Guest guest Posted August 5, 2007 Report Share Posted August 5, 2007 SOUMYA SATYAGRAH SANCHALAN SAMITY C/o Sarvoday Vichar Parishad, 132/1, M.G.Road, Kolkata-7, 09394005600/9433023999 Most respected Shri Sadar Vande Mataram! Outline of SOUMYA SATYAGRAH is enclosed herewith. It has been decided to organize SOUMYA SATYAGRAH at as many places as possible. It is to be organized by various Social organizations. Saints of all Sects shall lead. It would create such an ATMOSPHERE which would solve many problems faced by our beloved Nation †" BHARAT ( India). Your Organization is capable enough to organize SOUMYA SATYAGRAH at many places. You have adequate Man power, Money power, and Moral power. You are hereby requested to organize SOUMYA SATYAGRAH at as many places as you can, realizing your duty towards Nation and mother COW. Kindly inform which place or places your organization shall organize and earn virtue of Saving health and happiness of lacs of human beings by saving invaluable life of millions of animals. We also request you to give names and addresses of other organizations /pious persons/saints who can do the needful in this regard. Or you can yourself forward this mail to them. May all be happy! May all be saved! May pious forces UNITE! Yours truly, For SOUMYA SATYAGRAH SANCHALAN SAMITY Sudarshan Dhandharia †" 94330 23999 †" Mahesh agarwal 9394005600 sarvoday_vp, maheeshagarwal Why This SATYAGRAH? 1. Health of Human beings, and Environment of World is in danger due to destruction of Cattle wealth. 2. Law favoring animals; Orders of Supreme Court and Directions of Constitutions are not being implemented. SOUMYA SATYAGRAH SANCHALAN SAMITY C/o Sarvoday Vichar Parishad, 132/1, M.G.Road, Kolkata-7, 9394005600/9433023999 ORGANISERS/COOPERATERS/PARTICIPANTS REQUIRED FOR SAUMYA SATYAGRAH Naam:- “SAHYOG ANDOLAN†Roop= SARVA DHARMA PRARTHANA SABHA To be organized at all important cities of India by various organizations Basic Question: “Are You VEG?†Basic slogan: “Oh Human leave Beastism†Target: To create ATMOSPHERE so that LAW and Orders favoring animal protection framed by Constitution, Government and Supreme Court may be implemented. Dates:- From 1ST to 21st Dec. 2007. (for 21 days) Timing: 8/10 a.m. to 6 / 8 p.m. Place: Where PUBLIC is more (Near Railway or Bus Station, crossing or market) Leadership: Saints, Sages, Priests, Maulvies, (Religious Leaders of all sects.) Organiser: National and International organizations, Local social organizations & CPF DIRECTION: 40% TOWARDS Public, 50% towards almighty to give WISDOM to all and 10 % towards Government to implement and amend law to save human by saving animals. POSITION: Hawan (By Arya Samaj / Gayatri Pariwar) Akand Dhoop and Deepak, KIRTAN (By all sects.) during that period. Other result oriented Anusthans. (Rituals) FORM: Religious leaders of all sects, Teachers and Students, and social workers, would enrich the Dias and speak about kindness towards animals in their religious books. Request them to read their written lectures. Request them not to criticize any one; speak only such thing, which would increase brother hood. Patriotic songs, poems, bhajans and cassettes of Patriotic speakers like Rajiv Dixit may also be played. LOVE towards one and all should prevail. Speakers would also appeal to PUBLIC in their own way to become VEG for their own Body’s health and life; own country’s prosperity and pollution control. Decoration: Stage should be 1.5 or 3 feet high (sufficient to accommodate 10 to 20 persons) Background COW in Centre & all religious leaders on both sides with their sayings. 50 to 100 chairs in front of Dias. Banners to be tied near stage and near by areas. ARMS AND AMMUNITION:- A) LOVE and not to criticize B) TRUTH and non violence C) Intention to help Police, administration and judiciary to implement its order and law. D) Knowledge of Law E) List of persons with phone nos. and address who are responsible to implement the law F) Unity of PUBLIC on this issue of utmost importance of existence of Human race G) Appreciate, encourage and co operate each other OTHER OBJECTS:- 1. To get the order of Supreme Court Dt. 16-11-94 implemented according to which sacrifice of cow is illegal and other orders and law of land favoring animals. 2. All slaughterhouses and meat shops are contravening article 51-G, of Constitution of India, which requires every citizen to show compassion towards animal world. They are also generating maximum pain waves, which is responsible for natural calamities. Arouse public awareness about advantages of VEGETARIANISM and disadvantages of Non †" Vegetarianism so that Maximum HUMAN BEINGS become VEG. 3. Export of meat and leather is destroying Nation’s CATTLE WEALTH. Inform this TRUTH to Judges, Political leaders and powerful persons thru Media. 4. All the hatcheries create maximum pollution. Consumption of egg is root cause of heart attack (as max. cloistral in it) Ask Doctors, hospitals and public to save them selves from it. 5. Encourage persons to consume organic food and pure Cows MILK & GHEE. 6. Inspire not to use leather and make at least 10 persons VEG. 7. Pay RESPECT to one who has made maximum people VEG. Interaction with PUBLIC: - 1. Get Oath form filled / Get support form filled. / Get worker form filled 2. Give GOGHAT to collect Rupee 1/= or more daily for cattle wealth protection 3. Give cap of VANDE MATARAM, or SHAKAHAR SWASTH JEEVAN KA ADHAR 4. Give STICKERS and Prasad Rs. 10/= per packet (2 Peda of pure cow’s milk.) 5. Give flag, which they can host above their building 6. Inspire them to become VEG for sake of their own healthy & long life & saving money. 