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RE¡G Answer : RE:olympic committee will take it back and give it to second runner up? is it true????? anyone knows?????

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dhartig »¡¡G hi


I wrote to the IOC yesterday (adresses:

http://www.care2.com/c2c/share/detail/213855; and via web form here

http://www.olympic.org/uk/utilities/registration_uk.asp?prm_action=req) on the

matter and am awaiting their reply.


Here's the letter I sent:




I should like to be informed about the stance the Olympic Comittee takes aka

conditions like the below described at the scene of the Olympics 2008 at

Beijing, and whether or not the Olympic Comittee sees itself in a position of

responsibility towards such conditions and their obvious opposition to Olympic



Ladies and Gentlemen,


as you no doubt are aware the Chinese Government - in preparation for the 2008

Olympics in Beijing - has started an extermination campaign targeted at the

stray dog and cat population only a few days ago.

This is similar to what has already happened in Greece in the run-up to the

Olympics in Athens several years ago - and criticism of the large scale

poisonings and shootings was widespread then. Thy Olympic Comittee, quite

capable of interfering and demanding an end to such little becoming and

uncivilized behaviour (especially in light of the high values represented by the

Games) unfortunately did nothing to help the situation, and so thousands of

animals perished.


What we are facing with Beijing however, is of another scale and order


China has sadly made itself a name in extreme cruelty to animals - regular news

footage on TV and the Internet shows us poultry (Bird Flu) buried and burned

alive, fur animals skinned while fully conscious and trashing for their lives,

hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats transported to slaughter crammed in tiny

wire cages to be subsequently either strangled for their skins or boiled alive

for food, etc.

The list is endless. But the conditions are well-known and thoroughly



Needless to say really, the rounding up and killing of cats and dogs now taking

place in and around Beijing is of a sort that would turn the strongest stomach

and wrench the hardest heart.

And it is THIS foundation of blood and tears that the shining pinnacle of

civilized Olympic values will stand on. It is indeed the gleaming marble statue

with feet of clay .. it is doomed to topple and fall.


I beg you urgently therefore to, finally, take a stand against these

inhumanities - they soil the image of the Olympic Games, they shame all of us

who look on and let it happen !

Let not the Athletes and the world converge 2008 on this place that has seen

such indescribable horrors as happen this minute while you read this mail.


The Olympic Comittee has a responsibility towards the values represented by the

Games - justice and equality towards all nations, fairness and civilized

behaviour - afforded not only people, but all living beings.


The Chinese Government must understand that tolerance for such conduct goes only

so and so far. Beijing will be hosting an International event that will not

reflect only on itself, the Chinese people and what they do in their own country

- but will have repercussions worldwide and be viewed and judged far and wide

all across the globe.


Let the Olympic Comittee be a leader in making the 2008 Olympics an occasion to

celebrate for all - to celebrate a compassionate and enlightened Humanity that

needs not fear its own shadow. Let not the way to sporting fairness be paved

with the lives of so many Innocent .. again.


Ask, I beg you, the Chinese and Beijing Authorities to immediately abandon their

" cleaning campaign " and opt for a humane solution to the problem. Many Humane

societies worldwide, as well as on location in China and Beijing are only

waiting to assist.


Please give them and the animals a sporting chance !




Diana Hartig




It will be interesting to know their position on the matter and whether or not

they intend to act. They did not with Athens .. quite frankly I do not think

they will here either ...


Best wishes,





----- Original Nachricht ----

Von: jeremy chung


aapn ,anti-dogmeat ,antifursociety\



Datum: 15.11.2006 05:49

Betreff: RE:olympic committee will take it back and give it to second

runner up? is it true????? anyone knows?????



> hartley steward


> i heard from one of my friend said if olympic game committee know about

> this , they will cancel the right, and take that away and give it to second

> runner up! is it true? anyone knows????


