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WWF: Elephant Polo- No threat to Elephants?

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Dear Azam and all,


I dont want to sound like an old hag, but some people (could be read orgs)

are like, referring to an old Indian proverb, a cat drinking milk from the

jar with closed eyes, believing that no body else (like himself) is seeing

wat the cat is doing. I think if we could go by the reference in that

article, WWF is doing just that and are hoping to get a clean chit like they

(unfortunately and surprisingly) have got in the past for some of their

derogative actions.


>> First and foremost elephants belong to the wild

>> They do not belong to the cities (captivity) and definitly not to be

ridden on by people

>> Elephants are far far different from animals that humans believe they can

domesticate. We can never achieve that ever with them. THey can never be

truly domesticated. ANd nobody seems to be bothered about their

psychological aspects


As far as elephant polo is concerned:

>> Elephants naturally do not play/ enjoy a game of polo. This is proven by

the numerous cases of elephants gonig berseck pre/during and post match that

elephants are FORCED into this and are not happy doing so.

>> Handlers use ankush and other prodding methods to get the animal to play

the game. The beatings, requirement to carry heavy seat-beddings, living

conditions pre match, life post-match and a whole list of other things stand

testimony to this crime called elephant polo

>> The game is played in some of the harshest climates and hours, generally

during which an elephant seeks shade and rest

>> Like the elephants in temple festivals (which also needs to be banned),

polo games comes with loud speaker noises that upsets and is stressful to


>> The mail would run into pages if I were to list the psychological damage

on the elephants.

>> Elephants running berseck during matches pose grave threats to the dumb

on lookers and even to the unfortunately glorified saddistic riders (I wont

call them sportsmen)


Indirect but highly relevant aspects:

>> Demand - capture - commercialization (even probably move to other

quarters.... someone may come up with World elephant cricket cup or world

elephant kabbaddi too) - more demand. This cycle will continue leading to

the decline in elephant population in the wild.

>> Lack of diverse herds in a jungle will lead to inbreeding and then the

related consequences.

>> Decrease in elephant population gives greedy money sucking government

agencies an excuse to allot more land for sale and therefore decrease in

elephant corridors which will -

upset elephant migrations

more man elephant conflicts leading to more elephant & man


strained relation of man with animals

eventually leading to decrease in elephant population

the list of ill effects is endless

>> Poachers will have a field day....they can do target practise of all

animals (elephants rhinos - with the decreasing forest cover). More money

pumped into this business

>> More funds pumped into elephant (and other animal) conservation which is

what probably some orgs, people and agenices indirectly hope from all this.


I have been studying about elephants for a decade and focussed on the

elephants used in elephant polo for over a year now. I failed to see one

positive point the elephants got out of it.


When WWF said " this sport poses no threat to the elephants participating in

the games " , did they mean there wont be terrorists bombing their convoy or

they wont be shot at during the match? Before we have more people like Jim

Edwards and orgs like WWF for whom elephants are a mere machine (referred as

a range rover), a money spinning machine, establishing their dominance we

need people with an aiota of sensitivity left in them towards these

magnificent creatures.... to stand up for them and hit hard against such

absurd, thoughtless and ridiculous remarks made by orgs and people like



Thanks, Pablo



On 8/9/07, AZAM SIDDIQUI <azam24x7 wrote:


> Dear All,


> I would like to draw you attention to a special news feature in context

> with the King`s Cup Polo tournament of Thailand where World Wildlife Fund

> has declared that this sport poses no threat to the elephants participating

> in the games.

> See Link: http://www.travelmole.com/stories/1121085.php?mpnlog=1


> I fail to understand how and why an organisation such as WWF which has

> been campaigning to set up high standards for wild animals all across the

> globe, conducting research on the beasts and their habitats for their well

> being to fish them out from the miseries and torture inflicted upon them bu

> MANKIND, shows a GREEN SIGNAL when it comes to the 'circus' like event

> called 'Elephant Polo' !


