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Visakha SPCA/India year end report

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Please email me if you would like the below version with photos, or would like

to be on the Visakha SPCA infrequent mailing list. Wishing a fabulous '06 to

all the great animal people worldwide--may we have a year of astounding

accomplishments, good cheer and friendship for all of us as well.

kind regards, Weintraub, Visakha SPCA Representative, Seattle, WA USA



" The value that the VSPCA team places on every living creature is profound and

most assuredly left an indelible impression on these villagers; I know it did

on me” -- Michael Bannasch, RVT, Coordinator of the Shelter Medicine Program

University Of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, wrote about his

visits to the isolated tsunami affected villages.



Visakha SPCA at year end




Beginning one year ago Christmas 2004 we have faced a year of extreme

desperation and challenge accompanied with anguish and fear for the animals.

But now we vow to show our fellow humans the dire need to respect nature with

total dedication.




This year we lost some wonderful and intelligent friends who can never be

replaced but we take great solace in adding to our family many hundreds more

needy ones.




We do not know what is in store for us in 2006 but we dedicate ourselves for all

the ongoing projects and feel this year will see us developing the best

standards for all the new and improved protocols. 2006 will include

comprehensive awareness and education campaigns besides developing our very much

needed outreach campaigns.




Our challenges include dealing with another 20,000 dogs and hundreds of stray

cattle as our city of Visakha has now become GREATER VISAKHA with an additional

32 panchayats (villages) added and one more major municipality and VSPCA has

responsibility for all.




So aside from our increased responsibility with have the ever pressing natural

calamities that have badly affected all of the livestock in the rural areas.

Diseases such as “blue tongue” for which there is no remedy are another

epidemic. This disease was eradicated previously but the toll of environmental

disasters has brought the virus back.




2005 was a year that increased the abilities of VSPCA to look after the animals

of the entire coastal region. It has been a year that has turned our hoped into

realities. And a year dominated by natural calamities has resulted in our

improved skills to cope with all of the related complications.





An unforgettable year as we reached out to many thousands of animals and giving

them real hope for their survival which allowed us to take care of and save:


Dogs = 13000


Cats = 121


Goats = 21000


Sheep = 23000


Cows = 5400


Buffalos = 530


Sea turtles = 330


(covering 60 km. within 24 villages)


Birds = 1600


(including 1200 migratory birds -storks and pelicans - protection and their

fallen hatchlings, and the remaining parrots, crows, mynahs, etc.


Tortoises (endangered star) = 11


Monkeys = 07


Snakes (3 greens, 1 rattle, 12 cobras)= 16


Owls = 02


Eagles = 02


Monitor Lizards = 07




We now move ahead to meet all the challenges that are detrimental to the animals

produced by human over indulgence. We try to bring hope and shower rays of

light to the desperate ones. And when we hang out with them successfully we

cannot forget your advice, support and timely aid. This is ever present in our

minds and hearts encouraging us to keep going and allowing us to keep going.




Along with our restoration works the year 2006 provides immense challenges but

we are confident of overcoming them all. With your continued support which has

besides reaching out and establishing ourselves over 600 kms.


In 2005 we have improved with:


- a support administrative staff,


- night vet and night mobile dispensary,


- five vets in service,


- four mobile ambulances,


- readiness to deal with natural calamities,


- expansion of ABC (animal birth control) in 20 villages,


- upgraded process at all levels for the best medical attention


- diagnosis laboratory


- seven cattle sheds with best RCC (slab mixture made of concrete, stones,

cements and sand) roofing that can accommodate more than 700 cattle


- the boundary wall with the best engineering construction.








2006 --- A Bigger Challenge :


We appeal for your continued faith in us and support allowing us to continue

with more vigor to consolidate our efforts. By helping us to recover from our

own shelter floods and extending and improving our outdoor clinics this will

very importantly help us to continue to spread out to more areas and build our

lasting relationship pledged during the tsunami to the flood affected areas.




