Guest guest Posted February 2, 2004 Report Share Posted February 2, 2004 <>************************************** February 2004 issue of Dr. Michael Greger's Monthly Newsletter ******************************************************* CONTENTS I. Latest Updates in Human Nutrition A. Arsenic in Chicken B. PCBs in Fish C. Flax Seeds and the Stress Response D. Greens May Prevent Colon Cancer II. Worldwide Premiere of Peaceable Kingdom III. Update on Mad Cow Disease IV. Personal Update - Back on the road V. MAILBAG: " Why did the Ukraine ban our meat? " ******************************************************* I. LATEST UPDATES IN HUMAN NUTRITION -------------------------- A. Arsenic in Chicken After reviewing 5000 chicken samples, researchers from the National Institutes of Health and the USDA's Food Safety Inspection Service recently reported alarmingly high levels of arsenic contamination in the flesh of broiler chickens[1] These government researchers found that the amount of arsenic in chicken greatly exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency's new upper safety limit of arsenic allowed in drinking water. In fact, the amount of arsenic found in chicken was 6 to 9 times that allowed by the EPA. A " bucket " of Kentucky Fried Chicken would be expected to have up to almost fifty times the amount of arsenic allowed in a glass of water.[2] How did the arsenic get into the chickens? The poultry industry fed it to them. Most broiler chickens (which constitute 99% of the chicken meat that people eat) are fed arsenic in the United States[3,4] Although fish and shellfish also present significant dietary sources of arsenic,[6] according to the Food and Drug Administration arsenic compounds are extensively added to the feed of animals--particularly chickens and pigs--to make them grow faster.[5] The animals Americans eat are so heavily infested with internal parasites that adding arsenic to the feed can result in a " stunning " increase in growth rates.[7] Dr. Ellen Silbergeld, a researcher from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, said the poultry industry's practice of using arsenic compounds in its feed is something that has not been studied. " It's an issue everybody is trying to pretend doesn't exist, " she said.[8] " Arsenic acted as a growth stimulant in chickens -- develops the meat faster -- and since then, the poultry industry has gone wild using this ingredient, " says Donald Herman, a Mississippi agricultural consultant and former Environmental Protection Agency researcher who has studied this use of arsenic for a decade. " And they've tried everything to refrain it from becoming public knowledge, " .[9] The poultry industry argues that the organic form of arsenic given to chickens isn't toxic.[10] " This study appears to be much ado about nothing, " says Richard Lobb, the public relations Director of the National Chicken Council. He says the less toxic form of arsenic is " used responsibly and safely by poultry producers. " [11] The researchers, however, found not only elevated levels of organic arsenic in chicken meat, they found elevated levels of the highly toxic inorganic form typically used only in insecticides and weed killers.[12] And cooking the muscles of these animals may create additional toxic arsenic by-products.[13] Inorganic arsenic is considered one of the prominent environmental causes of cancer mortality in the world.[14] Arsenic is a human carcinogen linked to liver, lung, skin, kidney, bladder and prostate cancers. It can also cause neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and immune system abnormalities. Diabetes has also been linked to arsenic exposure.[15] The feeding of arsenic to chickens in the U.S. releases hundreds of tons of arsenic into the environment every year in the form of poultry manure which is spread on fields as fertilizer.[16] In fact there's currently a coalition of families suffering serious health conditions suing chicken producers like Tyson after research showed cancer rates as much as 50 times above the national average in communities neighboring factory farmed poultry operations. The February 2004 Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA concludes " Chicken consumption may contribute significant amounts of arsenic to total arsenic exposure of the U.S. population... " Levels of arsenic in chicken are so high that other sources may have to be monitored carefully to prevent undue toxic exposure among the population.[17] -------------------------- B. PCBs in Fish Those understandably scared away by the pesticides in shrimp and the mercury in tuna sought refuge in farmed salmon. Of course every study ever done on the flesh of farmed salmon found it to be swimming with carcinogens,[1] but the salmon industry dismissed these prior studies as too small to be meaningful. Finally, though, after 2 years and almost 2 million dollars,[2]] a study was just released which contained an exhaustive analysis of over 2 tons of salmon from around the world.