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Companinon Animal Protection news of China May June July

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Dear Friend,

Our volunteers start to translate CCAPN montly newsletter into English

recently, we are glad that we can share more progress with you now.


Please find news May June and July at end of this email


Thanks for your concern for animals in China



Best Wishes


ÃÏ¼Ñ J.Meng

½¨Á¢È˼°×ÜЭµ÷Ô± Founder & Chief Coordinator


ÍøÕ¾ CCAPN website£ºhttp://www.ccapn.ngo.cn









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CCAPN Newsletter May £º


Lucky star


MingMing was abandoned on a bus, now he is waiting for adoption in Hunai

Changsha small animal protection association.

http://www.hnapa.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=19 & ID=20927 & page=1



Welcome Animal Protection Association of Nanchang University joined CCAPN

Animal Protection Association of Nanchang University (NCU) joined CCAPN last

month. The Association is a student campaign led by Youth League Committee of

NCU, and it aims to make life more harmonious. They are fully passionate and

confident about the cause of animal protection. They¡¯d like to take part in

more activities and communicate with people who also share the same idea

through Internet or by other ways.

Find more information on their website: http://www.5jia1.com/g/ncuapa


Changsha: Released the second term of outdoor public advertisement of Hunan

Changsha Animal Protection Association

Changsha Animal Protection Association has released its second term of outdoor

public advertisement which includes 30 ads.

Find them http://www.hnapa.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=25 & ID=21848 & page=1

Wuhan : Wuhan Stray Animals rescue net meet the ¡° Free Hugs¡± , start new


16th March, more than 20 members of the ¡°Free Hugs¡± came to help Wuhan


Animals Help House, and they hugged dogs warmly after giving them a bath.

15girls washed those lovely dogs before cutting and drying their hair. Four

girls cooked for doggies, and boys cleaned their house.

Find more information in Yangtze River Business Newspaper


And new website of Wuhan Stray Animals rescue net http://www.590pet.com

Beijing: CCAPN help 60 dogs from Dog House receive adoption

Recently , CCAPN was informed by an activist of animal protection ( Xiyin) that

a Dog house in Beijing needs to give up more than 60 rare dogs. As the owner is

a dog lover, all dogs have been sent out by way of adoption after discussing.

Xiyin, mentioned previously, is in charge of setting up an adoption team which

mainly deals with the examining and verifying jobs. Up till now, most of dogs

have been settled down quite well. Thanks our volunteers He Qian, Wang Wei, and

CCAPN intern coordinator Xiao Wu for helping us to spread the news and thanks

all friends who contribute to the adoption.

Find pictures and more information on http://lingyanggougou.blog.sohu.com

China Pharmacy News: related report on the activity of internet signing to

refuse to eat cats and dogs

The 6th April Newspaper reported that people signed on the

internet to refuse to eat cats and dogs.

Find the original report on


CCAPN condemns the Nanjing burning dog incident

Late half of April, 2007, residents in a Nanjing community burned homeless

litter dogs habiting in the community mercilessly with petrol. The incident was

generally called ¡°burning dogs¡± on the internet and aroused public fury and

indignation. According to unproved sources of information, media covers about

the incident were contained by some related department. However, legal and

rational condemnation to animal abuses and voices calling for legislation

should not stop ever. Followings are materials about the ¡°burning dog¡±


mentioned above. We hope the animal lovers take every possible method together

with us to condemn animal abuses and strongly appeals for the legislation of

anti-animal abuse laws.

I Program of anti animal abuses in CCAPN: http://www.ccapn.ngo.cn

The program includes: 1. Special subject on animal abuses and violence among

human beings. This subject contains international articles (psychology and

criminology) on related professional fields that interpreter the close

relationship between animal abuses and human violation. Those are theoretic

foundations for condemnation. You can use the materials to make your own

argument; 2. Welcome to download those posters which call for legislation and

condemnation and please post them.

