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*November/December 2004 issue of Dr. Greger's Newsletter*

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November/December 2004 issue of Dr. Michael Greger's " Monthly " Newsletter




CONTENTS (online at http://www.DrGreger.org/newsletters.html)


I. Latest Updates in Human Nutrition

A. AGEd Meat

B. Vegans Need to Eat More Greens, Beans, and Nuts

C. Raw versus Cooked Vegetables for Cancer Prevention

D. Meat, Cheese, Eggs, and Lymphoma

E. Berries to Prevent Metastases?

F. Cancer-Fighting Cranberries

G. Eggs and Ovarian Cancer


II. Mad Cow and Cancer DVDs Now on Video


III. Personal Update--Spring 2005 Speaking Tour









A. AGEd Meat


The acronym of Advanced Glycoxidation End-products (AGE's, also known

as glycotoxins) is an appropriate one. These AGE's accumulate in

joints and cause arthritis;[1] they accumulate in the brain

contributing to Alzheimer's disease,[2] and they accumulate in

arteries causing high blood pressure[3] and atherosclerosis.[4] They

build up in the eye and cause cataracts,[5] build up in the kidneys,

contributing to kidney failure,[6] and build up in the penis causing

male erectile dysfunction.[7] In fact there's a whole theory (the

Maillard Theory) that blames nearly all the complications of aging on

the buildup of these toxic compounds.[8]


Where does this AGE stuff come from? Like free radicals, our body

naturally produces these toxic AGE's every day. But, also like free

radicals, there are a number of external sources we have control over

so as to minimize our exposure. Cigarette smoke, for example, is a

potent source of these glycotoxins,[9] but we also get them through

our diet.


Researchers at Mount Sinai recently measured the amount of AGE's in

over a hundred common food items. They found that the five foods most

tainted with Advanced Glycoxidation End-products (per serving) were

broiled hot dogs, oven-fried chicken, oven-fried fish, McDonald's

Chicken Nuggets, and broiled chicken breast. It turns out AGE's are

found predominantly in meat.


In fact, investigators with the famous Women's Health Study reported

this September that the AGE's in meat may be why women who eat meat

five or more times a week are at significantly higher risk for

developing diabetes.[10]


Dry heat, protein and fat seem to conspire to produce these

glycotoxins. So while a broiled hot dog has over 10,000 units of

AGE's per serving, a boiled hot dog has just under 7,000 (an apple or

banana, in comparison, only has about 10 units). " Foods that contain

mostly carbohydrates, " the researchers note, " starches, fruits,

vegetables.... contain the lowest AGE concentrations. " At high enough

temperatures, though, high fat and protein plant foods like broiled

tofu and roasted nuts can also form significant AGE concentrations as



The Mount Sinai researchers offer three suggestions for decreasing

one's intake of AGEs: " Firstly, reduced intakes of AGEs can be

achieved by reducing high-AGE sources such as full-fat cheeses, meats

and highly processed foods... " Secondly, they recommended using

cooking techniques that minimize AGE formation. In general, boiling,

steaming, and microwaving were the cooking methods resulting in the

least amount of AGEs, whereas frying, roasting and broiling were the

worst. " Third, " the investigators conclude, " the importance of

selecting unprocessed nutrients when possible cannot be

overemphasized. " They noted, for example, that the AGE content in

infant formula was found to be a 100-fold higher than in human breast

milk, and expressed concern that this could lead to immune

abnormalities in the developing infant.[11]


The pharmaceutical industry is scrambling to find way to somehow

counteract AGE's within the body,[12] but perhaps a smarter strategy

is for people to just not consume so many of them in the first place.

This means centering one's diet around whole plant foods which have

ideally not been exposed to temperatures above about 400 degrees






B. Vegans Need to Eat More Greens, Beans and Nuts


Low fat vegetarian and vegan diets have proven remarkably successful

in the treatment of heart disease,[30] diabetes,[31] and high blood

pressure.[32] Many practitioners are hesitant, though, to put people

on such diets fearing their nutritional adequacy. This is ironic,

given that when people switch from an omnivorous diet their intake of

many nutrients greatly improves. They tend to eat less saturated fat

and cholesterol, of course, but also experience favorable increases

in antioxidants like B carotene and vitamin C, B vitamins like

thiamin and folate, and minerals like magnesium and potassium.[33]


The Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (a great

organization--visit http://www.pcrm.org) recently published a dietary

analysis of a few dozen women transitioned to a self-selected low fat

vegan diet. Although the intakes of most vitamins and minerals

improved or stayed the same, the consumption of some nutrients

dropped. They conclude: " To increase intakes of these nutrients,

people following a low-fat vegan diet should emphasize legumes

[beans, lentils] and whole grains for protein; supplemental sources

of vitamin D and B12, such as fortified cereals and soymilk to

increase vitamin D and B12 intakes; leafy greens, beans, and

fortified soymilks and juices to increase calcium intake; and whole,

unrefined grains, nuts and seeds to increase phosphorus, selenium and

zinc intakes. " [33]


There are so many wonderful vegan convenience foods out there now,

but the healthiest (not to mention often cheapest and more

environmentally friendly) foods are still those that grow out of the






C. Raw versus Cooked Vegetables for Cancer Prevention


We know that vegetables in general prevent cancer, but a researcher

at the Columbia University School of Public Health recently attempted

to determine whether they are more protective raw or cooked.

Unfortunately, we have no studies directly comparing raw versus

cooked veggies, so researchers had to review the totality of

available research (published over the last decade) in an attempt to

tease out the difference.


Cooking destroys some cancer-fighting nutrients, yet enhances the

absorption of others. For example, by cooking your dark green leafy

vegetables, studies show you may be destroying half of the

antioxidant carotenoids.[13] At the same time, cooking may double

carotenoid bioavailability, such that in the end your body might wind

up with the same amount.[14]


Cooking vegetables increases the content of one type of fiber

(soluble), which may help prevent cancer by decreasing insulin

levels, but cooking decreases the content of another type

(insoluble), which may help prevent cancer in a different way (by

binding and excreting carcinogens).[15]


Cooking may reduce cancer risk by destroying some of the pesticides

present in non-organic produce,[16] but cooking also destroys enzymes

that may have beneficial effects. Wait, though, the American Dietetic

Association just reviewed raw foods diets (October 2004) and

concluded that one's stomach acid destroys the plant enzymes anyway

so it doesn't matter if cooking destroys them first.[17] Yes, but

digestion starts in the mouth, not in the stomach.


Raw garlic (in homemade salsa, guacamole, pesto, etc.) may be

healthier than cooked because of an enzyme called alliinase, which

produces a DNA-protecting compound called allicin when chewed in your

mouth. One minute worth of microwaving, though, completely

inactivates this enzyme, such that when you then chew it you absorb

little or none of the protective allicin compound.[18]


The same thing happens in broccoli. There's an enzyme (called

myrosinase) that produces special compounds whenever the plant's cell

walls are ruptured (i.e. when you chew) that rev up your own liver's

ability to detoxify carcinogens. But cooking inactivates the enzyme,

such that people chomping down on steamed broccoli only seem to get

about a third as much of these special cancer-fighting compounds.[19]

At the same time, cooking one's broccoli seems to increase the

bioavailability of other cancer-fighters (called indoles) which help

your body control hormone levels. Bottom-line, we should eat a

combination of both cooked AND raw vegetables, which is exactly what

the Columbia researcher found:


" It is clear from this review that both raw and cooked vegetables are

inversely related to [in other words protective against] several...

cancers. Although more of the studies showed a statistically

significant inverse [protective] relationship between raw vegetables

and cancer than either cooked or total vegetables, the literature is

too varied to compare definitively... In the meanwhile the public

should be encouraged to increase their vegetable intake and to

consider eating some of them raw. " [20]





D. Meat, Cheese, Eggs, and Lymphoma


Since the 1970's, the incidence rate of lymphoma, a cancer of the

body's lymphatic system, has nearly doubled. Although the increase is

not completely understood, a number of risk factors have been

uncovered. The latest study, published by researchers at the

University of Toronto, looked at dietary factors for this often fatal



The most significant dietary indicators of risk found were meat,

cheese, and eggs. Those eating meat every day seemed to have a 30%

greater risk of developing lymphoma. Those that ate just 3 servings

of cheese a week had a 38% increased risk, and those that ate three

eggs a week had a whopping 49% greater risk.[21]


Those that ate nine or more servings of dessert foods like cake,

cookies, and doughnuts every week were also at increased risk (24%).

Investigators speculate that this may be due to the trans fats

(partially hydrogenated oils) present in these foods. So to all the

junk-food college vegans out there living off Little Debbie cake

doughnuts this holiday season... please reconsider. :)





E. Blocking Metastasis with Berries?


The difference between a benign tumor and a malignant tumor is the

ability to spread. No matter how big most tumors get, as long as they

don't spread to other parts of the body, you're usually pretty safe.

Your body knows this, and so attempts to wall off any tumors by

wrapping them in scar tissue. A benign tumor turns malignant when it

learns how to break free by secreting enzymes (called

metalloproteinases) that can dissolve the scar tissue cage your body

encased it in. There are components of our diet, though, that can

inhibit this jailbreak enzyme and keep the tumor in its place.