> if so, then they should not have killed dogs in beijin to prepare for

> 2008 olympic game, becasue they will loose their olympic right!!! it doesnt

> worth to do that!!!!! and dogs wont disturb olympic games! dogs are very

> loyal and friendly! they should pose dogs as olympic game 2008 symbol!!!


> sigh.........olympic game is a friendly n peaceful sport game, olympic gam

> is a sacre activity bringing love and all people together, now becomes a

> bloody wash !!!!!! olympic game shouldnt be like that!






> Dr John Wedderburn ?? ??lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC

> " -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN " > anpeople

> X-WNSpam-Score: 6.8 X-WNSpam-Int: 68

> Please Helps!!

> I am a common citizen of Beijing, China. I'd like to tell you something

> terrible happened now in Beijing. On the large scale, The Chinese government

> is slaughtering dogs who has not certificates or who are just taller than 35

> centimeters. The government has organized policemen and special dog-killing

> teams to arrest or kill dogs on the spot wherever they find the dog in the

> city. Many dogs have been hit to death on the street. Some of them were hung

> on the trees and were whipped to death. Some of others were caught and

> closed into suffocating dogs' concentrating camps to wait for execution.

> Everyday these bloody slaughter scenes are on play in every place of China.

> As the capital of China, Beijing is the worst place for dogs. From November

> 6, 2006, The policemen of Beijing are going to break into common people's

> houses who have large dogs or no-certificate's dogs at home. The dogs will

> be caught and be taken to the dogs' concentrating camp and wait for

> execution. And this

> is the real situation we have to accept.

> And now please allow me to tell you why these dogs have not certificates.

> Basically, there are

> 2 reasons: First, Some owners can not afford the expensive fee for dog's

> certificate. Take Beijing for instance, Fee for the first year is RMB1000,

> And RMB500 for every year from the second year on. As you know, China is

> still a developing country, not each family can afford the charge. Second,

> For those dogs taller than 35 centimeters, our government refuse to give

> them ID card. So-called reason is they are tall and perhaps make people

> scared. Their ban is aim at all of large dogs including all the

> mild-tempered and few-barked ones such as golden retrievers, Labrador dogs

> and Scotland shepherds, etc.

> The strongest explanation of Chinese government's about their killing of

> dogs is: Dog will spread canine madness. However, everybody knows that

> canine madness is entirely different from SARS and bird's flu. It's

> preventable through bacterin injection to dogs and can be remedied by

> bacterin injection to human beings. In China, only those dogs who have

> certificates can be injected the bacterin for free every year. Whereas many

> large dogs' owners, just like us, take our dogs to pet hospitals for

> injection by ourselves. Actually, most of cases of canine madness appeared

> in the rural areas of China. Just because our government has not tried its

> best on canine madness' prevention and has not accurate management on dogs,

> many people ignore the danger and do not prevent illness by means of

> injection in time, especially for peasants. Those owners whose dogs bit

> other people can easily avoid punishment if they run away or disavow they

> are owners. All of these lead to the tragic .

> Just let's think?if the government inject bacterin for all of dogs for free

> in China every year, undoubtedly, the number of ailing dogs must be greatly

> reduced. If the government permit all the dogs get certificates and ask all

> of them should tie the ID cards on , I believe nobody will avoid punishment

> any more since people will get the owner's information through the card. Why

> don't our government choose a reasonable way to control the disease? Why do

> they just kill these innocent animals by incredible cruel way? It's human

> beings' fault, but not dogs'.

> I was born in the seventies. When I was still a little girl, my parents

> told me dogs are out best friends. But today in China, in the 21st century,

> most of parents only tell their children the dog is dangerous, so keep away

> from them anytime. Because of unilateral publicizing by the Chinese

> government and all kinds of media, more and more people are misled. I just

> want to say, the dog is still our friend, they are not virus, they are not

> dangerous. They will always bring us pure love and soul's peace. Perhaps

> they are just a kind of pet to owners, but the owners means a whole world to

> them. Dogs' life is quite short, maybe only 11 or 12 years. Why don't we

> make them happy and peaceful? When I chatted with a foreign friend, he told

> me nobody put the dog into cage because that means disrespect in his

> country. The dog is not humble in many countries except China. They are not

> regarded as food either except China. I think dogs are different from many

> other animals not only

> because they have emotion and very intimate to their owners, but also they

> never betray. Many of us can hardly do this, don't we?

