition of

his beloved street dogs and asked that mercy and compassion be shown to all

animals this year. Next year HRH will be 80, so we have now come up with the

idea that we want to push the interim government, who loves the Royal family, to

make a law in Thailand that consumption of cat and dog meat is illegal. This

would be a great gift for His Majesty.

Yesterday animal rights lawyer Sanya Sukrasorn went to San Patong market to

investigate the situation. He found dog meat readily available. If you want

fresh meat, come 8 am, it's 40 baht a kilo. The market was full of 'chadao',

even grilled organs, 5 restaurants served dog in every way.

If you have a foreign big dog for sale, they pay 600 baht. Golden Retrievers

are especially delicious!

Several people have reported their pure breed dogs stolen lately, even some

people at the dog show. Including Jack Steiner who has sold Thai Ridgeback dogs

to Nicholas Cage. His dog was stolen last week.

Several months ago, two motorcycles were seen driving slowly down a dark city

street late at night. One guy had a club and the other guy had a snare. They

circled in on a black dog who slept in front of a condo on the sidewalk. Before

the security guards could stop them, one guy raced past, clubbed the dog on the

head and the other guy came behind and snatched it.

Today, we found a case with an old dog who had been clubbed on the head so his

brain expanded 10 times out of his head. He was still walking around looking for

his master who had abandoned him a month before. Neighbors fed him and tried to

get him to stay inside like he did when his former owner was there, but he

waddled out every day and came back late. Ate very little. Then some drunk men

came and hit him on the head and wanted to take him, but the people stopped

them. They took the dog to the hospital, but after it got back they did not care

for the wound very well, so today when we found him, he was in a very bad


Sanya called the Thai newspapers and even ITV came.Everyone was so shocked to

see the poor dog, who incidently was the sweetest old fellow. Even after what

happened to him, he let strangers care for him. I held him when the vet gave an

injection and he didn't even twitch, just looked at me with his one sad eye. His

name is Tub and he is the one who had to suffer so that others may be saved. We

don't know how long he has left or if he will survive. The vets are trying to do

their best. I will get his picture from the press tomorrow and send to you.

We now have the sympathy of the press who have agreed to cooperate with us on

every abuse case. Tub will be in every newspaper in the morning and probably

came out on ITV this evening. We are warning people that pets are getting

stolen. Please don't abandon your pets on the street. It is dangerous. People

are eating dogs in San Patong. If you are outraged, please join our petition. We

need 50,000 signatures from CM. The press will help us, when we have the

signatures, 200 people will go to San Patong with the press and make a big

demonstration. We demand it be shut down.

Chiang Mai Journal has agreed to print this message in colour on the front

page continously;

see attachment - pets prayer.

Okay well, that's our plan. We need all the help we can get. So if there is

anyone out there who can add unto this, then please please do so. I tried to set

up a petition on the petition site last night but it didn't go through because

of bad internet disturbance. So I will try again later.

Regards Marianne Willemse Love Animal House Thailand,_._,___

















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<DIV align=center>


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=15 width=684 border=0>



<TD vAlign=top width=352><STRONG><FONT color=#000080 size=5>Dog Slaughter

in Thailand</FONT></STRONG>

<P><STRONG><FONT color=#000080 size=5>at long last a


<TD vAlign=top width=268></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></DIV>

<DIV align=center>


<TABLE width=801 border=0>



<TD vAlign=center align=middle width=69 bgColor=#ffffff><FONT

face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman " size=3>

<P align=justify><BR><BR><IMG height=165

src= " dog slaughter - Thailand_files/thailand_01.jpg " width=59

border=0></FONT> </P></TD>

<TD width=82></TD>

<TD width=630 colSpan=4><FONT face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman "


