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News <http://cities.expressindia.com/119.html> Sunday , January 28, 2007

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*Bird lovers seek licence to export exotic cage varieties* *'If exotic

fishes in aquariums can be recognised as an industry, why can't the same be

true for exotic foreign birds?'* *Suchetana



*Kolkata, January 27:* The Bird Breeder' and Lovers' Association of Kolkata

demanded industrial status for local breeding, sale and export of exotic

cage birds in the country. In a two-day bird show held at the YMCA ground,

the Association cautioned that one must bear in mind the thin line that

separates illegal trade of wild Indian birds from the breeding and sale of

endangered exotic birds. " Do not keep Indian birds. Keep exotic cage birds, "

they said.


The exotic cage birds like Cockatiel, Love Birds, Java Sparrows and

Badgarigers are domesticated varieties who are capable of completing their

entire life cycle in captivity. These are mostly foreign species which have

been used to life in captivity since generations together. With their

numbers dwindling, releasing these birds in wilderness will only kill them.


[image: Advertisement] " Once people become aware of this fact they will

stop buying birds of local varieties like parrots and myna and putting them

into cages, " said Dipak Mitra, president of the Bird Breeder' and Lovers'

Association. " For instance, The love birds can breed even in small

enclosures, " he added.


" If exotic fishes in aquariums can be recognised as an industry, why can't

the same be true for exotic foreign birds?, " said Mitra. The members also

pointed out that West Bengal possessed tremendous potential in the fields of

breeding and sale of exotic birds. The industrial status is given by the

state animal husbandry department.


The bird show drew around 65 participants who brought along rare and exotic

varieties of birds. The best entries were adjudged on the basis of four

parameters like the shape, size, colour distribution and general fitness of

the entries. The association also held a discussion where bird lovers posed

questions to experts on the dais.




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