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OT of october and things that go bump in the nite.....

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well...here is one of my tales..

to the folks at TFHB..i'm almost positive i've sent this one before..but not

100% sure...sorry fer the repeat....soon, i'll have new ones, i know i've sent

out the pill hill and HB ghostly goblin stories, so i'll keep you off those, k?

again, if i've told you these before, my apologes......

this is a long one....

so, grab some popcorn(with organic soy magarine and sea salt please, and

share!)...curl up in a blanket(ok, this sounds weird, since its like 80 outside

here and the sun is shining)...just trying to set the mood..

hmm..this would be easier if i wrote this at nite, and/er it was foggy

alas..must work with wot i got

so...ghostly tales of goblins, evil and strange events.....


(i hear groans from those who have heard this before...please, be patient, i've

told this dang thing so many times i have no idea who has heard my dumb stories,

and who hasn't!!)

many years ago, back in the early 1980's and late 1970's..my father and step

mother had a cabin up in maine....

way up in maine, almost to canada....it was about 15 minutes to the canadian

border(new brunswick) alonf the main rte down the windy dirt from our cabin

it was a little cabin..was originally on the site of an old trappers cabin, and

a game warden's cabin....it was a thouroughfare, which is a river between 2

lakes..long lake and eagle lake i believe(its been awhile)

right above the river..which had an old dam, all fallen in..salmon all

over...bear would come down in the morning to drink..and we'd see moose...saw

bobcat..it was wilderness..one night, we heard the scream of a large

cat...mountain lions are suppose to be extinct in the northeast, but..if that

wasn't a mountain lion, then i don't know wot it was...had the dog under our

feet, and her bags packed and in the car in seconds...

anyways..the cabin was in a little town called Gurette

middle of nowhere

at the time, the town consisted of a post office, a gas station, a general

store, and a fish and game station..oh, did i mention this was all the same

building???? and the back of the building was where the owner lived...Opie from

Maybury would have found the place small...

in the middle of the woods..miles and miles of nuthin but trees...it was


up the street from the cabin was the main road...route something or other..north

15 minutes and yer in canada..south and an hour away from houlton(or was it

bangor??)...with little potato towns in between

at the time..you could sit on the main road, and literally, one car an hour

would pass...maybe, ...during rush hour..in tourist season...


on this road, on the other side of the river(stood running bear..)(sorry) was an

old house...big rambling estate..with outhouses, barns, garages, and all matter

of wotnot surrounding it....it was all ramshackle and falling down, the veranda

was falling down, trees crept up to it, grass grew on the front porch, etc

obviously abandoned

so...we wnet in it on several occassions

the first time i was about..13-15..and it was my dad and myself..the second time

it was my father, myself, and my best friend at the time Mike Bianchi..i must

have been 15 er 16..and he was a year younger then me...


well..this place was big..and had lots of intersting buildings out back..big

barns with haylofts, sheds, outhouses..trees and orchards all overgrown....and i

remember the first time it was cold and rainy..probably it was the end of

may...so, we wondered thru the woods along the side of the house..rain dripping

down our backs, fog wisping in little clouds in the trees...at least it kept the

bugs down!!!!

we crawled around some of the smaller buildings..but, the first time, wot caught

our eye, was the barn...big sucker..huge doors out front, had a second story,

hayloft, the works..we went to a side window...all boarded up, but, it was easy

to pry the boards off, they were rotted, and the window opened, probably with

the customary window creak so prevalent in horror movies..look

inside...dark..dust motes travel upwards...

we crawl inside..and turn on our new fancy doeseverythingbutcookdinner

flashlight...this sucker was a big honkin flashlight, it had like variable beam,

a small pencil beam out back, a roadflasher, and assorted other dohickeys,..and

it took like a ga-zillion batteries....

crawl inside...turn it on..and *whomp*..light sputters and goes out

wot tha?

ok..loose batteries..shake it..nuthin

crawl outside, gonna change the batteries

as soon as we crawl outside


lite springs to live


crawl back thru the window


everytime we would go inside the building, the light would go out, as soon as we

crossed the window thresold, it would turn back on..


new batteries and everything....

so, we crawled around in the dark muted lite...

piles and piles of wooden blocks...filled with stuff..old sleigh bells..old

pre-prohibition crockery and jugs...a croft brewing company wooden crate from

the turn of the 1900's..all sorts of things...

we were crawling all over...

and, we knew there was an upstairs, cuz you could see the windows fer the 2nd

story from outside..so, we looked fer a staircase....nice dice...


looked fer a trap door


crawled around outside, no stairs, just a hayloft door waaaay up there....



how the heck do you get up thar???