We know there are special phytonutrients in blue-green algae, green

tea and in the spice turmeric that inhibit this tumor enzyme and thus

may help keep tumors at bay. For the first time, though, a new study

shows that berries also seem to contain substances that powerfully

inhibit these tumor enzymes. The researchers conclude: " The raspberry

extracts, blackberry extracts, and muscadine [grape] extracts, or the

fruits themselves could potentially play a role in cancer prevention

by blocking metastasis. "


Cranberries are one of the cheapest (and healthiest) berries, but

tend to only be available this time of the year, so make sure to buy

extra and freeze them. Frozen in an airtight container they should

keep for nearly a year.





F. Cancer-Fighting Cranberries


Cranberries, one of only three commonly-eaten fruits native to North

America, have been shown to exert a wide variety of health benefits

including the prevention of urinary tract infections.[22] In 2002,

researchers dripped a number of fruit extracts on human liver cancer

cells in a Petri dish to see if any of them would slow down tumor

growth. Out of the near dozen common fruits they tried, the most

potent inhibitor of cancer growth was cranberries.[23] So in 2003,

researchers pitted cranberries against three other types of human

cancers--breast, cervical and prostate--and the cranberries won

again, significantly restraining cancer cell proliferation.[24] Now

UCLA researchers are back, this time testing cranberries against a

whole panel of 9 different human cancer cell lines.


Sprinkling just a few millionths of a gram of powdered cranberries on

human oral, colon and prostate cancer cells brought their growth to a

screeching halt, inhibiting their proliferation as much as 99.6%. The

researchers concluded " The observed antiproliferative activities of

cranberry phytochemicals against tumor cells provide some basic

evidence for the potential anticancer effects of cranberry

polyphenols and suggest that studies of cranberry extracts should be

carried out... ultimately in human cancer prevention trials. " [25]


What do you do with cranberries though (other than sauce, that is)?

Check out

http://vegweb.com/recipes/fruit/index-fruit-cranberries.shtml for

some healthy cranberry recipes. I'm sipping some blended into my flax

smoothie right now as I type.





G. Eggs and Ovarian Cancer


Ovarian cancer has earned a reputation as a silent killer, because it

eludes early detection and has an alarming fatality rate that hasn't

really changed in over 50 years. Currently in the U.S. it's the fifth

leading cancer cause of death for women. In other areas of the world,

though, rates are as much as 5-fold lower.[26] When women move from

low risk countries (like Japan) to the U.S. their risk jumps up,

suggesting environmental rather than genetic factors are culpable for

the wide variation in risk.[27] Canadian researchers recently

published a study of dietary factors that may be to blame.


" In summary, " the researchers conclude, " our population-based

case-control study found that women with higher consumption of

dietary cholesterol and eggs were at an increased risk of ovarian

cancer. " On the other hand, the food that was the most powerful

protector against ovarian cancer in this study were the cruciferous

vegetables, like broccoli, kale, collards, etc.[28]


Because estrogen is synthesized from cholesterol, researchers

speculate that women with cholesterol in their diet may have higher

levels of circulating hormones that may increase cancer risk. Other

researchers propose that it may not be the cholesterol itself, but

instead the organochlorine pesticides which concentrate in animal



Eggs are one of the most concentrated sources of cholesterol in the

food supply, but cholesterol is found in all animal foods.

Cholesterol is made by the liver, and since plants don't have little

livers, the only source of cholesterol in the human diet is food

derived from animals.


Women may be able to protect their eggs (and their lives) by not

eating the eggs of chickens.







If you ever wanted to stocking stuff either of my new DVDs but the

person whose feet the stockings belong to doesn't have a DVD player,

I'm thrilled to announce that I now have all three of my DVDs on VHS,

thanks to the contribution of wonderfully generous husband and wife

activist team in Washington State.


To order by check, you can send a check for $10 postage paid to

Michael Greger, M.D., 185 South St. #6, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130.


To order any of the videos by credit card, go to



As always, all the money I get from the sales of all my books, CD's,

DVD's and videos goes not only to charity, but specifically to

animal-friendly charities.







Starting in January I'm going back on the road full-time until at

least May. I'm so excited--not only will I have my new Atkins book

out, but I've got two phenomenal new talks, an Atkins one and my

Stopping Cancer one, both of which incorporate a dynamic rapid-fire

slide show of images, humor, cartoons, etc. Believe me, it's like no

PowerPoint presentation you've ever seen! In fact the test audience

feedback (thank you Boston, Fort Myers, and Lexington) was so

positive I'm now going back and converting ALL of my old talks into

vibrant visual presentations.