> In the past we have been pointing fingers at the organisers, the

> insensitive sponsors, the Governments etc for their vested interests in

> promoting this nonsensical game.

> But what do we do when people from within us come out with such double

> standards.

> One one had you want the miseries of the gentle giant to end, on the other

> you promote a circus with the message that it shall generate funds for the

> conservation.


> This is a brilliant example of where our greed for funds and money has

> brought us.

> Indeed every organisation needs money and funds to survive but to run

> after adopt unfair means and raise unethical money is equivalent to a



> Our society does not do that when it comes to raising funds for 'Human

> Welfare' or 'Child Welfare' for example.

> The Human Rights, Amnesty International will pull up any Organisation that

> abuses a child to raise funds for a whole community of deprived children.

> Such things are wrong.


> It was no joke that the Living legend and perhaps the world`s best

> authority on Elephants Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick and the following

> organisations (see website: http://www.stopelephantpolo.com ) have stood

> up strong and 'United against Elephant Polo' since the 2006 Cartier Elephant

> Polo when a similar fund raising excuse was cited for the interest of

> captive working elephants of India and the same elephants were engaged to

> play the game of polo by the 'Rich and the Famous'.

> Following that last year massive protests and demonstrations were carried

> out in many countries outside India as well which include Nepal, England,

> France and Scotland.


> I would once again appeal to all of those who still feel that any penny

> generated out of a game of 'Elephant Polo' is unethical money and that

> 'Elephant Polo' is wrong and should be BANNED to write to your country

> representatives of WWF and also to the WWF Secretariat in Switzerland loud

> and clear to stop associating themselves with any form of 'Jumbo abuse' and

> abstain from making any irresponsible comments in future.


> Please do send in your reactions and comments to this message.

> While replying please < 'Reply to all' > so that all of us get to read

> what each one of us has to say.


> Is this all about money? Are such ways of generating funds ethical?


> I thank you all for the trouble each one of us has volunteered to fight

> for this cause.


> Sincerely,


> Azam Siddiqui


> Member: People for Animals- India

> Member: PETA-India

> Master Trainer in Animal Welfare of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)

> Trained in Orphaned Elephant Management, David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust,

> Kenya


> http://www.freewebs.com/azamsiddiqui


> --

> Fight captive Jumbo abuse, end Elephant Polo

> http://www.stopelephantpolo.com






WOCON: http://groups.google.co.inwocon




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Dear All,


Forwarding message of Edward Berry, Moderator, The Elephant Commentator:






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fromEdward Berry <edwardberry

hide details 4:54 pm (12 minutes ago)




Aug 9, 2007 4:54 PM


Re: WWF: Elephant Polo- No threat to Elephants?




(My hotmail refuses to send this to all, so I am sending to you, Azam, for

forwarding, if you don't mind)


Dear Azam,


As I said to earlier this week, with my tongue only slightly in

my cheek, in response to an article he sent me entitled " Tamerlane and the

War Elephants of Dehli " http://desicritics.org/2007/08/06/072418.php , that

we now know how the original elephant polo was played. The utter brutality

of using elephants in war was breathtakingly suggested by this article.

While elephant polo isn't war, it does have the underlying basic assumption

that elephants can be used by man for just anything he wants, and if there

is a certain amount of brutality involved, well, too bad. I think we are

gradually seeing a sea-change in this assumption in many parts of the world,

and where man doesn't make changes in his thinking about how to treat

elephants, the elephants themselves make it clear, sometimes violently, that

they are not happy with the situation. We have already seen at least one

well- publicized example of an elephant who apparently took exception to

participating in elephant polo, by smashing a vehicle. When elephants are *used

*in any way, immediately one must be suspicious of the motives and impact of

this use. The polo elephants are certainly being used and there is evidence

that they are being abused. Why the *WWF *would support this circus is

disturbing and incomprehensible.