7. Inspire to prefer organic food for healthy LAND and healthy BODY Organisers’ WORKS:- 1. Who shall give min. 1 to 2 hours daily or more for preparations. 2. He shall conduct weekly monthly and daily meetings to develop and enlarge the team, increase their commitment, take right work from RIGHT MAN, explain & unite. 3. Talk to few persons who can sponsor the mike, light, decoration cost, cost of hospitality, cost of propagation, cost of volunteers and cost of media management. 4. Give GOGHAT to various persons and start collecting support from common man. 5. Increase the number of volunteers by increasing cadre of CPF. 6. Invite all Priest, Saints of Temple, Mosque, Church, Gurudwara of city. 7. Take their written consent to attend (date time and duration) written blessings and support. How many volunteers and what type of support they shall provide (note it after asking them) 8. Fix the Venue and inform the Local Police station (one or two month before) 9. Invite 5 -10 †" 20 persons (gobhakts) from outside and arrange their stay, food and Transport. If possible invite two or three from foreign countries. 10. If possible arrange audio and video recording 11. Invite media and do adequate advertisements by pamphlets Banners and cable ads so that almost all citizens come to know about the SATYAGRAH. Fin. Organiser: - Who shall arrange finance, keep and give accounts to all contributors. Cooperators work: - To donate Rs. 1000 or more or take stickers etc and inspires to cooperate Participants’work: - To participate in SATYAGRAH for 21 days. Items of receipts: - thru stickers, donation, membership of welcome committee, etc. Items of expenses: - propagation, conveyance, food & lodging of guests, mike and decorator. Policy: - The arrangement of SOUMYA SATYAGRAH shall be self-dependent. Procedure: - To form SOUMYA SATYAGRAH SANCHALAN SAMITY (name of place) having 5 to 21 persons in it. Get Outline, letter pad, receipt book printed in local language. SATYAGRAH would STARTS AT MORE THAN 1000 PLACES ALL OVER INDIA. Kindly ACCEPT THE POST OF ORGANISER OF YOUR TOWN. In Big Cities Satyagrah can be organized at more than one place. Can you suggest name and address phone numbers, email ids of persons who can become organizer, Cooperator, or participant in their cities or towns? For more details contact: Sudarshan Dhandharia †" 94330 23999 †" sarvoday_vp; satyagrah2; Mahesh Agarwal 9394005600 maheeshagarwal THREE POINTS OF STRATEGY AS POINTED BY SANT VINOBA 1. No animosity towards any one. No one should feel you as your enemy. Love amongst all. 2. There should not be any opportunity for administration to take atrocities steps. Neither any expectation from Government nor giving any importance to administration. 3. To work with duty bounded ness without any expectation of SUCCESS. Not to make it a question of reputation Colorful stickers having COW in Centre is available in two sizes †" 3.75†x 5.5†contribution Amount Rs. 5/= 5.5†x 8†amount Rs. 10/= kindly take as many as you can and perform your duty towards mother cow. It is advisable to take 100 to 1000 stickers at a time. All organizers can make similar Colorful Visiting Card. We can also make for you. Cost Rupee 1/= per card. ================================================================= Nomination Letter SOUMYA SATYAGRAH SANCHALAN SAMITY C/o Sarvoday Vichar Parishad, 132/1, M.G.Road, Kolkata-7, 03322707114/9433023999 Dear Organiser Sadar Vande Mataram! By grace of almighty, great idea of SOUMYA SATYAGRAH has come in our mind. We are sure to succeed, due to his grace. You are very lucky. You are being nominated as organizer of SOUMYA SATYAGRAH. Organiser is expected to give minimum 1 to 2 hours daily and maximum full time, full energy, and full force to it successful. First step is to make list, form team, choose a financial organizer, and organize meetings at regular interval. Think continuously; keep contact with public and at least once a wee with center. Form SOUMYA SATYAGRAH SANCHALAN SAMITI (PLACE). Form shall be sent on request. Get their signature in it. Order for stickers. Get Outline of SOUMYA SATYAGRAH and visiting card printed in local language. Distribute them in social programs. If you get time to speak, explain the importance of SOUMYA SATYAGRAH and appeal all to participate in it. Unite all cooperators, participants, female power, saints, pious forces and social organizations. Feel the shower of grace of almighty. You would get in touch with new dynamic persons automatically. With best wishes of 100% SUCCESS. May all be happy! May all be VEG. May all animals be saved! May all love each other! May Administration be better! Yours truly, For SOUMYA SATYAGRAH SANCHALAN SAMITY, Sudarshan Dhandharia †" Central organizer. ============================================================== 1. Kindly send name address Ph. No. Mobile No. of persons whom you are ready to become organizer. So that nomination letter can be send to them. 2. Kindly send photo & brief bio data of persons who have agreed to sit for 21 days for Satyagrah, so that we can include the details in our website 3. Kindly send details of organizations that have agreed to organize SOUMYA SATYAGRAH at one or more place with name of concerned person or chief. 4.Kindly SMS how many stickers are required for cooperators. 5. Till all cows are saved on what basis we can have EGO? Let us be free from EGO, self-praise, and criticizing other. Let us vow for introspection, ego less ness, help and love for each other and cooperative attitude. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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