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*Dr. Greger's Newsletter--Fall 2005 issue*

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Fall 2005 issue of Dr. Michael Greger's quarterly newsletter




CONTENTS (online at http://www.DrGreger.org/newsletters.html )


I. Latest Updates in Human Nutrition

A. Ornish Takes on Cancer

B. Peppermint Oil for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

C. Atkins Diet: Dead Meat

D. Arteries--Open Sesame!

E. Childhood Brain Tumors and Maternal Diet


II. Personal Update


III. Mad Cow Update: FDA gutless, brainless;

Our food and cosmetic supply should be so lucky


IV. Bird Flu Update:

On a Wing and a Prayer


V. Mailbag: " " What sources do you use to write the newsletter? "








A. Ornish Takes on Cancer


Until Dean Ornish published his landmark study in 1990, most

cardiologists saw heart disease as an inexorable part of old age and

treated it largely palliatively, going to great lengths--even open

heart surgery--to alleviate the pain and disability. What Dr. Ornish

showed was that heart disease could be not only slowed down, but

actually reversed with a plant-based diet and other lifestyle

changes.[1] People learned they could quite literally take their life

in their own hands and cure themselves of a debilitating

life-threatening disease once thought incurable. The broader

implication, of course, was that a plant-based diet could potentially

prevent heart disease in the first place.


Largely ignoring the evidence Ornish presented, physicians of today,

however, continue to talk of merely decreasing the risk of heart

disease. As Dr. William Roberts, editor of the American Journal of

Cardiology, points out " Pediatricians do not focus on decreasing the

risk of mumps, measles, pertussis, or rheumatic fever. They focus on

preventing these illnesses entirely. The same concept needs to be

applied to atherosclerotic events. " [2] Having demonstrated we could

prevent and cure our number one killer without drugs and surgery,

Ornish has now decided to take on killer number two, cancer. [To

continue reading please go to http://www.drgreger.org/fall2005.html]





B. Peppermint Oil for Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects millions of Americans with

painful abdominal cramps, bloating, gas, and bouts of diarrhea and

constipation. Eliminating dairy and caffeine often takes care of the

problem, but if not I often put patients on peppermint oil--and there

is finally now solid evidence to support this centuries-old

practice.[9] [To continue reading please go to






C. The Atkins Diet: Dead Meat


My latest book, " Carbophobia: The Scary Truth Behind America's Low

Carb Craze " : published February 1st, 2005. The multibillion dollar

Atkins corporation: files for bankruptcy August 1st.[10] Six months.

Not bad (though I was hoping to topple them in four :). Seriously,

though, all the I-told-them-so satisfaction is lost upon reflection

of the thousands of families shattered by pork-rind and egg-yolk

fueled heart attacks spawned by these high-fat frauds. Americans are

now fattening at a rate never before seen, with a recent report

showing rising obesity rates across 48 states. Right now two thirds

of Americans are overweight. By 2008 the number is predicted to

approach 75%.[11] And just when we thought we couldn't get any fatter

comes the follow-up to the Framingham Heart Study published last week

in the Annals of Internal Medicine, suggesting that over the long

haul as many as 9 out of 10 men are likely to become overweight.[12]

The answer, according to two new studies piling onto the mountain of

evidence, is a plant-based diet. [To continue reading please go to






D. Arteries--Open Sesame!


People who have lived with me know about my " magic powder. " I

sprinkle it on almost everything. It's a combination of ground flax

seed, dulse flakes, vitamin B12-fortified nutritional yeast and

toasted and ground sesame seeds. The flax is for my Omega 3 fatty

acids (although as little nutritional powerhouses they are much much

more); the dulse is for iodine since I don't use salt (I've always

wanted to include sea vegetables in my diet, because I knew they were

so amazing trace mineral-wise, but I never liked the taste. Dulse is

a gorgeous purple seaweed with but a mild flavor); and the

nutritional yeast is for my B12 (although again there's so much other

nutrition in this stuff it turns your pee yellow :). But the toasted

sesame seeds (just spread a layer of raw sesame seeds in a toaster

oven tray and toast until golden brown) are just to make the whole

thing edible. Sesame seeds are the first recorded seasoning ever,

dating back over 5000 years and no wonder--the rich sweet nutty

flavor and fragrance of freshly toasted sesame seeds is out of this

world. Little did I know that all this time they were helping to keep

my arteries clean. And I love hearing good news about my good habits.

[To continue reading please go to






E. Childhood Brain Tumors and Maternal Diet


Cancer is second only to accidents as a leading cause of death for

our children these days. Brain tumors are the most common solid form

of pediatric cancer. The development of childhood brain tumors is a

chief reason why pregnant women no longer get X-rayed. Evidence has

been building, though, that the mother's diet during pregnancy also

plays a significant role. [To continue reading please go to








Alas, what was once monthly is now sadly only quarterly. As much as I

really enjoy working on this newsletter it takes me at least a week

to research and write, and now with a more than full time job, on top

of the writing, and traveling, and speaking I just can no longer

afford to spend a quarter of my month on it. So, I'm now sadly down

to the seasons. You can expect the Winter issue this January

(hopefully with tellings of the hatching of my new bird flu book!).

I'll put a Spring issue out every April, a Summer issue out in July

and a Fall every October. It kills me to have to pass over so many

important juicy articles I see every month, and I miss the feeling of

more frequently reaching out to everyone that has reached out to me

over the years, entrusting me with a piece of their family's health.

I hope you can understand. [To continue reading please go to







FDA gutless and brainless; our food and cosmetic supply should be so lucky


Early last month, while all eyes were on Katrina, the FDA quietly

announced that it was even backtracking on the few rules it had

already put in place. You may remember my April 2004 mad cow update (

http://www.drgreger.org/april2004.html ) in which I encouraged

everyone to put pressure on the FDA to follow the European example

and exclude not only small intestine from the human food and

cosmetics supply, but all cow/calf colons and rectums as well. Not

only did they refuse to ban these potentially risky tissues, but the

exclusion of all smaller intestines was evidently so costly to the

sausage industry that they've decided to allow them back in, forcing

producers just to cut off the last few feet.[21] As one public health

commentator commentated: " So while the FDA may be gutless, your food

and cosmetics won't be. " [22] [To continue reading please go to







On a Wing and a Prayer


Two weeks ago a Dr. " Frist " wrote an op-ed in the Washington Times

warning that the bird flu virus " poses an immense potential threat to

American civilization. " [33] A threat to civilization? Who is this

guy? This " guy " is Bill Frist, M.D., Majority Leader of the United

States Senate. [To continue reading please go to





V. MAILBAG: " What sources do you use to write the newsletter? "


I love libraries. I grew up in libraries. I would actually skip class

in high school so I could spend more time in a basement--the science

library at the local state university. Let's just say I was an

uber-nerd. [To continue reading please go to





REFERENCES at http://www.drgreger.org/fall2005.html


If anyone missed previous months, check out my newsletter archive at



Until (hopefully) next month,




(206) 312-8640

425 North Frederick Ave. #4A

Gaithersburg, MD 20877-2431






HEART FAILURE: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student

(full text now available free): http://www.upalumni.org/medschool


My latest book:

CARBOPHOBIA: The Scary Truth Behind America's Low Carb Craze


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