I have posted your letter on *The Elephant Commentator *here:



?action=get_message & ID_Message=24542 & ShowDelete=0 & ID_CLast=28213 & CDir=1




Best wishes,





On 8/9/07, AZAM SIDDIQUI <azam24x7 wrote:


> Some spelling corrections in this mail. Error regretted.

> Azam.


> On 8/9/07, AZAM SIDDIQUI <azam24x7 > wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > I would like to draw you attention to a special news feature in context

> > with the King`s Cup Polo tournament of Thailand where World Wildlife Fund

> > has declared that this sport poses no threat to the elephants participating

> > in the games.

> > See Link: http://www.travelmole.com/stories/1121085.php?mpnlog=1

> >

> > I fail to understand how and why an organisation such as WWF which has

> > been campaigning to set up high standards for wild animals all across the

> > globe, conducting research on the beasts and their habitats for their well

> > being to fish them out from the miseries and torture inflicted upon them by

> > MANKIND, shows a GREEN SIGNAL when it comes to the 'circus' like event

> > called 'Elephant Polo' !

> >

> > In the past we have been pointing fingers at the organisers, the

> > insensitive sponsors, the Governments etc for their vested interests in

> > promoting this nonsensical game.

> > But what do we do when people from within us come out with such double

> > standards.

> > On one hand you want the miseries of the gentle giant to end, on the

> > other you promote a circus with the message that it shall generate funds for

> > the conservation.

> >

> > This is a brilliant example of where our greed for funds and money has

> > brought us.

> > Indeed every organisation needs money and funds to survive but to run

> > after, adopt unfair means and raise unethical money is equivalent to a


> >

> > Our society does not do that when it comes to raising funds for 'Human

> > Welfare' or 'Child Welfare' for example.

> > The Human Rights, Amnesty International will pull up any Organisation

> > that abuses a child to raise funds for a whole community of deprived

> > children.

> > Such things are wrong.

> >

> > It was no joke that the Living legend and perhaps the world`s best

> > authority on Elephants Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick and the following

> > organisations (see website: http://www.stopelephantpolo.com ) have stood

> > up strong and 'United against Elephant Polo' since the 2006 Cartier Elephant

> > Polo when a similar fund raising excuse was cited for the interest of

> > captive working elephants of India and the same elephants were engaged to

> > play the game of polo by the 'Rich and the Famous'.

> > Following that last year massive protests and demonstrations were

> > carried out in many countries outside India as well which include Nepal,

> > England, France and Scotland.

> >

> > I would once again appeal to all of those who still feel that any penny

> > generated out of a game of 'Elephant Polo' is unethical money and that

> > 'Elephant Polo' is wrong and should be BANNED to write to your country

> > representatives of WWF and also to the WWF Secretariat in Switzerland loud

> > and clear to stop associating themselves with any form of 'Jumbo abuse' and

> > abstain from making any irresponsible comments in future.

> >

> > Please do send in your reactions and comments to this message.

> > While replying please < 'Reply to all' > so that all of us get to read

> > what each one of us has to say.

> >

> > Is this all about money? Are such ways of generating funds ethical?

> >

> > I thank you all for the trouble each one of us has volunteered to fight

> > for this cause.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> > Azam Siddiqui

> >

> > Member: People for Animals- India

> > Member: PETA-India

> > Master Trainer in Animal Welfare of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)

> >

> > Trained in Orphaned Elephant Management, David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust,

> > Kenya

> >

> > http://www.freewebs.com/azamsiddiqui

> >

> > --

> > Fight captive Jumbo abuse, end Elephant Polo

> > http://www.stopelephantpolo.com






Fight captive Jumbo abuse, end Elephant Polo





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Dear Mary,


As someone who has witnessed Cornwall's commitment to the betterment of our

animal friends I could'nt agree less to your email. I think everyone aware

of their efforts would second that. We all appreciate your efforts.