II. Join in the ¡°Online petition for appealing to the legislation of animal

protection law¡± hosted by Nanjing Cats Club and supported by CCAPN. Please copy

the following words and spread them:

Late half of April, 2007, residents in a Nanjing community burned homeless

litter dogs habiting there mercilessly with petrol (report


If you are as indignant as we are towards the sad story of little life who can

not speak, please sign on the Internet to express your sever condemn to those

violation. We need to protect the social righteousness and shouldn¡¯t allow the

incident violating our social harmony. We sincerely hope that the animal

protection law comes out as soon as possible to protect our animal friends from

being hurts. Please sign at http://www.njcatclub.net/signature.asp and transmit

the address.


Thanks CCAPN volunteer, **, for translating this newsletter


CCAPN Newsletter June £º


Lucky star

A crying dog

One day a lady see a dog was chasing after a runing bus, when he got on, he was

forced to get off the bus, when he being rescued, people find him was crying,

now he is enjoy the happy life in WuHan stray pet rescue net.

http://www.163pet.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15874 & extra=page%3D1



Welcome ¡°E Xin E Yi ¡±Volunteer Forum in Leqing City joining CCAPN

We are happy that ¡°E Xin E Yi ¡± joined CCAPN last month. Its aim is to assist

and rescue disadvantaged minority groups in the society. After years of

unceasing development and growth, the organization has transformed into a

well-organized charity group out of formerly loose and spontaneous local group.

It¡¯s now under the command of CYL committee and City commission of Leqing.

For more information, please visit their website: http://www.exey.net/bbs


Supporters in different provinces and cities organized ¡°Stop Eating Cats and

Dogs¡±offline programmes

The online petition was not only through the internet, but also offline.

Supporters asked for publicity in order to carry out local activities, and they


got directions from CCAPN. Below are cities organizing the offline programmes:


In Hangzhou: At noon of April 8th , Small Animals Protection Association at

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics organized a schoolwide signature

programme called ¡° Never Eating Cats and Dogs, Welcoming Olympics and Fostering

Positive Trends ¡±(Our Campaign slogan). The programme conveyed to students the

ideas of protecting our trusted friends- cats and dogs and fostering the new

and positive trends.

For details and photos, please



In Jiangsu: In order to echoing the ¡°Stop Eating Cats and Dogs¡± online

petition, students from Student News Agency and Human Resources Management

major in Humanity & Social Science College of Jiangsu University of Science and

Technology held a big signature event called ¡°Welcoming Olympics, Fostering New

Trend of Diet and Never Eating Cats & Dogs¡±(Our Campaign slogan)on April 25th .

Students from all over the country were very enthusiastic, leaving their

signatures fully covering the banner which was long and white with red letters.

They became promises more than just signatures. Everyone all showed their

determinations to do from now and from themselves first, taking actions to

welcome the opening of Olympic Games. This activity was fully supported by the

Rear Service Group of the university, and was very successful on east, west,

south campuses of Jiangsu University of Science & Technology and also in

Jiangsu University. Lately the related knowledge of protecting companion

animals will be publicized to citizens at the square of Zhenjiang Dashikou, in

order to deepen the concept of ¡° Green Olympics¡±.

For more information, please



Relying on CCAPN, the activity was also held by Zhenjiang College of Jiangsu

University and other two universities, and developed to a three-week Companion

Animals Protection even. It aroused social concerns to companion animals.

For more information, please see the announcement :



In Jilin: Volunteers in Jilin city of Changchun Animal Protection

Alliance(CAPA), held publicity activity of ¡°Never Eating Cats & Dogs¡± on April

25th .

For more information and photos, please visit:



In Changchun: On May 4th in Changchun, CAPA organized the ¡° Stop Eating Cats &

Dogs¡± publicity activity near Chongqing Road, the busiest place of the city.

