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Migratory birds in Pakistan

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Monday, November 27, 2006 [image: Printer Friendly






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Time to welcome migratory birds in Pakistan


Houbara bustard, a coveted quarry of falconers, have started their journey

from freezing Central Asian States (CARs) to Pakistan.


" A large number of migratory birds arrive every year to Pakistan in November

from Siberia, Mongolia and Central Asian Republics (CARs) and returns in

February and March, " said Dr Mumtaz Malik, chief conservator of the NWFP

Wildlife Department.


All desert plains and arid areas in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan are

Houbara's wintering habitats where sufficient food is available for the

bird, he said, adding the desert bird, which eats small insects, migrates in

thousands to Pakistan over high altitude.


Dr Malik said the shy bird migrates in stages by passing through Afghanistan

and Iran and flying over Chitral and through the Zhob valley.


" Houbara lays two eggs. One of the reasons of Houbara's decrease is its low

rate of reproduction. " He said that Cholistan, Therparker, Changi and DI

Khan were well known areas for Houbara population.


About artificial breeding, Dr Mumtaz said it was being carried out in the

UAE and Saudi Arabia but it had done under extremely controlled conditions

and was very expensive. About the role of non-government organsiations on

preservation and protection of endangered species, including Houbara, he

said the enthusiasm of NGOs interested in preservation the endangered

species had been declined with the passage of time. According to wildlife

experts, its population is rapidly declining in range states, including

Afghanistan, Iran, India, Pakistan, the UAE, Maracoo, Saudi Arabia and CARs

because of an excessive hunting, poaching and onslaughts on its habitats.


He said that in addition to CITES, houbara is also listed under the

Convention of Migratory Species of Wild Animals which is known as Bonn

Convention. The World Conservation Union has declared it endangered specie.

The NWFP Wildlife department has taken scores of measures for protection and

preservation of endangered species including Houbara and Snow Leopard, he

added. Dr Malik said that special directives had been issued to wildlife

staff to increase their patrolling during Houbara's migratory season to

check illegal hunting and trapping. app




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