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How many dogs and cats are eaten in Asia?

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2003:



How many dogs and cats are eaten in Asia?


The absence of dogs and cats from the agricultural statistics

of almost every dog or cat eating nation tends to confirm that they

are eaten not primarily for food value, but rather as a vice,

believed to enhance sexual attraction and potency.

Some of the Asian nations in which dogs and cats are eaten

are descended from some of the first civilizations to keep written

records. Statistics on grain production and animal husbandry in many

ancient Asian empires are still accessible to scholars who can read

the scripts.

Yet quantifying dog and cat consumption, either historically

or today, remains more mysterious than estimating the numbers of

children born out of wedlock, the truth of which is emerging through

genetic research that seeks to trace the descendants of Genghis Khan

and other legendary rulers.

Polled by ANIMAL PEOPLE publisher Kim Bartlett, animal

advocates in all parts of Asia confirmed from direct knowledge that

dogs and cats are consumed in relatively small numbers by ethnic

minorities, and are eaten in large numbers in parts of China and in

North and South Korea.

Few, however, could estimate how many dogs and cats are

consumed. Those who are trying to develop numbers are mostly still

in the early stages of collecting data.

The importance of becoming able to quantify dog and cat

eating goes beyond just estimating the extent of it. As petkeeping

becomes more popular relative to eating dogs and cats, and the pet

supply industry becomes more prosperous and influential within Asian

national economies, petkeepers might be mobilized to influence

politicians to finally halt dog and cat eating.

Accurately assessing the economic strength of the dog and cat

meat industry is critical, however --and it is especially important

to discourage pet food manufacturers from perceiving dog and cat meat

producers as a potential growth market, to be encouraged as some

American pet food producers have encouraged puppy mills, in an

alliance that has often obstructed humane legislation.

Vice is distinguished from other commerce by occurring out of

sight of most of the public, in neighborhoods rarely frequented by

decent people. Official records on vice are not kept by the agencies

that normally track commerce because to keep records would be to

admit the existence of a traffic of which many citizens disapprove.

There are ways, nonetheless, to document the extent of

vices. Perhaps the best way is direct surveillance. For example, a

discreet observer could count the dogs and cats sold and offered for

sale on representative days at major markets. Alternatively,

photographic mosaics could be assembled of entire markets, as Kim

Bartlett did at the Moran Market near Seoul, South Korea, in May

2001, so that the numbers of animals in cages could be counted later.

After this is done in a systematic manner, throughout the dog

and cat eating regions, more precise estimates of the traffic can be

made than are presently possible.

Meanwhile, from the limited available information, ANIMAL

PEOPLE projects that Asia curently consumes about 13 to 16 million

dogs per year, plus four million cats. Nation-by-nation:




There seems to be no evidence of either dog or cat eating.

" My family came from Bangladesh to India, " commented Visahka

SPCA founder Pradeep Kumar Nath. " I have not heard of Bangladeshis

eating dogs or cats. "




" When my wife and I were in Cambodia last year, " wrote Blue

Cross of India chair Chinny Krishna, " we specifically enquired of

many people about dog-eating and were told by almost all of them that

dogs are eaten by some Cambodians, including the Cham, who are

Muslims. Dogs are supposed to be haram or unclean in Islam, but

obviously they are considered clean enough to be eaten in Cambodia.

There are a lot of Thai and Vietnamese visitors to Cambodia who also

eat dog meat.

" Nobody mentioned cats. I have no idea as to the number of

dogs eaten, " Krishna acknowledged, " but obviously it would run

into the thousands. "

The Dorling Kindersley World Reference Atlas estimates that 4% of

Cambodians are ethnic Chinese, 1% are ethnic Vietnamese, and the

Cham are under 1%.

Most Cambodian dog eating is probably by members of these three

minority communities.

Most other Cambodians are ethnic Khmer. Historically, the Khmer

were Buddhists, who ate fish and crustaceans but not many land

animals. Most Khmer Buddhist teachers and traditions were

exterminated and eradicated by the Khmer Rouge dictatorship of

1975-1979, however, and after decades of poverty, hunger, and

ignorance, there may no longer be any cultural obstacle to eating

any kind of meat.

Historically, cats had a high status in Cambodia, as in

Burma, but whether this view survived the Khmer Rouge is unclear.




Royal SPCA Asian regional representative Paul Littlefair

estimates from direct observations and news reports that from six to

eight million dogs per year are eaten in China--a low total for a

species consumed primarily for meat value, but a number that would

be consistent with the perception of dog-eating as an occasional vice

mostly engaged in by older men.

