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Outrageous statistics of our movement's corruption

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Original message submitted on from Animal_Net:




Fellow activists:


In every December issue of the Animal People magazine is a section

titled The Watch Dog, which tabulates over 150 " animal protection

charities " in terms of their annual donation revenue, budget,

overhead, net assets and the salaries of their top executives, among

other things.


Some of these figures are OUTRAGEOUS!


Here are some examples:


Salaries of the executives paid more than US$340,000/annum (2005):

Steve Sanderson, Pres, Wildlife Conservation Society - $750,000 (no


Joseph Keenan, Nature Conservancy - $480,000

Frederick Krupp, Pres, Environmental Defense - $408,000

Larry Hawk, Pres, MSPCA - $403,000

Steven McCormick, CEO, Nature Conservancy - $395,000

Peter Seligmann, CEO, Conservation International - $391,000

John Stevenson, Pres, North Shore Animal League - $390,000

Darryl Vamado, Human Resources, Nature Conservancy - $386,000

Russell Mittermeier, Pres, Conservation Intl - $377,000

Kathryne Fuller, Pres, World Wildlife Fund - $372,000

Lawrence Amon, Former Pres, National Wildlife Federation - $365,000

David Cleary, Amazon, Nature Conservancy - $362,000

Ed Sayres, Pres, ASPCA - $348,000

John Flicker, Pres, National Audubon Society - $343,000


Note that some of the organizations are pro-hunting, disguised

as " conservation " , to which thousands of anti-hunting but

unsuspecting people donate their hard-earned dollars.


Wildlife Conservation Society brought in $137,365,590 in donations

in 2005

Nature Conservancy brought in (would you believe) $787,940,268 (i.e.

$788 MILLION) in donations in 2005


The Wildlife Conservation Society paid 415 salaries in excess of

$50,000, including 13 in excess of $150,000

The Nature Conservancy paid (would you believe) 1,073 salaries

>$50,000. incl. 9 >$200,000

Environmental Defence paid 132 salaries >$50,000, incl. at least 12


The SPCA paid 108 salaries >$50,000, incl. 12 >$150,000

Conservation Intl paid 214 salaries >50,000, incl. 14 >$150,000

The World Wildlife Fund paid 207 salaries >$50,000, incl. 6 >$200,000

The National Wildlife Federation paid 181 salaries >$50,000, incl.

at least 9 >100,000

The National Audubon Society paid 214 salaries >$50,000, incl. at

least 13 >$136,000

The Conservation Fund paid 39 salaries >$50,000, incl. at least 16


Defenders of Wildlife paid 42 salaries >$50,000, incl. at least 5




The salaries paid by the Nature Conservancy alone totaled at least

$50 MILLION, more like $70-$100 MILLION.


These funds were donated to the animals and the environment, NOT to

these executives' yachts! Need I say more except to reiterate that

unless we clean up our act, i.e. eradicate our corruption, we will

never win, and the animals will always suffer.


Anthonty Marr, founder

Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)


Salary: $0

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