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IDA Korean humane ed project

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While nearly every civilized nation is working to strengthen laws to

protect animals, the illegal trade in dog and cat meat is thriving

in Korea.


Although technically dog and cat consumption is illegal in the

country, the Government ignores offenders and has actually made

moves to inspect dog meat for sanitation, in effect making it legal.

By doing so, the Korean Government is approving of the torture and

killing of millions of dogs and cats, in spite of the fact that the

majority of Koreans don't eat dog meat or " cat juice " or approve of

its consumption.


IDA and AFK Bring Humane Education to Korean Children


Because many Korean children don't grow up with animals and aren't

familiar with them as the living, sentient individuals they are,

Animal Freedom Korea (AFK) has established a humane education program

to change the perception of animals by Korean children. IDA recently

sponsored a video project in conjunction with AFK to help end

consumer demand for dog and cat meat in Korea. In the cartoon,

children learn about the importance of treating animals with kindness

and compassion. Humane education challenges violence at its core.

Through teaching children respect and kindness to animals and one

another, the world will be a better place for us all.


Click here to request a copy of the cartoon.


Click here to read a translation of the cartoon.



What You Can Do


If there is a Korean community center, church, or other facility in

your area to which you would like to offer a copy of the cartoon,

please email koreandogs with your name and address.


Visit http://www.idausa.org/campaigns/korea/korean.html for more

information on IDA's campaign to end the Korean trade in dog and cat





Dr. Eungyung Shin - veterinarian

Children - Minho, Haewon, Junga, Eunji, Yunhee, Taehung, girl 1

Dogs - Chorong, Moongchi, white poodle, black and white dog, white dog



An animal clinic is right next door to the Snail kindergarten.


Children rush out of the kindergarten and see a dog tied up in front

of the animal clinic.

Minho: Wow! I have never seen this dog before. Hello doggie! You're

new around here, aren't you?

Narration: As Minho runs to the dog, the dog starts growling and

tries to jump on Minho.

Minho: I'm scared!

Narration: Minho does not dare to move one step. The dog barks at

the children.

Children: Oh no~

Narration: Very much frightened by the dog, the children start backing away.



Narration: At that moment, the veterinarian comes out of the clinic.

The vet is wearing a white gown and a hat shaped like the ears of a dog.

As soon as the vet starts petting the dog and telling him to quiet

down, the dog stops barking. He even wags his tail. Minho is confused.

Minho: That's strange. Why did he bark at us when he is so quiet now?

Narration: The vet smiles.

Vet: Dogs get scared when strangers approach them. Dogs think

strangers will hurt them. That is why they sometimes growl and


Narration: The children slowly step back.

Vet: So you should never try to touch dogs that you do not know. Do

you understand?

Children: Yes~

Vet: And, you should not run when a dog is near you.

Haewon: Why?

Vet: Dogs like to chase things that run. This is why they chase

after balls and toys. So if you start running, the dog may chase

after you and bite you.

Narration: Minho pouts.

Minho: Now I'm scared to raise a dog. What if he bites me?

Vet: Minho! Dogs don't bite everyone.

Minho: Do they bite only thieves then?

Children: Ha ha

Vet: Animals like people who love them and take good care of them.

Eunji: They don't bite if we love them?

Vet: Of course not. Why would they bite if they know they are being loved?

Eunji: Then if I love them like my sister, they won't bite?

Vet: That's right. Animals have feelings too, you know.

Minho: That's not true. Animals don't have feelings. They can't talk

so they don't have feelings either.

Narration: Minho says with confidence.

Junga: Yes they do have feelings! My grandmother's dog once had

puppies, and when my aunt took one of the puppies, the mother dog

started crying and did not eat her food.

Narration: The vet nods.

Vet: Junga is right. Animals do have feelings. So they cry when they

part from their mothers, if their guardians hit them, or if they feel

sick. And they are happy when things go well.

Narration: The children are all ears.

Children: Oh!

Narration: The children nod in unison.

Minho: Doctor! Please tell us more about dogs. Do dogs cry?

Vet: Sure. Please come in and I'll show you.

Narration: The children follow the vet into the clinic.


3. Inside the animal clinic, there are dogs inside the cages and

behind the window. The vet points at a weak dog with a cast on his

leg looking out the window.

Vet: Children! Look at the face of that dog. Does he look sad or happy?

Eunji: He seems to miss his mom.

