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Dodgy Goverment, Beijing detained dogs only got 7 days left alive!

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Dear all,




After the Nov. 11 Beijing dog lovers protest against arbitrary dog

killing, the Chinese government turns out sophistical clarification and

refuting dog owners' earnest claims.




It is such an impudicity that they are trying to avoid the important but

dwell on the trivial:


'...the security officers were simply implementing the new regulation,

by urging citizens to give up second dogs or aggressive dogs. They

revealed that the bureau's special office that is managing the

registration of dogs has taken in a total of 500 stray dogs and family

dogs that are temporarily detained, by November 13th.'


'...the strict implementation of the dog-control measures mainly aims to

solve nine prominent problems, including the raising of large or vicious

dogs, unlicensed dogs, one household owning more than one dog, and

owners bringing their dogs to public places.' (Quoted from:

http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2946/2006/11/14/176 (AT) 162699 (DOT) htm)


'Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau had hauled in a total of 500

dogs. The dogs mainly include those abandoned by owners, unlicensed pets

and stray ones. Most of the dogs were unlicensed and their owners gave

them up of their own accord.'


'Once sent here, each dog will be registered, given an ID number and

quarantined, the official said. The healthy ones will be sent to an

adoption department to await new owners.' (Quoted from:



First, solving the problems, such as rabies, bites, public disturbance

and pollution, is true and doubtless. But do they dare to allege that

their dog-control policies and measures are reasonable, scientific and

humane? Are all big dogs exceeding 35cm vicious? Do those families have

to give up their registered, vaccinated companions only because one dog

policy? Do those no rabies, never bite, mild-temper pet dogs, but only

grown big or not the only dog child, deserve the treatment of detaining

and supposedly putting down?


The main reasons of unlicensed dog are no other than the extremely

expensive of registration fee, and unconquerable 35cm standard. There

are huge many dog owners seeking legal identities for their dog

companions but failed. Many owners have same experiences that when those

big breed dogs young, they registered and paid license fee, but when the

dog grown up, they failed to renew the license then the dog became

illegal. (http://www.china.org.cn/english/2006/Sep/181459.htm)


Second, as to their excuse of none indoor seizure, someone said in a

forum: it is actually seizing dogs or forcing the owner to give up when

the police made the house-to-house call. It is never a simply publicity.

Someone even called the police to ask what if their dog is pregnant,

then got the answer is no way for them to keep and must give the baby

dog for their disposal! (

http://home.ani8.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=30 & ID=6823 & page=1)


Regard to their disposal, in Chinese version of the news,

(http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2006-11-14/015311503814.shtml) it only gives

as little as 7 days for the dog's adoption period. After that short

period, the dogs are definitely being killed; the methods are said

according to international convention. How transitory the life given to

those poor dogs is! Few of the original owners or any other possible

adopters could manage to save those lives. Just think about that many

innocent dogs are given the death sentences only because of the absurd

standard and policy.


How could they deny it is not a 'dog slaughtering campaign'? Is there

any difference between concentration camp and the dog detention house,

when the reason of detaining is arbitrary and cruel?


A picture http://kissdolphin.blogbus.com/index.html with the original

attached words translated from Chinese: To every dads and mums please

send your deepest blessing, with tearful broken heart, to .... I plead

with Qi Li Qu concentration camp for humanely and peacefully putting

away the dogs; never let them feel fear and pain!


(Qi Li Qu is the place officially revealed as the place for those

recently detained dogs, pictures for that

http://bbs3.btbbt.com/viewthread.php?tid=1157047 there is address in

Chinese: Beijing Canine Inspection Centre, West City Ward, Qi LI Qu,

Chang Ping, Sand River)













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