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The Vegetarian Resource Group Newsletter

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Hope this isnt considered Spam. Thought it might have some helpful

information for the list




VRG-NEWS: The Vegetarian Resource Group Newsletter Editor: Sarah T.

Blum Volume 9, Issue 3 September 2005




1) Notes From the Editor

2) Calcium in Orange Juice: Ingredient Sources

3) Delicious TV

4) 2005 Vegetarian Journal Issue 2 Online

5) RECIPE: Crazy Corn Dogs

6) Hurricane Relief for Vegetarians

7) Scholarship Contest

8) St. Louis Thai Dinner 9) 2005 Update of the Vegan Handbook

10) Upcoming Events and Conferences

11) Job Opportunities and Internships Available

About The Vegetarian Resource Group About VRG-NEWS



The start of autumn is upon us! VRG will be attending various

festivals and trade shows across the nation in the months to come. We

are distributing vegetarian information and literature to thousands of

professionals at conferences like the American Dietetic Association

Food and Nutrition Conference and the Natural Products Expo East.

Planting the seeds of awareness in professionals in the food industry

is the first step toward more beneficial changes for vegetarians.

Thanks to all of our generous donors, volunteers, and members for

helping make possible our presence at these events!


We will be having a Thai dinner on October 24th in St. Louis, MO. See

" St. Louis Thai Dinner " for the details regarding this event.


VRG is involved in a project to make available a PDA version of the

Natural Foods Restaurant Guide. The guide is currently online at:

[http://www.vrg.org/restaurant/index.htm]. Users will be able to

access the guide from a wireless handheld device. We will keep you

updated on this project in future newsletters and on our website.


In the 2005 Issue 2 of The Vegetarian Journal, we reported that Sun

Flour cookies were included on specially requested meals on American

Airlines. I contacted Lauren Farnsworth, the General Manager at Sun

Flour, and she informed me that in addition to American Airlines, Sun

Flour cookies are also available in vegetarian meals on Continental

Airlines. Congratulations and thanks to Sun Flour for making vegan

cookies more readily available!


Reed Mangels, Ph.D, R.D., has contributed an article about calcium

sources in orange juice with good news for vegans! Be sure to check it

out under " Calcium in Orange Juice. "


Have a delicious Fall!





Recently, VRG received an inquiry about the source of calcium in some

brands of orange juice. Reed Mangels, Ph.D, R.D., investigated this

matter and replied:

We contacted Minute Maid and Tropicana for information about the

source of the added calcium in their orange juice. Minute Maid said,

" The source of the calcium in Minute Maid Brand products is a

combination of tricalcium phosphate & calcium lactate. Calcium lactate

is a food grade material prepared by neutralizing lactic acid with

lime [mineral]. Tricalcium phosphate is a food grade material refined

from phosphate rock. The rock is mixed with sulfuric acid to form a

mixture of calcium sulphate (gypsum) & phosphoric acid. Phosphoric

acid is neutralized with lime resulting in tricalcium phosphate.

Lactic acid is derived from fermentation of sugars or starches. "

Tropicana said, " The source of the calcium in our products is calcium

hydroxide. This form of calcium is not derived from an animal source.

It is actually derived from limestone. "




PBS has picked up a vegetarian cooking show called Delicious TV.

Hosted by Chef Tony Fiore, Delicious TV is currently available in

parts of Maine and Georgia. The show features all-vegetarian cooking

with an emphasis on Mediterranean and casual food. Recipes features on

the show include: Tempeh Fajitas, Tofu Ravioli, Sweet Vegetable

Lasagna, and Apple Tarte Tatin. For more information on Delicious TV,

including recipes, a show schedule, behind the scenes photographs, and

a blog, go to: [http://www.delicioustv.com/]. To request Delicious TV

on your local PBS network, go to:






Issue 2 of the 2005 VEGETARIAN JOURNAL articles now available online



Preventing Osteoporosis: Building Strong Bones Over a Lifetime

Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D., discusses this condition and ways for

vegans to keep their skeletons in top shape.


Vegan Biscotti

Debra Daniels-Zeller perfects egg- and dairy-free versions of these

common coffee consorts.


Nutrition Hotline

What should vegetarians do if they don't cook or don't have time to do



Notes from the Coordinators

Vegetarian Businesses and The Role of Nonprofits


Veggie Bits

-I Scream! You Scream! We All Scream for Ricemellow Creme!

-Going Nuts for Nut Butters!

-Resolution for Vegan Options in Schools Passed in New York

-Baby Dark Chickpeas Liven Up Everyday Garbanzo Dishes

-Wanderbird Cruises Get the Wind Back into Your Sails!

-American Airlines Introduces Gluten-Free, Vegan Cookies

-Announcing the Addition of Spreadable Maple Syrup


Scientific Update

-Diet High in Vegetable Protein Reduces Risk of Gall Bladder Surgery

-Red Meat Associated with Type 2 Diabetes in Women

-Moderate Use of Soyfoods Reduces Blood Cholesterol Levels in Women

-Soy and Breast Cancer

-Milk and Ovarian Cancer

-Whole Grains and Fruits Protect Against Weight Gain in Men


Vegan Cooking Tips

Quick Dips, by Chef Nancy Berkoff


Vegetarian Action

The True Loves of Anna Briggs, by Ben A. Shaberman.