I would like to say that Swati and Mary just spoke out the known guilt many

orgs and individuals pretend they are not a part of. Funds are definitly a

necessary evil in this struggle for the betterment of animals but when

somewhere along the line that balance is lost....thats when trouble begins

to brew. When ethics and basic organization directives are compromised to

draw in funds or recognition or as an escapism or even to please the greater

public, thats when the alarm bells need to go off!


To my initial reply to Azam's email where I had stated the direct and

indirect ill-effects a game like elephant polo can generate, I got an over

whealming response from many top elephant researchers and experts saying

they could not agree less to a single point mentioned therewith! So if any

organiztion has sent a wrong a signal, they might need to rethink or even

take back their words in the better interests of our gentle giants. Like

Mary pointed out (human education and awareness), when some people are

trying hard to educate the ill effects of captivity and related activities

(like elephant polo) to people, we are having to deal with deadly blows from

statements like these from the bigger orgs, sending out a very negative,

wrong and inappropriate message that could sever the last remaining life

line for our elephants (and in turn for a host of other animals).


It is a unaninimous appeal that individuals and organizations need to be

more responsible with their comments and respect the motto of their



There was an over whealming support by Big and small orgs in India and

abroad (list below) who protested against the elephant polo in Jaipur,

India. I hope they will continue to stand up for our elephants with greater

zeal and one day obtain a ban on this sport.


Thanks, Pablo.


*List of organizations and individuals who fought for our elephants (at

elephant polo- Jaipur, India) and hopefully will continue to do so

(currently against the King's cup at Thailand), not bogged down by small

defeats or criticisms. I apologize if I missed mentioning any of my friends

here. My sincere gratitude to all of them. *

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust;

Zoo Check, Canada;

Jordi Casamitjana; Zoologist and Animal Protection campaigner, UK;

The Bornfree Foundation, UK;

G.A. Bradshaw, Director, Kerulos Centre for Animal Psychology and Trauma

Recovery, Gorilla Haven;

Animals Asia Foundation;

World Society for Protection of Animals ( WSPA );

International Animal Rescue ( IAR ), UK

Advocates for Animals, UK; Founder and Director,

Wildlife Friends of Thailand;

ACTAsia for Animals;

People for Animals ( PFA );

Compassion Unlimited Plus Action ( CUPA);

Compassionate Crusaders Trust ( CCT );

Gujrat SPCA;

Wildlife Protection Society of India ( WPSI );

PETA- India;

Blue Cross India;


HOPE and Animal Trust;

Dr. John Wedderburn, Moderator. Asian Animal Protection Network ( AAPN );

Edward Berry, Moderator, Elephant Commentator;


And everybody else who stood up for the elephants against this evil called

elephant polo. Lets nip this weed before it grows out uncontrollably.




On 8/10/07, Cornwall's Voice For Animals <cvfa.uk wrote:


> I hope you are not refering to us who are here 24/7 volunteering

> tirelessly for our animal friends world wide - Before you are suggesting

> that we do more - I would know who and what you are writing to, because most

> of us give our all to animal causes everywhere - and do hands on rescue work

> as well - without any help from anyone !


> As far as groups working together - I do agree, I wish the big

> organisations would start to work hand in hand with individuals and small

> groups who do more in a day physically for animals - than these big groups

> could possibly imagine doing - and we do it without physical or $'s

> assistance ! On the other hand, animal cruelty such as facatory farming, fur

> industry, bullfighting - is BIG BUSINESS and in order to fight big business

> you need to have money - this is where these groups have the advantage ! But

> - only together as a unit working together can we hope to see real and

> quicker changes for the animals.


> I would direct your wonderful comments to groups like the WWF who support

> abuse for profit - as long as it is not causing animal extinction ! And yes

> perhaps WSPA who when called upon, seldome do you get a reply ! They could

> do so much more to help those who struggle day to day rescuing animals -

> and they could certainly support the worth while campaigns that individuals

> struggle to get out to the public - it is called humane education and

> awareness !