*scratches head*

my father and i were perplexed...

years and years later..on another visit, everything had now fallen down...and

half the barn was down...

still no door or stairs, but we could see wot the top floor at least partially

held...a bedroom..old boxspring, with dresser and chest....



so, go outide(i'm gonna neglect to mention the pile of..spoils..we gathered)

the rain had stopped...

went into some of the outbuildings..full of all sorts of things..old traps. old

boxes. tobacco tins, all may of the flotsam of civilization...

look at the main house..

ok..this place is kinda hard to describe..it was a big farmhouse that they had

added onto over the years..and the additions were now seperating..so you could

see INSIDE from the outside in spots...it had a big porch on the 2nd floor out

front..i swear, it looked like it belonged in a brothel in new orleans circa


the house looked spooky

when i told this tale to mike, before he got a chance to see the place, he was

all excited...after he saw the house..he wouldn't walk on the same isde of the

street as it anymore..he made us cross the street later on...


there were holes in the foundation...crawled in to the basement...large coal

burning furnace...dirt and rock...nuthin else

go outside...

well..how do we get in?? not exactly gonna walk in the front door...

out back, the windows were raised off the ground, a good 10' or so, amybe a bit


so, we built this ricketed ladder out of discarded veggie boxes and such,

clambered up, peeled the boards off the window and crawled theu..

as i crawl thru, i look up, and the window is tall..and broken...and over my

head is dangling this jagged hunk of glass, just ready to slide down and pierce

my innards..probably slice me in 2...

as i am writing this today, suffice to say it didn't..but, i sweated soooo

much...i think i had to change my underwear a dozen times this day



muted light sends little shafts thru the boarded up windows

the house is still fully furnished...

everything is still inside

the first room we go in, has a smal coffee table, stacks of

magazines...newsweeks and time...all dated from about 6 yrs earlier..there is a

big closet...loaded with clothes...old clothes raccoon fur coats, old flapper

coats, all sorts of old clothing....

into the hallway...

kitchen beckons...

kitchen has 2 franklin wood burning potbelly stoves...silverware in the drawers,

plates and dishes

remember i said the house was seperating?? well, this made the floors tilt at

crazy angles...you'd be walking one way, the all of a sudden you'd be walking

another way, it was like a fun house ride(and no, the thought of falling thru a

floor never once occured to me)

and mike..dear mike..on hearing of the first time we went in here, he was alllll

excited about visiting the place " we are going to have a seance!! " umm..no, no

we are not!!!

" oh man, this is going to be soooo COOOL! we can sleep in there!! " umm..no,

mike, you don't understand..

" no, we can tell ghost stories inside and.. "


the moment we get inside, i feel this hand on my shoulder

its mike

he never let go of my shirt the entire time we were inside..he turned whiter

then a sheet and just sort of stared off into space...eyes wide, pleas to my

father fer the origin of every noise, groan er creak

mike was an avowed atheist..and everywhere this poor boi went, god looked at

him..the owners of the place had gotten religion in a big way at one

point..every wall had crucifixes..3D ppaintings of blond jeus with sad eyes,

which followed you everywhere, etc

mike drags me over this pile of...stuff...sticks his hand in( i await the scream

and him being pulled in followed by crunching sounds), digs it real deep, clasps

onto someting, pulls it out, its a little white box, opens it..its a small cross

he twitches

it looked like the previous tenants had been moving out, and..something stopped


every room had boxes and boxes..of stuff..piles and boxes of clothes, stacks of

magazines..you've read of those houses that old misers live in and they never

throw anything away? the house is a maze of newspapers and cardboard and lost

pets?? well, this was it...boxes from floor to ceiling..everything you could

imagine!! lotsa of old magazines..from the early 1900's, lots WWII era

magazines, look, life, see, screen guild and movie star publications...cute

little ads about hitler loving people who screeched around corners cuz that

wasn't rubber on tires and helped him win...

the room off the kitchen about got us out the door, and it got worse from


this was a dining room...

kitchen table, animal heads on the walls, festooned with cobwebs and dust,

missing one glass eye, but, still, staring....and..the kitchen tablee is set

*heart skips beat*

i swear, on the kitchen table, there is a box of cornflakes, and either 3 or 4

place settings set out, (sorry, its been yrs, and this old brain has seen a lot,

can't remember exactly how many anymore), bowls are set out, and there is a

crusty brown mess at the bottom of each bowl

a bottle of empty milk sits on the table

there is an old ice box off to the side..it still has stuff in it, old boxes of

ancient mummified food and old milk bottles


next room..living room..negotiate the leaning towers of detrius and former

lifes...and here is a parlor..mostly empty, except fer ... a player piano

if it had started playing i would have been oput of the state in about 7


just this big old player piano sitting there..still had the music reel in it...

then there is this huge staircase...old wood, giant banister...the

flashlight(which worked intermittenly inside the house itself) wouldn't

penetrate to the top....inky darkness flowed down the stairs...uh oh..

images of a person in a wig with a huge butcher popping around the corner

calling " norman! , is that you??!! " cascaded thru my overtaxed brain...

so, who gets to go first?? thanx brave dad, knew you'd come thru...




