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things that go bump in Maine part deux

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ok..here is part  dos of the lil maine ghost tale

this one isn't really a ghost story as much as something that freaked us out to

no end......


ok..well.as we left our gallant heroes, they had crawled out of a spooky house

up in maine...miles from anywhere...

that nite, myself, my father, and my friend mike told ghost stories all nite,

counted the stars on the flag, and generally had a good time...

the next day..we had been there about 5 days, and today was going to be our last

day..tomorrow we head home...

so, its morning, we are still sorta sleepy(it was a weird nite, up all nite

keeping the fire going and watching fer faces at the windows...)

but, since it is our last day, so, mike and i decide to take a walk around, and

get as much in as possible...

well..like i said, our cabin was on a river that went bewteen two lakes, and was

on a bumpy lil dirt road...so, we decided to follow the dirt road down to Eagle

lake...(i think it was eagle..maybe it was Long...)..away from the freaky


woods all the way around us...

if you've never been to maine, lets just saw, the forests in upper maine are

different...thick..lotsa hemlock and cedar...ground is dark and covered with

thick moss, ferns, fallen trees everywhere..you can't see more then 10' into the


well, we are surrounded by this..just walking along...a few squirrels

about...birds...really nice out tho, sunny, if chilly....we pass a few other

cabinbs every once in awhile, all boarded up, some haven't been occupied in


well, eventually we get down to the lake...big..can barely see the far side..in

the distance, you can hear the call of loons, and few things are as chilling as

that....really makes yer hair stand up on end..and since i think i had a mohawk

at the time, it must have been comical!!


anyways..well, we walked along the lake fer a bit.,..quiet...just a few ducks,

loons in the distance..small fog wisps over the lake....no one about.,....no car

noise, no planes, no nuthin...

we followed the road a bit longer...and then it just ended....

well..that was boring..barely gone an hour....

hmmm..we don't want to turn back

well..directly in front of us, where the road ended , is a line of old telegraph

poles...no wires on em anymore..and they run off thru the woods...there is a

small trail here..probably deer...

so, we decide to follow us..we can still see the lake thru the trees on the

 right, glimpses...but, its not even noon..so, we aren't worried...

so, we walk..the poles lead the way, swaying drunkenly...moss covered, some have

totally fallen over..but, we have a trail as well, which eventually hits marshy

ground...dark lumps of ground rear up in small patches...old frost heaves i

gather...moss and ferns everywhere...we hop from one grass tussock to

another....we are surrounded by dark woods..small chittering creatures....

eventually the path goes uphill a bit..winds up slowly..up out of the marshy

swamp...trees cover our heads..sun peaks thru barely....

soon, we reach another dirt road which crosses our path, and the telegraph poles

follow it


this road isn't like the old one..this one hasn't been used in awhile...old tire

ruts on each side are filled with old leaves, sun still holding a bit of last

years color, but most dark and rotted..and the center of the road is filled with

small plants and weeds, all last years..a few small trees...hmmm..no one uses

this very much....

well..we follow it right..taking us away from the cabin..but, we still know the

lake should be to our right, somewhere down the hill, and we figure, eventually

this will hook up with the main route....

(silly us)


we walk..

and walk

and walk


except fer a few birds

everyonce in awhile a deer er somesuch critter will bound away in the

woods..but, we can't see anything..just trees...we get jumpy..but laugh it off

keep walking..

sun passes its zenith..and starts is fall from the sky...

we are still walking

every once in awhile, we come across wot we figure is a driveway, it is a small

dirt road which heads down to the lake, which we occassionally get glimpses of

thru the trees..some of these roads have an old wood fence, which is beyond the

term rickety..all over grown with bracken and weeds..and the driveways are in

worse shape...trees several feet high choke them, forests on both sides lean

over them, blocking off the light after a few feet...down some of them, we can

maybe see some shapes that look like hidden building...old cabins??? logging

buildings?? we just shrug and walk on

conversation keeps coming back to the house..and everything that happened

there..eerie forest around us..who has been here...animals found here..will we

ever get out...

our imaginations begin to run a bit rampant

animals scamper away into the darkness

a large black bird lands in the trees ahead..raven er crow, we can't see, but it

croaks at us as it flaps into the wilderness


the sun sinks lower and lower

we walk

shadows, already deep, darken and cover everything

oh man

we are getting more and more nervous

wot do we do??

well, we can handle this,..ahahah..

maybe we should have told my father where we were going...

road continues..climbing uphill

sun sinks lower and lower...

we walk

soon, the road snakes up another hill, switchbacking back and forth..trees

overhang right over our heads..shadows are getting longer and longer..sun is

right above the trees, barely....

we walk

and notice...

everything is quiet

no birds

no squirrels

no silly snowshoe hares, who don't run, just hop a few feet away and stop and

look at you

no more deer

no bugs, no crickets, no nuthing

just the wind in the trees....slight wind...just sighing

great..i'm thinking wendigo er something

road snakes up..

and up ahead is a big bend...

as we reach the bend, there is a big clearing here

and in the center of the clearing, which has to cover a 1/4 acre, is this big ol

oak tree...still covered in the brown dress of last years leaves, a few new

green ones poke out of the branches..but..it is HUGE!! seriously, 5 people

linked arm and arm could probably just circle it..it towers up into the

sky...right in the middle of this clearing..

and..in front of this is the remains of a campfire

well..wot we originally take fer a campfire

it is about 4-5' across..lots of ash..blackened ground..right in front of this

towering oak

and, its a perfect circle

but..we look at it.this perfect black circle..and there are no rocks around

it..no ring..nothin to hold the fire in a circle...no spot fires..

a few old mossy logs are pulled up around it..like seats..but...no rocks...no

way to keep the fire in a circle...


here in the grassy field

in the middle of the forest...

no one about

no sign of anyone

in the middle of nowhere

and i look at this oak tree..towering up into the sky..mike is perplexed next to

me..and my brain goes

" an oak tree is connected with witches... "

(no offense to any wiccans out there!)

and i tell mike this..and we can see bits of wot looks like mistletoe high up in

the tree..which slightly lets it branches move in the wind

and the sun goes down

dips below the horizon

and mike sh*ts

and then..


the whipporwills start



whippor will will will,..

dunno know wot ya'll know, but, in new england and old world

mythology..whipporwills are harbingers of doom, and death..and they gather near

the site of impending death...and wait to gather the soul as it flees the


andi foolishly tell mike this


whipporwill will will



so, we freak a bit

it is now dark..excpet fer an orange glow in the sky overhead..forest is dark

around us

no sounds except the wind..and the whipporwills

we began to walk..rather quickly.....and of course, the deer come back now, er

wot we hope is there, as animals crash thru the trees hidden on both sides....

so we walk


and faster...

soon we'll be out..soon we'll be out soon we'll be out.......repeat



moon rises..sends silver filaments thru the trees down to us...we begin to


shapes move in woods..unseen almost, just caught....

ba thump ba thump ba thump goes the heart...

we jog

owl flies over head

we move faster


and yes..eventually..we made it out to the main road..several miles from the

cabin road...

got back to the cabin very late at nite..10 or so pm..my father was a bit

worried(ok, very)..but, we made it....

and decided that the woods in certain places like to be left alone...

end of part 2

part 3 later



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