> Mary Alice



> Mary Alice Pollard

> Cornwall's Voice for Animals

> Member: ( OIPA ) International Organisation for Animal Protection. NGO

> affiliated to the UN Department of Public Information

> http://www.cornwallsvoiceforanimals.org/Welcome.html

> http://www.myspace.com/cvfa



> http://www.againstprimateexperiments.com/home.html


> The Save The Mountain Gorillas Project

> http://www.cornwallsvoiceforanimals.org/SaveTheMountainGorillas.html


> Music United for Animals Project:

> http://www.myspace.com/musicunitedforanimals



> Roseland Photography, Keeping Your Memories Alive

> Just Nice Photos by Mary Alice

> www.justnicephotos.com



> Life is life whether in a cat, or dog or man.

> There is no difference there between a cat or a man.

> The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage.

> - Sri Aurobindo -

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Dear Editor,


Animal Caring Citizens of Delhi, a forum of people committed to animal

rights and welfare, has organised a peace walk on August 15, '07, to

highlight the plight of animals used by humans for food, entertainment and



The International People for Animals (IPFA) Walk - 2007 is an attempt to

sensitize people towards recognising all animal life as deserving of care

and compassion, and as having the right to live in freedom.


The walk will commence at 10.30 am from Janthar Mantar and conclude at the

Raj Bhavan. A petition highlighting the concerns of the people will be

submitted to the Honourable President of India, Leader of the ruling party

and respected Chief Minister.


We would be grateful for press coverage of the same



Pre-event Press release


*International People for Animals Walk - 2007*


Citizens of Delhi will celebrate Independence Day this year with a thought

for their companion species on Planet Earth.


The International People for Animals Walk hopes to reawaken in people the

respect given to all living creatures in Indian tradition. If somewhere

along the road there has been desensitization to animal pain, it

is imperative to restore the truth that animals are not meant to be used as

food or entertainment. That human health or safety need not come at the cost

of millions of animal lives maimed or sacrificed in medical and military



The argument that animals do not feel or think like humans and therefore do

not require the same consideration does not hold water.


Humans need to understand that we are co-residents along with the various

other living beings, be it a small creature like a snail to a magnificent

rhino to the gentle elephants.....all of them on planet earth demand equal,

if not more, the space and right to live and die in their own will!


Why do humans use brute force to destroy the real owners of this

planet? ('Real',

because the owner of a house treats his house gently. A tenant has no such

feelings. He moves in, uses the place as he pleases and moves out.)


With the grave threat posed by global warming and the extinction of many

crucial species, the time has come to seriously assess man's role in

hastening these problems.


The primary reason is a burgeoning human population which is intolerant of,

what it perceives as, encroachment of its space. Forests are cut, rivers

dammed, mountains blasted all in the name of human progress. To satiate an

ever increasing appetite for food, clothes and entertainment, animals have

been stripped of their right to live or die in dignity. The concept of

animal freedom is almost unheard of.


The Independence Day Walk will emphasise the need to stop exploitation and

intolerance, and bring back age old traditions that see humans as protectors

of the earth and not destroyers.


The walk will be held on August 15 at 10.30am. It will start at Jantar

Mantar and end at the Raj Bhavan. A petition will then be submitted to

the Honourable

President of India, Leader of the ruling party and respected Chief

Minister underlining

the concerns behind the rally.


Participants are requested to wear white.


For further information contact


On 8/11/07, NARESH KADYAN <chairmanpfaharyana wrote:


> Dear all,

> You all are welcome to attend the event , kindly confirm your presence or

> send messages, for detail please contact :- 9313312099 Delhi.

> regards


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Hi Swati,


I don't think there is any decision to make or change of attitude necessary

after reading your e-mail.


To just say that all animal NGO's are the same is ridiculous and untrue.