Haewon: He seems to be crying.

Junga: He looks sick.

Narration: The children each have an opinion to voice.

Vet: That dog is very sick and sad because his leg broke.

Junga: His leg broke?

Narration: The children's eyes grow larger.

Vet: His " owner " played with the dog by pulling his legs. Dogs are

the same as people. Wouldn't you feel pain too when someone pulls at

your legs?

Children: Yes!

Vet: So wouldn't it hurt dogs if we pull their ears and tails?

Children: Yes!

Vet: So the dogs cry when they are hurt. Since they can't talk, they

start whimpering. So you should never throw them or pull their ears,

legs or tails like the way you might play a toy robot. Dogs may

become very sick and even die from such treatment.

Narration: The children look at the sick dog once more. The dog is

motionless and looks as if he is dead.

Junga: He must be really sick.

Minho: He's sad that his " owner " hurt his leg.

Narration: Even mischievous Minho seems to be worried. Suddenly,

Junga starts crying.

Yunhee: Junga, why are you crying?

Narration: The children and the vet are all surprised. Junga cries

even louder.

Junga: The truth is that my puppy died. I kept on touching her since

she was so cute, and I gave her baths all the time.

Narration: The vet sadly nods.

Vet: That's a pity.

Eunji: Yes, you're not supposed to bathe puppies too often.

Vet: That's right. Dogs do not like it when you touch them too much.

They can die if they are treated like dolls and are bathed too


Junga: I'll never do that again. I was so sad when my puppy died.

(Jung continues to cry)

Haewon: Wow! I learned so much about dogs today.

Narration: A 9-year-old girl stands in front of the clinic.



Girl: Doctor! I came here to take Chorong.

Narration: The little girl pets the white dog tied up outside the clinic.

The white dog starts to jump up and down and licks the little girl's

hand. The children run out of the clinic.

Minho: The dog isn't biting her. She must be the dog's guardian.

Narration: Minho's mouth hangs open in amazement.

Girl: Doctor, Can Chorong go home now?

Vet: Yes. Chorong was not afraid of his shots today. Remember to

hold on to his leash and be careful while crossing the street.

Narration: The little girl takes Chorong and crosses the street.

Chorong does not bark and follows the little girl home.

Girl: Bye everyone! Don't bother the animals and give them lots of love!



Narration: The children look at her enviously.

Minho: I wish I also had a dog.

Haewon: Minho, you can't! You won't be able to take care of a dog!

Vet: Dogs and cats are members of our families, so you must take

good care of them for their entire lives. If you are not able to

provide a dog with a good home, you should not try to raise one.

Yunhee: Then what should we do?

Narration: Yunhee's eyes are twinkling with curiosity.

Vet: First of all, you must really love dogs. If they are sick you

must take them to the hospital. You must play with them and give them

delicious food to eat.

And if they poo, you should immediately clean it up so that it doesn't smell.

Narration: Minho starts laughing as soon as he hears the word poo.

Vet: See. It's very hard to raise dogs. Since you are still very

young, it would be better for you to raise animals when you're older.

So please don't ask your moms to get you a dog until you are older.


Vet: I'll ask you a question. If you answer it correctly, I'll give

you a candy prize.

Children: Okay!

Narration: The children jump up and down with joy.

(The vet points at the dogs in the clinic)

Vet: Which dog seems to be the happiest?

Haewon: Doctor. That one! The white poodle!

Vet: Why do you think that dog is loved?

Haewon: Because her eyes seem to be twinkling. And she seems to be laughing.

Vet: You're right! Her guardian loves her very much.

Narration: The vet gives Haewon a lollipop.

Vet: Okay. Now I must go back to work. Please come and visit again soon.

Children: Okay.

Narration: The children leave the hospital, waving goodbye to the vet.

At that moment, a little boy enters the clinic. The boy sadly

approaches the dog with the cast.

Taehung: Moongchi! You must have been so sick! I'm so sorry!

Narration: The dog suddenly starts to wag his tail.

Vet: But he still seems to like you very much. He's not even mad at you.

Narration: The vet smiles.

Taehung's face iss very sad as he looks at the cast on the dog's leg.

Taehung: I'm so sorry. I'll never do that again.

Vet: From now on, you'll take very good care of Moongchi, right?

Taehung: Yes!

Narration: Taehung pledges never to hurt his dog again.

The end.








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