In 2006 we need funds for:


- a bigger and better Puppy’s Pound (our previous one was destroyed in the



- storage rooms (destroyed in the floods),


- large animal dispensary,


- entire drainage facilities to the whole Shelter,


- Suitable facilities for the abandoned dogs --- an Octagon type dwelling,


- In-house dispensary for small animals,


- Separate extensive quarantine for dogs that will allow more room for the ABC





Our MOTTO has changed to: “Without losing heart or hope we continue to move

rapidly forward since we have been faced with the huge disasters in 2005 -- we

will restore, expand, overcome challenges, improve and consolidate existing

projects and prove to be even better than before for the animals in 2006.”




Happy healthy and safe 2006 New Year to all!


NAMASKAR -- which means, with great respect we honor all of you.




Words fail to express our gratitude to all the individual donors (**please

scroll down for everyone's name) and we are ever grateful for your faith in our

vital work this year. Phil and Trix Wollen, of The Winsome Constance Kindness

Trust, Australia are our chief patrons whom we were honored to host for a visit

this year. From the USA Ms. Margaret Gebhard has been our best angel and a

special thank you to her friend Ms. Jane Courtney. Visiting vets include the

life altering and pioneering contribution of Dr. Bosmat Gal and an astounding

improvement in our protocols from Dr. Rick Bachman and Mike Bannasch, RVT.

Their visits were sponsored by AVAR (Assoc. of Vets for Animal Rights), ARL

(Animal Rescue League) of Boston, USA and UAN (United Animal Nations, USA) as

well as vet equipment we couldn't have dreamt of before. Our operating expenses

from Ahimsa of Boston, USA were heaven sent. AWBI (Animal Welfare Board of

India) helped keep us going for our ABC programs.




Ms. Maneka Gandhi was helping us as soon as the flood disaster struck. During

the tsunami and September/October cyclones/floods we received crucial and life

saving support from WSPA-UK (World Society for the Protection of Animals) -who

funded our outreach teams, HSI (Humane Society International) Asia for generous

shelter reconstruction help (special thanks to Sherry Grant for her invaluable

expertise); Best Friends, USA; Weber Foundation, Switzerland; RSPCA-UK (Royal

Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and Best Friends for ambulance

donations; Ahimsa of Boston; Tierschutzbund, Switzerland; In Defense of Animals,

USA; AVAR, Rati Shah (in honor of Bonny Shah). Shelter reconstruction after

our flood disaster labor and vet help was sent by Blue Cross of Hyderabad, India

and the Tsunami Memorial Trust (Sri Lanka).




Kim Bartlett and Merritt Clifton of Animal People News (a tiny organization that

covers the whole world!) continue to be our special friends who we owe all to

helping in numerous ways and they kindly accept U.S. tax deductible checks that

can be sent to us through them. Web site development (please look for our

redesign coming in early January) is being donated by Derek Hogue, Canada --with

previous help from Laura Black, Mohan SriReddy and Syd Baumel, Canada.

Special mention must be made to the advice and friendship from Pam Runquist of

AVAR and Sharon St. Joan of Best Friends.




We had two disasters this past year so received all the above crucial help. In

'06 we plan to expand all of the contacts we made through these calamities and

really get in there and help the animals in these rural very difficult and

heart breaking situations! We can't abandon the animals we have seen need so

much help now but we need your help in order to continue. So please kindly

don't forget about us because we have big plans to help the animals even more





On behalf of VSPCA members and volunteers (humans and animals) -- please

contact us:





Pradeep Kumar Nath, Founder and President


Visakha SPCA


26.15.200, Main Road


Visakhapatnam 530 001, Andhra Pradesh, India


Email: vspcadeep


Website: visakhaspca.org - we hope to update our web site with more


reports and photos soon!



In loving memory of Mothi -- bird friend extraordinaire of Swathi



from cruel conditions by Swathi Buddhiraju)




A truly international thank you to all!





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