To read these articles go to:



Read excerpts from back issues online at:



The JOURNAL features recipes and informational articles, product and

book reviews, news for vegetarian activists, and up-to-date

information about vegetarian health and nutrition. If you are not

currently a r to the VEGETARIAN JOURNAL, please



Subscriptions to the VEGETARIAN JOURNAL are $20/year in the U.S.

($32/year in Mexico and Canada, $42/year in other foreign countries).


forms of payment, in U.S. funds, are Visa, MasterCard, checks drawn on

U.S. banks, and postal money orders. When joining, please send us your

name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. If paying by credit

card, please include the card number and expiration date.

If you join online at [http://www.vrg.org/journal/.htm] for

$30 or more, you will receive a copy of the VEGAN HANDBOOK, a $20

value! (U.S. addresses only)


If you choose to join by mail, subscriptions should be directed to:

The Vegetarian Resource Group P.O. Box 1463 Dept. IN

Baltimore, MD 21203 Phone: (410) 366-8343 Fax: (410) 366-8804 E-mail:






By Mary Clifford, R.D.


(From VEGAN HANDBOOK by Debra Wasserman and

Reed Mangels, Ph.D, R.D. [http://www.vrg.org/catalog/veganhandbook.htm])


Serves 8


Traditional corn dogs are not only bad for the pig's health, but ours,

too. They're hot dogs that have been batter-dipped, then deep-fat

fried. This version uses a cornmeal biscuit to approximate a cross

between corn dogs and that other artery-clogging favorite,



1 cup yellow cornmeal

3/4 cup unsifted whole-wheat flour

1 Tablespoon baking powder

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup soft margarine

1/2 cup water

8 non-fat vegan hot dogs

Relish, sauerkraut, mustard, ketchup, onions (optional)



Heat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly oil a baking sheet.

In a medium-size bowl, stir together dry ingredients. With pastry

cutter or two knives, cut in margarine until mixture resembles coarse

crumbs. With wooden spoon, stir in water until mixture pulls away from

side of bowl.


Turn dough out onto lightly floured board; gently press out to between

1/4-inch and 1/2-inch thickness. With biscuit cutter or drinking

glass, cut 8 circles from dough, rerolling and cutting scraps until

all dough is used. Slightly flatten each circle of dough. Wrap one

circle around each " hot dog, " leaving ends uncovered. Pinch dough to



Bake corn " dogs " on oiled baking sheet about 20 minutes, or until

dough is very lightly browned. Serve immediately with topping as



Total calories per serving: 196

Fat: 6 grams Total Fat as % of daily Value: 9%

Protein: 12 grams Iron: 4 mg Carbohydrate: 23 grams

Calcium: 128 mg Sodium: 453 mg Dietary fiber: 2 grams





Our hearts go out to our members and their friends and family that

were affected by Hurricane Katrina. We wish them all a speedy return

to well-being.


Anyone who is interested in donating to Hurricane Katrina relief can

contact Food For Life at [http://www.ffl.org/]. Food For Life

distributes vegetarian meals along with other life necessities, and

they accept monetary donations along with supplies listed on their



VRG also has an article called Disaster Planning for Vegetarians

[http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj99nov/99bdisaster.htm]. It details

preparations that can be made for an emergency situation without

electricity and with limited food rations.





Due to the generosity of an anonymous donor, The Vegetarian Resource

Group will award $10,000 in college scholarship money to graduating

U.S. high school students who have promoted vegetarianism in their

schools and/or communities. Two awards of $5,000 each will be given.

Applications may only be sent by students graduating high school in

spring 2006. Deadline is February 20, 2006. For more information and

an online application, go to:






On October 24th, The Vegetarian Resource Group is hosting a vegan

dinner during this year's American Dietetic Association Food and

Nutrition Conference and Expo. Food includes: Sesame Noodle Salad,

Crispy Tofu Appetizer, Pad Garlic 4 Pepper, Yellow Curry with Tofu,

Jasmine rice, and Vegan Rice Pudding for dessert. The cost is $20 per

adult before October 1, and $25 before October 16. The cost for

children 6-12 is $8.50 each. Reservations and payment must be made in

advance. Call 410-366-8343, Monday through Friday, between 9 a.m. and

5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time; fax 410-366-8804, email [vrg],

or send a check to: The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463,

Baltimore, MD 21203.




We have printed the updated version of the Vegan Handbook. The

Nonleather Guide has been updated along with the vegetarian polls and

many of the nutrition articles. Order by calling 410-366-8343, sending

a check or money order to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box

1463, Baltimore, MD 21203, or online at








October 2

To celebrate World Vegetarian Day, VRG will host a vegan Indian dinner

at Mango Grove restaurant. The buffet style dinner will include:

samosas, idli, eggplant curry, dal curry, onion paratha, soup, three

salads, fruit, and two vegan desserts, specially made for this

occasion. The cost is $20 per adult; call 410-366-8343 to see if

spaces are still available. Refunds will only be made if we can

replace your seat with another attendee.