The extent of dog eating in China appears to vary by region,

appearing to be most prevalent in Guangdong, the neighboring

southern provinces of Yunnan and Guangxi, and in Heilongjiang,

Jilin, and Liaoning provinces, adjoining North Korea. Commercial

dog meat ranching is known to occur in Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu,

Shandong, and Hebei provinces.

North Korean immigrants reputedly introduced or re-introduced

dog meat restaurants to Beijing in recent years, after keeping dogs

for any purpose had been discouraged for decades.

Guangdong is the only province known for eating cats.

The Yangcheng Evening News in early December 2002 tried to quantify

Guangdong cat consumption.

" A cat stall in the game-meat market can easily sell 500

kilograms of cat meat a day in winter, " the editors estimated.

" There are about 80 stalls selling cats in the three [game meat]

markets. If each sells about 300 to 400 kilograms of cat meat per

day, then the conservative estimate is that they sell about 10,000

cats a day, " the paper said.

The Yangcheng Evening News asserted that almost all the cats

sold to restaurants were domestic animals, and that many were stolen

or caught on the streets.




Both dogs and cats are reputedly eaten by gypsies in various

parts of India, but dogs are eaten openly only in Nagaland and cats

are not openly eaten anywhere.

" Nagaland has no dogs at all because they have all been eaten

and there is huge trafficking in sending them dogs from other states.

Imphal, Manipur has no dogs either, " charged People for Animals

founder Maneka Gandhi.

Confirmed Pradeep Kumar Nath, " When I was in Assam two years

ago dog eating came up, and it was evident that dogs were eaten

mostly in Nagaland. Stray dogs are supplied from nearby states like

West Bengal, Meghalaya, and Sikkim, and also from Burma. There are

now very few dogs in those areas unless they are bred for this

purpose, " Nath asserted.

Visakha SPCA hospital manager Swathi Buddhiraju tried to

obtain numbers through networking.

" I have contacted a few people, " she e-mailed, " but info is

scanty. There are 16 tribes in Nagaland. A faction within each

tribe slaughters dogs for food, The rough estimate given by one

person is around 10,000 for the year, " but Buddhiraju said she could

not confirm this.

" The militant tribes of both Nagaland and Assam, " resistingt

Indian central authority, " are also consumers, " Buddhiraju said.

" In areas like Khamakhya there might be dog and cat sacrifices also.

Dog slaughter is less in Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya. "

" Cats are eaten by some members of lower castes as well as by

the gypsy tribes throughout India and by some people from Kerala, "

Nath said. " Thus cat eating is not just in one area, whereas dog

eating is concentrated in the northeast. "

" The narikorvas, a South Indian gypsy tribe, eat cats, "

confirmed Chinny Krishna. " My estimate is that five or six thousand

cats per year are eaten. "




Spokespersons for the organization ProFauna told ANIMAL

PEOPLE that dogs are often eaten by the Dayaks of Kalimantan and the

Bataks of North Sumatra.

Dayak dog-eating, a ProFauna representative named Dedi indicated,

may have a ritualistic and menacing context.

While surveying the Kali-mantan sunbear population, she wrote, " We

were staying in one of the Dayaks' house, and a neighbor of his

caught their home dog, who usually accompanied them to go to the

jungle and guarded their house, and killed and ate it. "

Added Hardi, of ProFauna Jarkata: " There are many, many

restaurants that serve dog meat. "




" Dogs and cats disappeared in Japan during World War II, but

usually Japanese don't eat dogs or cats, " observed animal Refuge

Kansai founder Elizabeth Oliver. " However there is a large Korean

population in Japan, especially in the Kansai district, " Oliver

added, " and I have heard that they eat dog meat which is mostly

imported from China. "

Oliver also mentioned rumors she has heard about a covert

traffic in dog meat operating from one regional hokensho, as

Japanese animal control facilities are called.

The hokensho, Oliver explained in a November 2002 ANIMAL

PEOPLE guest column, are typically staffed " by workers who belong to

the Burakumin class, equivalent to the 'untouchables' of India, who

in medieval times lived in separate villages, could not marry other

Japanese, and could only work in 'unclean' trades such as

butchering, prostitution, sewage disposal, and undertaking. "




Reports from visitors indicate that dog eating appears common

in Laos, but quantification is possible only by projecting the

crudely estimated rates of consumption in nearby nations to the

Laotian population, with huge potential for error.




" Cats have never been eaten in Malaysia, " said Pei Ling of

the Sarawak SPCA. " Dog eating is dying out. "

Added Dr. G.S. Gill of the SPCA Penang, " In the 1960s, there were

rumored to be three places where dog meat was sold in Penang. This

is now a thing of the past. Some exotic breeds of dog and cat are

eaten by sick individuals, but this is not done openly. The

Wildlife Deptartment maintains a strict check on any such parties. "


In Myanmar (Burma), said Pradeep Kumar Nath, " It is mainly

tribal people who eat dogs. " No other reports were received.