The form of the activity were showing pictures of cats and dogs in bad

situation, hanging theme banners and distributing handbills while parading. It

caused the active responses from nearly ten thousand citizens.

For more information and photos, please visit:

http://www.capa.ngo.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=627 & page=1 & extra=page%3D1#pid1035

Besides, supporters in Shanghai, Anhui and other cities have organized big

enough offline activities. More details are under arrangement. Here let us give

our sincere thanks to supporters of this activity, and congratulations on the

success of activities.


Catszone, an organization rescuing street cats in Hangzhou held a big charity

evening party with the theme ¡°Raising pets in a civilized way, preventing

rabies in a scientific way¡±

With consecutive efforts, Catszone cooperated with Hangzhou government for the

first time, and held a splendid outdoors charity evening party.

At the evening of May 18th, the party was held at the Trust-Mart square of

Daomaoxiang community on the Chaoming road. With the theme ¡°Raising pets in a

civilized way, preventing rabies in a scientific way¡±, the party not only

included wonderful art show,eg an opera performed by teachers and students from

pet school and great performance of cosplay, but also invited the head of

Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention to give a

professional speech of medical history and prevention to rabies, and vets to

explain the practical knowledge of pet immunity and outdoors disease of pets.

What livened up the party were appearances of lovely animals, interactive games

for improving the effects of publicity and also quizzes. Director of Culture

Department of Hangzhou district and leaders of Street Culture Station were all

present at the party.

What¡¯s more, around seven hundred effective handbills were distributed on the

spot, including single-paper handbills of CCAPN ¡°Never Eating Cats & Dogs¡± and

poster of prevention of rabies, etc. It played an active role for improving the

living condition of pets.

For more information and photos of the party, please visit:

http://www.catszone.ngo.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=3 & ID=15866 & page=1

For plan document:

http://www.catszone.ngo.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=16 & ID=15844 & page=1


A guard in Hebei University of Technology maltreated and killed a street dog

Lately , CCAPN protested the incident jointly with many animal protection


Download the written protest:


For inside story, please


Reported by Tianjin ¡°City Report 60 mins¡±:


Video of the scene:



Authorities in Yunyuang, Chongqing began a mass cull of street cats and dogs in

the Region and killed them

According to the media, on May 12th, Gaoyang Zhen of Chongqing Yunyang Xian,

together with Bureau of Livestock and Department of Health and Public Security,

had killed cats and dogs found within three kilometers from the town.

For more information, please


After receiving the news, CCAPN immediately sent emails to supporters,

appealing to more people to call or email Yunyang government with a polite

manner. The purpose was to oppose the large-scale killing actions and to

suggest the government adopting advanced experience of ¡°Suggestions on Dog

Population Management and Rabies Control in China¡± and preventing rabies in a

scientific and humane way. After receiving the announcement, many supporters

contacted local government spontaneously. Here CCAPN showed its appreciation to

everyone for the help. One of the supporters replied : ¡° a worker in Yunyang

Government office explained that it was done by Gaoyang Zhen, so they were also

not sure of it. Then I got the number of Gaoyang Zhen Government. I called ,

the office worker explained that it was a misunderstanding. They dared not to

kill, the truth was that they were afraid of the outburst of rabies and was

preparing to take actions. The mayor of Chongqing also called them lately,

telling them that people were very concerned and they should solve this problem



'Chinese Declaration on Animals Welfare ' published

After several months of work, a very important literature of China Animals

Protection , ¡° Declaration on China Animals Welfare ¡±which CCAPN took part in,

has already published.