<P align=justify><BR></P>

<P>Due to the media presence and word-wide protests the Thailand

government has introduced a series of measures aimed at stopping the

slaughter of dogs in the north of the country. At long last a reason for

animal protectionists to rejoice: then the 360,000 dogs which up to now

have suffered and died year for year in northern will, in future, be

spared this fate.</P>

<P>Your protests have helped - Thank you!</P>

<P align=justify><BR></FONT></P></TD></TR>


<TD width=157 colSpan=2>

<P align=center><IMG height=194

src= " dog slaughter - Thailand_files/stup2_02.jpg " width=124


<TD width=150>

<P align=justify><FONT face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman "

size=3><I> " Dr. Stup " could be rescued during secret filming in a slaughter

house in 1998 shortly befor he was to be killed. & nbsp;</I></FONT></P></TD>

<TD width=118 colSpan=2></TD>

<TD width=350>

<P align=justify><FONT face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman " size=3>In

Thailand a points programme has been established aimed a at finally ending

the slaughter of dogs. Worthy of note is the fact that these include

provision of alternative form of income for the dog butchers which

underlines the government's long-term intentions. The contents of the

letter you find <A

href= " http://www.animalnetwork.de/english/thai_letter.htm "



<TD width=793 colSpan=6><FONT face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman "


<P align=justify><BR>In addition, </FONT><STRONG><FONT color=#000080

size=3>Animal Network</FONT></STRONG><FONT

face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman " size=3> maintains an office in the

north of Thailand. Firstly to ensure that the government keeps its promise

and, secondly, to support school projects, particularly in those areas

where ethnic groups live for whom dog slaughtering is a traditional way of

life. In our opinion we must start with the children; they must not grow

up in an environment in which animal torture – in any form whatsoever – is

considered to be normal. & nbsp;<BR></FONT></P></TD></TR>


<TD width=793 bgColor=#ffce0d colSpan=6> & nbsp; </TD></TR>


<TD width=313 colSpan=3><FONT face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman "

size=3><BR>The dog which we were able to buy free shortly before he was to

be killed during secret filming in a slaughter house in 1998, still lives

quite happily in the family of the head of the Thailand office. His name

is Dr. Stup, naturally he is, of course, clever but he was awarded the

title of " Dr. " because, despite his unspeakable past, he is extremely

selective in what he eats.<BR></FONT></TD>

<TD width=13 bgColor=#ffce0d>

<P align=center></P></TD>

<TD width=99><FONT face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman " size=3><I>Dr.

Stup” still lives happily with the familiy of our office head in

Thailand. & nbsp;</I></FONT>

<P> & nbsp;</P></TD>

<TD width=350>

<P align=center><IMG height=204

src= " dog slaughter - Thailand_files/stup_03.jpg " width=145



<TD width=793 bgColor=#000080 colSpan=6><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=4>Our

Plea ...</FONT></B></TD></TR>


<TD width=793 colSpan=6><FONT face=Arial><FONT

face= " New York,Times New Roman " size=3></FONT></FONT><FONT

face= " Schriftart15026,Times New Roman " size=3><BR>Write to the <A

href= " http://www.baanthai.com/kons.shtml " target=_blank>Royal Thailand

Embassy</A> in your country expressly congratulating them on the rapid and

detailed reaction toward ending the animal tortures. & nbsp;</FONT><FONT

face= " New York,Times New Roman " size=3>


align=justify> & nbsp;</P></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></DIV>

<DIV align=center>


<TABLE cellPadding=5 bgColor=#ffce0d border=5>



<TD vAlign=baseline noWrap align=middle bgColor=#fff3c4><FONT

color=#000080><STRONG><BIG> & lt; & lt; & lt;</BIG> <A

href= " http://www.animalnetwork.de/english/zeitung_editorial.htm " >back</A></STRON\


<TD vAlign=baseline noWrap align=middle bgColor=#fff3c4><A

href= " http://www.animalnetwork.de/english/zeitung00.htm " ><FONT

color=#000080><STRONG>Index of Membership


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href= " http://www.animalnetwork.de/english/zeitung_kaphi.htm " >forward</A>

<BIG> & gt; & gt; & gt;</BIG></STRONG></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></DIV>\





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