[3] The study was performed by some of the world's leading experts on industrial pollution at Cornell and elsewhere and published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world.[4] The results sent shockwaves around the world. The study found that the levels of PCBs, dioxins and banned insecticides such as toxaphene were so high that based on Environmental Protection Agency guidelines, no one should be eating farmed salmon from anywhere in the world more than once a month.[5] Fillets bought in supermarkets in Boston and San Francisco were so heavily contaminated that even a half a serving a month might be too much.[3] And these recommendations just take into account the increased cancer risk. The researchers warn that women and girls should be eating even less, since pregnant women can pass on these contaminants to their fetuses, impairing mental development and immune-system function.[6] We've known about the industrial toxins that accumulate in the flesh of marine animals caught out in the polluted oceans, but how did these salmon on fish farms get contaminated? Although farmed fish are fed products like cattle blood[7] (which could theoretically infect the fish with a form of mad cow disease),[8] most farmed salmon are fed fish pellets made from wild fish hauled up and slaughtered by giant industrial trawlers from the polluted sea floor. It takes 3 to 4 pounds of wild caught fish to produce just one pound of farm raised fish, so people who think they are not contributing to the global disaster of overfishing by eating farmed fish are deluding themselves.[9] The fish stagnating in these aquatic feedlots are also fed dyes to artificially color their flesh pink and massive infusions of antibiotics to stave off bacterial diseases and sea lice. The Association of Salmon and Trout Producers calls the new study " dangerous, alarmist and a shot in the dark. " [10] George Lucier, former director of the US Department of Health's national toxicological program and author of more than 200 studies on toxic chemicals, disagrees. Backed by other independent US experts, he calls the results " undeniable. " [11] One state health department suggested that instead of telling people to limit their consumption of fish, they'd just tell consumers to eat a variety of fish, cook them so the fat drips off, and avoid eating the skin. David Carpenter, one of the scientists involved in the study, calls the health department's position " total nonsense. " " That's just totally irresponsible--totally irresponsible, " he said. " It's the responsibility of state health departments - and I worked for the one here in New York - to prevent disease or at least provide people with information so they can make judgments about whether they want to take an elevated risk of disease. " [12] Carpenter recommends no one eat farmed salmon more than once a month due to the unacceptable cancer risk alone.[13] The fish industry argues that although the levels of carcinogens in fish exceed EPA safety standards, they don't exceed FDA standards which allow 40 times more toxins in food. The authors of the study argue that the FDA standards are hopelessly out of date and inconsistent with the stricter standards used in Europe, Japan and Canada.[14] Critics argue that the FDA has a conflict of interest, playing a role in protecting the commercial food industry's profit margin as well as the health of consumers.[15] Fish industry trade groups claim that giving up salmon " would do more harm than good " because of the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids found in fish fat.[16] Yes, one industry consultant admits, salmon could cause thousands of cancer deaths, but it might save even more lives by preventing heart attacks.[17] Is that the choice Americans get? Do Americans have to slowly poison themselves in hopes that the fish fat may prevent a future heart attack? This sounds like the tired old dairy industry line about the importance of calcium every time another study comes out questioning the healthfulness of cow milk. Just like there are healthier plant-based sources of calcium, there are healthier plant based sources of omega 3 fatty acids. We don't have to choose between cancer and heart disease. Our bodies convert the short chain omega 3's found in flax seeds, for example, into the long chain omega 3's found in fish fat, so one can choose to get omega 3's packaged with soluble fiber and antioxidants in flax, rather than getting them packaged with heavy metals and carcinogens in fish. For those who want to take supplemental long chain omega 3's directly, but don't want to be exposed to the high concentrations of PCBs and pesticides in fish oil capsules,[18] there are two vegan algae-based contamination-free supplements currently on the market.