Dr. Durga Dutt Joshi, director of the National Zoonoses &

Food Hygiene Research Center in Kathmandu, Nepal, told ANIMAL

PEOPLE that " Dogs and cats are never eaten in Nepal, and it is

illegal to slaughter dogs and cats. "




" Based on numerous inquiries made to various sources

nationwide, " said anti-corruption crusader Freddie Farres of Linis

Gobyerno, " it would appear that cat eating is not big here.

Although we have heard of some personal consumption, " Farres said,

" there is no commercial traffic in cats for meat, unlike with the

dog trade. Some 25 years ago a rumor was spread that a well known

Chinese restaurant in the Philippines was caught unloading a

truckload of dead cats who were supposedly to be used as

ingredients for their siopao. There was a strong backlash against

the restaurant, and their siopao sales collapsed. The incident is

remembered to this day.

" As to dog consumption, " Farres continued, " we have

researched the parts of the country which we believe account for 90%

or more of the dog meat traffic. Our actual survey of the number of

stores and restaurants selling dog meat, including wholesale

vendors, indicates that in the Baguio City and Cordillera region

about 24,166 dogs per month are killed for meat, or about 289,992

dogs per year. "




" We do not allow slaughter of dogs and cats here. I have not

heard of consumption of dog and cat meat in Singapore, " Singapore

Centre for Animal Welfare chief Madhavan Kannan asserted.

Louis Ng of ACRES shared a more formal response to a similar inquiry

that his organization made to Dr. Yap Him Hoo, head of the Animal,

Meat & Seafood Regulatory Branch of the Agri-food and Veterinary

Authority of Singapore.

Under the Singapore Wholesome Meat and Fish Act, Dr. Yap Him

Hoo explained, " meat can only be imported from AVA-approved sources

which have met AVA standards. Similarly AVA also ensures that the

local slaughter houses meet AVA standards. Although the Act

primarily addresses food safety, welfare is a major consideration

during the treatment and handling of live animals. In the case of

slaughter, AVA accepts only internationally acceptable humane

methods. AVA is not aware of any humane methods of slaughtering dogs

and cats for human consumption. AVA is of the view that eating dogs

and cats is socially unacceptable in Singapore. To date, " he added,

" AVA has not received any requests to import dog or cat meat.

Recalled Deirdre Moss of SPCA Singapore, " We did have a case

many years ago involving construction workers who killed a stray dog,

possibly for consumption. A witness called the police, and the

perpetrators were jailed. "

Other sources indicated that the offenders were Thais.

Similar accounts of " Thai " workers killing and eating dogs and

sometimes cats have reached ANIMAL PEOPLE from Israel, but the

" Thais " usually turn out to be ethnic Chinese refugees originally

from Vietnam, who fled to Thailand after the Vietnam War.

Parallel cases involving South Korean construction workers

have occurred in Japan.


South Korea


Evaluating the limited available official statistics, plus

the photographic documentation of the Moran Market obtained in May

2001, ANIMAL PEOPLE has estimated that from 1.1 to 1.3 million dogs

are eaten in South Korea each year, along with 100,000 cats.

" I think your figures may be about right, " opined Royal SPCA

representative Paul Littlefair. " I met with the head of the dog meat

traders association in November 1999. He told me that consumption had

halved over the decade since 1990, and I don't think there were ever

more than 2-3 million dogs a year killed for food. For cats the

figure also seems reasonable or maybe a little high, given that

there are only a handful of cats offered for sale alongside the dogs

at markets like Moran, Chung Ang, etc.

" Although Korean traditional medicine follows Chinese

practice fairly closely, " Littlefair added, " the Chinese eat dog in

the winter for its purported warming properties, whereas in Korea

dogs are eaten at the height of summer. This underlines the

spurious nature of the claims of the dealers that dog meat has health

benefits. The Korean minority in China must get very confused! "


Sri Lanka


ANIMAL PEOPLE was told of occasional incidents in Sri Lanka

in which butchers and restauranteurs illegally sold dog and cat meat,

usually disguised as other kinds of meat, but neither dogs nor cats

are openly eaten there.




