Guest guest Posted March 2, 2004 Report Share Posted March 2, 2004 Subj: WHY I'M VOTING FOR KUCINICH in Tue Primary 3/1/04 3:19:12 PM Pacific Standard Time marr (Marr Nealon) Reply-to: marr marr (Marr Nealon) Please share this email!!! official Kucinich site: <> read Dennis' platform: his inspiring Prayer for America speech: WHY I SUPPORT DENNIS KUCINICH FOR PRESIDENT by Marr Nealon First of all, Dennis Kucinich is the most courageous person I have ever met. He has unjustly been dealing with ridicule and avoidance from members of the press and some of his peers, yet he perseveres. He speaks out boldly in Congress and debates and interviews, about how to right the wrong actions of this administration. If all the people who say they love Dennis, but don't think he has a chance, thus they're supporting someone else, would just GET behind their first choice, Dennis would be farther along!! It seems to me that we are soooooo accustomed to settling for a so-so candidate, soooo used to being a VICTIM of the system, that our brains can't compute there actually being a true public servant running for office!! Our hearts connect with him when we hear him speak or read one of his many motivating speechs, but then people say he's too short or has bad hair or doesn't have " the Presidential Look. " To hear these things makes me embarrassed to be amongst such thinkers. The shallow Americans who are saying such things are not listening to Dennis Kucinich with their heart. When I hear him speak he feels ten feet tall to me. And I wouldn't care if his head were bald. And when I feel his passion for doing what is for the good of the people, his steadfast commitment to what is right, his compassion for animals and the environment---it makes me certain there couldn't be a better candidate in every way. He is a down to earth, real person, committed to his goals of making this a functional nation again--that makes him very appealing to those of us who value character, not just surface impressions. The person I want as President has a quick brain, a huge heart and and an amazing soul. Name me one other politician who would have sacrificed his career for the good of the people as Dennis did in Cleveland many years ago, when he did not let the utilities get sold to Muny Light. NO ONE else ever has or would do that! I know it's shocking & so very hard to believe, but yes, we actually do have a man running who wants to cut the extremely blown out of proportion military budget & put it into a workable universal, not-for-profit health care plan & into free K thru college public education for all; who realizes that NAFTA & the WTO are sending jobs overseas & wants to abolish them; who knows that genetically modified foods are not progress, they are unhealthy for us & for the planet; who is co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, the largest caucus ever in Congress; who proposed the Dept. of Peace, to resolve international conflicts in a civilized manner without bloodshed; who is committed to advancing alternative energy sources, to reduce our dependency on foreign oil; who proposes an end to capital punishment at a time when we know that in some states the error rate is as high as 65%; and who proposes an end to nuclear weapons globally. Dennis was the youngest mayor of Cleveland at age 30. He is now 57. He has a strong foothold in DC. It means a lot to me that he is an active, VOCAL part of our government-- that he has hung in there within the system, with the beliefs that he has---truly listening to & working for his constituents, going after what is best for the world, as well as the US, regardless of his opposition. He has been the relentless voice on the Congressional floor, debating the concept of war for a year before 9-11, and now, saying get the UN in, US out, and---continuing to repeat the question: " Where are those WMD that we were so definitively told we'd find?? " A representative who flat out will NOT take corporate bribe money is NOT the norm on the Hill. A former lobbyist friend of mine told me: " It's not whether the reps can be bought--it's a matter of for how much. " Kucinich is the rare exception to this unwritten rule. And the press tells the public he can't be a serious candidate because he's got such low funding. We're a nation that is concerned about the great divide between the classes, and the unfairness of the tax cuts, yet we hesitate to respect a candidate who won't take money from major corporations who he would then be beholding to--who is a friend of the working class American, always supporting their rights, their benefits, & fair treatment by their employers? It is rather hard to swallow that we have a humble man running. Someone who has less in the bank than many of you reading this. Someone who did not get into politics for power & money--quite the opposite. I found that shocking, and inspiring. He's in this race to do what's right for the people of the country he loves. I do not have children, yet I am deeply concerned about the future as well as the present. Those of you who are teens or college age, or who are the parents of young people, you have all the more reason to pay attention to what's happening to our rights, to the national debt, to the environment, to the financial climate. How can you not make the time to be involved in shaping the future?? We seem to be at a time of reassessment on this planet...visible thru a resurgence of protest marchs and internet campaigns. Bit by bit, people are acknowledging the pain they feel at having their lives & their planet taken advantage of. For the first time in my voting life, a candidate has truly given me hope that I could stop looking down on our system. For the first time, we are all able to put the words INTEGRITY and POLITICIAN in the same sentence. Dennis breaks the mold. I do not believe there will be another candidate like him within our lifetimes. This is the moment to seize. We can hold our breath no longer. I am so incredibly proud to be voting this Tuesday for the man who can bring positive change to our future---DENNIS J. KUCINICH!!!!!!!! --Marr Nealon marr <marr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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