As if all that wasn't fun enough, I'm going to blog. Yeah, I didn't

know what the word meant either, but it turns out there are all these

neat new ways to have a running online diary (so-called " blogging " ).

People have always encouraged me to write a book about my wild

adventures on the road. Well, now you'll be able to read a running

live account of my travels. I can post pictures, all my favorite hate

mail, feedback I get from talks, and share the inspiration I get from

all the grassroots groups across the country fighting for a healthier

and more compassionate world.


I plan on speaking in the following 40 states:








District of Columbia















New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota









If you don't see your state listed, let me know and maybe we can set

something up. If your state IS listed, then since I'm going to be in

the neighborhood anyway and would love to pack in as many talks as

possible (maybe I can even break my 40 talks a month record from last

year!), go to http://www.DrGreger.org and click on the " Speaking

Request " button to set up a talk for me in your hometown (I'll of

course come speak for free).


I want to make it as easy as possible to set up a talk, so I'm

planning on having a ready-made publicity kit you can download with

preprinted fliers, press releases and step-by-step instructions on

securing and publicizing a venue. In fact, if there is anyone out

there with graphic design skills you'd be willing to donate to help

me come up with fliers for all my talks, that would be very much



In other personal news, it has been wonderful to be back at Cornell

teaching. Tribe of Heart, makers of The Witness and the

groundbreaking Peaceable Kingdom (PERFECT for every nonvegetarian on

your gift list--you can order a box of 10 of their films for $100 at

http://tribeofheart.org/shopsite_sc/store/html/index.html), were

generous enough to put me up for my time in Ithaca this semester. I

also, of course, want to thank Dr. Colin Campbell for sharing his

class with me. I've had the honor to read a preprint copy of his new

book The China Project, which is sure to shake up the nutrition world

when it hits stores in early 2005.


So whatever happened with the threatened lawsuit from the Atkins Diet

Corporation? They're still threatening. After I posted their legal

threat up on my http://www.AtkinsExposed.org website accompanied by

my point-by-point rebuttal, they replied with " Please be advised that

Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. reserves the right to take further action

against Dr. Greger and his website at any time without further

notice. "


Maybe one of the reasons they're being timid is that they themselves

are currently being dragged through the courts for almost (allegedly)

killing one of their customers. Read the story in the " In the Press "

section of http://www.AtkinsExposed.org (which I continually update).

There's also a new Search function on the website, and I've recently

added four more full-text medical articles exposing the high fat fad

in the " Expert Opinions " section.


The former Atkins dieter who managed to live through his massive (and

allegedly Atkins-induced) heart attack is not suing for money. He

just wants warning labels placed on Atkins books and products. The

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine lawyer representing him

suggested this wording for the warning:


" Works for Some People; Kills Others. "






(Full text of specific articles available by emailing



1 Current Opinion in Rheumatology. 15(2003):616.

2 Journal of Neural Transmission 105(1998)439.

3 Journal of Hypertension 20(2002):1483.

4 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 811(1997):115.

5 British Journal of Ophthalmology 85(2001):746.

6 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11(2000):1744.

7 Urology 50(1997):1016.

8 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 959(2002):360.

9 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94(1997):13915.

10 Diabetes Care 27(2994):2108.

11 Journal of the American Dietetic Association 104(2004):1287.

12 Current Pharmacological Design 10(2004):3361.

13 Journal of the National Cancer Institute 82(1990):282.

14 Journal of Nutrition 128(1998):913.

15 Plant Foods in Human Nutrition 55(2000):207.

16 Journal of AOAC International 79(1996)::1447.

17 Journal of the American Dietetic Association 104(2004):1623.

18 Journal of Nutrition 131(2001):1054.

19 Nutrition and Cancer 38(2000):168.

20 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 13(2004):1422.

21 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 13(2004):1665.

22 New England Journal of Medicine 339(1998):1085.

23 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(2002):7449.

24 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(2003):3541.

25 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(2004):2512.

26 Seminars in Surgical Oncology 10(1994):242.

27 Cancer Research 35(1975):3240.

28 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 13(2004):1521.

29 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 11(2002):1112.

30 Journal of the American Medical Association 280(1998):2001.

31 Preventive Medicine 29(1999):87.

32 Journal of the American College of Nutrition 14(1995):491.

33. Nutrition 20(2004):738.




This issue is dedicated to the memory of my feline companion Samantha

who, after 18 years, died in my arms today, November 27, 2004.





(206) 312-8640




Low Carb Lies Exposed:



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HEART FAILURE: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student (full text now

available free):


The thinker that most changed my life: Noam Chomsky


The single article that most changed my life:


Please everyone donate money to Tribe of Heart


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