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Vegan Worcestershire Sauce - Without the anchovies, of course! xp

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Veg-Recipes , " Chupababi " <alcovi@n...> wrote:

> Vegan Worcestershire Sauce - Without the anchovies, of


> 2 tbsp Braggs



Could someone tell me what Braggs is please?


Best wishes



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Braggs Liquid Aminos. It looks and tastes somewhat like soy sauce but has good

stuff in is recommended over soy, teriyaki & tamari sauces for health reasons.

It still has quite a bit of sodium but for some reason is more accepted than the

other sauces by those worried about sodium. It can be found at most health food

stores by right with soy, etc. sauces.


Take care,





Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:28 AM

Re: Vegan Worcestershire Sauce - Without the anchovies,

of course! xp




Veg-Recipes , " Chupababi " <alcovi@n...> wrote:

> Vegan Worcestershire Sauce - Without the anchovies, of


> 2 tbsp Braggs



Could someone tell me what Braggs is please?


Best wishes







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Braggs is liquid amino acids, similiar taste to soy sauce, but healthier. You

should be able to find it in your health food store.




Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:28 AM

Re: Vegan Worcestershire Sauce - Without the anchovies,

of course! xp




Veg-Recipes , " Chupababi " <alcovi@n...> wrote:

> Vegan Worcestershire Sauce - Without the anchovies, of


> 2 tbsp Braggs



Could someone tell me what Braggs is please?


Best wishes









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