[19] Vegetarians have as little as 1 to 2 percent the level of many pesticides and industrial chemicals in their bodies compared to meateaters. Through food alone, nonvegan Americans are getting 22 times the maximum dioxin exposure set by the EPA. Nursing infants with nonvegan moms get up to 65 times the maximum tolerable dose of this toxic waste. Although the fat in the beef, pork, poultry and milk also contain these carcinogens, this new study shows that the most contaminated flesh food is fish. Most salmon served in the U.S. is farmed and dangerous. -------------------------- C. Flax Seeds and the Stress Response A study was just published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition on the effects of flax seed consumption on cardiovascular responses to mental and psychological stress.[JACN 22(6):494] How your body reacts to stress--like how much your blood pressure goes up when you're anxious--is an important predictor of heart disease risk. So Canadian researchers had people sprinkle 3 tablespoons of ground flax seed onto whatever they were eating every day for a few months. Then the researchers exposed the research subjects to a variety of stressors and measured their stress response. And those eating flax had significantly healthier physiological reactions to stressful conditions. Their blood pressure, for example, stayed much more stable. The researchers attribute the heart healthy attributes of flax not only to their omega 3 content, but their unique concentration of these anti-tumor antioxidant phytoestrogens called lignans. So, if anyone's stressed that they've been feeding their family toxic fish, switching over to flax might help in more ways than one. -------------------------- D. Greens May Prevent Colon Cancer Japanese researchers recently investigated the relation between the consumption of vegetables and gastrointestinal cancers in a multicenter, hospital-based case control study.[Nutrition and Cancer 46(2):138] They found that cruciferous vegetables, and broccoli in particular, to be associated with significantly reduced risk of cancers of the digestive tract, especially colon cancer. People eating broccoli three or more times a week seemed to cut their risk of certain cancers almost 95%! Stated another way, this means that compared to people who regularly ate broccoli, those that rarely ate it seemed to be ten times more likely to develop certain types of cancer. Scientists suspect that the powerful anticancer properties of the cruciferous vegetable family (which also contains brussel sprouts, kale, collards, mustard and beet greens) may lie in a unique class of compounds called glucosinolates that greatly enhance your own body's ability to detoxify carcinogens. Because we've so polluted our environment, even vegans can't escape exposure to a wide array of carcinogens. By eating greens every day we can boost our liver's ability to neutralize these toxins and reduce our risk of developing cancer. In this election season, vote for the greens party ******************************************************* II. WORLDWIDE PREMIERE OF PEACEABLE KINGDOM Having been blessed to see an earlier prerelease version, I can say that Tribe of Heart's new documentary Peaceable Kingdom is quite simply the best tool our entire movement has ever come up with to open people's hearts to the universe of suffering on factory farms. Come to the World Premiere at Lincoln Center in Manhattan February 28th, or attend the West Coast premiere in March, or the Midwest screening in April. Or even better, go to and order copies of this life-changing documentary on DVD or video for literally everyone you know and a few extra copies for people you don't. I've been waiting all my life for this day--the day that we would have a tool powerful enough to melt through all the defenses of those who couldn't otherwise bring themselves to face the reality. Our movement is forever indebted to Jenny and James and the Tribe of Heart staff and volunteers and supporters for the realization of this masterpiece of education, advocacy and outreach. The least we can all do is make it a personal activist priority over the next year to getting this film seen by as many people as possible. Please go to to find out how you can help. And maybe I'll see you in Manhattan! ******************************************************* III. UPDATE ON MAD COW DISEASE My latest and most comprehensive report to date on the evolving Mad Cow disease crisis in the U.S. is now available for download at Alas, though, the best piece of writing ever done of the subject is the book Mad Cow U.S.A. by Rampton and Stauber, which just came out this week in paperback. Their entire book is online free at, but for those who'd rather snuggle up in bed with a good book than a computer, you can order a copy of the new paperback at For daily updates on the crisis, visit my website or for just my latest writings and commentary send a blank email to DrGregersMadCowUpdates- to to my new Mad Cow email list. ******************************************************* IV. PERSONAL