There are many good people and NGO's working and making a difference, some

small some big; and that is all that counts. You will find unreal people

everywhere so why not amongst animal lovers or wildlife conservationists? I

started working at first with a very bad organization in Thailand that was

only in it for the money. Once I found out that these were the wrong people

to be associated with I left that NGO and started elsewhere again. I was an

experience richer and one illusion lighter thinking that all animal lovers

and wildlife conservationists stood for the same objectives. So I was wrong.


I think that instead of sending a frustrated message like yours, you should

show the world what you can do; actions speak louder than words. What are

you doing about it that allows you to patronize so many people?


So after all my decision is not to ignore your message. With the arguments

given by you I see no need to change (my) attitude.


Edwin Wiek


WFFT Thailand





Re: WWF: Elephant Polo- No threat to Elephants?




Hi All,


After me getting a series of mail on this issue i decided to add on my view

point some might consider some might not.


I think that NGO's are here to make money in the name of Animal welfare,

liberation,etc. i know you guys might be thinking wat the hell


- wat does she know about how does an animal ngo's work. well but here i am

just placing a common animal lover's view point.


When these so called " ANIMAL NGO's " know that animals are not meant for

human entertainment be it circus, films, polo or any damn thing


then y to go ahead and approve by saying no " the animal enjoy's it " . Ya

right as if u had been in his position and doing his act.


Why do you want to make money by unethical means by keeping ur

organisation's principle's at stake. Well rather than making statement


in news papers tht we r planning to do this n tht for animals y cant you do

it n than tell the entire world. Just by sitting in your office and trying


to work out things, wont work y cant you be there and y cant u different

animal ngo's work to-gether. Pls dont come up with the excuse tht


this is not our area or our field so we cant do it. Why cant you work

together and half of the times i have known tht animal NGOs fight among each



and try to prove a point tht the so call NGO is the best. you know guys stop

passing the buck.


Now all you guys might be thinking what the hell the polo match is happening

in thailand what can we do how does it affect


Indian elephants....in your this thinking process an animal is being

suffered at the end of the day. your this laid back attitude towards


animals pain has cost their life....these animals being endangered and





Well I know you guys have been working in saving animals by putting in your

services but they require more


they need your help, they need you to put in some more extra efforts which i

guess all you can do it...a lil more effort would help the


animal and also make your organisation well known and pple would love to

support you guys...Instead of you guys explaining it to your donors and


volunteers this is aplicable to you as well. a lil more effort would help an

animal. With the increase use of animals in various fields


i guess your efforts need to be more and




As i said earlier some might ponder over this mail and some may ignore...the

attitude and decision is yours







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Hi Swati,


Your email is interesting and your responses sufficiently impassioned for me to

be compelled to ask you to perhaps share the background of your feelings? It

would be really nice to know which part of the world, or India you live in, what

your experiences have been with respect to the views expressed here and a few

reasons for some of your opinions. Generally a few substantiated facts help

people to take action, as a mere venting of feelings, however understandable,

rarely allows people to tackle issues and move forward.

How about a little para on yourself, that would be most interesting?

Look forward to knowing you a little better.


Thanks and regards,




The Cattitude Trust


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Kind Attention Mr. Naresh Kadyan and whosoever it may concern.


Please find some information on a gentleman of Indian origin Col.Raj



An insight into the links reveal that this man has been spearheading the

game of 'Polo' in India for many years and is now supporting, playing and

promoting Elephant Polo in Thailand and Nepal as well.

In the past he used to lead the 'Oberoi team' and won the WEPA Championships

in 1990: http://www.elephantpolo.com/html/tournaments/1990/index.html

The " Tickle and the Ivories " a top international elephant polo team,

adresses Col. Raj Kalaan as " a veteran on the elephant polo circuit. " :



This man has his club based in the state of Haryana (

http://www.haryanapolo.com) perhaps you may like to informally interact with

him and request him to abstain from being a party to animals in


Also does his organisation have the necessary permissions of the AWBI to

organise elephant polo circuses in Jaipur or elsewhere in India?