this place made the heart go pitter patter..who needs marathons?? i probaly

burned up enough calories to feed a flock of hummingbirds fer a year....

one main huge room

and hallways and doors...

and, something must have been up in the roof...a squirrel er a raccoon er such

cuz you could hear

*thump thump..patter patter patter..scratch...patter patter*

not good fer the imagination tho


you go into one room, and the room is perfectly made..bed is neat and tidy, you

could bounce a dime off it...next room, looked like a tornado(or a teenager) had

hit it..clothes everywhere, sheets and blankets all crumpled up on floor and

bed, drawers puled out..complete shambles

one door was locked

from the inside

we didn't bother trying to open..let sleeping rooms lie and all thank you, next

noises abounded



heart skips a beat now and again

piles of stuff everwhere...

go out to the veranda/small windowed in porch

door leads off to the overhang where the hookers would beckon from..didn't go

out there..i hadn't any money anyways...

this room was full of neat stuff tho, lydia pinkhams bitters bottles, a sealed

bottle of aspirin from 1910(the aspirin were like lil marbles and it hailed from

Paris), kidney ailment pills, all sorts of things...

and, a couple of clocks..small ones, like a table clock..very ornate...

one showed a picture of a woman spinning a loom, and as the loom spun, it turned

the hands of the clock...neat!!!

so, we put the clocks in the box of goodies(wot? stop lookin at me like that!!)

and moved on to scout out some more

*tug tug*

mike is pulling on my shoulder


" ummmm..why did you wind the clock?

i didn't

" well listen "

tic tic tic tic tic...

daaad..daaaaaaad DADDDD!!!!!!

umm..why did you wind the clock dad??

" i didn't "

tic tic tic tic tic..

now.i can see, you pick up a clock that hasn't been touched er moved in along

time, and the spring loosens, and it starts to work..no biggie

but..no matter where we went in this house...we could be downstairs on the far

side of the house, and you could hear that clock ticking

it never stopped


we were in the house fer something like 6 hrs

and that clock never stopped ticking

we left it there...

so, back to that little room..lotsa stuff...

and we find old letters, dating from the late 1800's and onwards

addressed to someone named Guerrette

in new sweden maine

so, the town is now named after this person

who use to reside here

clock ticking behind us

okkk..well..lets move along now, shall we..??

one room upostairs, had a tap door up into the attic...

well, we had the bright idea to see wot was up there...the noises had stopped up

there anyways...

so, my dad grabs a chair, stands up on it, and pushes on the trap door...

brave father


there must have been a rag sitting on the edge of the trapdoor, cuz as soon as

he pushes up on it, this rag falls in his face

and he screams, jumps down, and tears out of the room

sending chair flying

knocking me over

brave father

brave father who is an ex-biker who weighed in excess of 200lbs....

thanx dad

its funny now that i look back on it..but..at the time...




sooo much was weird in this house..its hard to remember it all

there was another narrow back staircase...painted blue..all sealed off with a

door at top er bottom..it wasn't until later that nite that we realized the

staircase has light in it..there were no windows..it was narrow cramped

backstaircase...and it was lite...


in the main room upstairs...there was this giant pile of..well..debris...boxes

of everything, clothes, books, magazines, you name it...mike spies something, an

lets go of the deathgrip on my shoulder to scramble away and on top of the

pile...a small avalache later he returns clutching something proudly

" lookee wot i got " he beams!!!

we look

its an american flag

sorta tattered

my dad wonders away

we look at it

it doesn't look right

something seems....well...off about it

it seems sorta square, not rectangular

but, it is sorta tatterted, so maybe its missing some bits

something still seems off

13 stripes...ok...thats right


they aren't staggered

when you look at flag today..the stars are in staggered foramtion

these weren't


old flag i gather

we count em



count em again


8 across, 7 down


" DAD, come here and count this "


everytime we counted the stars, come up with 56 stars

gathered this and many other things together and left

*whistles to self*

that nite, went back to cabin, told ghost stories, scared ourselves stoopid, and

counted the stars


2 days later we get back to connecticut....mike see's his dad out front of his

house, runs out of the truck and cries " dad dad, you have to see wot i got "

pulls out the flag..places it out on a car hood...

stars are staggered

now 48

between maine and connecticut...8 stars vanished

i told him to burn it...he hung it on his door and told tales of how he was

gonna drop it in Long Island Sound one day...i wisely conseled against this, who

wants to come home to a flag dripping sea water in yer room

there is a part 2 and 3 to this tory..but, i'll save those fer later

oh, and within a year, poor mike got commited fer a few weeks fer...mental

fatigue and such



a lot happened in that house that was strange, movements, noises, etc, but, its

been a reeeeal long time, and memories fade...

it has since collapsed...went back with an ex back in like 92 and visited afer

driving across the country...and the house was a pile of rubble...


we also went in other times, but only fer a moment er 2...

thats todays tale

*skips away*


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