Dogs are reportedly eaten in parts of the Russian Far East

adjacent to China, where there is also said to be an active traffic

in stolen dogs for export to China both for meat and as pets

(depending on breed), but no one has specified how many dogs are





Wrote Environment and Animal Society of Taiwan chair Wu Hung,

" There is no official estimate of the number of dogs eaten every year

before the dog meat trade was banned in January 2001. However, the

government did figure out that there were 54 dog meat restaurants on

the island. If each restaurant sold an average of one or two dogs

per day, they would have been butchering 20,000 to 50,000 dogs per


" After the trade was outlawed, " Wu Hung continued, " the

volume may have been reduced to about a tenth of what it was, which

would mean four or five dog meat restaurants still exist, killing

about 5,000 dogs each year.

" Cat meat is not popular in Taiwan, " Wu Hung added.

Confirmed Paul Littlefair, " I have never heard of cats being

killed for food in Taiwan. "




About 52,000 dogs per year are eaten in Thailand, according

to Roger Lohanan of Thai Animal Guardians. News accounts indicate

that dog eating and cat eating were virtually unknown in Thailand

before the U.S.-sponsored influx of ethnic Chinese refugees from

Vietnam during the 1970s and 1980s.

Settled mostly in northeastern Thailand, the refugees

introduced a growing and increasingly controversial commerce in both

dog meat and dog leather.

Consumption of dogs is considered offensive by the Buddhist

Thai majority, and has been discouraged to some extent by the Thai

government, but has not actually been suppressed, to avoid

heightening the already considerable ethnic tension between native

Thais and the immigrants.

(See page 14.)




The only statistics ANIMAL PEOPLE found pertaining to dog and

cat eating in Vietnam were from news accounts of individual

restaurant sales in Hanoi during Tet, a seven-day holiday during

which dog consumption peaks.

There was also a mention that dogs are usually eaten only during the

second half of each lunar month, and even then at a relatively low

level compared to Tet.

Some analysis can be done from this data, crude as it is.

If 300 dog meat restaurants in Hanoi sell 120 dogs per day during

Tet, as the news coverage indicates, Hanoi consumption during Tet

would be 252,000.

If the Hanoi restaurants sell five dogs per day during the

second half of each lunar month the rest of the year, total annual

Hanoi restaurant consumption of dogs would be 503,250.

If home consumption of dogs is as high, about a million dogs

might be eaten in Hanoi per year.

Hanoi has about four million people, Saigon has 4.6 million,

and Haiphong, the third largest city in Vietnam, has 1.7 million.

If dogs are eaten at the same rate in Saigon, where

dog-eating was not prominent during the Vietnam War, and in

Haiphong, total urban consumption would be about 2.6 million a year.

Vietnam has 81 million human residents, but the rural

majority probably cannot afford to eat dogs as often as city

dwellers. Among the many Vietnamese ethnic groups, only the

Montegnard were well-known for dog-eating during the war years.

This may not mean anything currently relevant, however,

since the U.S. military presence in Vietnam ended 28 years ago.

If all of Vietnam eats dogs at the projected Hanoi rate,

total consumption would be 20 million per year. More likely, since

Hanoi is the center of government and fairly affluent by Vietnamese

standards, without the westernization that occurred in Saigon, Hanoi

may account for from half to a third of all the dog-eating in the


Projecting all urban dog-eating at the Hanoi level and rural

dog-eating at 10% as high produces an estimate of total consumption

at four to five million dogs per year. That might be

credible-although the actual balance of consumption by region may be

quite different.

Cat-eating is illegal in Vietnam, since a healthy cat

population is officially deemed essential to control rice-eating

rodents, but sporadic accounts of raids on cat-meat restaurants

indicate that cat-eating continues--like most vices--at a usually

inconspicuous level.

--Researched by Kim Bartlett,

with analysis by Merritt Clifton





Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing

original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,

founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the

decision-makers at more than 9,500 animal protection organizations.

We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity.]

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

For more than ten years I have been haunted by a photograph taken in

Northern Thailand of dogs being smuggled to China. Tin cans were shoved over

their snouts and their arms were tied behind their backs and slung over

bamboo poles carried between two men. I am glad to say that I don't have a

copy of that image except the one seared in my brain. It appears that the

trade is more mechanised now with trucks and boats.

It is about time the trade was stopped - but we all know how difficult it is

to eliminate a mafia/triad business. Law enforcers have to be prepared to

risk their lives. We can hope that the proposed Chinese anti-cruelty law

will help.

Readers will remember the photos I posted recently of pigs tied onto

motorbikes travelling from Vietnam to China.

The only real answer I can see to all these problems is veganism. People

tell me every day that veganism will never catch on. But I don't see any

other solution.




aapn [aapn ] On Behalf Of

Merritt Clifton

Sunday, April 04, 2010 3:54 PM


How many dogs and cats are eaten in Asia?


From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2003:



How many dogs and cats are eaten in Asia?

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