This person is involved in elephant polo in Jaipur as well and now has

spread his evil wings to Thailand as well :


Link: http://www.corkscrew-balloon.com/polo/01/timeout.html

" Col Raj Kalaan who was involved in elephant polo in Jaipur, will be coming

to Thailand to train the elephants, mahouts and two teams representing

Thailand. "


Please not that we will get almost ZERO support from Thailand Animal people

this time, Thailand being the next venue.

But the good thing is that the support of all the organisations and

individuals who have stood up against elephant polo still stands valid.


Could you also get me a list of the other 'Elephant Polo' promoters in



Hope to hear from you soon.




Azam Siddiqui





On 8/9/07, AZAM SIDDIQUI <azam24x7 wrote:


> Dear All,


> I would like to draw you attention to a special news feature in context

> with the King`s Cup Polo tournament of Thailand where World Wildlife Fund

> has declared that this sport poses no threat to the elephants participating

> in the games.

> See Link: http://www.travelmole.com/stories/1121085.php?mpnlog=1


> I fail to understand how and why an organisation such as WWF which has

> been campaigning to set up high standards for wild animals all across the

> globe, conducting research on the beasts and their habitats for their well

> being to fish them out from the miseries and torture inflicted upon them bu

> MANKIND, shows a GREEN SIGNAL when it comes to the 'circus' like event

> called 'Elephant Polo' !


> In the past we have been pointing fingers at the organisers, the

> insensitive sponsors, the Governments etc for their vested interests in

> promoting this nonsensical game.

> But what do we do when people from within us come out with such double

> standards.

> One one had you want the miseries of the gentle giant to end, on the other

> you promote a circus with the message that it shall generate funds for the

> conservation.


> This is a brilliant example of where our greed for funds and money has

> brought us.

> Indeed every organisation needs money and funds to survive but to run

> after adopt unfair means and raise unethical money is equivalent to a



> Our society does not do that when it comes to raising funds for 'Human

> Welfare' or 'Child Welfare' for example.

> The Human Rights, Amnesty International will pull up any Organisation that

> abuses a child to raise funds for a whole community of deprived children.

> Such things are wrong.


> It was no joke that the Living legend and perhaps the world`s best

> authority on Elephants Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick and the following

> organisations (see website: http://www.stopelephantpolo.com ) have stood

> up strong and 'United against Elephant Polo' since the 2006 Cartier Elephant

> Polo when a similar fund raising excuse was cited for the interest of

> captive working elephants of India and the same elephants were engaged to

> play the game of polo by the 'Rich and the Famous'.

> Following that last year massive protests and demonstrations were carried

> out in many countries outside India as well which include Nepal, England,

> France and Scotland.


> I would once again appeal to all of those who still feel that any penny

> generated out of a game of 'Elephant Polo' is unethical money and that

> 'Elephant Polo' is wrong and should be BANNED to write to your country

> representatives of WWF and also to the WWF Secretariat in Switzerland loud

> and clear to stop associating themselves with any form of 'Jumbo abuse' and

> abstain from making any irresponsible comments in future.


> Please do send in your reactions and comments to this message.

> While replying please < 'Reply to all' > so that all of us get to read

> what each one of us has to say.


> Is this all about money? Are such ways of generating funds ethical?


> I thank you all for the trouble each one of us has volunteered to fight

> for this cause.


> Sincerely,


> Azam Siddiqui


> Member: People for Animals- India

> Member: PETA-India

> Master Trainer in Animal Welfare of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)

> Trained in Orphaned Elephant Management, David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust,

> Kenya


> http://www.freewebs.com/azamsiddiqui


> --

> Fight captive Jumbo abuse, end Elephant Polo

> http://www.stopelephantpolo.com






Fight captive Jumbo abuse, end Elephant Polo





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