> I have many friends who have dogs in Beijing. Some of them belong to DINK

> families. Some others are old people who live alone. They love their dogs

> very much because the dog means one member of families always accompany with

> them. Undoubtedly, killing the dog must be hurtful and terrible to them. The

> dog bring them entire joy and comfort. These owners love their dogs just

> like love their own children. But why? Why does the government plan to

> slaughter??

> I wrote several letters to our government. I asked for mercy for the

> innocent animals. Eventually, nobody gave me answer. So I have to write to

> you. People said the slaughter will be cruel more and more before the

> Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. But why? Is there any relations between

> Olympic Games and killing dogs??

> So dear officers, please help us. Please stop the cruel inhumanity towards

> animals in China. We are willing to do anything cooperate with our

> government if they won't kill animals at random. Our government should

> punish those owners who have uncivilized behavior during their keeping dogs

> in actual life. Remember the punishment must be accepted by people, but not

> dogs. Everybody knows it's not dogs' fault.

> My dog, a 2-year-old golden retriever, named Happy, She is a very soft and

> good-tempered girl. My friend sent her to me just 50 days after her birth.

> Just like treat our own child, My husband and I give her all our love. We

> take her to the pet hospital to inject relative bacterin for her every year.

> We never take her out for a walk during the daytime for not disturbing other

> people. Usually we take her out at 5:30 in the morning and after 10:00 in

> the evening. As a matter of fact, Happy almost never run in the sun. She

> never bark just like all of golden retrievers. She loves my slippers and

> always lie on them and snore aloud. My honey Happy, a real cute and lovely

> girl, will be killed by our government. Why? How can I understand? From

> yesterday on, I dare not to take her out, because outside is dangerous. I

> can read the expression in her eyes, but I have not any other ways. I'd

> rather lock her in the house, but not see her arrested and killed by people.

> To be honest, if

> any policeman want to break into my house and take her away, I'm not sure

> what I will do. It's just the same as rob my own child away to me. I believe

> I will hold a stick or a kitchen knife in the face of them .

> Dear officers, perhaps you have got a little news about Chinese slaughter

> towards dogs, but you never imagine how terrible it is now. Many of owners

> who have mild large dogs at home in Beijing just like me can not keep quiet

> any more. We have decided to get together outside the gate of Zoo of Beijing

> on the November 11, 2006. The theme of our assembly will be: Object to the

> limit of 35 centimeters towards dogs and condemn the uncivilized dogs'

> owners.

> If you can understand our feeling, if you hope to support us, help us

> please. Please help all of poor dogs live in China. Please make your efforts

> to persuade the Chinese government to change their cruel policy towards

> animals. I really love my motherland. I am proud of my country because the

> 2008 Olympic Games will be held here. But if that means death to innocent

> lives, please don't come.

> On behalf of all of virtuous Chinese people , on behalf of innocent and

> helpless animals and their owners, on behalf righteousness of human beings,

> please help us, please help us, please help us.

> http://pg.photos./ph/glowill3883/album?.dir=/ef78scd

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u ... =%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B

> http://www.do

> g800.cn/index.asp

> http://dv.ouou.com/play/38d7f63835a26

> http://forum.timway.com/php/showflat.php?Cat=0 & Board=food_and_drinks & Nu

> mber=3834531 & page=0 & fpart=all

> http://www.goubaobao.com/aixin/index.htm

> http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/vi ... r=wm & speed=_med

> http://www.lca.org.tw/epaper/news/20031225.htm

> http://www.lovedog.org.tw/StreetDog/index.htm






YM - Â÷½u°T®§







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