October 7-9

Located at the Sheridan Imperial Hotel and Convention Center, and

sponsored by the Institute for Animals and Society and the Culture and

Animals Foundation. This conference focuses on the power of an

individual within a movement and features speakers like John Mackey,

Tony Banks, and Ingrid Newkirk. For more information, go to:






October 22

Held at the Reggie Lewis Athletic Center, the Boston Vegetarian Food

Festival is free to the public and features free food sampling,

cooking demonstrations, many different speakers, and childrens'

activities. There is a free parking area. Say hello to VRG at our

booth! For more information, go to:






April 3-4, 2006

The First Annual Vegetarian Awakening Conference will be held at Grand

Rapids Community College. A conference aimed at vegetarian and vegan

chefs; the keynote speaker is Howard Lyman and many prominent chefs

from the vegan/vegetarian community will be speaking. Food

demonstrations and taste testing are included in the price of

admission along with five all-vegan meals. For more information, go

to: [http://www.vegetarianawakening.com].







Responsibilities depend on background, major if in college, and

interest of applicant. Tasks may include research, writing, and/or

community outreach. Internships are helpful for students working

toward journalism, English, and nutrition degrees. Business majors can

obtain experience related to the business aspects of a non-profit

organization. Activists can learn new skills and gain a broader

knowledge, as well as share their expertise. Positions open throughout

the year for all ages (including high school students living in

Baltimore). Internships are unpaid. Send resume and cover letter to

The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203;






Vegetarian non-profit seeks very responsible, detail oriented,

hands-on Jack or Jill of All Trades knowledgeable in vegetarianism to

maintain member records, manage volunteers, work with other groups,

support development work, and assist directors with a broad array of

organizational tasks. Applicant should thrive on getting the task

done, but also be able to prioritize and strategize. Send resume,

writing samples, salary requirements, and cover letter to The

Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203,

[vrg] Att. Assistant to Director Position.




Vegetarian non-profit seeks staff member knowledgeable in

vegetarianism to edit, design, and lay out books, brochures, handouts,

flyers, mailers, and web pages, plus other organizational duties.

Send cover letter, salary requirements, and writing and layout samples

to Editor Job, The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463,

Baltimore, MD 21203; [vrg].





Vegetarian group seeks registered dietitian knowledgeable in

vegetarianism and fluent in Spanish for writing, research, speaking,

outreach, work with professional groups, and creation of books.

Position is in Baltimore. Send resume, writing samples, salary

requirements, and cover letter to Dietitian Position, The Vegetarian

Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.


PART-TIME: VRG also has a part-time support staff opportunity

available. Apply as above.






Looking for volunteers and interns to help with weeding, harvesting,

washing produce and general farm maintenance. Volunteers may stay at a

nearby cabin owned by Wendy Child. For more information, contact Wendy

at (301) 890-8368 or (301) 758-1487.





Our health professionals, activists, and educators work with

businesses and individuals to bring about healthful changes in your

school, workplace, and community. Registered dietitians and physicians

aid in the development of nutrition-related publications and answer

member and media questions about vegetarian diets. The Vegetarian

Resource Group is a non-profit organization. Financial support comes

primarily from memberships, donations, and book sales. The VEGETARIAN

JOURNAL, a print magazine, is a benefit of membership in The VRG. (For

more information, please see the VEGETARIAN JOURNAL online at



If you would like to make a donation, become a member, volunteer, or

find out more about The VRG, contact us at: The Vegetarian Resource

Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203 Phone: (410) 366-8343 Fax:

(410) 366-8804 E-mail: vrg Website: [http://www.vrg.org]

Donate: [https://skyport.net/vrg/donate.htm]


The contents of this newsletter and our other publications, including

the VEGETARIAN JOURNAL, are not intended to provide personal medical

advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

professional. We often depend on product and ingredient information

from company statements. It is impossible to be 100% sure about a

statement, info can change, people have different views, and mistakes

can be made. Please use your own best judgment about whether a product

is suitable for you. To be sure, do further research or confirmation

on your own.





VRG-NEWS is the e-mail newsletter of The Vegetarian Resource Group.

This is an announcement list, so r messages are not accepted

by the list. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or corrections to

VRG-NEWS, direct them to vrg. Thanks!


If you are a new r, you might enjoy reading past issues of

VRG News online at [http://www.vrg.org/vrgnews/index.htm].

If you wish to cancel your subscription to VRG-NEWS, send an e-mail

message to listserv with the following message:



If you wish to to VRG-NEWS, send an e-mail message to

listserv with the following message: SUB VRG-NEWS

{your first and last name}

Do not include the {} when you enter your name. The newsletter will be

sent to the e-mail address from which you are subscribing.

Contents of VRG-NEWS are copyright 2005 by The Vegetarian Resource

Group. The newsletter may be freely distributed in electronic or print

form provided its contents are not altered and credit is given to The

Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.

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