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Take the Homeland Security Quiz!

By William Rivers Pitt

t r u t h o u t | Perspective


Sunday, 1 December, 2002


Question One: Do you approve of the new Homeland Security Department, signed

into law by President Bush?


Background: On November 25th, 2002, President Bush signed into law legislation

that created a new Homeland Security Department. Called for in the aftermath of

the September 11th attacks, this new department will merge 22 different

government agencies and over 170,000 government employees into one unit. The

stated purpose of the new Homeland Security Department is to defend America

against future terrorist attacks.


a) Yes, I approve

b) No, I do not approve

c) I am not sure


Question Two: Do you approve of the creation of a 'Total Information Awareness'

database by the Department of Defense that will track a wide variety of data

regarding every American citizen?


Background: The 'Total Information Awareness' database is the brainchild of the

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research and development

core of the Department of Defense. The database will gather data regarding

credit card purchases, telephone calls made, websites visited, academic grades

received, surveys taken, sweepstakes entered, property purchased, financial

records, magazine subscriptions, medical procedures and so forth. The data will

reveal not only shopping habits but an overall picture of personal lifestyle,

including everything from pets owned to religious preferences. Every American

will be subject to its scrutiny. It will be run by Admiral John Poindexter, who

was criminally convicted in 1990 for lying to Congress, destroying official

documents and obstruction of justice in the Iran/Contra scandal.


a) Yes, I approve

b) No, I do not approve

c) I am not sure


Question Three: Do you believe that citizens should be allowed to sue in civil

court the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Corporation for the production of products

which cause autism in children?


Background: For more than 40 years, the Eli Lilly Corporation developed and sold

a mercury-based preservative used in many vaccines against childhood diseases.

The preservative, called thimerosal, has been linked to the development of

autism in children exposed to it. 45 lawsuits have already been filed by parents

against Eli Lilly. These lawsuits seek to establish Eli Lilly's liability

regarding the development of autism in these children.


a) Yes, these parents should be allowed to sue Eli Lilly in civil court

b) No, these parents should not be allowed to sue Eli Lilly in civil court

c) I am not sure


Question Four: Do you approve of the Freedom of Information Act?


Background: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was passed in 1966 to allow

public access to records and documents created by federal agencies. Since its

passage, all fifty states have passed their own versions of the FOIA. The

Supreme Court, in a case entitled NLRB v. Robbins Tire Co. in 1978, spoke of the

importance of the Act: " The basic purpose of FOIA is to ensure an informed

citizenry, vital to the functioning of a democratic society, needed to check

against corruption and to hold the governors accountable to the governed. "


a) Yes, I approve

b) No, I do not approve

c) I am not sure


Question Five: Do you approve of an investigation into the attacks of

September 11, 2001?


Background: On September 11th, 2001, four commercial airliners were hijacked by

terrorists. Two were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New

York City, causing the Towers to collapse. A third was piloted into the Pentagon

in Washington DC, and a fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Close to

3,000 people perished in these attacks. In the nearly 500 days since, little has

come to light regarding how American intelligence agencies failed to perceive

the threat. None of the perpetrators who planned the attacks have been

apprehended, including the mastermind, Osama bin Laden. The manner in which

these terrorists were funded has likewise gone unexplored, as have many other

pressing questions. A thorough investigation will serve to reveal the

information behind these questions and take a large step towards ensuring that

such an attack can never happen again.


a) Yes, I approve of a 9/11 investigation

b) No, I do not approve of a 9/11 investigation

c) I am not sure


Question Six: Did you know that the 'Total Information Awareness' database,

under the stewardship of Admiral Poindexter and the Department of Defense, is an

integral part of the new Homeland Security legislation, and will begin mining

for data soon?


a) Yes, I knew that

b) No, I did not know that


Question Seven: Did you know that the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Corporation was

granted immunity from lawsuit and liability regarding the autism allegations in

the new Homeland Security legislation, because they are under contract to

produce bioweapons vaccines for the federal government?


a) Yes, I knew that

b) No, I did not know that


Question Eight: Did you know that the Freedom of Information Act has been

severely curtailed by the new Homeland Security legislation, because public data

on the actions of federal agencies is now considered a " potential security

weakness? "


a) Yes, I knew that

b) No, I did not know that


Question Nine: Did you know that, thanks to new restrictions on the Freedom of

Information Act which will be decided upon on a case by case basis by the same

department that manages the Total Information Awareness database, an effective

investigation into what happened on September 11th, 2001 is now a practical



a) Yes, I knew that

b) No, I did not know that


Question Ten: Do you approve of the new Homeland Security Department, signed

into law by President Bush?


a) Yes, I approve

b) No, I do not approve

c) I am not sure

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