UPDATE - Back on the road Thanks to the tireless efforts of Alissa who volunteered to schedule my national Mad Cow USA: Stop the Madness speaking tour, I am back on the road full-time this month, starting in the Northeast. I'm hoping to hit the West Coast in March and finish up in April. If anyone would like me to come speak in your home town, please email Alissa at tour-schedule My current speaking schedule is up at For any of the cities I miss, I had my new Mad Cow talk videotaped last week and should have it available as a DVD in a month or two. Thomas Manion, a good friend of mine with a huge heart (and a huge harddrive , volunteered to fill article requests. So if anyone wants to read the full text of any of the articles I cite here or elsewhere, you can email him at article-request Thanks to everyone who wrote me to offer their help in this regard. Everyone's support and kind words are what keep me warm on those long lonely drives between talks in the middle of the night ******************************************************* V. MAILBAG: " Why did the Ukraine ban our meat? " I just got an email from someone who read the hilarious column in Friday's San Francisco Chronicle (online at .. Her questions was " I've heard about bovine growth hormone in the milk supply, but I didn't know that we used hormones in meat. " For more than fifty years, U.S. farmers have used both natural and artificial hormones to increase the growth rates of livestock. Just like bodybuilders can bulk up on steroids, these steroid hormones make cattle grow bigger and faster. Of course the USDA doesn't like to call them growth hormones, they call them " meat quality enhancers, " which they note is a " more consumer friendly term. " According to the USDA, these hormones can eliminate as many as 21 days of feeding time-same weight, 21 days earlier-which saves lots of money. But Europe in the eighties had just gotten over this thing where little babies started growing breasts and menstruating after eating baby food made from veal calves pumped with the hormone DES and then there were all these cancers and genital deformities and so January 1st, 1989 Europe banned the production and consumption of hormone laden meat. Major beef exporters such as Argentina. Australia, New Zealand, Brazil all agreed to ship hormone free meat to Europe, but the U.S. was not going to be stopped. Not only would the profits of the beef industry suffer (and we know how much the beef industry doesn't like to see things suffer , but the profits of the hormone manufacturers-Monsanto, Eli Lilly, Upjohn-would take a hit. And as powerful as the beef lobby is, you do not mess with the pharmaceutical industry. The US took the European Union before the World Trade Organization demanding that Europe drop its ban on American beef. And of course, the World Health Organization struck down Europe's public health law, and demanded Europe drop the ban or face stiff penalties. And Europe decided to maintain the ban and stomach the financial consequences, which it has for years now. They are willing to pay $50 million dollars a year to protect their citizens from American beef. Growth promoting hormones, with names like " Steer-oid " are fed, implanted or injected into more than 95% of U.S. cattle. They implant estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and a number of synthetic steroids. The FDA insists that, when properly used, these sex steroids pose no risk to humans. This is the same agency, though, that, under pressure from the poultry industry, took 20 years to ban DES, the hormone that caused all the vaginal cancers in the daughters of mothers exposed to it. The European Union commissioned their own panel of scientists review the available research on the hormones in American meat and concluded that they " may cause a variety of health problems including cancer, developmental problems, harm to immune systems, and brain disease. Even exposure to small levels of [hormone] residues in meat and meat products carries risks. " The European Commission identified one hormone in particular as a " complete carcinogen, " acting as both a tumor initiator and a tumor promoter. They explained, " In plain language, this means that even small additional doses of residues of this hormone in meat, arising from its use as a growth promoter in cattle, has an inherent risk of causing cancer. " The French Agriculture Minister simply declared that the United States had the, " worst food in the world. " Even research done here by National Cancer Institute has found that some of the synthetic estrogen-like hormones U.S. ranchers continue to implant can indeed stimulate the growth of human breast cancer cells. The U.S. government was not happy with Europe's report. The U.S. Agriculture Secretary held a press conference and said 'The European Commission has issued yet another misleading report. " In response the European Union replied, " The commission is deeply