For more information, please visit:


Download ¡° Declaration on China Animals Welfare ¡±




Thanks CCAPN volunteer, **, for translating this newsletter



CCAPN Newsletter July £º


Lucky star


The blind and badly-wounded dog named Longxia was only one month old when it

had been saved by Zhangzhou Pet Net. Now it is a new member of a warm family

and was given back its eyes.

http://www.fjzzpet.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=2 & ID=11831 & page=1




Welcom Haerbin Beastie Protection Union joined CCAPN


Haerbin Beastie Protection Union joined CCAPN* last month. Haerbin Beastie

Protection Union Net was established on Nov. 2006. In order to improve

efficiency and quality of work and management, it has four full time

departments, salvation, press, adoption, and fund. The union believe that

miracle happens in life unless give up. Its stuff works under the faith:

salvaging city vagabond animals from myself.

Please visit their website through link as below:



Welcom Tianjin Beastie Salvation Union joined CCAPN


It is glad that Tianjin Vagabond Beastie Salvation Union joined CCAPN last

month. Tianjin Vagabond Beastie Salvation Union was found in 1st Dec.,2006 by

internet and societal loving-care persons. The union sparkplug driving more

people to take good care of beastie by their actions. Its tenet is loving life,

kindly treat animals, and appeal to fulfillment of animal legislation.

Please visit their website to get more info:



Dogs were destroied in Changshou, Chongqing


Local dog feeders had recourse to CCAPN in emergency by force of destroy dogs

command that issued by government of Changshou, Chongqing. During that period,

Handan Beastie Protection Net and Chongqing Beastie Protection Association

(Members of CCAPN) organized actively and efficiently rescue actions£º


Recently, in order to cover up its negligence of duty in hydrophobia

prevention, the government of Changshou ordered to destroy dogs in more than 10

villages and communites after one person dead for hydrophobia. More than 1,000

local people and domestic/overseas animal protection parties claimed that local

government should take scientific and humane method to retrieve and recuperate

mistakes among hydrophobia father working. It is pity that Changshou government

still using destroy dogs action to solve matters. Handan Beastie Protection Net

calls on all organizations to join their non-violent claim activity in order to

force Changshou government stopping their wrong working ways and attitude, to

accept demotic claim then avoid double losing both on international repute and


To know protective activities situation please press link below£º

http://www.hdapi.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=553 & extra=page%3D1


To know other information about this affair please visit£º



Pictures of association¡¯s salvation in Changshou, Chongqing Beastir Protection

Association¡¯s Blog.:



Things about dogginess people¡¯s collectivize petitioned on 9th.



An Open letter to Changshou government by Chongqing Beastie Protection




Send messages to Principal of destroy dogs action (Has feed back)



Dalian Newmart Dog World Affair


To those friends that concern Dalian Newmart Dog World Affair£º

During searching evidence of disservice in Dalian Newmart Dog World, many

friends contacted with us and showed their antipathy. It seemed that dogs

living there are badly treated.

But after on the spot researching by the leader of BBS and Fan Dejia (a

journalist), thing¡¯s going another way. The conclusion seemed has been done.

Please visit page4-5 of below link for details.



Bloody game in Hunan Martyr Park: living dogs are crocodiles¡¯ food

When flocky chickens had been thrown into crocodile pool, numerous crocodiles

bite and swallow those poor chickens instantly. Such bloody scene happened in

Crocodile & Boa Park, Hunan Martyr Park. Principal of that park issued a new

item, crocodiles eat dogs, except selling chickens, small partridges to tourist

as crocodiles and boas¡¯ food.


Citizen express that this is over bloody and barbarity, and it is easy to awake

barbarity character that hidden in human¡¯s body. Meanwhile, it is bad education

to youth, especially children for publicizing violence.


Moreover, principals of Hunan province Forestry Office Wild Animal Protection

Department, Changsha Zoo, and Changsha Bird-singing Woods are against to such

obtain profit means.


For viewing pictures and more details please click:



A puppy was maltreated by rural emigrants! Volunteers of Qiming Beastie

Protection Center saved it.

Please visit below link for details£º

http://club.chinaren.com/bbs/detail_msg.jsp?mainmsgid=101842546 & boardid=0



Thanks CCAPN volunteer, Lin Gao, for translating this newsletter




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