concerned about the US attempt to belittle the risk which scientists have identified. [We] cannot understand why the US has not reacted in a more responsible way to the conclusive findings of the scientific committee. It is all the more incomprehensible as pre-pube[scent] children are the population group most at risk from the hormones. " Indeed, because children they have such low baseline levels, an 8 year boy, for example, eating two burgers increases his level of sex hormones by almost 10%. And lifelong exposures like that might increase the risk of developing cancer. The incidence of reproductive cancers has skyrocketed since U.S. farmers started using these sex steroids in meat. Compared to 1950, we have 55% more breast cancer, 120% more testicular cancer, and 190% more prostate cancer here in the United States. Now that's not to say that the hormones in meat are the cause, but as one prominent cancer researcher noted, " The question we ought to be asking, is not why Europe won't buy our hormone-treated meat, but why we allow beef from hormone-treated cattle to be sold [here in America]... " ******************************************************* REFERENCES (Arsenic in Chicken): (Full text of specific articles available by emailing article-request) 1 Environmental Health Perspectives 112(2004):18. 2 One KFC bucket contains 3 legs, 3 breasts, 3 wings and 3 thighs [] weighing a total of 1176 grams [] containing up to 108.5 mcg of inorganic arsenic [Environmental Health Perspectives 112(2004):18] exceeding to EPA limit on an 8oz. glass of water by a factor of 48.4 [EPA 815- Z- 01- 001]. 3 Momplaisir, G. M; C. G. Rosal; E. M. Heithmar " Arsenic Speciation Methods for Studying the Environmental Fate of Organoarsenic Animal- Feed Additives, " U. S. EPA, NERL- Las Vegas, 2001; (TIM No. 01- 11) 4 Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA February 1, 2004 5 Momplaisir, G. M; C. G. Rosal; E. M. Heithmar " Arsenic Speciation Methods for Studying the Environmental Fate of Organoarsenic Animal- Feed Additives, " U. S. EPA, NERL- Las Vegas, 2001; (TIM No. 01- 11) 6 Ibid. 7 Texas Lawyer, January 23, 1995 8 Daily Times (Salisbury, MD) January 4, 2004 9 Texas Lawyer, January 23, 1995 10 Daily Times (Maryland) 11 January 2004. 11 Health Day News 19 January 2004. 12 Environmental Health Perspectives 112(2004):18. 13 Hanaoka, K., Goessler, W., Ohno, H., Irgolic, K. J., and Kaise, T., (2001). Formation of toxic arsenical in roasted muscles of marine animals, Appl. Organometal. Chem., 15: 61- 66. 14 Smith, A.H., C. Hopenhayn-Rich, M.L. Bates, H.M. Goeden, I. HertzPicciotto, H.M. Duggan, R. Wood, M.J. Kosnett, and M.T. Smith. 1992. Cancer risks from arsenic in drinking water. Environmental Health Perspectives 97, 259-267. 15 Momplaisir, G. M; C. G. Rosal; E. M. Heithmar " Arsenic Speciation Methods for Studying the Environmental Fate of Organoarsenic Animal- Feed Additives, " U. S. EPA, NERL- Las Vegas, 2001; (TIM No. 01- 11) 16 Ibid. 17 Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA February 1, 2004 -------------------------- REFERENCES (PBCs in Fish): (Full text of specific articles available by emailing article-request) 1 Los Angeles Times January 9, 2004 Friday 2 Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) January 22, 2004 3 Global assessment of organic contaminants in farmed salmon. Science, 2004;303(5655):226-9 4 The Observer, January 11, 2004 5 National Public Radio (NPR) January 8, 2004 6 Los Angeles Times January 9, 2004 Friday 7 8 Molecular Psychiatry March 1997 Volume 2, Number 2 page 146-147 9 Mail on Sunday (London), January 18, 2004 10 Inter Press Service, January 23, 2004 11 The Sunday Herald, January 18, 2004 z 12 THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER January 15, 2004, 13 National Public Radio (NPR) January 8, 2004 14 Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) January 21, 2004 15 Los Angeles Times January 24, 2004 16 U.S. News & World Report January 19, 2004 17 Los Angeles Times January 9, 2004 Friday 18 Times Newspapers Limited, January 11, 2004 19 and ******************************************************* To to my free once-a-month email newsletter send a blank email to: drgregersnewsletter- If anyone missed previous months, check out my newsletter <>archive at Until next month, love, Michael -- (206) 312-8640 mhg1 Check out my new Maximize Nutrition DVD at : Four of my most popular talks are now online (free) at: To to my free monthly email newsletter send a blank email to: drgregersnewsletter- HEART FAILURE: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student (Full text now available free): The thinker that most changed my life: Noam Chomsky The single article that most changed my life: Please everyone donate money to Tribe of Heart For periodic updates on the Mad Cow crisis send a blank email to DrGregerMadCowUpdates- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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